Maharaji: Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi April 12, 1987

His speeches were not written or prepared but they are certainly not unrehearsed. The speeches preceding his current one are the rehearsals and his speeches following evolve gradually using the same store of tales, premie gossip, clichés, life events, recent tv shows, stock phrases and buzzwords.

Here are a few quotes from this speech.

  • Now what to say about these philosophers, they are abundantly available. The government has launched their intensive family planning programme in India. I think they ought to do a similar planning with regard to these philosophers and so called intellectuals on a world-wide basis, as they have now become too many. I don't know how it can be done but there number has really swelled a great deal. Rawat has always denigrated intellectuals, he fears knowledgeable people who can challenge his assertions, debate his concepts and highlight and explain his mistakes and failures.
  • Knowledge definitely has an experience, inspite of these trifling things with which we try to sway ourselves. The greatest confusion is created when people try to guess and imagine what the experience of Knowledge should be. Rawat promises the "experience of Knowledge" is the most wonderful, infinite, joyful and peaceful feeling possible. It should be pretty obvious if a person is experiencing anything remotely similar to this. When people compare their actual experience with what He has promised they naturally are confused and dissatisfied.
  • We never indulge in refutation or corroboration of any sort. Rawat spouts a never-ending stream of repetitious "corroboration" of his teachings but he never allows a real discussion with a person who understands his teachings and career and is able to refute them. He is certain to be humiliated.
  • Just a few days ago, a seven day training course was conducted in Miami (USA). We thought this year that there should be more instructors in foreign countries. Because wherever I go, people come to me in large numbers. Thousands and thousands of them.… The important factor that I found there was that competent people were not available there who could give Knowledge, who could conduct introductory programmes or talk to people on this subject. Therefore, this year a lot of training was imparted. It was seven days continuous training. Rawat has been proselytising his Knowledge out of India since the early 1970's. Many people had been practising the meditation for 30 years by 1989. The lack of competent 'mahatmas', initiators and instructors is either Rawat's fault or the fault of his so-called Knowledge. - see WOTG
  • I said, "Well, brother, who is to blame for these deaths by starvation? Is it hunger to blame? It is not the fault of hunger. God made this body and he put the feeling of hunger in it so that you may be able to eat. Had there been no hunger you could not have eaten food. And without eating food you would not have survived. Hence the hunger is not to blame. Stomach too is not at fault. The creator has left no scarcity of any sort. He has provided everything in abundance." Well Rawat's followers have certainly provided everything to him in abundance. One out of six billion isn't too bad.
  • So, I was saying that those people who assume they have found the truth won't like to listen to others. You cannot talk to them. Because if really they had found out the truth, they would not have been egoistical about finding it. But they just need to boast about it, they need to show people, "Oh, yes, I have found the truth. Just look at me, I have the Knowledge of Truth." They display big advertisements. This is exactly what Rawat does. He claims he has the Knowledge of Truth, the only Knowledge of Truth and he certainly doesn't listen to anyone else.
  • The second grace is of Guru Maharaji, the Master. Because even after receiving everything, even after getting the first grace man usually goes astray. Talk about egotistical. He claims he is the second grace.

Just accept & enjoy the experience within

Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi / April 12, 1987
(Translated from Hindi)

Prem Rawat aka Maharaji 1989

Dear Premies,

We have got yet another opportunity to listen, to understand and above all to enjoy. In this world whatever man does is linked up with attaining some joy, some happiness in life, there are sky-scrapers erected by man pointing out towards this urge inherent in him, i.e. to get happiness, to get pleasure.

This incredible human life !

Whatever the saints and mahatmas have advocated so far has been done with the

28 Life Force July-September 1989

sole purpose of emphasizing just one thing – that we have been given this human body and everything is possible in it. Nothing is beyond its range. Whatever man desires is within his reach. If he is so inclined, he can even cause his own downfall, and if fascinated by the glamour and magnificence of this world he wants to lose his true identity, he can easily do so. He can also get himself entrapped into the coils of Maya and become miserable. So there are so many options open to him.

Whatever the saints
and mahatmas have
advocated so far has
been done with the
sole purpose of em-
phasizing just one
thing –that we have
been given this human
body and everything
is possible in it.

