ISSUE #10 published 21st May 2102




Prem Rawat, also known as Maharaji, delivers his message of peace to many different audiences around the world. The articles in ADI magazine come from these talks, which are edited for brevity and ease ;of reading. Audience photographs have all been taken at Prem Rawat's events, though not necessarily those featured in this issue.

If you would like to write your reflections on the content of ADI or share your thoughts about the magazine, e-mail the editor at:

Editor: Ole Grünbaum
Editorial staff: Julian West, Sara Shaffer
Art direction: Rasmus Olesen
PHOTO WORK: Silas Hansen
Photos: Mehau Kulyk

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It is individual human beings who desire and need peace. And it is on the stage of the individual human being that peace needs to dance.

Is it possible? This requires the clarity that if we can go to the moon, it should certainly be possible to travel the shortest distance there is –from one person to his or her own heart –to feel a joy that exists inside all of us.



Something pushes you every day to be better and better. To be lighter and lighter. To be clearer and clearer.

How could we ignore a voice that is so strong, inside every human being, calling us to be fulfilled? How can you ignore it? Are you ignoring the obvious?

What is the obvious? That you are alive. That you are unique. That is obvious. That heaven is within you is obvious. That peace is inside you is obvious.



You have to fill your pot with something precious. Not once. Again and again and again. Until it is full. Anything less is a compromise. Every moment that goes by without fulfillment is a moment wasted.

Can you be fulfilled every day? Yes, you can. Every single day.



Born in 1957, he began his mission of peace and humanitarian outreach as a young child. By the age of 13, he started addressing global audiences hellip;

If we can make such a mess out of this
earth, if we have that much power,
then certainly we have the power to
bring peace, too.

The question remains whether it is
something that we want to do or not?


I am a person who believes that it's good to talk about peace but it's better to feel it. That it's okay to talk about human progress but it's better to actually accomplish it.

For a very long time, human beings have shown a particular trait. This trait is to better themselves. They could have stayed in caves but they strived to make something beautiful to live in. They could still have been wearing leather hides but there is a human trait: to improve, to better ourselves.

In this spirit of bettering ourselves, we have improved externally… but there is also a fundamental need to better ourselves from within. Not only from our mind but from our heart. Not only in ideas but in reality.


that comes from within every single being. It is from the hearts of human beings that peace will be created, when there is a simple recognition –that we may look different, we may speak differently, but we have the same fundamental needs, and we share this place called planet earth.

This is who we are. These are the genes, the ideas, the elements that have shaped us and brought us to the point where we are today

We have always been concerned about our future. A long, long time ago, as we transitioned from trees to caves, we wondered: "What will happen to us?" And today, after all the changes that have happened since then, we still question our future. There are people who say that the earth will be destroyed. And when we hear that, we feel concerned. It's natural. Right now, due to the economic situation of the world, there are people wondering what's going to happen to them. Wars continue. Reasons are declared. Justifications are thrown at us. Innocent women and children are killed. For what? For reasons. For explanations. For ideas. For ideals that people have created.


In my opinion, the ideal should be peace on earth and to have people feel and celebrate this peace. We talk about prosperity. In my formula –and this is only because I have observed it –prosperity without peace is chaos.

Just a few years ago everything was wonderful. Everybody was proud. "Yes, the economy; yes, the economy; yes, the economy." And then all of a sudden … chaos! Prosperity without peace leads to chaos. If we want to avoid this chaos, then we have to understand what peace really is.

Peace is not the absence

of war.

Peace is a fundamental

human need that comes

from within every

single being.

We need to understand the importance of getting along with each other, as well as each other's differences. Everybody doesn't have to become the same. We should welcome and accept our differences –whether they be in culture or language. I speak two languages, and I know that what you say in English, you can also say in Hindi. It's not any different. You just say it differently: in different words, with different voices. But the meaning is exactly the same.

Peace is not in a monastery. Peace is not the absence of noise. Peace is not a declaration. Peace is not the absence of war. Peace is a fundamental human need

We are part of a much greater world. More fundamental elements are afoot in human existence than we realize and one of these fundamental elements is the need and desire for peace. As it is good to


talk about food but better to eat food, as it is okay to talk about water but better to drink water –it is good to talk about peace, but it is much better to actually be able to feel peace.


