Links to Prem Rawat's "Spiritual Teachings" In His Own Words
Prem Rawat and his followers have developed a jargon in which many English words have a meaning that is different to the norm and in some cases this meaning has even changed considerably over the decades. He has never written anything, all his teaching is through speeches, mainly impromptu but very repetitive, that he makes from thrones or stages. His teachings are based in those of his father, a guru in a Sant Mat tradition, but his father died when he was 8 years old and he has been developing his own teachings for over 50 years. He claims his Knowledge is concept free, that it is an experience beyond words, that is unable to be understood by the mind, only by the heart. He regularly berates 'concepts' as being products of "the Mind" and does not seem to realize that his teachings are also concepts. Over the decades his language has become more vague and his speeches devoid of real information about this "Knowledge."
This site has a collection of a:
- library of books
- academic papers
- magazine articles
- newspaper articlesabout or mentioning Prem Rawat (Maharaji)
- magazines, newsletters, etc
- Perfect Master Audio Tapes
- music
- videos and films
- hundreds of photos
- transcripts of his speechespublished by Rawat's defunct and existing organisations
- a concordance of his teachings.
As of 2017 Rawatism is continuing it's slide from obscurity to history. Rawat - showing all his 59 years and 10 more no matter how professionally his photos are lit - can only hope the magic of expensive modern medicine can keep him going as his followers begin their bell curve slide into the grave. While some lady devotees probably still have decades of increasing grey haired irrelevance their male compatriots who are already thin on top will be thin on the ground or in it within 15 years. I have already heard of the death of half a dozen premies I knew.
Links to Prem Rawat's "Spiritual Teachings" In His Own Words
Prem Rawat and his followers have developed a jargon in which many English words have a meaning that is different to the norm and in some cases this meaning has even changed considerably over the decades. He has never written anything, all his teaching is through speeches, mainly impromptu but very repetitive, that he makes from thrones or stages. His teachings are based in those ofhis father, a guru ina Sant Mat tradition, but his father died when he was 8 years old and he has been developing his own teachings for over 50 years. He claimshis Knowledgeis concept free, that it is an experience beyond words, that is unable to be understood bythe mind, only bythe heart. He regularly berates 'concepts' as being products of "the Mind" and does not seem to realize that his teachings are also concepts. Over the decades his language has become more vague and his speeches devoid of real information about this "Knowledge."
- Agya
- Algebra
- All Powerful
- the Almighty
- the Apocalypse
- His Followers' Appearance
- Applause For God
- Arti
- Ashrams
- Becoming One
- Begging
- Bliss
- the Bridge
- the Buddha
- Charity
- Chakras
- Clarity
- Comes In(to) This World
- Dealing with the Competition
- Constantly Meditate and Remember Holy Name
- Rawat's Coyness
- Crises
- Darshan
- The Dash
- Devotion
- A Divine Light Mission Dictionary
- The Divine Lightor First Meditation Technique
- Divine Light Mission
- Drugs
- Divine United Organisation
- His Embodiment
- The Energy Keeping Us Alive
- Enlightenment
- Eternal Eternity
- Faith
- Faith In Him
- the Family
- his Father, Shri Maharaj Ji
- The Glory of Guru Maharaj Ji
- God
- God With A Form
- The Formless God
- G - O - D
- His Grace
- Gratitude
- Guru
- Guru Maharaj Ji
- the Heart
- Prem Rawat's Holy Breath
- Holy Nameor 3rd Technique of Meditation
- Illusion or Maya
- the Incarnation of God
- the Infinite
- Jesus Christ
- the Knowledge
- Knowledge of God
- Krishna
- Leaving The Lotus Feet of the Masterie Apostasy
- Liberation
- Life Without Prem Rawat as Your Master
- The Need For A Living Master
- the Lord
- the Lord of the Universe
- his Lotus Feet
- Love
- Manifesting
- Manmat (Apostasy)
- the Master
- Meditation
- Merging
- The Millenium
- The Mind
- Mohammed
- Divine Musicor 2nd Meditation Technique
- The Divine Nectaror 4th Meditation Technique
- The Number of His Followers
- Obedience
- Omniscient, Omnipotent and Omnipresent
- There is Only One Perfect Master
- Part-Time Initiators/Instructors
- Peace
- Peace On Earth
- His Own Perfection
- the Perfect Master
- the Physical Form
- Pranam
- Prayer
- Recruitment (Prachar)
- The Purpose of Life
- Raj Yoga (the King of Yogas)
- Ram (avatar)
- Realizing (realizing) Knowledge
- Reincarnation
- Religions
- Salvation
- The Satguru
- Satsang - The Company of Truth
- The Savior (Saviour)
- His School Days
- Scriptures
- Service
- Sharks
- Shelter
- Shri Maharaj Ji
- Singing His Praises
- The Solution
- The Soul
- Spirituality
- Spread This Knowledge
- Suffering
- Supreme
- Surrender
- Thirst
- Time Immemorial
- Titles
- True Love
- the Ultimate
- Vegetarianism
- The Whole World
- Within Inside
- The Wordor 3rd Technique of Meditation
- Worship
- Yoga
Prem Rawat Talks About The Four Techniques of Meditation
- The Divine Light or First Meditation Technique
- Divine Music or 2nd Meditation Technique
- The Word or 3rd Technique of Meditation
- The Divine Nectar or 4th Meditation Technique
Over the past 50 years the word 'guru' has been used for many evil and twisted people who have used their power over others to commit heinous crimes. Although Prem Rawat was one of the most publicised and reviled gurus of the 1970s he did not commit any heinous crimes or do unspeakable evil acts upon any of his followers as far as I know and I make no such accusation. He made grandiose claims of his Divinity and powers and fools enough people to fleece them of enough money to live in luxury. There is strong evidence that he had illicit sex with some of his worshippers and he fraudently claims to be a great philanthropist and International Master of Peace but while he can fly around in a personal jet plane, placate his germophobia and receive regular adulation from a small group of people he's not likely to commit any major crimes.
There are some statements made about Prem Rawat on this site that could be considered offensive, rude and vilification. They are made in the spirit of satire and sarcasm though Rawat's life and career is really beyond satire.
* What to call those who Believe in Prem Rawat
When Prem Rawat first came to the West his followers were called 'premies.' This was because it was said to be the Hindi word for 'lover.' At that time the name "Prem Rawat" was never mentioned. After 1980 Rawat told his followers to cease and dsist using the word 'premie' and all other Hindi words they had been using. He has settled on the word 'student' but I find this a ridiculous and inappropriate word so I use whatever word spings to mind: premie, student, devotee, follower, true believer …