Now, there is no dearth of preachers in this world and they are ever ready to speak something on any topic. But the true satsang is what saints and mahatmas had enunciated before us irrespective of and uninfluenced by all these religions. Because they didn't come to establish a new religion. There was no scarcity of scriptures or religious books. They were in abundance and yet they came forward and put something before mankind that was distinct from all these things that have been made available to us. They said there is one thing more, for which it is said:

"It is by great luck that one secures a human body. Because as declared by scriptures this human form is difficult even for the gods to attain. It is a sanctuary suitable for spiritual endeavours and it is the gateway to liberation. That man is very unfortunate who fails to renovate his future destiny."

It is said that this human form is the gate-way of salvation–that salvation which gives instant joy and there is no entanglement involved.

Now what to say about these philosophers, they are abundantly available. The government has launched their intensive family planning programme in India. I

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think they ought to do a similar planning with regard to these philosophers and so called intellectuals on a world-wide basis, as they have now become too many. I don't know how it can be done but there number has really swelled a great deal. They come with their philosophies and try to confuse people. Somebody poses this question, "Why this world has been created?" But we say, "Well, it has already been created, 'Why has it been created?' is a separate issue from 'What has already been created!" If we go on putting arguments and theories then it will be like the story of that lawless chaotic country (Andher Nagari) ruled by a bone-headed idiot of a king (chaupat Raja) who had ordered that every commodity in his kingdom, right from raw vegetables to the most delicious dishes be sold at the same standard rate of one penny per kilo.

It is said that this human form is the
gateway to
salvation …

Just learn to accept

Well, you have got this human body. You have got these eyes, these ears, this head and everything. And even after getting all these limbs, people ask all such questions. It is often quoted that man is superior to animals. But I know just one thing – Whenever a cow finds green grass, some nice grass she never raises the question like, "Why was it created?" It is only man who asks, "Why is it so that a cow eats green grass and gives white milk?" Cow never asks such questions. She just eats and enjoys eating. She sits and goes on eating it. But the man inevitably inquires, instead of accepting the fact that there is this sun and the sun radiates heat. He will pointedly ask, "What is it for?"

People indulge in such tall talks. A few weeks ago I was reading an article in which a picture was shown. It was the photo of a galaxy. We have got also a galaxy of our own and this earth is a part of that galaxy. Now, that other galaxy came into being and after that it came to an end. It is no more in existence. It has

30 Life Force July-September 1989

We are beyond
refutation or corro-
boration of any sort.
We neither uphold
nor do we oppose
any religion……We
assert that apart
from that even after
performing all those
rituals something
remains untouched.

gone into oblivion! But it was so far away, so many light years away that its light which emanated from it during its existence, is reaching here now and when we scan it with a telescope we can still locate it there. But in fact there is nothing at all! The average speed of light is about 1,86,000 miles per second and that galaxy referred to was 1,50,000 light years away from here! And this distance is calculated on the basis of the speed of light, which travels at a speed of about 1,86,000 miles per second!

So you can imagine this gap. It is beyond our comprehension. But don't bother and try to understand it. I myself don't understand it. Because we are unable to estimate such colossal distances and the number in light years is just incredible and uncomprehensible. That is how far it is. Just imagine the tremendous distance. When it was created it began to radiate light and it remained active for millions and billions of years and then finally it was no more. And yet the light that emanated from it at the time of its creation is reaching earth now. This is how big this universe is! Even then people go on trying to find out its orgin and the cause of its existence – why and how it is so and what it is.

But it is also a fact that if people had not ventured in their quest to understand things then articles like digital watches, cameras etc. could not have been invented which are available now: But even now after producing these things, even after so much progress made, one thing remains unexplored. The one thing which is called bliss, the eternal happiness can never be attained through acquisition of such things.

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Prem Rawat aka Maharaji 1989 We, rather all of us, know that there are so many religions and India is such an amazing country in which people following all types of religions are found. Here you can see people who belong to Hindu religion, people believing in Muslim religion and also those who follow Christianity. And people belonging to all religions visit this country from time to time. Why?

Now, what is
that thing which
craves for a
human body? It
is actually pining
for something
now, you know?