People ask me: "If you think peace is so simple, how come we don't have peace in this world?" It's a very important question. Everybody has their own interpretation of what peace is. We don't recognize peace as something as universal as the sun. We don't recognize peace as something as essential as water and air. And this is another human trait: whenever we can't find what we are searching for, we immediate]y start defining it. And our definitions become our expectations of what we are looking for.

You don't have to imagine a mountain. You can see it, you can touch it, you can map it. But because we don't have peace, we define peace. And everybody who can define has done this. Instead of coming together, we argue: "What is peace? How will peace be?" We fight with each other. Do you know there has been a war going on amongst people who love God for a longer time than anyone can imagine? They all love the one God but they fight about whose version of God is true. The question is: Are we doing the same thing with peace? Are we fracturing the necessity that we have in our lives for peace by giving it definitions? Or are we accepting the simple principle that peace is a real need and this need has to be satisfied –not in thought, but in the heart of every human being?


Every human being has to be included.

There are those who can give five, six,

maybe ten reasons why there cannot be peace. I have seven billion reasons why there should be peace. This is the time when nations need to come together. Remember, it is those kings and rulers in whose reigns peace flourished, who are considered the most successful. In their time, prosperity followed.

It seems to me that if we create peace, prosperity will come right along, take the stage and dance for everyone.

These are not impossible dreams. These are realities that can be owned by all of us. If we can make such a mess out of the earth –if we have that much power –then certainly we have the power to bring peace, too. The question remains whether it is something that we want to do or not –because peace begins with every one of us. It is individual human beings who desire peace. It is individual human beings who need peace. And it is on the stage of each individual human being that peace needs to dance.

Is it possible? This doesn't require prayers but understanding. This doesn't require wishes but determination. This doesn't require definitions but the clarity that, if we can go to the moon, it should certainly be possible to travel the shortest distance there is –from one person to his or her own heart to feel a joy that exists in all of us.

Determination, understanding and clarity. These are the foundations on which this palace will be built. Our measurements need to be for our similarities, not our differences. Then we can begin to lay the foundation for peace in this world. Not with exclusion, but with inclusion.



Who will benefit? We will benefit. Our future generations will benefit. And their children and grandchildren will benefit. This world can be a place they can proudly call their own. Not in terms of property, but as citizens of this planet earth, which unquestionably is the rarest thing around for light years and light years.

I have a very, very strong feeling that if we really want, this can be done. It is too easy to say one person will do it. No. It will take all of us. It is the responsibility of all of us because we all need peace –not just our neighbor.

Thank you very much. And may peace come one day to all.

It is too easy to say one

person will do it.

It is the responsibility of

all of us because we all

need peace –not just our


It will take all of us.


I come to the flowers and say, "Will you

please bloom? Because that's when you

are the most beautiful. That bloom is

why you are here."


There was a doctor. He knew that when Death came, Death was only allowed to take one person. That was the rule. So he worked very hard to make an identical duplicate of himself. When the time came, he lay down and he put the duplicate right next to him. Death came. "What's this?" Death knew he could only take one. But there's two of them. So the doctor's lying there as still as he could. And Death was in a quandary. "My goodness. Who do I take? I can't make a mistake."

So Death thought and thought and then said, "Doc, I got to hand it to you. You're the best. You even fooled me. My hat's off to you. But you made a mistake."

The doctor's lying there thinking, "What mistake could I possibly make? I'm the best!" And as much as he tried to resist, he said, "What mistake?"

And Death said, "That!"


The doctor took everything into account. The look, the skin, the feel. Had he been humble and kept his mouth shut, Death would have returned empty-handed. But he had no humility.

Recently somebody asked me, "What about ego?" I said, "It's an issue of real ego versus false ego. False ego will get you into a lot of trouble. But if you truly have real ego, you will understand the meaning of humility."

How much humility do we need? Just enough to get along with ourselves. That's all. If you can get along with yourself, you can get along with another person. But if you can't get along with yourself, you can't get along with anybody.


