1.) LIGHT: From the Beginning, scriptures talk of a Divine Light which is self-effulgent, which is the Life, which is the Way. Blind people are able to see this Light through a Divine Touch, referred today as 'the laying on of the hands.' Lord Christ said, "When thine eye is single, thy whole body shall be full of Light." How to get this single eye and see the Light? Simply Receive Knowledge.
2.) MUSIC: We read of the experience of the Twelve Apostles and see that they received The Holy Ghost, and sounds came; mighty rushing winds, songs of tens of thousands of angels. How can we also experience this? Receive Knowledge.
3.) THE WORD OF GOD: From Genesis and John we read of The Word which was God Himself, which was in the Beginning, which was manifest in the flesh and was called Jesus. And Jesus, because He was the Word (God) could reveal Himself as Word (Spirit) to others. If Christ is truly everlasting Life, is the Word, how can we practically experience Christ as the Word? How can we fulfill the command to 'worship God in the Spirit? Receive the Knowledge of God.
4.) NECTAR: The body contains all the answers for all the problems. The answer for sickness is Divine Nectar, or Living Water. Lord Christ told, "But whosoever drinketh of the water that I shall give him shall never thirst; but the water that I shall give shall be in him a well of water springing up into everlasting life." This has to be revealed by the Living Master. It is called Knowledge.
The holy scriptures tell us:
"There the sun shines not, nor moon nor stars. These lightings shine not there, let alone this fire. All things shine with the shining of His Light." --
"There shall he no night there yet shall need no candle neither the light of the sun, for the Lord God giveth His Light."
"His Name is called the Word of God."
"The Name of the Lord is a strong tower and the righteous runneth into it and are saved."
"God is the boundless Light and the contemplation is the endeavour to fix the eye of the heart on the very ray of the unencompassed Light, and so to pass into the Light.
The Word createth, the Word dissolveth; and the Word again bringeth creation into being. The Word supporteth all worlds and universes."
"In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
"Through the Word the Lord makes His appearance and becomes manifest."
"I seek thee, and sure as the dawn, Thou appearest as perfect Light to me."
"Let our silent meditation be on the glorious Light of God. May this Light illumine our minds."
"My Life has a limit, but my knowledge is without limit."

I will come where there is love and unity, for I love love and I love unity. I want this whole universe to unite in the Name of God so that very soon the Kingdom of Heaven may come on this earth, and so that very many people will be able to take advantage of it.
These are our ideas which we have placed before you. You can compare them with any of the scriptures, because this is not new Knowledge. It is the most ancient Knowledge which has been fully described in the Bible, in the Gospels, in the Gita, in the Ramayana, in all the scriptures.
All the scriptures and holy books are pointing to something higher than themselves. They do not take you there, they only point out the way and describe it. This is a very small mistake people have made, but it has brought humanity to where it is now. People think they have been following the Truth all the time, but you can see what is happening now.
This whole world is hanging upon something. And what is that? It is out of the reach of science. They want to reach it but they can't. They are going the wrong way. Now if you want to know what this world is hanging on, then receive this Knowledge.
Mind is the only thing that is making man unhappy today, the only cause of dissatisfaction. And how can you conquer your mind? Through this meditation, because meditation is the only hammer which can heat your mind down, it is the only rope which can tie your mind up.

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"For as the lightning comes out of the east, and flashes to the west, also shall be the coming of the Son of Man.
"The wolf also shall dwell with the lamb, and the leopard shall lie down with the kid; and the calf and the young lion and the fatling together; and a little child shall lead them.
"For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and His name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The Mighty God, the everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace."
"A great message will come to the Indians and make them ever so humble, and when they become that humble, they will be waiting for a young leader, an Indian boy, possibly in his teens, who will be a choice seer. And He will be the accepted leader."
"And then shall at last, a mighty master soul will come to earth to light the way up to the throne of the perfect man.
"The sun and the moon dance and blow the trumpets, and a little child shall turn the Wheel of the Law. Secret of the body, of the Word and Heart of God, His innermost breath is the steed of the Bodhisattvas."
"Behold the Lord cometh with ten thousand of his saints to execute judgement upon all and to prevent all that are ungodly among them ….
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?
On December 10, 1957 at Hardwar, India the birth of Guru Maharaj Ji took place. Witnesses at this event were overwhelmed by the miracles of Light in the sky and Music in the air and flying beings swooping down on the house with roaring like rockets. Three hundred thousand people worshipped Him at His birth. From the age of two and a half under the command of his father, Shri Hans Ji Maharaj -- the Perfect Master of His time, young Guru Maharaj Ji delivered holy discourses to thousands of disciples. At the age of six He gave His first satsang in English, moving everyone to tears.
On July 19, 1966, Shri Maharaj Ji left His mortal body, passing on the spiritual authority of Sat-guru -- Perfect Master to Guru Maharaj Ji, then eight years old.
From 1966-1970 was a quiet period of study and instruction for Guru Maharaj Ji. Then He exploded the Peace Bomb at India Gate, Delhi in 1970, when He said, "Come to me and I will give you Peace. Give me your sufferings and I will give you Eternal Life. I am the only source of Peace in this world, why don't you believe me? The love I can give you never dies. Surrender the reigns of your life to me and I will give you salvation. But what can I do unless men come to me with a guileless heart and a sincere desire to know truth?"
Since then Guru Maharaj Ji's mission has been spreading like wildfire among the countries of the world. He has toured the globe 3 times, from India to Africa to Europe to America and on the Japan and Australia. Everywhere He appeared, thousands flocked to Him and received the Knowledge. Over 8 million people are enjoying Guru Maharaj Ji's Knowledge which has revealed to them the source of eternal peace within. You can also have the Knowledge of Guru Maharaj Ji free of charge.
"I declare I will establish peace in this world."