Prem Rawat's Teaching about the Almighty - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat has often spoken of "the Almighty." The magazine "And It Is Divine" was a glossy monthly with intellectual pretensions that was published by Divine Light Mission in the US in the 1970s. It printed the following message from Prem Rawat (Sant Ji Maharaj), usually on the inside cover which neatly summarises the basic points of Rawat's theology: there is an all-powerful, Almighty Lord of Creation (God or the Creator) who always takes a form, manifests Himself in human form, is an Incarnation and embodiment of the infinite and formless God and who comes in this world to spread the True Knowledge and Prem Rawat (also known as Guru Maharaj Ji in the 1970's and early 1980's and Maharaji (Ultimate Ruler) since then) is that incarnation at this time. He formerly called himself the Perfect Master but now calls himself the Master, the only Living Master and Saviour.

Dear Reader,
By the grace of Almighty Lord, we bring you the magazine And It Is Divine. You will find this magazine very different from others,
because it shows not only the suffering of the world, but also a way out for all humanity.
There has never been a time when the Lord of Creation did not manifest Himself in human form, and come to this planet Earth
to do away with evil and spread the True Knowledge. But history is a pendulum which is always in swing. There have been so many scriptures,
but still people have never been able to understand Him.
Divine Light Mission wants to bring world peace by sharing the Knowledge which is within us by the grace of Almighty Lord.
In this magazine, we hope to give information about the peace which lives within us, which Guru Maharaj Ji reveals.

Mahatma Gurupujanand usually known as Ira Woods 1978
I just don't even know what it means to worship Guru Maharaj Ji. I guess it's just where our whole being is just merging into him, our whole being is just serving him, loving him, because he is our life. It's not even a matter of singing the praise of Guru Maharaj Ji, because who can even sing the praise of Guru Maharaj Ji? We're just seeing that he's so much more infinite -- so much more than what we can ever comprehend. And whatever we say about him almost brings down the experience of Guru Maharaj Ji.
Because what can we do? We can build a stage, but how can you build a stage for the Lord? He's almighty, and he's so perfect and so beautiful. And what he's done for us -- you know, no stage in this world could ever adorn him, or glorify him, in any way. Even if we built a stage the size of this entire world, it wouldn't be enough for our Guru Maharaj Ji.
Divine Times, June/July 1978 Volume 7, Number 4

Mahatma Gurucharanand, 1973
But unfortunately most people of the world do not understand this simple fact and miss the opportunity of receiving his true Knowledge which leads man to perfection.
Many great souls came in the past but people did not recognize their glory. But now once again the almighty Lord has incarnated in human form to reveal to us the fundamental truth within ourselves.
So let us not repeat the same mistake over and over again, and let its take the full advantage of his supreme Knowledge.
And It Is Divine Magazine Millenium Edition (November 1973) Editorial

Hans Rawat (father of Prem Rawat), Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India
However, the inherent quality of the Holy Name of the Almighty is to make the heart sacred and pure the moment that it is known and realized. The case of Ratnaker can be cited as an example of the power
of the Holy Name. He was a ferocious bandit but as soon as he received Knowledge of the Holy Name he was transformed and became a great saint. People have been made to believe that names like Ram,
Krishna, God, Om, Elahi, Jehovah and Akhbar are the real Name of God and that He can be realized by uttering these names. This is also a delusion -
a mere deception, for these names only signify His attributes, they are just adjectives. They are not His real Name.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 6 and Hans Yog Prakash

Hans Rawat (father of Prem Rawat), June 1966, at Dehra Dun, India
The Almighty gave man an intellect. Man built the airplane by using it, and even managed to reach the moon.
We should know that Almighty Father who gave that intellect to us. We should love our Father Almighty as
much as the Chakor bird loves the moon. It is always longing to meet the moon, but how can it fly there? It
would soon become thirsty.
The technique by which we can meet that Almighty Father
is given here. You see, God definitely lies within the heart. His Name is definitely in every heart.
Divine Light magazine Volume 1, Number 4

Hans Rawat's Letter to President John F. Kennedy through Sr R.S. Yogi, August 1961, Shakti Nagar, Delhi, India
Visualisation of Divine Light and the knowledge of the real name of the Almighty God cannot be acquired by study of books, performance of penance,
sacrifices or rituals or by counting of beads. It is acquired with the personal contact and with the help of the realized soul - SAD-GURU of the time
only. A candle cannot be burnt by recital of its burning formulas nor can it be burnt by its contact with any extinguished light.
It can be burnt by its physical contact with a burning light only. Similarly visualisation of Divine Light and Knowledge of His real Name
is acquired by the personal contact contact with and aid of the living realizED SOUL - SADGURU only.
Antidote To Nuclear Bombs