Peace brings a lot of joy. It's beautiful, it is something we need. It's not an idea, it's not a luxury –it's a necessity. And the desire for peace comes from within every single human being.

It's like a garden. What makes a garden? The flowers. What is a flower? It is at once so delicate and so beautiful. In its delicateness, you would think: "What could it do, what could it accomplish?" Amazingly enough, some of the flowers feed many. This little thing that only blooms for a short time has worked it all out –including its relationship with the sun that could destroy it. It feeds many, it attracts, it smells wonderful. Even its colors are particular to the insects that it wants to invite.

A seed is sown. It sprouts. It becomes a flower. And in this bloom it comes to its full potential, its full beauty.

And that's what the flower is about. It's not about the sprouting and it's not about the wilting. It's about that bloom that is so attractive.

In my opinion, we too are flowers. We too need to bloom. But in the garden where we exist, the flowers have come up with excuses for why they shouldn't bloom. "Ah, what's the point? We're all going to die one day. Just stay intact, forget about the blooming, forget about feeding anybody. Just bide your time and survive."

When I go around the world and I talk about peace, I feel I'm this person who comes to the flowers and says, "Forget your excuses. Will you please bloom? Because that's when you are the most beautiful. That bloom is why you are here."

You can go to the moon, that's fine. If you go to Mars, that's fine, too. But you, as a flower, cannot forget to bloom. Because if you do, that is the greatest tragedy.

Let me tell you about yourself. I don't know your name, I don't know your occupation, I don't know where you live. I don't know when you were born. So am I qualified to tell you about yourself? I don't Imow. But I'll try, because I am no different than you. Perhaps you, too, have the same aspiration that I do. And that aspiration is to be fulfilled. To be in peace. To experience the ultimate expression of life, called joy.


You know sadness. And you hate it so much you will do anything possible to avoid it. In fact, I think your definition of success really means successfully avoiding sadness. The whole insurance


industry is based on that. You watch these commercials: "You know why I'm smiling? I lost my job." You're looking at the TV thinking, "You lost your job and you're smiling?" And then the commercial continues, "But I have insurance and it's paying for it."

Because inside you are questions. But inside you, are answers, too. Inside you is the possibility of feeling pain. But inside you is also the possibility of limitless joy. Do you know that you have no limit for joy? Your tolerance for pain is very small but your tolerance for joy is off the scale.

When you're having a good time, you don't say, "Stop this!" But when you are in pain,

When I see those

"enlightened" people,

I want to tell them a joke

to lighten them up!

you say, "God, help me out!" This is who we are. Good and bad, right and wrong: that is not the issue.

What I'm saying does not affect your family, your business, your this, your that. You know well you can be successful in your business and not be successful in your life. What I am saying is that, if you truly want the ultimate success, you have to include both.

Do you not have the thirst to be fulfilled? Has nothing inside of you ever stirred and said, "I want to be fulfilled, too"?

Success for us becomes to avoid trouble and pain. Because nothing makes us more miserable than pain. But here is the twist: even if you successfully avoid pain, that doesn't necessarily mean you will have joy.

In a dark room, you cannot take a bucket and say, "I know how to get light in here. All I'll do is fill this bucket with darkness and throw it out the window and I'll keep doing that until there is light." That doesn't work. Light is a presence. Darkness is an absence. If you have secured a place in this world where you will not be bothered by problems, that doesn't mean joy will automatically say; "Here is a trouble-free zone. I'll go there." No. It won't.

The world gives this formula: build your life to ensure there will be no problems. But then there have been those others who have said: "Ensure there is joy in your life."

What does that mean? Smiling every minute? Is that what joy is? A lot of people look at these people who are "enlightened". They might wear saffron or white robes; they've got nice gray hair and maybe an Indian tilak on their forehead. When I see those "enlightened" people, I want to tell them a joke to lighten them up!

Do you know what "lighten up" means? It means "don't be so heavy." But it could also mean Light – as in, lighten up!