Last year I had talked about a temple of the 'formless one' (Nirakar). Recently a tomb like structure had been built in the garden of the residence here for just sitting and relaxing. During its construction the people involved in that work began to call it a temple – "Oh, it is a temple. A temple is being erected." Now, it doesn't have any idol. It is open on all sides. So I said: well it is a temple of the formless one (Nirakar). There is no deity there and yet it is called a temple.

We never indulge in refutation or corroboration of any sort. We neither uphold nor do we oppose any religion. Whatever we put forward is quite different. We do not direct anybody to visit a particular temple. Neither do we ask you to visit any particular temple nor do we forbid you to do so. We assert that apart from that even after performing all those rituals something remains untouched.

We want instant joy NOW!

People try to make some

32 Life Force July-September 1989

sort of earnings. They advise you to perform good virtuous deeds which would ultimately save you from turning into snakes, mosquitoes, lizards or frogs in your next life. They say that if you perform good deeds in this life then it is possible that you may get a human body in the next life time. Or if you acquire greater amount of virtuous earnings, it may culminate in your attaining even salvation.

It may be possible
that you did a lot of
virtuous deeds in
yours past life and
that's why you have
got this human body.
It is okay. But do
you remember what
you did then?

Okay, that is your earning for your next birth. Now, let us take this corollary further with regard to bank accounts. A man deposits all his daily earnings in his bank. I mean, his total earnings. He expects that after his retirement or death his total deposits will be handed over to his family. Now, for instance, he has ten children and a wife; his mother's sister also lives with him and there are also his grandfather and grandmother staying with him. And the fellow is earning a lot. He is well placed and is earning a good deal. But all of them are just starving and facing death. Because since he bought his house and set it in order, a month has elapsed without any provisions. The children are famishing. They have got nothing to eat or drink. And why did they not get anything? Because the guy deposits his total earnings in his bank. There are neither vegetables nor rice. Nothing. The children are thus compelled to beg. They beg and eat. But that fellow has firmly decided that only after his death would the whole family get an opportunity to live luxuriously and comfortably. Because the millions of rupees he has earned are lying un-utilised in the bank and when he dies his entire wealth would pass over to his family and they would live in luxury.

There is some mix up, some confusion in this plan.

Life Force July-September 1989 33

That same note has
struck my mind
today that all the
pilgrimages are in-
side of us– all of
hem! And today this
mind wanders aim–
lessly and shows
restlessness. It is
due to a "malady
of the heart."

Because if this situation persists there is a great likelihood that those people for whom he has been saving all that money may not live to utilise it. Then what is the sense in earning such an amount of money?

As far as I am concerned it's okay: People earn something in this life with this aim in view that if there is another life they may get a human body. Now what is that thing which craves for a human body? It is actually pining for something now, you know? What is there for it to worry about the next birth? It doesn't require a next birth. It is such a thing which is always stable, always in equilibrium. For it there is no yesterday no today or tomorrow or day after tomorrow. That is static and constant. It requires immediate results now. It wants instant joy now. If it gets it in the next birth it is well and good, if not then never mind.

Recently I had been in a place thirty storeys high. I was accompanied by someone who is present here also. Both of us were standing in the verandah looking downwards. We could see things all around, could look at things far away. Then I asked him "Do you believe that you will have another birth?" He said, "Yeah, I do." I said, "Well, when you have such a faith that you will get another life then jump down. Why do you fear? You will get another birth alright." Then I said to him. "Oh, this building is thirty storeys high. Why are you afraid to jump down? You will not have any pain at all. When you start falling downwards and go on falling down there will be no pain. The actual pain would last only for a second, just in case you are not already unconscious. After that you will be totally carefree." He started laughing and said,

34 Life Force July-September 1989

"No, I won't jump." I said, "Why? Are you doubtful whether you will get the next birth or not?"

Let anybody come
to me and let them
ask me why there
is "Ashanthi"
(Restlessness). My
answer will be very
simple; "Because
there is no rest, no
peace, That's why
there is restlessness
in you."

