Prem Rawat - Timeline of Shame

Instead of doing something that might conceivably promote peace, Maharaji continued to do exactly what he always had done. Fly around the world, in as expensive a jet as his followers could afford, and give them the same old speeches he had been giving since he was 6. However, where possible, he would also give speeches in rented rooms at prestigious universities. His minions could then create false reports of these speeches, who invited him to give them, who listened to them and what he said. They merely had to omit the parts that referred to His claims that he had a unique role and that He and his Knowledge were required to attain peace and also not to mention his past.

He was also able to be involved in various Cultural Forums where a person who can bring a crowd and a film crew and cost the organisers nothing while also being in a position to help with expenses will always be welcome.

They also took advantage of the existence of United Nations Associations. These non-government organisations were begun in 1946, probably at the behest of the KGB rather then the CIA, as independant non-government organisations to raise public awareness of and promote the United Nations. They are invariably small, self-important and can easily be influenced by Rawat's followers with members and donations. Rawat's minions have flooded the internet with stories of Prem Rawat apparently associated with the United Nations but only one or two are accurate.

For legal reasons dealing with rules for charities Maharaji must always be invited to attend any event. In all these early PR spin bogus events the invitations originally came from himself.

Nova Southeastern University - 22nd March 2003

Prem Rawat Maharaji at Nova Southeastern University, Florida

2003: Maharaji was touring the USA and giving speeches wherever there were enough PWKs to warrant the cost. His staff rented rooms at these universities that would fit into the schedule, arranged for the appropriate number of PWKs to attend and the wrote reports claiming he was invited by the university administration.

University of Colorado - 25th March 2003"

Prem Rawat Maharaji at University of Colorado, Boulder

University of California, Berkeley - 30th April 2003

Prem Rawat Maharaji at University of California, Berkeley

University of Salamanca - June 30, 2003

Prem Rawat Maharaji at University of Salamanca, Spain

Maharaji gave a speech at the First Conference on Peace: "Peace is Possible." The only record of this event on the internet are the puff pieces created by Rawat's minions.

Griffith University - 17th April 2004

Prem Rawat Maharaji at Griffith University, Australia

Elan Vital administration rented a hall at Griffith University. The University administration knew nothing about Prem Rawat nor did they care until they were informed he was claiming the University's imprimatur. One or two members of staff were involved for whatever personal reason. Professor Mary Farqhuar said," Tonight, we hear Prem Rawat's fresh and innovative views on peace."

Universal Forum Of Cultures, Barcelona - 14th June 2004

Prem Rawat Maharaji at the Universal_Forum Of Cultures Barcelona.jpg

The Chief Executive of the Universal Forum of Cultures, Barcelona said Maharaji has a very unique perspective on peace. He obviously didn't know how unique. Maharaji said "When it comes to peace in my life, it begins with being ready and able to stand on my own feet." These are not words you'd expect from a former living God who has been supported, financially and physically, all his life by donations of others' labour and money.

Harvard University - 22nd July 2004

CDPrem Rawat Maharaji at Harvard University, USA

Sanders Theatre was rented by Maharaji's minions. There was no connection with Harvard University at all. This was the first time Maharaji had actually rented space at a major university. It was now that Elan Vital informed the PWKs about this new direction once they had created enough CDs containing the false information snd selling ten-CD packs to pwks to give out to the easily impressed. One of many failed attempts to attract new people. They were playing both sides, gaining respectability and maybe new converts as well.

Parliament of Italy - 27th July 2004

Prem Rawat Maharaji at Parliament of Italy

Emilio Colombo former President of the European Parliament, welcomed Rawat in the rented Conference Hall. Emilio declares that Maharaji looks at peace from a very individual perspective. Followers of Prem Rawat hired the the former prime minister Emilio Colombo, 83, to introduce him and make a fulsome expression of admiration for the Armani-clad Rawat. It is uncertain how much cocaine Colombo had stuffed up his nose to inspire these sentiments and how much he was able to purchase with Rawat's legitimacy largesse. Possibly Mr Colombo was saving the money for his defense lawyers, but after all in the cesspit of Italian political corruption, there's little stigma attached to pushing your 83-year-old nose up Rawat's arse and bringing it out covered in Bolivian bullshitting powder.

Indian Institute Of Technology Delhi, India - November 7, 2004

Prem Rawat Maharaji at IIT Delhi, India

"Maharaji's message was hailed as truly remarkable by the Deputy Director of IIT, Delhi." Apparently all those in administration in these centres found Maharaji's speech remarkable.

University of Malaya - April 25, 2005

Uni MalayaPrem Rawat Maharaji at University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia

Maharaji has a relatively large number of followers in Malaysia's large but second-class Indian population. He gave a speech at the University of Malaya while touring Asia.

United Nations Association (UNA) Of Malaysia - April 25, 2005

Prem Rawat Maharaji at United Nations Association (UNA) of Malaysia

Prem Rawat gave another speech at another United Nations Association (UNA) in front of backdrops making it/ appear to be an official event of the UNO.

This event marked the beginning of a tour of the North Pacific in that season for Prem Rawat. Over the next weeks, he addressed audiences in Japan, Taiwan, Thailand, and Malaysia.

