The Search For Peace, Maharaji, June 2004, Spain. DVD E105

This video was part of Disk 2 of Key 2 of the first Incarnation of the Keys. Initially, the Keys required the aspirant watch 70 hours of videos of Maharaji speaking (satsang) with a maximum of 2 hours per day. Not many people managed that. Maharaji has always tried to stem the drop-out rate.

Maharaji: The Essence of Life In this speech, Maharaji is a hammier ham actor than normal, could his favourite food be Spam? He's ramped the emoting up a notch and there a lot of shots of the camera looking up at him looking up with eyes closed, saying nothing and really confusing the voice recognition software which doesn't recognise spiritually significant silence. The proof-reader recognises what Maharaji is trying to convey but is not convinced. Maharaji might say he's being profound, he might even think he's being profound but that does not make it so. The world has judged him and finds him trite and trivial which is why he has attracted so few followers since 1973. In this speech Maharaji really put on a show of the experience of permanent bliss and joy - at least facially and temporarily.

The Breath. In our existence the breath comes. - 'breath' does not come, air its sucked into or squeezed out of our lungs … Breath comes and with each breath comes this life - 'Life' does not come with each breath, breathing is not passive, while we're breathing life continues if nothing fatal does not occur … Most powerful thing in your life, it's breath and now comes into you and it felt you - Maharaji has been talking so fast his brain is running out of oxygen, air does not feel you … Life is breathing and it breathes and it comes and it goes and it has a rhythm - 'Life' does not breathe, you do. Rawat never exercises so he doesn't experience breathing under extreme physical stress. You can often breathe so quickly and strongly that there is no rhythm. There's his usual standbys, the importance of water directly related to degree of thirst; the lack of clarity, tranquility, joy, etc, etc in the world, allusions to EIYDHIWNAY.

Prem Rawat 2004
Prem Rawat 2004

(Applause) Today we have a chance to listen to something that's very simple and at the same time, very profound. We don't view our lives as being simple but really that's what it is. In our existence, the breath comes. We don't have to push a button. We don't have to say a prayer. We don't have to go into a holy place. Breath comes and with each breath comes this life. Comes this existence and today, that's what I want to talk about.

I know that people in this world have a lot of issues. You turn on a news channel and there's this happening in the world. And there's that happening in the world and something did this and somebody did this and all this is happening. Fine. But there's something else happening too. And this other thing that is happening is not on the 9:00 o'clock news. It is not on the front page of a newspaper. And what is it? What is happening that is so important? I will tell you. You are alive. That's what's happening and turn on the TV tonight and I guarantee you, it won't be on the news. Read the paper tomorrow and I guarantee you it won't be there on the headline.

You are alive and to you and let me qualify what I mean by you. I'm not talking to Spanish citizens. I'm not talking to your opinions. I'm talking about you. Just you, who came into this world. You, who is in this moment alive. Living. Breathing. Existing. You, who is here. You, who has the power to appreciate, to read(??). You, who has the power to understand. You, who has the strength to acquire knowledge.

You, who has the thirst to be happy. You, who has the unwavering thirst to be content.

This is who I'm talking about. I'm not addressing societies. I am addressing each one off you. You see yourself as somebody's father. Somebody's mother. Somebody's sister. Somebody's friend. I see you as you. A solemn boat. A solemn vessel making the journey on this vast ocean.

And each one of you, whether you like it or not, you have been touched by time. Time. It has come and touched you. And as it did, it made the day when you took your breath and it also wrote somewhere. I don't know where, but somewhere also made the day when you will not. And in between those two. Those are your ultimates. You exist. You are.

Prem Rawat 2004

On one hand, you have your responsibilities. On one hand, you have your desires. On one hand, you have your warmth. On one hand, you have this whole world telling you, yes the whole world is telling you, what you should wear. What you should eat. Where you should be. What you should do. It is and you look at that and go. "Yeah. OK. I will" because you're a good little soldier. You're a good little soldier and the world says, "You know, this is what you should be doing. This is how you should be" and you go "Yes." Mind you, I'm not saying that that is good or bad. Nor am I here to spell out whether that is right or wrong. Merely an observation. But in this observation I also cannot help but tell you that within you there is another soldier, a soldier, and it has marched. The soldier has marched and marched and marched and marched through good and through bad, through right and wrong, through snow and desert, through mountains and rivers. And you know who this little soldier is inside of you. Your heart.