So this story ends here. Now I had only put this point before him in a jocular mood. Then I seriously thought it over, how people lead this life with such convictions and guarantees! But the next birth is not even certain. Because what are your real earnings of this life? Just think about it. It may be possible that you did a lot of virtuous deeds in your past life and that's why you have got this human body. It is okay. But do you remember what you did then? If so, then repeat the same in this life also. You will get another one. But who remembers all this? Do you know who you were in your previous life? It is just possible that you were a donkey in that life and you were employed under a poor potter. It was due to your hard labour that the poor potter earned his livelihood and that was the pious act done by you. And subsequently due to it you have got this human form. Well, if it is so, then find another potter. If you get one, then carry on his load of clay on your back. Hunh?

Now, talking about the potter and the clay, it just reminds me of a saying of Kabir. He says:

"The dust warns the potter–'why are you trampling me?

Remember a day shall come when I will trample you!!' "

Why are you full of so much conceit? What are you proud of? A day will certainly come. Today you have your hands, your eyes, your body and you are taking out and molding me with these hands of yours. You are trampling me with your feet. But one day I will make you a part of myself. I shall crush and convert you into soil and you shall become like me."

Life Force July-September 1989 35

Those who have
actually found that
truth are blessed
with the joy of
Knowledge in their
hearts. If anybody
goes to them and
requests them
humbly without
any ego, then they
would be ready to
explain it to them.

The real sanctum sanctorum within!

People go and attend these satsangs or participate in the last journey (mourning procession) of someone, or they may go to Varanasi and visit those places where these cremations take place. They can see many corpses there. When people see a corpse they usually become very sad. They recall, "Oh, a day will come when I will also have to go." But after a couple of days the impact is lost. They forget everything. Now, here lies a remarkable point: when is there that real opportunity? We usually shelve everything for tomorrow. We put off every issue for the next day. People often repeat this quotation of 'postponing good deeds for tomorrow.' But what is a good deed? The best act? The best act is to enjoy the experience of Knowledge.

Now, while discussing his topic of joy, I usually say something different from all religions. That is the great difference. All the people present here are watching those mahatmas sitting there with there heads shaven and wearing saffron clothes. Lady mahatmas are also sitting over there. It may be assumed that all of them would be Hindus. But it is not so.

I do not forbid anyone to go on a pilgrimage. If you want to go on pilgrimages that is your business. You can go. The only difference is that I say that there is one Badri-nath inside of you. There is a Kashi too within yourself. And when you will go into that Kashi … Nowadays a lot of people go on pilgrimage. Why? Because there are roads available. They have constructed roads right upto their destination. People sit in their cars, air-conditioned cars, and are going there. "Where are you going" "Oh,

36 Life Force July-September 1989

There was someone here who had said
hat he did not have any experience of Knowledge …
I told him: If you didn't have any experience of Knowledge
then what are you doing here?
Why are you present here?

Prem Rawat aka Maharaji 1989 just going to Badrinath. Going to, Kashi. Going to Varanasi. Going to Haridwar." "Why are you going in a first class car?" Because they will bathe in the river Ganga.

There was a time when there were no roads, no cars etc. People had to journey on foot–on foot! When I was a child I happened to go towards Garhwal. Then I thought that we will go in a car. But there is a place called Kotdwar where we had to leave the car. From there the journey was made on horse-back. You people may think, "Well it is okay. You can easily complete your journey on horse-back." But it is not an easy task. You will feel very uncomfortable while riding a horse. So, from there it was a journey on horse-back and then on foot. But these days people are very easy going.

I remember an incident when I went to Varanasi

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with Shri Maharaj Ji. When we reached there somebody suggested to him that he should take a dip in the Ganga. Shri Maharaji was tired but still he went in a car and reached the banks of the river Ganga. And he asked whether he should take a dip there. Because there was a dead tortoise lying near the banks upside down. Shri Maharaji quipped, "Well, it was not emancipated though it lived and died in the Ganga, how come I would be redeemed by taking a dip here? Nevertheless if you insist that to take a dip here is worthwhile, then I will not miss the opportunity. I am ready. I may take a dip here."

Knowledge defini-
tely has an exper-
ience, inspite of
these trifling things
with which we try
to sway ourselves.