Thammasat University - 17th May 2005

Prem Rawat Maharaji at Thammasat University, Thailand

Prem Rawat was invited by leaders of Thammasat University to address a capacity audience of civic, government and academic leaders.

The guests were welcomed by Manu Leopairote, President of the Economic Faculty Alumni Association of Thammasat, Permanent Secretary of the Thai Ministry of Industry, and Chairman of the Thailand Petroleum Authority who said: "Thammasat University has a long history of providing a forum for different voices with a significant message that, each in their own way, helps people live happier, more prosperous lives. In line with this long tradition, we are gathered tonight to hear from Prem Rawat. He travels the world bringing people a unique message of hope and peace, which deserves to be heard with great attention. We are pleased that he accepted our invitation."

United Nations Conference Center, Bangkok - 17th May 2005

Prem Rawat Maharaji at United Nations Conference Center, Bangkok

Another speech in another rented hall. This had nothing to do with the United Nations.

Miami Dade College - 16th June 2005

Prem Rawat Maharaji at Miami Dade College, Florida

"Maharaji addressed leaders and prominent members of the Miami community as well as members of Miami Dade College's faculty at the James L. Knight Centre, Miami's largest auditorium." This is probably authentic as Maharaji had his largest group of followers in Miami and brought a significant amount of money into the city. In local politics, money is everything.

United Nations Organization HQ, San Francisco - 26th June 2005

Prem Rawat Maharaji at United Nations Organization (UN), San Francisco

The United Nations 60th Anniversary Committee, was created by followers of Prem Rawat just to have this bogus event, supposedly held in celebration of the UN's 60th anniversary. It was set up so that Maharaji could be filmed giving his speech to an adience of PWKs dressed in their best at the historic Herbst Theatre. It was recorded and distributed on CDs for pwks to purchase and the use as giveaways to friends and family and make it appear as if Maharaji was being honoured by the UN. These events were even kept secret for most PWKs. Information was passed to the lucky attendees by phone trees with strict instructions even down to where they could park.

Oxford University - 28th July 2005

Uni OxfordPrem Rawat Maharaji at Oxford University, UK

The setting was more impressive but it was just another rented room for Maharaji to make a speech to his followers. No college or professor of Oxford was involved to add academic authority to this sleaziness as Prof. Ronny Geaves was there to provide all the phony professorial hauteur required.

Knoxville Convention Center, Knoxville - 28th August 2005

Prem Rawat Maharaji at Knoxville

Prem Rawat responded to an invitation from his minions to speak at an event in the Knoxville Convention Center which is not affiliated with the University of Tennessee.

Parliament of Australia - 21st September 2005

Maharaji in Australia Prem Rawat Maharaji at Parliament of Australia

Prem Rawat gave a speech in a rented room at Australia's Parliament House on United Nations' International Day of Peace. PWKS and a few members of the tiny chapter of the local UNA attended. Paul MacDonald is a long time devotee of Prem Rawat's and an employee of CEDA. He was not there in an official capacity.

Rotary International Convention - 9th June 2006

Prem Rawat Maharaji at Rotary International Convention, Sweden

Prem Rawat delivered the keynote address at the Pre-Convention Meeting of Rotaract on June 9th. to an audience of young people. He started with a joke to warm up the crowd. Talk about a lead balloon. "There was a lion who was feeling very good one morning, very happy. He came out of his den, saw a little rabbit, immediately pounced on it, and said, 'Who is the king of the jungle?' And the rabbit, terribly afraid and shaking, said, 'You are.' This made the lion even more proud. Bouncing along, he found a deer, jumped on it, and said, 'Deer, who is the king of the jungle?' And the deer said, shaking, You are. Now the lion was feeling really, really good. He was the king. So he goes along, sees an elephant, jumps on it, and says, 'Elephant, who is the king of this jungle?' The elephant spun the lion around his trunk, pounded him on the ground again and again till he was senseless, then let go of him. The lion looked at the elephant and said, 'Dont get upset if you don't know the answer!'"

Parliament of New Zealand - 21st September 2006

Prem Rawat Maharaji at Parliament of New Zealand

I contacted the Hon. Marian Hobbs MP to ask why she was involved with Prem Rawat. She is an M.P. and was invited to give a speech on the International Day of Peace in Wellington. She had no idea who Rawat was but if people will come to listen to a speech, an M.P. will be there to take the opportunity of impressing voters.

Guildhall, City of London - 1st June 2007

Prem Rawat Maharaji at Guildhall, City of London

The City of London Corporation Guildhall was made available to Rawat for a speech and PR spin on payment of a significant donation. The Prince of Wales and the Prime Minister did not attend. There may well have been some distinguished guests who weren't pwks and were expected to attend such functions. Rawat got his press releases this time honestly by paying for them in the time honoured fashion of publicity for charitable donations. Professor Ron Geaves, a long time worshipper of Rawat's, from a very minor institution added intellectual gravitas.

United States Senate, Washington D.C. - 2008

Prem Rawat - Maharaji at United States Senate in Washington D.C.

32 years back, Prem Rawat then teenage, accepted invitation from US Citizen's Congress to address the members of United States Senate, admiral staff, House of representatives, members of Cabinet, and the distinguished audience.
In his concise message to the rulers of the Nation, Maharaji said: