I was searching for Rawat talking about knowing and belief and eventually came to this video of a section of one of his speeches from 2008. Its immediately obvious from the video that this is going to be a part of one of Rawat's speeches that is deep and meaningful … in Maharaji's world. Sentences, clauses, phrases and words become separated by long silences, there is a soft, tinkling piano soundtrack which tells us, if we're too obtuse to recognise it, that this is meaningful. Rawat is going to drop part of the curtain and allude to His Divinity, hint to His past message, that He is the Lord of the Universe, which is still imprinted deep in his listeners' memories. He'd been making these speeches to the same audiences for 25 years, so they knew the drill.
This 10 minute video was published on Youtube and while parts may be out of sequence I have transcribed the actual speech from the video. However, this video of a speech by Rawat is unique. This speech is unique. He had revealed this new "definition of life' at Albany in June in a 3 day conference/event. It did not seem to be an off-the-cuff, "from the heart" inspiration as he said he was about it give this new definition before he emoted. It was considered important and inspiring enough - every premie could see that he was referring to himself - to be published on a website called ypi.net the Young Peoples' Initiative and peacebeats.net, another in the long line of websites that tried to make Maharaji cool … and failed and was soon defunct. It was also published, in etext form in the Inspire electronic magazine (see below) in July 2008.

Prem Rawat, The Beloved, 12 July 2008
So this is the opportunity for every living being to spend some time with the Beloved. (uncertain clapping) Get to know, get to understand something, get to feel, get to be in gratitude, get to rejoice. When those things happen, you feel alive. That's when you begin to live. Everything. Such a dance. Such a movement. Most magnificent movement. It's the coming and going of this breath. This! Does not require scripture to understand. It needs no proof. It needs no build-up. It's divinity is obvious. Is it obvious to you?
When the heart is filled with gratitude. This is pleasant. When the priority of this life is understood and acknowledged, this is very pleasant. When I don't bank and bet on yesterday, nor tomorrow, but I bank and bet on this moment called now, then this is very, very pleasant. When I have understood. the infinite that resides within me, then this is very, very pleasant. When I acknowledge and understand the meaning of the breath that comes into me. Then this is very, very pleasant. When I live, not on those tracks that are formed by belief, but when I live on the foundation, when my house is built on the foundation of knowing. Not suppositions and formulas and ideas and theories. But knowing, then this is very, very pleasant. When I know what inside of me, when I know, not believe, know. Not think, not wish, but when I know the friend within, then this is very, very pleasant.
And this is what Knowledge is all about. This is what life is all about. This is what the Master is all about. Filling your life with the pleasant. (clapping) Filling your life with joy. There's a big chasm between belief and knowing. Two do not equal the same. No. Do you know? Certain, not uncertain, certain.
( soundtrack switches to pensive guitar picking) Think of life like this. It is your opportunity to spend time with the best friend you ever had. (clapping) It is your time. This chance to be with the ultimate clarity that there is in this whole universe. It is your chance to spend time with the ultimate kindness. It is your chance to spend time with the infinite. It is your chance to spend some time with the ultimate joy.
It's a good one, huh? (clapping) I've never said it. What's the beauty of speaking from the heart? That's what happens and I'm so glad that I was able to come here and tell you this (applause) because now I'm going to think about this for hours to come and for days. Because that's that what it is. That's what a life is. It's not promised to be forever. But that possibility exists that you get to spend time with that, that is the most beautiful and that, that that resides in your heart.
As published on the internet in the Inspire Electronic Magazine, by The Prem Rawat Foundation beginning January 2004 which no longer exists

Inspire v5 i152, 12 July 2008: Walking with Strength
What is this life all about? One day, we all have to go. You know that; it's in the back of your mind some days. Other days, you don't bother thinking about it. For most people, the subject is very unpleasant. But the issue is your existence - you being alive. Just what does that mean to you?
So many people say, "If we could just find a solution to this problem, everything would be fine." People everywhere basically know that they want to be happy. They want to be content. They want to feel good. Every human being is innately like that. This is our nature.
We seek equilibrium. The storms in our lives are not a good thing. When a storm comes, we seek shelter. We don't say, "I'm going out in the storm now. This is the perfect time." We need the equilibrium of feeling good. I'm not going to define "feeling good." There are certain things that work for you, and certain things that don't. Feeling good works. Feeling bad doesn't. You don't get bored with feeling good. When you are feeling bad, on the other hand, you want to get out of that situation. This is your nature.
Do you concur with your nature? Do you try to nurture a good feeling and perpetuate it as much as possible? Or do you carry around a pocketful of band-aids? A pocketful of band-aids is: "There is no way I'm going to be conscious or perpetuate happiness in my life. I will do things that are unconscious, and when I get hurt, I will simply pull out one of the band-aids, take care of it, and I will be okay."
