A Bridge To The Infinite, Maharaji, 2004 DVD/161
This is a collection of 4 extracts from different speeches. In the two from Amaroo, he's pretty relaxed, he's safe from being judged there. He must really hate being in a position where people can judge him, where he's unprotected from ridicule. He's pretty cosmic in the last clip but the world has judged him and finds him trite and trivial so that stuff only works with devotees. There's always a hint of "how brave and controversial am I" when he talks about mortality, everyone is going to die. After being reminded of this hundreds of times, you'd think his followers would find it humdrum.
There's a lot of references The Breath in this speech. The breath comes and with each breath, each, each breath comes the possibility of being fulfilled. - 'breath' does not come, air its sucked into or squeezed out of our lungs … This breath is simple and simpler still is to sit down - Breathing is not a simple process, it is extremely complex. Sitting down and meditating on your breathing is even more complex … let this breath weave this magic - Maharaji's followers still think with the superstiions of their hippie days, they love it when Maharaji talks 'magic' … breath is that one thing that changes without changing - sounds like paradoxical wissdom but its just stupid … The Divinity of this breath = the Divinity of Maharaji
- He makes more than usually long pauses. The voice recognition software inserts full-stops with nearly every phrase that the proof-reader has to remove.
- He still cannot pronounce (th)irst after 30 years speaking and thinking in English
- Come from a place of strength - the life of followers of Maharaji is one of dependance, one of weakness, one of passivity, one of not strength - see how easy Anaphorism is. None of Maharaji's followers attain recognition from him, none attain "the experience", none attain independance, none can teach others
- I grew up on a beach. As kids we'd sift sand through our fingers and say things like "We're changing the universe" - M. is a childish philosopher
- Truth is not simple, the breath is not simple, sitting is not simple - Maharaji is not simple he's cunning
- This won't fit in a box - Maharaji's shtick, his "teachings", his simplistic updated rehashing of ancient Indian ideas doesn't fit into a box but into a garbage bin
- He tries to pre-empt peoples' negative responses to his talks - HE's too great, HE can't fit into their childish, little, preconceived concept boxes
- Hate being judged - Maharaji is won't judge you.
- It means nothing and it means everything - pretend paradox - Don't you realise you're going to die Maharaji is trying to channel Goldfinger
- The force of life was coming into you and going and pulsing through your existence - force of life = God = Maharaji
A Bridge To The Infinite
The breath comes and with each breath, each, each breath comes the possibility of being fulfilled. Now what do you think fulfilment is? Because if you have in your mind any definition of fulfilment, cast it aside, won't help you. Fulfilment is a feeling like no other feeling on the face of this earth. You know, I have always said existence is like mortality and immortality as close as they can possibly come. They can't fuse together. They're opposite in nature. But in existence, in your existence, in my existence, these two have come as close as they can come. And believe me, that feeling of fulfilment is as close you will get to that infinite that resides within you. When gratitude reigns supreme. When in your life this breath matters. And what is that all about? Matters. Yes. Matters. Because right now everything else matters. Everything else. What people think about you, how you should be, what your likes are, what you're dislikes are. And what does that make you? It makes you a creature that has no control over what the focus in this life should be.
Then if you have the capacity in your life to enjoy that beautiful that is within you, then choose and choose wisely and choose that that will satisfy the thirst of your heart. Choose. Choose that light so you can see. Choose the love so you can feel. Choose the joy so you can be elated. Choose that gratitude so you may be mesmerised by the wonder. The wonder of this existence that you have.
Come from a place of strength. Not a weakness. Come from a place of strength. Why? Because you have a heart. Come from a place of clarity. Because you have felt your thirst and there is no question, that yes, there is a there is a desire a want to be fulfilled and it is to be fulfilled by that beautiful joy that resides within me. Learn. Then learn from those words that point right back at you. You. You. Don't you understand that you are absolutely unique, completeFbeachue. There is no one like you.
Distinctly Distinct
Next time you go to the beach. Take some sand up. Put it on the palm of your hand Take it all the way. So there's one grain of sand left on the palm of your hand and then look around and see all the sand that there is. Then look at the one that's on the palm of your hand. And know that that one is different to all the other ones. It's unique. Unique. There's no grain of sand like this one anywhere in the world. Check it out. That's who you are. You are unique. Distinctly unique. There has no one being like you on the face of this earth before and they won't be again. Never. Ever. Do you understand? But that means, never this drama of this person, of this human being will never play out again. It is unique. The universes may come and go. This is not happening again. The way you can appreciate something. Nobody else can the way. What makes you smile is your signature. The palette isn't this planet Earth, the palette is the heart. Inscribe on to that heart, your signature. It is in the world where you need to write so and so is here. No, this needs to be excribed (sic) onto your heart. So and so was here and it'll never disappear. It'll never disappear. Another heart will take it on. It's like a flag and it'll live and it'll live and it'll live and it'll live.