Then I thought, "Oh, it is he who tells people that Varanasi exists in their hearts and there is no need to go anywhere else! And it is he who really emancipates people, who really reveals the true Ganga flowing in their heart. That same person is now going to have a dip in this physical Ganga and that too in such a playful mood." Why? Well, this 'why' is a separate matter. It is really unexplicable. It was a family affair. The family people prevailed upon him to take a dip there because they would be able to cross the barrier of this material world by taking a bath in that holy river and be redeemed, while he would be left behind. So he took a dip to please them. But that same note has struck my mind today that all the pilgrimags are inside of us–all of them! And today this mind wanders aimlessly and shows restlessness. It is due to a "malady of the heart" as was said by Brahmanand ji:

"Oh doctor, why are you feeling my pulse? It is not an ordinary disease. This is actually the disease of the heart."

And what is the disease of the heart? It cannot be diagnosed easily. He further says:

"The doctor is not certain. Sometimes he says it is a severe cough and then again he corrects himself and says that it is the effect of heat."

38 Life Force July-September 1989

The greatest con-
fusion is created
when people try to
guess and imagine
what the experience
of Knowledge
should be. They try
to deduce the cha-
racter of the exper-
ience which is bey-
ond. all figments of

The true harmony

And this is the fact. I visit various places and people ask me, "Why is there so much restlessness?" When this question is put before some people they try to evade the issue or talk in a contradictory manner. But let anybody come to me and let them ask me why there is "Ashanti" (Restlessness). My answer will be very simple: "Because there is no rest, no peace. That's why there is restlessness in you." Why is this big question? What have scripture got to do with it?

Somebody says, "Well I am thirsty?" If you lecture him continuously for ten days on this topic – how to quench his thirst, he will still remain thirsty. His thirst will not be quenched in the least. If you are also thirsty and you want to know the cause of this thirst, I will tell you. You should know that the consumption of salt causes great thirst. Perspiration also causes much thirst. Why is it so? Because there are two sensors aligned with the brain. All the blood circulation passes very close to them, always. These sensors gauge and detect the quantity of salt in the blood. And if it is more than the requisite quantity, they automatically stimulate thirst so that you may drink water and level the imbalance between water, salt and the blood and set it right.

If a thirsty man reaches you and you start telling him all this theory of thirst, it won't do him any good. He will still remain thirsty. People want to know why there is restlessnes in this world. We on our part don't want to know the cause of this unrest or disturbance. We want to show people how to get peace, what is the method to attain peace. Some

Life Force July-September 1989 39

If anyone comes out of
all his concepts and
treats with due def-
erence and faith, then
he would find how
beautiful, how nice
and enjoyable this
experience of Know-
ledge can be

people say it is the outcome of your sins. It is the fruit of your bad deed, something like that. That's why man is devoid of peace. Somebody will suggest to you to perform "Havan". Somebody will recommend to read holy books. Someone will tell you to visit some particular place: "Do this or do that and you will get peace." No, all these things will not get you peace. What is called peace? That is true harmony and serenity, that joy which is experienced by man in every situation and disposition – while standing, sitting, sleeping or awake – not through pampering your ego.

Just a few days ago, a seven day training course was conducted in Miami (USA). We thought this year that there should be more instructors in foreign countries. Because wherever I go, people come to me in large numbers. Thousands and thousands of them. During my visit to Mauritius in 1985 they had booked the largest hall available there. It was completely packed, even overflowed with the audience. I said, "Oh, now how would I come here next time? This is the only largest hall here. And that we have filled up. The next time when I come where will the people be accomodated" The weather of Mauritius is quite unpredictable. Within minutes it is cold, then it is raining profusely and after five minutes there is warm sunshine. In this way the whole season runs the whole gamut within a day. The important factor that I found there was that competent people were not available there who could give Knowledge, who could conduct introductory programmes or talk to people on this subject. Therefore, this year a lot of training was imparted. It was seven days continuous training.

It was realized during that training period that there

40 Life Force July-September 1989

should be a thorough introduction of Knowledge to people. Then I said, "Well there should be discussions alright, but with one thing in view: Do you know there are people with whom you cannot talk? I mean, it is very difficult to talk to them as a human being or on humanistic basis." Everybody wondered who they were. I said, "Those people, who presume that they have found the Truth. It is impossible to talk to them."