Being unconscious will get you hurt - no question about it. When you don't listen to your own fundamental needs, something will happen, and it will not be pleasant. So what is pleasant? Pleasant is when the priority of life is acknowledged and my heart is filled with gratitude. When I know the friend within, when my house is built on the foundation of knowing - not beliefs, wishes, and ideas - it is very, very pleasant. This is what life is all about - filling yourself with the pleasant, filling yourself with infinite joy.
Can life really be filled with infinite joy? Is that possible? If you doubt this, you don't understand the nature of what resides within you, because what resides within you is complete joy, complete clarity. Think of life like this: It is your opportunity to spend time with the best friend you ever had. It is your chance to be with the ultimate clarity, the ultimate kindness, the ultimate joy. That's what a life is. It's not promised to be forever. But the possibility exists that you get to spend time with that which is the most beautiful. And that resides in your heart.
So, wherever you go and whatever takes place, just remember this: Life is not just ups and downs. They happen. That's our doing. By our unconsciousness, we allow greed, anger, and fear to overtake the sanity of being alive. If there is suffering on planet Earth, it is brought by the people, for the people. We are the ones that set the expectation of how everything should be. "You should be like this, live for this long, look like this, look like that."
Did God create the problems in this world? No. We did. It is about human beings. If you could just know that this life is the chance to spend time with that which is the truest, unconditional love… This is the opportunity for every living being to spend some time with the Beloved. (applause) Get to know, get to understand something, get to feel, get to be in gratitude, get to rejoice. When those things happen, you feel alive, that's when you begin to live. And the most magnificent movement is the coming and going of the breath. It needs no proof, no buildup. Its blessing is obvious. Is it obvious to you? You exist. You are alive. Gather your strengths, not your weaknesses. What are your strengths? Your strengths are consciousness, kindness, understanding, acknowledging, rejoicing, loving. And when you walk with these, the outcome is beautiful. Every second you spend with the beauty inside of you, you are liberated. You are free.
Prem Rawat
As published on the internet at the so-called the Young Peoples' Initiative which no longer seems to be updated
Walking with Strength
What is this lifem all about? One day, we all have to go. You know that; it's in the back of your mind some days. Other days, you don't bother thinking about it. For most people, the subject is very unpleasant. But the issue is your existence - you being alive. Just what does that mean to you?
So many people say, "If we could just find a solution to this problem, everything would be fine." People everywhere basically know that they want to be happy. They want to be content. They want to feel good. Every human being is innately like that. This is our nature.
We seek equilibrium. The storms in our lives are not a good thing. When a storm comes, we seek shelter. We don't say, "I'm going out in the storm now. This is the perfect time." We need the equilibrium of feeling good. I'm not going to define "feeling good." There are certain things that work for you, and certain things that don't. Feeling good works. Feeling bad doesn't. You don't get bored with feeling good. When you are feeling bad, on the other hand, you want to get out of that situation. This is your nature.
Do you concur with your nature? Do you try to nurture a good feeling and perpetuate it as much as possible? Or do you carry around a pocketful of band-aids? A pocketful of band-aids is: "There is no way I'm going to be conscious or perpetuate happiness in my life. I will do things that are unconscious, and when I get hurt, I will simply pull out one of the band-aids, take care of it, and I will be okay."
Being unconscious will get you hurt - no question about it. When you don't listen to your own fundamental needs, something will happen, and it will not be pleasant.
So what is pleasant? Pleasant is when the priority of life is acknowledged and my heart is filled with gratitude. When I know the friend within, when my house is built on the foundation of knowing - not beliefs, wishes, and ideas - it is very, very pleasant. This is what life is all about - filling yourself with the pleasant, filling yourself with infinite joy.
Can life really be filled with infinite joy? Is that possible? If you doubt this, you don't understand the nature of what resides within you, because what resides within you is complete joy, complete clarity.
Think of life like this: It is your opportunity to spend time with the best friend you ever had. It is your chance to be with the ultimate clarity, the ultimate kindness, the ultimate joy. That's what a life is. It's not promised to be forever. But the possibility exists that you get to spend time with that which is the most beautiful. And that resides in your heart.
So, wherever you go and whatever takes place, just remember this: Life is not just ups and downs. They happen. That's our doing. By our unconsciousness, we allow greed, anger, and fear to overtake the sanity of being alive. If there is suffering on planet Earth, it is brought by the people, for the people. We are the ones that set the expectation of how everything should be. "You should be like this, live for this long, look like this, look like that."
Did God create the problems in this world? No. We did. It is about human beings. If you could just know that this life is the chance to spend time with that which is the truest, unconditional love… This is the opportunity for every living being to spend time with the Beloved within, to feel gratitude for life and rejoice. When that happens, you feel alive, and you begin to live. And the most magnificent movement is the coming and going of the breath. It needs no proof, no buildup. Its blessing is obvious. Is it obvious to you?
You exist. You are alive. Gather your strengths, not your weaknesses. What are your strengths? Your strengths are consciousness, kindness, understanding, acknowledging, rejoicing, loving. And when you walk with these, the outcome is beautiful. Every second you spend with the beauty inside of you, you are liberated. You are free.