Raja Rawat Rats Out Prem and Goes Back to the Family Business
Raja Rawat displayed the true Rawat family value BETRAYAL. Prem Rawat, his mother and brothers, have betrayed each other and demonstrated that the "Knowledge" they promote is a sham. After decades of being a sidekick minion spruiking for his younger bro he started spruiking for his brothers in India. Raja had been left without adequate funding from Prem and so it was rumoured Bhole Ji provided a substantial financial gift to maintain the lifestyle Raja aspired to and "Shri Raja Ji" began appearing (circa 2015-16) on stage at Hanslok events in India. Did Bhole Ji Rawat forgive his apostate brother or was he just sticking it up Prem's ass.
Prem's Mother and Brothers Disowned and Disinherited Him, What Is Really To Blame?
All the members of this family were initiated into the Knowledge that Prem Rawat claims is so pricelessly valuable by his father, Hans Rawat. The family's scandalous infighting demonstrates that this form of meditation and its associated religious basis are worthless in promoting love and peace. They have all been fighting for their share of the "family business." Prem Rawat has tried to distance himself culturally from its Indian roots while keeping the very pool of long time believers who were attracted by its Indian basis and promises of love and peace and instant gratification from the unique meditation called 'Knowledge'. The "Knowledge" is all a sham, a product of an Indian religious family business that Hans Rawat began in India's Godman culture.
Some of Raja Rawat's claims when he was still spruiking for his younger brother in 2008:
"There is only one Perfect Master and we can't compete with Guru Maharaj Ji"
"because Guru Maharaj Ji's Knowledge is perfect there's nothing bad in saying that Guru Maharaj Ji is perfect. So we should propagate this Knowledge, this Holy Knowledge"
"The real truth is that only He is the Perfect Master, and only the Perfect Master gives perfection."
"He wants everybody, the whole world, to experience this Knowledge." "We are his children, and all we can really do is try and try and try."
"I know, that you know Steve asked me this question, oh which, which place is really happening, you know, what, what is happening out there is everybody, you know, you come here and it's a little bit, he feels it's slow here, you know, probably probably people are just enjoying the summer, probably probably such a cold winter right? Was it bad winter this year?"
- The Holy Family
- The Holy Family - The Authorised Version in And It Is Divine magazine - Special Millenium Issue
- The Holy Family Ramparts magazine
- Raja Ji Makes the Cover of the Rolling Stone (a line or two at any rate) Rolling Stone magazine
- Raja Rawat as Maharaji's Ambassador
- Raja Ji excerpts from various satsangs
- Raja Ji's Introduction in Divine Light magazine Volume 2. No. 6
- There Is Only One Perfect Master Satsang of Shri Raja Ji at Porchester Hall, London, W2. 5 Jan 1972, Divine Light, Volume 2. No. 6
- Continuous and Perfect Peace Satsang of Shri Raja Ji, Fulham Town Hall, 11th February, 1973
- Raja Ji speaks at a public program in Minneapolis, Minnesota USA, 2 October 1975
- One Step BeyondRaja Ji's Satsang from the Guru Puja Festival, Miami Beach, Florida, July 31, 1977
- Word By Word Excerpts of Raja Ji's Satsang at the Court of Love Retreat, September 3, 1977 - Divine Times magazine
- Word By Word Raja Ji's Satsang at the Court of Love Retreat, September 3, 1977 - Golden Age magazine
There was a certain amount of confusion in Australia as various members of the Holy Family gave orders
- STOP PRESS Denver, 25th April Divine Light Mission have the pleasure of announcing the marriage of our beloved SHRI RAJA JI and MISS CLAUDIA LITTMANN
- CORRECTION The Golden Age wishes to announce that the stop press news concerning the marriage of Shri Raja Ji, which was printed in edition No. 4, is incorrect
- A Divine Union Guru Maharaj Ji Weds
- Double Wedding The Golden Age, No. 20 May, 1975
- Prem Rawat gives Raja an electric shock with a "Sex Handbook" from "Soul Rush" by Sophia Collier
- Prem Rawat talks says Raja plays tennis and he plays with model cars "Shower of Grace" Festival in Malibu, California on June 10, 1978
- Prem Rawat talks about Raja playing tennis Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 5, 1978
- Prem Rawat laughs at Raja's gullibility Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 12, 1978