In Divine Times Volume II, Number 6
US Edition - April 1, 1973
Published by Shri Hans Productions,
1607 Race Street, Denver, Colorado
© 1973 Divine Light Mission.
World Set Up to Provide for Mankind
Divine Satsang Filmed
By the Divine Times press date of April 1,
the DUO film should have reached distribution to
ashrams and premie houses around the nation. In this
16-minute presentation from Shri Hans Films, Guru
Maharaj Ji addresses His premies, and announces the
formation of Divine United Organization.
Filmed earlier this year in India, the movie primarily shows Guru Maharaj Ji sitting at His desk, as He reads the DUO Proclamation: then, turning His eyes to the camera, He gives His satsang directly to the premies viewing the film.
At the Beginning of the film, the new DUO flag is shown. A brief segment at the end of the film shows our Lord at play on the ashram roof with the flag in the background.
Below are the Proclamation and a transcription
of Shri Guru Maharaj Ji's satsang in the film.
"Whereas, the one universal belief all people hold
to be true, is the belief in life itself; and yet due
to ignorance of the aim of human life, the world
continues to be filled with misery; and
Whereas, even with the advancements of the
technologically expanding twentieth century, humanity
has continually failed in all efforts to find
solution to misery and suffering; and
Whereas, Knowledge of the aim of human life is
being revealed to all people of the world by the
living Perfect Master and spiritual head of Divine
Light Mission, Paramhans Satgurudev Shri Sant Ji
Maharaji, thus eliminating the cause of ignorance and
Therefore, the people who have experienced the Knowledge of Shri Santji Maharaj, with full awareness of the difficulties of living without knowing the aim of human life, are compelled to reach out to the rest of the struggling humanity to spread the solution to strife and suffering by a commitment to work in all fields of endeavor for the elevation of humanity, manifesting an exemplary alternative to be known as the Divine United Organization or D.U.O."
Dear Premies,
I'm going to talk about Divine United Organizations today. This is the organization which is going to help the whole world to get out of misery and suffering. Today we really need an organization as such. The whole world has been covered with black clouds of misery and suffering. And if that person who has come in this world to reveal the Knowledge and to take people out of suffering does not do His job professionally, it's no good even for people to search for a Perfect One in this world. And therefore, I think it's very important that an organization such as Divine United should be set up to help the whole world.
Divine Light Mission has been too involved in its activities, and it is sort of like, instead of rolling smoothly, it is being obstructed by its own activities. If we have an organization such as Divine United Organization, which I was just talking about in the proclamation, we can really help the whole world, because in this way, all the responsibilities and all the obstructing activities of Divine Light Mission will be taken away, and the whole problem will be solved by Divine United Organization.
In this organization we are going to help the whole world socially. Now, what I mean by socially I think I should illuminate that point. The whole world, aside from needing Knowledge, needs food. Now, there are many countries that call themselves commonwealth countries, but still that's not true, because yet they have not been able to … (part missing in the original)
Now, many people come up to me when l talk about Knowledge, and they say, "Guru Maharaj Ji, we think that those people who are suffering, they need food, shelter, and clothing first, rather than your Knowledge." And, probably it is true to some extent, because they need that. If someone is hungry and we tell him to sit and do meditation, and try to concentrate on God, he will say, "O God, don't give me peace, but give me food first." So if we just give them Knowledge it's no good, because again people are not being helped. Why not? I have just explained to you.
But if we open this organization, and socially help people, see, it will be beautiful, because today, if we just give a house to someone, he will need a car in the house tomorrow, and then the second day he will need air conditioning in the car, then next he will need headrests in the car, and then he will just need everything. But before the point can be reached where his desires become endless, before that point will be able to be reached, there will be a stop to it, by the Knowledge, because Knowledge will also be revealed to them, and their desires will be under their control.
I think this is the only solution to the problems that all the governments of the world are facing today. It might not sound logical to some people, but it is, because I have been meeting so many people, so many mayors, so many political leaders, and I think that's the only solution.
Everyone Searching
Suppose like America is a very rich country, and they are flourishing. But then, are they happy? There are so many strikes, so many riots going on in America, and there are so many young people who are in the drug problem, and all these problems, and they have to face those problems. You see, they have to face that drug problem, because they don't have any other solution. But supposedly we can give them solution. The solution can be Knowledge. And if we can reveal them this Knowledge, because already this Knowledge has been given to so many of those youngsters who have been in this drug problem, and it has proved a fantastic solution and an alternative for them, a high alternative.
