People Who Look For Peace Get It.
Quotations from Guru Maharaj Ji
Meditation is an experience worth having. Through meditation unnecessary tension is removed from a person's life and living becomes more enjoyable. But even more than this, meditation can be a way to discover the deepest meaning in your life.
The meditation taught by Guru Maharaj Ji is called Knowledge. By practicing it, a person comes to know his true nature, which is full of beauty and joy. It is a unique form of meditation because it can be experienced any place, any time simultaneously with whatever other activities you are involved in. In this booklet we have selected a variety of quotations from Guru Maharaj Ji to help answer a few of the questions most frequently asked about the Knowledge. We hope this will help you understand meditation and the Knowledge better, and will inspire you to investigate further the opportunity to learn this meditation for yourself.
What would I experience if I meditated on the Knowledge?
Who reveals the Knowledge?
What is the Knowledge?
Does it cost anything?
Why meditate?
Can meditation on the Knowledge affect real problems in the world?
What is the purpose of Divine Light Mission?
A person is bound by a concept of himself. It's almost like a butterfly, which was once in the form of a caterpillar. Or like a chicken in the egg. It's completely bound by itself, and until that shell is actually broken, the chicken will not come out. In the same way, that perfect point is inside of you and you are completely surrounded with this shell. By meditation, the shell is heated, it breaks, and you can come out.
It's like, if your happiness is based on limited things – 'Oh, my car; Oh, my wife; Oh, my two kids; Oh, my business; Oh, my money; Oh, my bank account' that's like taking a jack which is in two pieces, lifting up a seven or eight ton truck with it, and then going right under the tire to fix it. You haven't got too many chances, you know. Not too many.
If that's what you are completely basing your happiness on, you haven't got a chance to stay happy, because one day your happiness is going to quit. Then what are you going to do? So you have to realize, you have to understand that happiness which is self-sustaining, which can sustain itself by itself, which is completely perfect, and which takes you right there where the whole ocean of happiness is. You can never soak up that ocean of happiness.
This is where you want to be, in perfect happiness, in very, very sure happiness. And you can very easily get to that point by meditation. That's the real meaning infiniteation – to get right to perfection, right to that point where we all want to reach.
I'm just trying to tell you that there is a big jackpot of beauty, of perfection. I want you to go and hit it, so that you can get all that beauty – and all that love that we want in this world today.
Man can be identified by three qualities: space, time, and energy. His body lives in space, his mind lives in time, and his soul lives in infinite energy, in the infinite Self. By meditation, you will be able to cross those limits of space and time which all human beings exist in. Once you do that, you will be able to find out who you really are, and that is the energy by which you are sustained. This energy is your Self.
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You have it in your power to conquer the ego and doubts in the mind. These are the thorns. Knowledge is the rose.
What I am going to tell you about is not something extraordinary. It is the basic thing, and that is the Knowledge. Many people might be confused by the word "Knowledge", because up to now it has had many different definitions. But the Knowledge I mean is the Knowledge of Truth, the Knowledge that is already within us, the Knowledge that all the Perfect Masters of their times have been revealing.
What is Knowledge? Knowledge is inside of us. Knowledge is the primordial vibration, through which everything is existing. Anything you see in this world is existing because of this primordial vibration, this peace, this subtle vibration that is flowing in everything. Everything you see is a vibration, and it is vibrating because of that superior vibration. We have to realize that vibration within our hearts; that's where we have to realize it.
This Knowledge is right inside you, and you can meditate on it you can concentrate on it while you are walking, talking, doing anything.
Knowledge is itself the path and also the destination.
Knowledge is that inner experience, that inner energy, that source by which we can realize peace.
This Knowledge is so holy, so perfect. Even one spark coming out of this Knowledge is so holy, so perfect, that whatever it hits against, it makes it perfect. Wherever one spark of this Knowledge shines up, there is absolute perfection. And I have got that Knowledge here.
God is in your heart. Look into it and you will find Him. And how to look into it, this is the Knowledge.
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True meditation is like concentration. You take your whole self and merge it into one point, that perfect vibration of pure energy inside you. When you do that, that finite thing, which is you, changes over to infinite.
When you sit and meditate on this Knowledge, an incredible experience flows into you. It's like standing in a swimming pool and suddenly somebody jumps in it. There's a whole wave kind of thrown into the pool. And you go with that wave, and it's so beautiful. Your body is moving with the wave; you are just completely flowing, floating on the water.