Truth is simple. Simpler still is to be still and let it come to you. This breath is simple and simpler still is to sit down. Be still and let it come and dance through you and it's just not so much the dance but what it does to you? What it leaves behind. Why is it that way? I don't know. I don't know. I mean, if I was to sit there and itch my ear, it wouldn't do the same thing. But to sit still and let this breath weave this magic and with everyone that comes and everyone that goes and everyone that comes and everyone is leaves a little bit behind filling a bucket, filling a bucket, filling a bucket, filling a bucket of that incredible tranquillity, of that joy. I I get to keep that one. I get to keep that one. I get to be fulfilled. I get to this is what I was all about. This is what you are all about.
Your Existence
Rawati$m is Rubbish, It Fits Into a Bin, Not a Box
So people come. They come to hear me. OK. They've been told by their friends. You know, Maharaji talks about life. So what do you think? "Man life. Yeah. You know, nice talk. He talks about peace. Ah, yeah, it's ok." And people have boxes. You know, all your life you've had boxes. And in fact, when you were growing up, you collected boxes, empty boxes. But they were boxes when you, so that when you grow up, you will have things to put in them. By the time you did grow up, you had a lot of boxes.
So where does Maharaji fit in? Where does Maharaji's message fit in? What does he talk about? Let's box him too. This box business. Oh, it's religious? No. Spiritual? No. What? So you think about it. You think and what do you think? And when you think about what, what is he going to talk about? What does he talk about? It is to go and look at everyone of the boxes you have and see which label. Because now you don't want to make new boxes and you don't want to write new labels. So let's see. Make it convenient. Let's see what what box we can put this in. I have news for you. This won't fit in a box. It never has and it never will. Because simply there is nothing and I mean nothing that points to you, not as a society, not as a citizen, not as a father, not as an employee or employer.
The first time not to be judged, either by the failures or by the success, either by the failures by or the success. No to be judged by the country nor to be judged in any way but to be simply pointed at and say, say "You are alive." And when you ask, what does that mean? You say to me, you are alive. What does that mean? And the answer that comes back is it means nothing and it means everything. It means nothing and it means everything. Don't you realise that this life has come. It'll go. It's quick. It's quick. A batting of an eye and the universe changes. Nothing stays the same. It changes. The Earth is moving. Going around and round orbiting plus wobbling. The universe is not in the same position. It's expanding and it's expanding and it's expanding and it's expanding. And there are stars that are dying and their bits and pieces of dust coming together, whirling around, getting maybe ready to come up with another planet that there are all these asteroids running around. All these debris running around, colliding with something. Birth is happening. Death is happening. Coming is happening. Going is happening. All is in motion. Changes are everywhere. Change, change, change, change in your body. It is changing every day. It is changing. It is changing. It is changing and somehow you have made it your mission in this life to stay the same. "I do not want anything to change. God, give me a perfect day and keep repeating it." One good day and just make everything else exactly the same.
No. Motion. How many times have you heard yourself say? "And I was sitting there very still" and I say to you, you weren't. Something was moving. Something you don't even know about was moving, coming. The force of life was coming into you and going and coming back and going and coming back and going, pulsing through your existence. You want to be still and the most still won't have you sitting still. The stillness moves.
Change and the Changeless
Everything in your life will change. Your looks will change. Your abilities will change. Your family will change. Your job will change. Your house will change. Your plants will change. Your pets will change. The world around you will change. But there is only one thing that will never change. And it is the coming and going of this sweet breath. It will never change. And so far you are conscious in your life, you can be the beneficiary of this immortality. You can be privileged by this amazing miracle that is happening in your life. You will take and make great strides in your life so that things don't change. Oh I know. Oh, I know. I I know. I know. There are people sitting there going "No, no, not me. I'm I'm open to changes." (laughter) Yeah! Sure you are, so far they happen to conform to what you want. When I have know I I know that there's nobody in this world to actually get elated because their tyre went flat. "Yeah. Yes. A change in my life. I have a flat." Yeah, there are people "I was like, yes, I'm so open to change." Sure you are. "I'm an open person." They say, "Sure you are. We know that." No. I'll tell you. I'll tell you how it is. We're the ones to make every effort. so that it doesn't change. Capture. Capture. Capture. Arrest. Stop. Preserve. That's us. Change means uncertainty and uncertainty does not sit well with us.
The Divinity of this Breath = The Divinity of this Maharaji
But breath is that one thing that changes without changing. It is the swing that moves without going anywhere because it goes and it comes and it goes and it comes and it goes and it comes and in this rhythm there is a sweetness. There is a certainty. There is a beauty. There is a joy. It's the change without changes. It is the immortality that the mortals can attain. It is the divinity that can be touched and felt by anyone. You don't have to be a sacred soul. It is. It is when that divinity is accepted in this heart. The Divinity of this life. The Divinity of this breath. The Divinity of this consciousness That is the day that all barriers to that beautiful infinite have been pulled. And then this limited life, in this small life, in this small time, in this time where everything changes and changing and changing and changing and changing you would have found one thing that doesn't.