Biographical Sketch
Member of Parliament
XI Lok Sabha
Satpal Maharaj

For a full exposition go to


Father's Name : Late Shri Hansji Maharaj

Date of Birth : 21 September 1951

Place of Birth : Kankhal in Distt. Haridwar (Uttar Pradesh)

Marital Status : Married on 8 February 1981

Spouse's Name : Smt. Amrita Rawat

Children : Two sons

Educational Qualifications :
Senior Cambridge
Educated at St. George's College, Mussoorie (Uttar Pradesh)

Profession :
Agriculturist, Political and Social Worker

Permanent Address :
13, Municipal Road, Dehradun (Uttar Pradesh)
Tel. (0135) 654514,
Fax 652364

Positions held :
March 1991-Sept. 1994 Member, Executive Committee, P.C.C.(I), Uttar Pradesh
March 1992-Oct. 1994 Member, A.I.C.C.(I)
Feb. 1994-Feb. 1995 Convener, Mahatma Gandhi 125th Anniversary Celebration Committee, Uttar Pradesh
Oct. 1995-Dec. 1996 Vice-President, Indira Congress Committee (Tiwari), Uttar Pradesh
Jan. 1996-Dec. 1996 President, Indira Congress (Tiwari), Uttarakhand
1996 Elected to Lok Sabha (Eleventh)
July 1996-June 97 Union Minister of State, Railways
June 1997 onwards Union Minister of State, Finance

Books published :
(i) "Manav Dharma";
(ii) "Adhyatma Aur Vigyan";
(iii) "Bharat Sone ka Desh Bane";
(iv) "Science and Spirituality";
(v) "Dharma for Man";
and (vi) "The Secret Knowledge"

Literary, Artistic and Scientific Accomplishments :
Encouraging writers, poets, historians and others who are active in the field of fine arts for the advancement of the culture and folk arts of Uttarakhand

Social and Cultural Activities :
Notable contribution in protecting and preserving the ancient cultural heritage and in providing assistance to students, sportspersons and women; relief to the victims of natural calamities-floods, earthquakes, droughts and hailstorms in various parts of the country; propagated national unity, integrity and religious harmony by organising conferences in various parts of the country

Special Interests :
Extending the latest computer technology, desk top printing and latest scientific advancements to the masses and eradication of superstitions, untouchability and other social evils

Favourite Pastime and Recreation :
Travelling, swimming and reading

Sports and Clubs :

Countries Visited :
Widely travelled

Election result of : Garhwal Lok Sabha constituency

Total Electorate 4,76,961
Total Votes polled 4,23,910
Votes polled in favour of the first four leading candidates :
(1) Shri Satpal Maharaj [A.I.I.C.(T)] 1,63,528
(2) Shri Bhuwan Chandra Khanduri (B.J.P.) 1,48,508
(3) Shri Kunwar Singh Negi (I.N.C.) 47,870