What I talk about you already know because it's your very nature. You have a relationship –a long relationship –with being content. Can you imagine,


somewhere a long, long time ago, that some caveman stood on a hill, looked up, saw all the stars and said, "Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life?" Since then, so many have tried to address this question in books. But still, people are asking the same questions. And in my opinion, whoever you are, sooner or later you will ask: "Why am I here? What is the purpose of my life?"

Why? Because heaven isn't here, is it? We have to die to go to heaven. And that's the biggest drawback of heaven –that you have to die.

In this idea of heaven you will be judged to see whether you can go there or not. And this is how we look at God. God sits there

Yes, there are angels

here on earth.

Seven billion of them.

They just don't know it.


I cannot tell you in one statement: "The purpose of your life is to be happy, to be in peace." That would be stupid, because it would be coming from me. It has to come from you.

We know how to hear. But we don't know how to listen. Listening is an art. If the politicians listened to people, this world would be different. If husbands listened to their wives, this world would be different. And, dare I say, if wives listened to their husbands, this world would be different. If parents listened to their children, this world would be different. And if children could listen to their parents, this world would be different. But we don't listen.

saying, "Make a mistake. I am watching you everywhere 24/7. I am watching you 365 –even in your dreams. You think about the wrong thing and you're going to have to answer to me."

When the call of the heart comes and says, "Be fulfilled!", we don't listen. We say, "Ah, I don't have time for this stuff. I'll try to make time …. " This is the biggest misunderstanding there is. You have no control over time; time has control over you. You don't have time's number; time's got your number.

Look at the world. We've been placed on the most magnificent planet you can imagine. There isn't one like this for light years upon light years around. And what are we doing? We are busy destroying it.


But have you looked around? You are in heaven. More magnificent than any heaven that could be described. Every single day is different. Every cloud has a different shape. Every snowflake that falls is unique. And, yes, there are angels here on earth. Lots of angels. Seven billion of them. They just don't know it.

You are the angel that can set yourself free; to fly, to be, to exist. You are the one. You're waiting for one to come from the sky but it was pretty miraculous how you came. From nothing, all of a sudden, there


you were. And out you came. And you took your first breath. And your whole world started to change. You come out, you're blue. You take that breath and the chemical signals are sent to your mother through the placenta saying, "No more blood; I am on my own. I'm here." The grand entrance.

Then all your life, this beautiful rhythm of the breath coming in and out. In, out, in, out. And you know how it ends? The symphony ends with your last breath out. Not in, out.

And in this period from that first breath in to the last breath out, what is it all about? It is about the possibility of being content, the possibility of being fulfilled. It is about existing in heaven –here on earth.

A lot of people are very religious. They're always reading scriptures. But they don't listen, because if they did, people would not be killing each other in the name of God.

The Lord's Prayer goes: "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy Name, thy kingdom come, thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven."

"On earth." People have given up on that part. "Oh, it's not possible. We're too greedy." You've got your eyes closed and you're saying, "What colors are you talking about?" Well, open your eyes. "What light are you talking about?" Open your eyes. "What possibility are you talking about?" Open your eyes.

Give your heart a chance. Give yourself a chance. See. Listen. Listen to that rhythm inside of you.

Something pushes you every day to be better and better. To be lighter and lighter. To be clearer and clearer. That something pushes you every day to be in that heaven, and has been doing so since you were a little child.

How could we ignore a voice that is so strong inside every human being, calling us to be fulfilled? How can you ignore it? What do you practice every day? Whatever you practice, you will get good at –so what do you practice?


Do you practice frustration? If you do you will get frustrated very quickly. All it takes is a horn honking. "Who honked at me?" You call your child, and the child doesn't come. "I said come here right now!" People walk into a restaurant, they sit down, and the waiter doesn't come. "What kind of restaurant is this?" Well, you're the one who walked in. We have our expectations, do we not? People come to me and they expect something from me, too.

They say, "Give me peace," and I say, "Sorry, it's already inside you." People say, they're looking for peace. I say, "Why? You already have it."

People ask, "Where should I search?" Here's a clue: in you is the only place you have never looked. Ever. Because it is easier to believe that the answer will come from here, from there, from a book, from a session, from a course, from a school, from this, from that. But nobody ever said to you, "What you are looking for is already inside you!" Until you come across me and I say, "Did you try that?"


