In this world, the question has already been asked. The world has already started to face the problems, the problems which are vital for the human race. There is no need to discuss the problem, but I would like to present my opinion. In the midst of all this, I still sincerely think that this Knowledge, the Knowledge of God, the Knowledge of our Creator is our solution. Many people might not think so, and carry a completely different opinion, but my opinion is that since man came on this planet he has always been taking from it. Remember, this planet earth is not infinite, it is finite, and though it has a lot to give it is limited. Maybe now we can somehow manage to struggle along, cutting our standards of living, cutting gas, reducing the speed limit more, but the next very terrifying question is "What about the future?"
I think this Knowledge which I have to offer this world, free of charge, is the answer. For if everybody can understand that everybody is a brother and sister, and this world is a gift, not a human-owned planet, and have the true understanding of such, we'll definitely bring peace, tranquillity, love, and Grace which we need so badly. I urge this world to try. I do not claim to be God but do claim I can establish peace on this earth by our Lord's Grace and everyone's joint effort.