

The ongoing financial support for Maharaji's work, is now in its second year. To date, over 1,800 contributors have pledged their support and are sending regular monthly contributions. Élan Vital is now two thirds of the way to its goal of 2,926 contributors. Originally established by a small group of volunteers with a strong desire to participate, the North American Sponsorship Program is increasingly becoming an essential support system for Maharaji's work.

Clearly, the demand for Maharaji to speak worldwide has grown dramatically during the past two years. In 1985, for example, Maharaji was on the road for 229 days. During the period from August 1985 to August 1986, he travelled more than 113,000 nautical miles and was the featured speaker at more than 100 Knowledge presentations around the world. More than 20,000 people received Knowledge in 34 countries, and many more are waiting. In the Ivory Coast and Ghana, for example, thousands of people are waiting to receive Knowledge. Understandably, travel expenses are significant.

The success of Maharaji's tours and the growing demand for Knowledge has also created an increased need for instructors.

In 1985, for example, there were only 16 instructors in North America, the United Kingdom, and Europe. Now there are over 400 worldwide. While some of the costs of organizing instructor conferences are paid for by the candidates themselves, many of the costs are not-still another reason why grassroots support for the North American Sponsorship Program is so essential.

Historically, financial support for Maharaji's work has been sporadic. Although some people have contributed on a regular basis, most have contributed intermittently. The bottom line? The more regular the contributions, the easier it will be to plan Maharaji's yearly calendar. And the more possible it will be for Maharaji to respond to the countless invitations he has received from around the world to speak about Knowledge.



In February 1987, there were 281 regular contributors to the National Sponsorship Program. By November 1st, 1,833 people were participating. Clearly, support for aviation activities is Élan Vital's biggest expense. The NASP goal of 2,926 contributors is well within reach. With 6,100 people having attended the Rejoice '87 programs, the outlook is promising.
541 1986 donors
1,833 1987 NASP donors
3,200 Airplane Donors
6,100 Rejoice 1987
12,857 Mailing List