So many people are afraid of knowing who they are. They say, "If I get to know myself –what if I find something terrible?" You have more reason to be scared of opening your drawer at home –there could be a snake in there –than looking within you. People really think darkness is an entity. They have been led to believe there is this thing called the devil. He's got a pitchfork, he wants you and if you are a dropout, he gets to have you. Why? Because some poet, a long time ago, was really ticked off at the pope of the time, he wrote a drama about what would happen to that pope after he died. He would be boiled in oil. And since then, we have taken it on ourselves to think, "I don't want to be boiled in oil."

Do you know that the sadness of this world and the pain some people suffer is a lot graver than being boiled in oil? When somebody jumps out of a window, can you imagine their state of mind, how much pain they must be in? If you offered them a choice of being boiled in oil, they'd say, "Thanks! When do we start?"

The reality is actually very simple. People come to me and say, "Bless me." I say, "Why should I bless you? You are already super blessed." Do you know that? Next time you have any doubts that you are super blessed, take a breath. Because the breath that comes in and out of you is nothing short of the most incredible blessing. You are made out of different minerals and water and other elements. Do you know how much of that stuff is available on this earth? Lots. But of all that potential, you exist. Do you know you are unique? As unique as the snowflake. As unique as the flower. There's no one like you. And there will never, ever again, be anyone like you.

The way you smile, the way you think, the way you laugh, the way you cry. The way you sleep, the way you're awake, the way you are when you are generous, the way you are when you're kind. The way you love, the way you receive, the way you understand. There will never, ever be another one like you on the face of this earth. Never. What does that mean to you?


You need to understand your preciousness. That's when you begin to know who you are. If somebody handed you a coin and said, "There is only one of these in the whole world", you would say, "Oh, my God! I'm so lucky to have this coin –nobody else has one." When people do that, I think, "That's stupid!"

You yourself are unique and you are caught up with a coin! This is where awakening comes in, because we are sleeping a slumber of ignorance. We usually associate the word ignorance with being dumb, stupid. But the root of the word isn't something that means "stupid" –it is to ignore. To ignore the obvious is the biggest kind of ignorance.

What is the obvious? That you are alive. That you are unique. That is obvious. That heaven is within you is obvious. That what you're looking for is inside you is obvious. That to remove the darkness you need to bring in the light is obvious. That peace is inside you is obvious. And that you are blessed beyond belief is obvious.

You're a flower. Please, bloom!


Can you be fulfilled every day?

Yes, you can. Every single day.


Imagine you have a clay pot. It's not antique or anything special. It is what it is: a relatively inexpensive clay pot.

If you fill the pot with diamonds, its value will go up. Conversely, if it is filled with garbage, its value will go down. And when that which is in it is taken out of it, it will return to its base value.

Our human body is like that clay pot. Its value is what it is. And when something incredible is placed inside it, its value increases a hundredfold.

When the human pot is filled with valuables, like clarity, understanding, love, peace, sincerity, fulfillment, it becomes priceless.


What you admire in a person is not their clay pot, but the value of what is in it. And if you want to increase the value of your own being, then you must fill your pot with precious items.

Are you interested in increasing the value of the time that you have on earth? I don't want to fill your head with what's going to happen to you after you die, because I don't think you can afford to speculate about that. What you have to do, you have to do now.


What if heaven is inside you right now? What if heaven has always been inside you, a heaven that can make your life so sweet? From bitterness –the venom of misunderstanding –to incredible sweetness? When you are in love, love bestows on you a nectar. When you are clear, clarity bestows on you a nectar. And when you are unclear, when you are in doubt, when you are questioning, confusion bestows on you a venom. And it's puzzling, because you know the confusion doesn't feel good. You don't know how to get out of it, but you know it's not good. In pain and suffering, you know it's not good. But you should also know that the solution lies within you.

You have to fill your pot with something precious. Not once. Again and again and again until it is full. Anything less is a compromise. Every moment that goes by without fulfillment is a moment wasted.