That voice that has stayed with you when everything else was ready to abandon you. It was there. When everybody said "You are a failure." It was there. March on. Go on. When everybody said "You are a success." It was still there. March on. Move on. Go on. Maybe your quest is to become successful. And the quest of the little soldier within you is to become fulfilled. Are these two soldiers really that different? I ask you, are they really that different? Are their goals really that different? Are their wishes really that different? Because what you want from success is fulfilment. If you want to become rich, you seek to be rich because you think that will fulfil you. If you seek to have higher education, it is because you think that will fulfil you. After all, why the fight? When the goals are the same. Why the unrecognition of the heart in this world when the goal is the same, to be fulfilled. Different ways. Mind you different ways. Because the soldier on the outside says go outside you will find fulfilment. And the soldier on the inside, says go inside and you will find fulfilment.

Prem Rawat 2004

Which one? People say, well, you have to choose one or the other. You can't have both. You know I say that's not true. Because the fulfilment on the outside is very temporary by its nature. It is. If you were to make a beautiful painting today, I can assure you somebody will make a better one tomorrow. If you were the wealthiest person in the world today, they will be somebody wealthier than that tomorrow. If you had 17 plaques of accomplishments on your wall tomorrow there will be somebody who will have 18. But you look and examine for a minute the nature of peace. Why am I talking about peace? I said something at an event in Lisbon, a couple of days ago. And you know when I speak, I speak from my heart. I don't rehearse speeches. So I was as surprised as anyone else when I came up with this, it was spoken or it came out of my mouth. And it is true. And I have been thinking about it. And I, I must tell you. I have been to many social occasions and I have seen people wear incredibly beautiful clothes. And I have seen a lot of beautiful people but I must tell you that when a human being wears peace. They look the most beautiful. The most beautiful. Nothing is more beautiful than a human being adorned with peace. Ultimate. Ultimate peace. Joy. Tranquillity. Understanding. Simplicity. All these attributes that we search for so separately are in fact one thing. When that piece has come to this heart, serenity follows. It comes in abundance. Love comes uncontrolled, flooding. Joy cannot be held back. It will bust the doors because something is right. You see that is what peace is. Peace is when this heart is not in duality anymore. When the struggle of the two soldiers has been resolved. You and what is within walk hand in hand. Not as enemies. When? When you become fascinated not by questions, but fascinated by answers.

Prem Rawat 2004Answers. Answers which are waiting within you to touch you to make themselves be known that this existence is a gift, that this breath is a gift and awaken, waken to the arena of being conscious and accept what you are being offered every moment. Accept. Accept your reality. Your reality. You being here. People come in this world. Another sailboat. Sail goes up. The wind is blowing and the boat begins to move. What is a special interest, is who's driving this thing? Is it going somewhere or is it just meandering? Is it just floating? Or is it really going somewhere? Going towards that beautiful destination that each one of us has been given. To enjoy. Enjoy in the truest sense. To be in peace in the truest sense, to be fulfilled in the truest sense. No, I am fulfilled today and I'm not fulfilled tomorrow. That won't do. That won't do that. That is not fulfilment. I need to find fulfilment that I can get to it, whenever I need to feel that feeling.

And if tomorrow I find myself hungry that I know where to look, where to turn and eat again. How simple is that? Isn't that what you do? Do you really sit down to a dinner and say, "Well, this is it. I'm having this incredible fantastic dinner and I'm not going to need to eat again in my life." No! Tomorrow again you will feel hunger. And tomorrow again you will eat and the day after that you will again feel hungry, regardless of how big or beautiful a meal you've had. Hunger will come. And when it does, you will need to eat and it doesn't matter where you go. Hunger doesn't have one of these things "Oh, by the way, there is no food around so I'm not going to bother you." Hunger isn't like that. Hunger let's you know. You know. Me too. And you, if you have the means to respond. Then respond and fulfil your hunger. If you have the means to be fulfilled. Then fulfil yourself. If you have the means to have that peace, then wear the peace well and adorn yourself and look beautiful as you are. That's who you are. Peace. So am I here just to tell you all these nice things? That's it.

No. This is where my my message takes a dramatic departure. Because I can show you that place inside of you where there is the food always. So! And I'm not talking about cookies and crackers. I'm talking about the food that the heart needs. So! That wherever you may venture and whenever you may feel that hunger you will have a place to go and feast. I'm not talking about snacking. I'm talking about feasting. That is the reality of what I am saying, to tell you "Peace looks good on you." It's a good message to be able to say and I can get you to that peace is a really good message. (applause) It's an excellent message to say, search! To search for that joy is a wise message. To be able to show where that joy resides is an incredible message. To be able to be able to say "Yes it is within you and you can get in touch with it." You too can experience that serenity in your life. You too can feel, no, not just feel, you can dance with it. You can adore it. You can embrace it. That is what is what is possible for each one of us and I'm sure there are people here saying "What is he talking about? What's he? What? I'd heard about peace, you know, on the Himalayas. I heard peace in the monastery. He's talking about wearing peace."