This is how it has to be. Just let ourselves relax into that most holy, fantastic experience that we always wanted. Let that experience just make us vibrate and vibrate and vibrate. Because that's what it does.
Peace is inside us; it is that which is vibrating the whole world today. You see the whole world existing? It's due to something. You see yourself alive? It's due to something. You hear the sound system working? It's due to something. What is that thing? I think that is the biggest question in the world. The biggest question: what is it that makes everything survive, everything vibrate? It is the primordial vibration that is within us. If you come into the practical, if you touch and see the Knowledge, you can feel that vibration inside of you.
When scientists took the atom and split it, light came out of it; energy came out of it. This is the light and energy that is within us.
There is a glorious sun, not the sun that you see in the sky, but a sun which is within ourselves, and which is much brighter, much, much, much brighter than the sun you see in the sky.
Today, the guitar is played, and you love it. Rock 'n roll is played, you love it. Classical music is played, you love it. But there is a music going on inside of us also. God plays that music, and it is such a far out music, so symmetrical and so beautiful, that after one note, man's mind is concentrated upon it.
Really, in this world, there is something to realize which is more beautiful, more fantastic than we think. In this Knowledge, you can get to a point where you open your eyes, and you see nothing but Light. At that time, all you hear is Music, all you can feel is the Word vibrating, all you can really drink is Nectar. It's so beautiful, because everything that is inside our body, all that energy, just comes together completely and fills us up.
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There may be thousands and thousands of people talking about this Knowledge, just unlimited amounts of them, but there's only one person who can actually benefit you by revealing this Knowledge to you. And this is exactly the person that we are looking for.
You need someone to reveal the Truth to you. When you want to learn math, you need a math master. When you want to learn physics, you need a physics master. And when you want to learn perfection, you need a perfect master. When you approach this Master, he reveals to you the secret, the Truth that is within us.
It is only possible to receive that Knowledge, that beautiful thing, when we go to Guru Maharaj Ji. Now this word 'guru' might sound utterly fantastic or utterly insane to you. But 'guru' is derived from Sanskrit and the meaning of this word – if you split it into two parts – is a person who takes us away from darkness and shows us, puts us, into most beautiful light. 'Gu' means darkness, the darkness and illusion in this world, and 'ru' means light, the light in this world which is inside every human being.
I have to tell people that I am not a prophet. I am just an ordinary human being, with two legs, two eyes, and I work, and 1 have voluntarily put myself here so that I can reveal this Knowledge to people, because I think people need it, because people have forgotten what this Knowledge is. So I am just teaching them perfectness and that's why they call me the Perfect Master. And as a matter of fact, I am the Perfect Master, because I can reveal this peace. I am not saying I am perfect because of this reason or that reason, but simply for one reason and that is because I can reveal this Knowledge which is perfect.
Realize how much importance there is to it when Guru Maharaj Ji comes and tries to help you through. How small you are compared to the whole world and then the whole world to the whole universe, and that whole universe compared to something called infinity. We have no idea how big it is and how small it is. And yet in that, we have to scan our way. For a man to try himself, forget it. Just forget it. But, somebody who already knows, all he has to do is say, 'Listen. Here is the chart. Go with it, and you'll be right there where you want to be!'
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What is really funny is that this Knowledge is so beautiful, yet we don't have to charge money. It's being donated. It's almost like saying, 'Look, people! Here is a car costing five dollars and it doesn't need gas. Just sit in it, and you can drive it all day long, all year round. This is a perfect car for five dollars. That's all you pay for it!'
Of course, everybody will want to buy it, because a five dollar car that you don't put any gas in, and you don't have any service expenses for, that's probably just the best buy you can get. So you just go and buy it.
And this is how the Knowledge is. It's cheap. All we want – the fair price – is love. That's all the price is, and you get a beautiful thing which gives you peace, bliss, and harmony with the Perfect One, with the In finite.
I think it's just a fantastic sale, and I think everybody should join in.
You might be surprised that this Knowledge is free of charge. Just try to understand. A man can live without gold, but cannot live without food. Yet food is much cheaper than gold. He can live without food for a few days, but he cannot live without water as long. Yet water is cheaper than food. He can live without water for a day or two, but he cannot live as long without air, which is absolutely free. So don't think Knowledge is a less valuable thing than your stereo player, or anything like that. This is still most valuable. Because you must know this Knowledge, because you must practice this Knowledge, it has been made absolutely free for you.