You see, if I don't know what the alternative can be to what I am doing, and supposedly if I am eating aspirins, I am taking aspirins daily; actually, it's causing me harm. But you see, I am not a doctor, so I don't know what harm it is actually causing me, what harm aspirin can cause me, and I'm just taking it. It's the same thing. But if someone comes to me and says, "Listen, don't take them. Take other pills that don't have that type of effect," then suddenly I realize, yes, it might be true.
So today, everyone says, "No drugs.
Sonny, don't take drugs. Boy, don't take drugs. Don't take these things, and don't do that, and don't do that." But it's a foolish thing to do it that way, because you are not giving them an alternative. They will say, "This guy is crazy, because he wants us not to do it, but what should we do? We want peace, we want to see Light, we want to have a blessed experience."
But if we offer them a practical Knowledge, then it's very, very possible for them. And this has happened, really, all these things. Because they come to one point that they never could have even dreamed of, and that's the infinite stage.
Taking drugs, taking shots, is not the infinite stage. It's a very finite stage, it as a beginning, it has an end. If you are taking a two millimeter, or two c.c. injection, you start and then you end at two c.c. That has a beginning, that has an end to it. If you are taking a pill, it has a limited size to it.
But this Knowledge does not have it, so when they get into this Knowledge, it's just very blissful, as those people who have realized this Knowledge, and those people who have experienced the Blissful stage of this Knowledge, know. And that's why, after receiving this Knowledge, we leave all these kinds of things.
And drugs are not the only problem, there are other things. But see, they have to have the alternative, and the alternative is the Knowledge. And if we can give them the Knowledge, really I cannot describe it in words.
Peace Established
And I challenge this, to the whole world, that by Divine United Organization, and by the Grace of Almighty Lord, and the power of Knowledge, the bliss of the Knowledge, again peace in the world can be established, in the same way as people have dreamed of, and the kingdom of heaven on this Earth will be possible and is possible, if you work together, with cooperation and in the manner I have explained to you, of Divine United Organizations. Everyone will have shelter even a small ant and then lions and goats will drink water in the same pool and will be satisfied.
And then, it will be just incredible, because I cannot describe it, it seems to be just, let me say, beyond human comprehension. And I can say this with challenge, that this is possible, to the whole world, this is possible. This is possible, because we have an infinite Knowledge, and the world is finite.
And as you know, until we have found the Perfect One, until we have realized the Perfect One, until we have realized the perfect stage, why this body has been given, we do not know the aim of it.
You see, when we say, "Sat, Chit and Anand"-"Truth, consciousness and Bliss"-it is not possible if we don't have one of them. See, we want to be in the stage of Truth, but if we have to be in a state of Truth, then we cannot leave consciousness. When we are in the stage of consciousness, automatically we are in the stage of Bliss.
We cannot leave Bliss out of the consciousness, because when we go there, automatically it's done.
It's like an automatic transmission, if you put it in "D" and you press the accelerator, automatically it will be changed. You can't stop it from being changed, it will just change. Even if you are going at certain speed, after some time it will change. So this is the point.
And if we know the Knowledge, these three stages, that everyone is looking for, here and there. People are searching for it in liquor, people are searching for it in sex, people are searching for it in many other things, and it is possible automatically, because if we get one thing, and that is the Knowledge, the ultimate thing, then all these three things, Truth., Consciousness and Bliss- Sat, Chit, and Anand-automatically come into us. They are in us, but we just realize them, and that's it.
And see, there are so many activities going on around the world, but there has to be one activity going on, and this activity has to activate all the good activities. And you see, once all the activities are good, that's the solution, that's what we want. People might say, "Well, you aren't talking reality; it's not possible," but I say it's possible because know possible and it is very possible.
That's by the Knowledge, and by the experience that we have known.
So therefore, I want all the premies to understand this introduction, and to come forward to help us in organizing this Divine United Organization, and to bring a solution before humanity for all the sufferings that are in this world. And I hope that you understand me perfectly, because to do service, it's very seldom you get the chance to do this type of service, beautiful service, not for one man, not for two, not for America, not for England, not for Japan, not for India, but for the whole world, for the whole world. It's for the whole round ball, for the whole world that we will be able to do it.
And if we want, see this whole world is like a cube now, but it should be round. And these cubes are the things, the problems of the world. And if we can remove these cubes, if we can remove these corners, if we can remove this suffering, again the world will be round, as God made it, as God placed it there, to revolve on its axis, and to be free from suffering.