Prem Rawat 2004

If you do not have the thirst. Water means nothing. Means nothing. How can I explain to you what that thirst is, if you don't have it. I cannot make you thirsty. I can tell you this much, that you do have the thirst. I can also tell you that you have been ignoring the thirst. And I can also tell you, I can tell you a lot about thirst, but I can't make you feel thirsty. I can also tell you that you have had the thirst since you were very young. I can also tell you that in a way you have wanted nothing more than to be able to fulfil that first and feel fulfilled in your life. Every day. Every day you think about those things that have not happened. You plan for so much that has yet not occurred. I'm talking about tomorrow. A love affair with tomorrow.

The two non existent realities, yesterday and tomorrow. And where do you live? Where do you live? And I really mean where do you live? Where do you live? You live in this tiny, tiny, yet gargantuan, yet mammoth, space. It's tiny. It's huge. And it is the moment called now. It is so tiny. When you don't pay attention to it, it is so tiny you could put it on the tip of a pin. And if you pay attention to it, you know how big it gets? That same moment. It becomes a lifetime. It becomes not one year, not two years, not three years, not four years, but a lifetime And I am here to talk to you about a lifetime. Your lifetime. This is your lifetime. What will happen tomorrow I don't know. I don't know. But if I'm alive tomorrow, I know what I must do. What will happen day after tomorrow? I don't know. I don't know.

Oh, don't, don't think I just sit there and go "Well, I don't know what's gonna happen today." No my day is meticulously planned. This time. This time. This time. This time. This time. This time. This time. Meticulously planned. But even in all that meticulous planning, I still don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow. I don't know. But I do know that if I am alive tomorrow that I must seek my fulfilment. I know that.

That's my plan for a lifetime. And what's gonna happen in the year from now? I don't know. But if I'm alive a year from now, I know what must happen. I must be fulfilled as I am today. I must be fulfilled as I was yesterday and I must be fulfilled as I pray I will be tomorrow. Sometimes in this life those things that we think are just nice. You know, like when you go to - I know this is true in India. When you go to someone's house, as a gesture, they will offer you water. Drink something. Have some water. I know when we go to our friend's house "Would you like a glass of water?" And that's just a nice, you know, some thing friends do. "Glass of water?" "Nah, it's okay. Thank you. Don't. I'm fine." I also know that maybe you thought it was your luxury to be able to have that water and not have that water. But if you were in a desert dying of thirst. 35:49 This is not a nicety anymore. This is not a gesture anymore. And if your friend happened to come to you and say "Would you like a glass of water?" and you would go "Please" and then there's that point, the point in which the thirst becomes so obvious, obvious, that before your friend has even a chance to ask you "Would you like a glass of water?" You're already saying "Water. Water." Not "Please may I?" No. The thirst has come to such a level that all those "may I? Gone! "Please." Gone! And there's only one thing left. "Water. Water. Water." In life, when something becomes so clear. I'm sure you're thinking about, you know, if a person is in that situation that's pretty painful. Yeah, it would be pretty painful but it's clear, clear. But when I can be so clear with my thirst.

Prem Rawat 2004

Not that somebody has to come along and pat me in the back and say "Would you like some Peace?" "No, I already have some, thank you." People used to ask for that, you know, "What do you do?" "I go around. I tell people that there's something beautiful within them and if they want to, I can show it to them." "Oh." "So are you interested?" "No, no, I'm not." OK. Go sit in your seat." Used to happen a lot and when I used to fly in aeroplanes. "Oh, well, I know you. What do you do?" "I tell people something very beautiful inside. Would you like some?" "No, no." And then all of a sudden, miraculously, the whole attention turns just like that so, "Will this save the world?" I feel like saying to them. When did you become interested? When you saw me? Or were you interested in that before? Because they're people who pound out the idea. World Peace. World Peace. World Peace. World Peace, World Peace, World Peace, World Peace. And what am I saying? Why don't I go out there and scream World Peace You know why? Because I've already done that. I'm coming from experience. Been there, done that.

Only to come to realise that the peace has to manifest in the heart of every human being. That is it. That's it. The world doesn't need it. I do. So now how do you approach this subject? How can you possibly approach a subject as complex as the one I have talked about? You must approach the subject with a heart of a child. That's how simple the subject is. "So I'm 50, 60 years old. I don't have a heart of a child." Yes, you do. Because the only thing that has not aged and will never age, is that in our heart? Never. Memory ages. Eyes will age. Years will age. Skin will age. Everything with age but the heart and its quest will never age. Whether you are a little child as you were. Don't be surprised. Don't think about somebody else. Think about you. You were a child and that child has stayed a child and that child is within you and will always be a child and with the heart of that child. Simple. Simplicity. With no deceit. And you know you might want to "No. This is this is this is too much."