One of the graces
is this human body
that you have
received. This is
an incredible grace.
This is not easily

On one side Krishna is conveying to Arjuna that he is imparting the Knowledge to him as a human being, on human considerations: "Because you don't find fault in others. You have no ego. You listen to things. You try to understand what is said. That is why I'm giving this Knowledge to you." On the other side there are those people who think that they have monopolised the truth. It is impossible to talk to them.

Once, while going to the market I met a person around the corner – in a foreign country. He had a closely shaven head. These mahatmas sitting here, some of them are with shaven heads and some are not. But his head was closely shaved, slick like a runway, profusely oiled. I mean, when the sun shines on a cleanly shaven and thoroughly massaged head it glitters so much that it can tempt a pilot to just land his plane right over it! And there was a big tilak on his forehead. He carried a bag in his hand which was full of incense sticks. I will not tell you who he was or which religion he followed. But I think those people who have seen such characters in foreign countries will be able to understand. He was selling those incense sticks and as soon as I came near him he tried to sell some of them to me. "Oh, take them." This invoked my sense of humour. I asked, "What will I do with these sticks?" And he says, "Well, they will produce a lot of fragrance

Life Force July-September 1989 41

One thing I know
that no task done
by man may be so
excellent or of such
a paramount nature
that can enable
him to attain this
human form,

when you burn it, it will give you good smell." I said, "There is no foul smell in my house, then why should I buy them from you?" He said, "The money given by you will benefit other people." "What will be the benefit?" I asked. "Well, we will introduce our religion to other people." He didn't talk about Knowledge. But only about religion. I asked him "Why?" "Because there is so much strife and struggle going on in this world." I said, "Where is the struggle? Where do you see the disturbance here? People are sitting comfortably in their cars. Sitting in a congenial mood. They are not vexing you. And you should not pester them. Where is the turmoil? The sun is rising daily since millions and billions of years regularly in time and sets regularly in time."

For instance, just take the temperature of Delhi here or of India, through the summer or winter season. This variation in heat and cold is fully controlled and balanced by the sun. It may be 20° celsius above or below normal–whatever the normal temperature may be. And it has been going on in the same manner since millenniums without much fluctuations. The sun comes daily in the morning at its regular time.

And this earth is rotating since billions and trillions of years. I told him "You were not even born at that time, nor were they about whom you are talking." I mean there was no one at that time who could talk.

There were big mammoth creatures. Since then slowly and slowly all this took place. And the sea since its creation has neither enlarged nor shrunk much in volume. It never dried up. It is in the same state. The moon rises and sets by its time. "Then where is the conflict you are visualizing?" I was talking in a light – hearted vein. But he emphasized, "No, no, no, there is a great turmoil in the world. Just look, how many people are starving in India!"

42 Life Force July-September 1989

This creation has
been designed with
so much care, and
that is called true
love. He nourished
you when you were
so little. And still
he nourishes you.
The whole world
may kick you out
but not him.

I said, "Well, brother, who is to blame for these deaths by starvation? Is it hunger to blame? It is not the fault of hunger. God made this body and he put the feeling of hunger in it so that you may be able to eat. Had there been no hunger you could not have eaten food. And without eating food you would not have survived. Hence the hunger is not to blame. Stomach too is not at fault. The creator has left no scarcity of any sort. He has provided everything in abundance."

The Grace and our efforts

Listen the first time I came to this ashram this land was quite barren. With efforts and grace … because only effort is not sufficient. Grace is also essential. Therefore, with grace and effort in the right direction everything grows here now. Even wheat is grown in this barren land. You will not find the wheat at present. Because arrangements for your visit here had to be made and now you are sitting here. But when there is no programme the whole area is utilised for agricultural purposes. Vegetables are grown here, potatoes are also grown. Sugar cane is also produced. There are flowers too in abundance. You can find everything here. They are grown with combined efforts and labour.

Then I asked that fellow, "Tell me, where is the shortage you are pointing to me? Where do you find it?" Then he became irritated and said, "Oh, if you don't want to buy it, then don't." And I said, "I don't require it."