You try to understand the value of time. You shouldn't be worrying about time because there's nothing you can do about it. The only way you can do something about time is to take off from earth in


Every moment that goes by without being fulfilled is a wasted moment.

a spaceship and travel at the speed of light for an eon. Then you might be able to do something about time. But on this planet earth, time is the wrong thing to be worried about. What you should worry about is what you are going to do in the time that you have. Do you not know that your time is limited? How quickly you forget that.

The very thing that is so fragile has forgotten its fragility. The very thing that is destined to go one day –as it has come one day –has forgotten about leaving.


There are a lot of people who say: "I am not under any illusion." Really? I think you've fallen for a pretty big illusion if you don't understand that one day you'll have to go –and you had better shape up and do what you need to do while you can do it. I'm just stating a fact. You can run around confused in this world, or be in peace. Pick one.

Is there something inside you that favors peace over confusion? If you find that there is, then congratulations: you are a human being. You have just reached out and felt your most fundamental want. You have had many things in your life, and I


One thing that is most

misunderstood, is God.

hope everything is kind to you and you have many more. But unless you have that one thing called peace, life is going to feel empty to you. I didn't make that rule. And I didn't put the idea into your head so that you might begin favoring peace –you did that yourself. All I did was ask, "Which one do you favor: confusion or peace?" And you instantly knew the answer.

The issue is: Can you be fulfilled every day? To me, this is not a question, because I know the answer. And the answer is, "Yes, you can. Every single day."

When I feel hungry I need food. Can I say to myself, "I had food yesterday, the day before that and the day before that –I don't need to eat today"? It doesn't work like that. You are hungry; you need food.

When you feel sleepy you need to sleep. You cannot deduce, "I slept yesterday, the day before that and the day before that –so tonight I don't have to sleep." You have to eat and you have to sleep, every day.

What is your necessity? Many of your necessities are dictated by your body, by your thoughts, by your ideas, by your responsibilities. You understand those and that's good. But what about the necessities that are dictated by your heart –from inside of you?

It is not about explanations: it is about feeling. Love is not about explanations. Truth is not about explanations. Those things can only be felt, not written down. God is not about explanations. If there is one thing that is most misunderstood, it is God. That is why there is so much trouble in the world in the name of God.


When I feel the closeness inside me to my God, I smell a perfume. The perfume of God is peace. No more dualities. No more confusion. Just understanding. No questions. Just answers. I feel gratitude because truly I have been gratified. Fulfilled. And then I walk this earth knowing and understanding, even through all the bumps. Life is not about the bumps. Life is not about the storms. Life is about being a human being. When you're not being, you're still human, but you're not being.

Pain is pain. Suffering is suffering. And peace is peace. Regardless of your age. Regardless of your money. Regardless of your stature. Regardless of your accomplishments –peace is peace. Regardless of your failures, peace is peace. The heart wants that peace and that's it. The only way to be fulfilled is to feel peace. To feel joy.

It takes two things to be rich. One, you have to have something very precious. Two, you have to have a lot of it. If you have some gold that's just the size of a pin, it's not going to make you rich. You have to have a lot of it. Do you know that your breath is not only precious, but you have a lot of it? If you could find the preciousness of the breath, you would be rich. Very, very rich.



As an advocate for peace, Prem Rawat, widely known as Maharaji, has dedicated his life to helping people find peace within themselves – not as a utopian ideal or an absence of conflict, but as an immanent personal experience.

Born in 1957, he began his mission of peace and humanitarian outreach as a young child. By the age of 13, he started addressing global audiences in response to invitations to speak in London, Los Angeles, and other major cities around the world.

Over the course of his life, Prem Rawat has personally delivered his message of peace to over 12 million people in more than 50 countries.

From small, informal gatherings to major international events, from university auditoriums to open-air stadiums seating hundreds of thousands, his message has been welcomed by people from all walks of life.

Currently, his award-winning television series, Words of Peace Global TV, reaches over 115 million households globally, with subtitles or translation in more than 20 languages.

In 2001 he founded The Prem Rawat Foundation (TPRF), a not-for-profit organization dedicated to bringing his message of peace to people around the world and providing vital food, water, and emergency aid to people most in need.