I am going to show you the Light free of charge, just so that you may know it and realize what is real.
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Right now, because there is no peace in people's minds, war is taking place.
I think the biggest healing needed today is the healing of our mind. Because that's what's really driving us completely bananas. We are completely out of our heads. I'm not talking about all the people; maybe there are some individuals who are not But there are some people who are completely out of their heads. The idea of brotherhood and humanity has been completely lost, completely forgotten. And that is what we have to bring about now, again, today.
This is the healing that has to be done. And until and unless we understand the common factor between each human being, it cannot be done. People have distinguished and have put names to the differences between people – their color, castes, creeds, and nationalities. But we have to understand something that is common, and then make that the identification mark of a human being, so that each human being is identified by that common factor and not by his differences. Only then will we be true human beings, identifying each other by the true thing.
And the thing that is common within all human beings is this Knowledge. No matter where they come from – India, Africa, Russia, Europe, America, Japan, you name it – they still have this Knowledge inside of them. Not understanding this, not experiencing it, is the reason for the fighting and wars. Yet everybody can understand it.
This is how we are going to hook every brother and sister in this world, every human being in this world, into one chain of love and peace. Because this Knowledge can do it. Knowledge is the only thing that can tie everybody, every human being into one thread, one thread of this most beautiful Knowledge. And then this whole world will be a beautiful, beautiful garden.
Today everyone says, 'No drugs, Sonny; don't take drugs. Boy, don't take drugs. Don't take these things, and don't do this and don't do that.' But it's a very foolish thing to do it that way, because you are not giving them an alternative. They will say, 'This guy is crazy, because he wants us not to do it, but what should we do? We want peace, we want to see light, we want to have a far out experience.'
But if we offer them a practical Knowledge, then it's very, very possible for them to stop. This has happened. Because they come to a point that they could never have dreamed of, and that's the infinite stage. Knowledge does not have a limited size, as those people who have realized this Knowledge and who have experienced the blissful state of this Knowledge know. That's why, after receiving this Knowledge, we leave all these kinds of things.
And drugs are not the only problem. There are other things. People are searching for Truth in liquor, people are searching for it in sex, people are searching for it in many other things, but they are not finding it. They have to have an alternative, and the alternative is the Knowledge.
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Divine Light Mission is a word. It is not going to give peace. Peace is given by the Knowledge, and the people who are following this Knowledge are combining into a group called Divine Light Mission. Divine Light Mission is not a thing dropping down from heaven. It is formed here; it is an organization of people who have already found Truth. They have united themselves, and together they are the Mission.
We want to create one thing – that is the love, the peace that we have to accomplish on this Earth. And I think that it's my mission to do it, but whoever joins Divine Light Mission, it becomes also his sole purpose to accomplish peace on Earth.
Our mission is to bring peace, love, and truth into this world. Man is supposed to be human, but actually, he has lost his humanity. That's why there is so much frustration, so much jealousy, and so much hatred between human beings. Now we have started this Mission, and it's working very, very successfully distributing love, truth, and peace so that the idea of brotherhood can come into this world.
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I am not happy because I am a Guru; I am happy because I do meditation. And I can make other people realize this meditation also, because I have mastered the subject. And how did I master it? It was when I practiced it more and more and more and more that I mastered it. So you practice it more and more, and you will reach a very good level, a very far out level.
Guru Maharaj Ji was born on December 10,1957 , and spent his early years in northern India. He was taught the Knowledge by his father, the late Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, founder of Divine Light Mission. At the age of eight, upon the death of his father, Guru Maharaj Ji took up his work of spreading the Knowledge.
In the summer of 1971, followers of Guru Maharaj Ji asked him to come to England. Since that time, he has been touring almost non-stop around the world encouraging people to receive Knowledge and begin the process of self-discovery.
The international headquarters of Divine Light Mission is located in Denver, Colorado. For more information about the Knowledge and DLM write to "Knowledge", Box 532, Denver, CO 80201, or call the Divine Light Mission information center nearest you.
Divine Light Mission P. 0. Box 5949
Bethesda, Md. 200I4 301-6545
1975 Divine Light Mission. Inc