So, I was saying that those people who assume they have found the truth won't like to listen to others. You cannot talk to them. Because if really they had found out the truth, they would not have been egoistical about

Life Force July-September 1989 43

The second grace is
of Guru Maharaji,
the Master. Because
even after receiving
everything, even
after getting the
first grace man
usually goes astray.

Prem Rawat aka Maharaji 1989 finding it. But they just need to boast about it, they need to show people, "Oh, yes, I have found the truth. Just look at me, I have the Knowledge of Truth." They display big advertisements. They put up large bill-boards on the top of their heads to show, "Look, it is I who has found the truth." No!

And those who know the truth, do you know what their philosophy is about revealing the truth to others? I will tell you – "Do save the man who wants to be saved from drowning. And if he is unwilling then give him a double push!"

Because in this world those who have actually found the truth are blessed with the joy, the joy of Knowledge in their hearts. If anybody goes to them and requests them humbly without any ego, then they would be ready to explain it to them. But there should be no impertinent and controversial discussion.

This unnecessary wrangling

I came to know about this "shastrartha" (Discussion on the meanings and purport of scriptures) in an ashram. Before that I did not know. I had no idea. I had only this understanding that if there are these "shastras" (scriptures), then there would be some "Arthas" (meanings)

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of those "shastras". And that is really "Shastrartha" But why two persons should sit and indulge in an altercation and wrangle with each other about the purport of the scriptures? Whatever there meaning is, that is obvious. But no, there I came to know that many learned people have been examining, scrutinising, commenting and evaluating the meanings of "shastras" for so many years, and will go on doing this exercise fo years to come. And even then nobody would be able to know what is their true purport and purpose. And do you know why it is so? It is due to the quarrelsome arguments and rows with each other: "I know this way and you know that way." The guys would be quoting "shlokas" from those very "shastras" how one should not be an egoist, while haughtily wrangling with each other. They would advise people not to argue unnecessarily with each other, while indulging in this so called "shastrartha" They would quote "Shlokas" from those very scriptures in order to affirm that they are composed in such a way that their context is beyond com prehension, it cannot be understood. That too they would try to explain to you. This is apparently a blatant retraction of the stand taken by them previously.

But leave all that aside. The Knowledge does exist and it can be had. And there is an experience of Knowledge also.

Now, it is funny how people approach me. During the seven day conference held in Italy recently, I explained the techniques of Knowledge to some people. After that a girl came to me who was present in that session and said, "I received this Knowledge three years back. But it's only today that I have experienced it for the first time." I said, "You don't worry at all. It is okay that you have informed me about it. So there appears to be some difference between me and the instructors sitting ove there. I mean, I could instruct you something which they could not do, then what is the problem? It matters little that you could not get the joy of the Knowledge three years ago. You got it today or got it yeasterday, that is immaterial. Now you go and enjoy it and enjoy it

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It is only due to the
grace of Guru
Maharaji that we
get this Knowledge
– only due to him
and none else. It is
his benevolence.

whole-heartedly. What is the time factor to do with it? There is no time factor involved in the course of Knowledge. You just thoroughly enjoy it. Because there is an experience, a beautiful experience of Knowledge you can have."

People come to me. They say, "Well, I don't get the experience at all." I was talking to the mahatmas. There was someone here who had said that he did not have any experience of Knowledge. So I was explaining to the mahatmas about the experience. I said, "Look, that gentleman is here. He has also come to the ashram. He says that he does not have the experience. I told him: If you didn't have any experience of Knowledge then what are you doing here? Why are you present here? You may go."

You know the entire population of Delhi is not here. The whole of India has not arrived here. Only those people have come who have this experience. Because Knowledge definitely has an experience, inspite of these trifling things with which we try to sway ourselves. The greatest confusion is created when people try to guess and imagine what the experience of Knowledge should be. They try to deduce the character of the experience which is beyond all figments of imagination. If anyone comes out of all his concepts and treats it with due deference and faith, then he would find how beautiful, how nice and enjoyable this experience of Knowledge can be. And that's what this Knowledge is.

I tell you my true feelings and understanding. Because I don't know anything otherwise. I travel a great deal. I go to people and I place these facts at every place I visit, that there is something which is beyond all these things and best among all these things.

(To be Continued)

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