Go to a music teacher. He'll tell you the same thing. Play from inside. Don't think about what they're going to think about you. Play like you have never played before. Play from inside. Play from your feelings, play for yourself. What they're saying in that result is without two thirds deceit. Without doubt. Without the questions. Play. Without cheat or deceit. With the simplicity, approach the subject. With simplicity, approach the topic of this breath. Most powerful thing in your life, it's breath and now comes into you and it felt you. Life is breathing and it breathes and it comes and it goes and it has a rhythm and it has a simplicity. You don't have to do anything and it's simple and it comes and it goes and generates your likes your dislikes, your thoughts, your wants, your diswants, you're good, you're bad, all these play on but the source of that trumpet is a subtle beautiful wind. Wind that is not a wind and it comes through this and it reverberates and this time, this time is my time, this time is your time and this time this trumpet will play within and the tune that this trumpet will play, will be sweet and beautiful. And the music that will come out will be in adoration and gratitude for this existence. This is what it is all about.

Prem Rawat 2004

Not to walk the streets. Empty. Empty. So full of ideas and so empty of peace. So full of thought and so empty of tranquillity. So full of all the messages that are just ringing through and so empty of that ultimate joy. What I'm talking about is to put it together right. To have done such a discovery that you will never be left without gratitude. To have discovered something so profound that you'll be thankful for the rest, rest of your life. Discover not the end. Not create. To have found such a well within that you have never to go thirsty again. That is the human, human possibility. Human possibility. Fulfil this possibility not because I am telling you to do so. And don't fulfil this possibility because you read it in a book. Fulfil this possibility because you have heard the call of your own heart to be fulfilled. That's why you should do it. And if you have not heard that call, you may not have, then be quiet. Someday be quiet and listen. Listen very quietly. Not from here (and near head) but from here (hand over heart, sort of) and you will hear a call that is the most familiar thing to you in your life. And you know why? Because it's been calling and calling and calling all your life. When you resisted and you resisted and you resisted and you resisted and how ever big you may be.

Well how it is, the 10 year old wants to, yu yu you ask a little kid "How old are you?" He might be 8, "I'm almost 10." Why? Because that child thinks 35 become older, when I become older I will be able to be fulfilled and the first target is 16 in our society. 16. The child gets to be 16, 18, 21, 25 and then comes around 60. The retirement age and people then actually look forward to retirement. Now I will be able to do what I have always wanted to do. Not too long before I was doing an event in Sacramento and I read, I was reading a magazine and it was talking about all these places in the world that people go to retire. Then I talked about, these people want to do what they have always wanted to do uh uh and I said to myself, "I wonder what that is." And when did they find out what it is that they have always wanted to do because you see there is a word there that should have been underlined always. There's no accident. It is not an accident that this is how the sentence is put together. What I have always wanted to do, always and there is one thing that you have always wanted to do.

Prem Rawat 2004

I'm not a miracle maker. But if you're interested to do what you have always wanted to do. I can help you and that's it. I can help. Listen to my words. They're not important. They're not important because if you like my words, it's not you liking my words. It's your heart that likes my words. I speak from my heart. And I speak to your heart. I can't speak to your logic. I can't. But I can tell you that there is a thirst within you. Feel the thirst and if you feel the thirst, what I'm saying will make sense and if it makes sense and you want to pursue it, I'm here. Even though I'm not here. I'm travelling, going around the world, spreading this message like I have been since I was very, very young. And I love to spread this message because there's a message that brings hope in this jungle, in this jungle. There is hope. There's hope. And that's good. So I want to thank, I want to thank you for coming this evening. And I hope. that you in your life can feel that thirst. If you don't want to feel the first. If you don't want to get involved fine. at least tomorrow. Try to be thankful for tomorrow at least once in your life. Try to be thankful for this life and see what a difference. That little gratitude can do.

Quite a lot of empty seats

Prem Rawat 2004

OMG, it's a miracle, Maharaji is emitting a bright light, the chakras are lit up and the kundalini is about to explode through his skull. He's Enlightened!

I'm travelling, going around the world, spreading this message like I have been since I was very, very young Maharaji and his former character, Guru Maharaj Ji, have been travelling since he was young but his message has really always been "Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!" If you want peace, then come to ME! I AM the source of Peace in this world