Prem Rawat's Teaching about Agya - In His Own Words
Agya is an order or command given by Prem Rawat (Maharaji) to one or more of his devotees. 'Agya' is simply a Hindi word for obedience to him. Try as he might, shout and rant though he did, rename himself from Guru Maharaj Ji to Maharaji to Prem Rawat he could not get his followers to the level of obedience he desired.

South High School, Denver Coloradao, May 4 1974
Because I know one thing, it's gonna be a fantastic, fantastic program. It's just gonna be such a beautiful program that it's gonna be completely unbelieveable because it's like Guru Puja is
a point where I want all the premies to come, you know, and bring their friends who want to receive Knowledge and worship Guru Maharaj Ji, worship and meditate and realize more of it. …
This would be different to Hans Jayanti but where everybody can receive Holy Breath, can receive Darshan, can receive Knowledge Review, can get rid of the doubts, do a lot of meditation and I mean just a very cool, beautiful, lovely - as they say in English - program.
Just a beautiful, just like a premie program and of course Guru Puja is a function where, you know, it's like a really premie's function it's like really a devotee's function so that they can
go and worship Guru Maharaj Ji and really I also want to clear you on this point, that's about time, now all the premies start following agya.
The Golden Age, Number 22, July-August, 1975

Letter From Prem Rawat (Maharaji) To All Premies - 9 May 1974
"This is a very important letter. I have in the past few months experienced that a lot of premies have faced a problem of different agyas from different sources. This has even confused a lot of premies. I don't like this at all.
I would like that all premies understand that no matter which member of holy family gives agya, no action should be taken unless that has been confirmed with me.
I hope that all premies understand this, for there is really One Source of agya, to Whom we have dedicated our lives and by Whose Grace we have been able to realize this most beautiful Knowledge."
Divine Times, June 1974 Volume 3, Issue 1

John F. Kennedy High School, Denver Colorado, May 12 1974
But what service we do after Knowledge, to Guru Maharaj Ji, to spread this peace into this world, to bring that love, to bring that joy that we all have been waiting for, to work in that direction is called service and then the second thing comes, agya. Because the mind is so strong, a human being from the beginning is unable to determine that whatever next thing will I be doing, will it be a real service to the spiritual path or not. Because, somebody say, "Maybe uh I'll just go and start giving Knowledge to people. I think that'll be a pretty fantastic idea. Everybody will have Knowledge." To tell the truth, you'll be confusing those people.
Because it is like giving a diamond to a monkey. What good is it for him? Taking the most beautiful seed, and putting it on the rock. What good is it? So same way, this Knowledge which should be only given to the people who have really guileless heart and who, who have opened themselves for this Knowledge and this is just one example of how premies sometimes confuse themselves as to in the case of determining whether this is true service or not and that is why the most important thing is agya. When there is agya and we cannot determine, there is no need to be confused. Go and make sure that yes, that is what should be done and what shall be helpful.
Perfect Master Tape #16 and Brotherly Love Newsletter, November 1974

The Premie Newsletter from International Headquarters, August 1975
In December, Maharaj Ji announced in a New Year's Proclamation his "opinion" that this Knowledge is the solution to the problems of the world. Then, in January, he told his premies that, "This year, my primary agya is for you to put as much energy as possible into prachar." In other words, tell the world and show the world by practical demonstration, that Knowledge works.
Divine Times

International Directors Conference, Carlton House Hotel, Orlando, Florida, November 11 1975
If I want, today I can give my initiators the agya not to give Knowledge to anybody unless I permit it. But I don't do that. I say, "Go ahead. Give Knowledge to the people you think
are okay. Go ahead, give Knowledge. Spread it. Spread this Holy Word so that every person can understand the theme of 'Jai Satchitanand,' can spread the meaning of 'Jai Satchitanand.' "
Divine Times, Volume 5, Number 4, May 1976

DUO International Headquarters Conference, Denver Colorado, 19 December 1975
So the first understanding, which is a basic understanding, and if you do not have that understanding you automatically disqualify, is that we are all serving Guru Maharaj Ji, we are all premies. It's our first and foremost duty to have that realization inside of us, to really realize Knowledge, to meditate, to obey agya, and to serve Guru Maharaj Ji to our maximum capacity. That's the first understanding. Doesn't matter who you are, what your service is.
The Golden Age, No. 19, April 1975

Guru Puja Festival, Miami Beach, Florida July 29, 1977
And then, in the whole conversation where Lord Krishna is trying to convince Arjun that it's okay to fight - "Just go ahead and do it," and shows him his real form - he says,
"Look, I'm everything. I'm the doer of everything. I am the maker of everything. I am everything. I am in everything and I am everything. So go ahead and fight."
He says, "It's my agya. Go ahead and fight." Then he also says, "Look, these people are dead, so just go ahead and kill them. It's okay, kid." (That's an exaggeration.)
But why? "Because following me, by obeying me, the Almighty, you will attain peace. I'll give you the Knowledge. I'll reveal you myself. You will attain it."
Élan Vital, Volume IV, Issue 2, Summer 1980

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Saturday, 26 August 1978
So in same way, premies, there's Guru Maharaj Ji. And Guru Maharaj Ji has what you want. But you have to stabilize. And Guru Maharaj Ji will then come. And just flow. And you have to flow with Guru Maharaj Ji in this instance. And
Guru Maharaj Ji will guide you and make that connection. And then the exchange of Love will happen. In his agya, we will find our happiness. In his Love, we will find our life. And in his satsang we will find ourselves. And
in him we will find everything that we need. But we have to first even start, just a little bit. Because in Him we have to merge.
The Golden Age, April 1979, Number 52

Guru Puja festival, Lingfield, England, 21st June 1979
See, this is, I understand one thing, I agree with one thing, that there should be no ashram regulations, none at all. There should be no regulations. In an ashram there should only be an agya of Guru Maharaj Ji. … Ashram is a place to dedicate your lives to Guru Maharaj Ji, to satsang, service and meditation, period. And none of this mind will be tolerated in an ashram. Because there, there can only be a place for either Guru Maharaj Ji in that ashram or for your mind in that ashram. That's it. I know that one day when there is a book made, when there's laws made, laws are made to be broken, same thing with the regulations and that's the attitude of a lots of ashram premies. Laws are made to be broken but agya is not made to be broken because agya is never made, agya is given, a law is made and there's a lot of difference. And we have to always follow Guru Maharaj Ji's agya in our lives all the time, implicitly.
Lingfield Guru Puja video, 21st June 1979

25th June 1980, Rome, Italy
Unless that happens. Otherwise there's always going to be those questions, well. How do we do propagation? There is no magic word, there is no magic key, there is no magic thing that you can do that's gonna boost up
the propagation. Nothing. Everybody coming together, everybody realizing, is what's gonna do it. Everybody understanding, everybody having that commitment and more than anything else, everybody ready to obey Guru Maharaj Ji's agya and be in that space.
Rome 1980 Ashram Satsang Transcript