India, April 12 1971
Now, I meant to say this, that Guru is that true Almighty Power who makes us see God face to face. That action is your goal. So I say, "Don't believe in Krishna, don't believe in Ram, don't believe in anyone. See God face to face. That's all. This is the aim of your life."
Guru Maharaj Ji Picture Book - 1975

Patna, Bihar, India, December 25, 1971
Only the Supreme Lord, Saint of all saints, Omnipotent and Almighty, can close the mouth of the
whole universe and shower the Knowledge of self-realization. Otherwise, the small whistles are not heard in the midst of
such big drums. Therefore, my dear aspirants, now that you know that Knowledge of Self, fulfill your aim. That is the only aim; that is
the only goal. If a man knows that goal and recognizes it perfectly, he can come in perfect contact with God Almighty, his own Supreme Father, whom he has forgotten.
Élan Vital magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 1977

Fernbank, London, 14th March 1972
But you have said that you can free people when they give you some measure of devotion. Surely God would not ask for anything in exchange for giving them salvation.
M: First of all, have you understood God? Yes.
M: Then why are you asking me, who is God? Because I'm curious to find out what another human being like me thinks.
M: Listen, if you have understood God, you could not say that. God is almighty but a human being can never free the world.
All saints have said that before you go to Satguru to ask for and receive this Knowledge, you must have a guileless heart, a heart filled with devotion and love for this Knowledge.
Ask, request, and if He is pleased with you He will shower His grace upon you and give you the Knowledge, and if not, He will not. He is almighty. He is going to give you the Knowledge.
He is Guru. In Western languages He is called Perfect Master. Who is perfect? He is perfect.
Divine Light magazine, Volume 1, No. 8, May 1972

Miami, Florida, U.S.A. 15 June 1972
God is omnipresent, omniscient. God existed, and God exists and God will exist. God is all powerful, God is almighty, so why doesn't this peace roll out? Why doesn't peace come to every
man? Just because he is ignorant of it, and because we are ignorant a man comes, an engineer comes. For example,
there are many scientists and they want to build this Apollo. There is one main fault in the design of this Apollo. This
Apollo is going to be sent to the moon, but before it goes, something goes wrong with it, and then the engineers come
out and start mending it. This engineer is known as Guru. Now, of course, 'guru' is an eastern word, but Guru Himself is
not eastern, because He is a mechanic who represents God. He is a mechanic from God, and God is not eastern, God is not western, God is not southern.
Divine Light magazineNovember 1979 Volume 2, Number 3

Swiss Alps Festival, August 26, 1972
there is an attachment between us and God and Guru, and through this we can understand who Guru is. Because, when He comes to us,
we will be directed towards Him. What is the test? Actually there is no test for Guru. Nobody can test Him because He is almighty, He is all perfect.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 4, December, 1972

Millenium '73, Houston Astrodome, Texas, November 9, 1973
It's not my Knowledge, but it's all my Lord's Knowledge - the people who have understood it, they know. It's like a little joke for them. Because what I am saying to you now was said to them before they received it. And that's the little joke I am playing. For them it's a little joke because I am talking about the same thing that I talked to them about. And they realized and now know how fantastic it is. But you also have to know. So, for my sake, for your sake, for the sake of Almighty, and for the sake of peace on this earth, please will you realize this Knowledge? Thank you very much. And God bless you.
And It Is Divine, Winter 1976

Kansas City, Missouri, February 17, 1974
But if our lives have been dedicated to the Almighty, then wherever Almighty takes us, we are bound to go there. And that is that little trick that, this is that little trick that Krishna explained to Arjuna. That look; this is how you get along, going to liberation. This is how you can do selfless action.
… And it's like, by doing meditation is the only way, one and only way to dedicate it. You understand? Because you are not actually dedicating your whole life to an individual, but to Almighty. That's where intention should be.
Élan Vital, 1977

DUO Proclamation 1974
This is the organisation which is going to help the whole world to get out of misery and suffering. And I challenge this to the whole world, that by Divine United Organisation, and by the grace of Almighty Lord, and
the power of Knowledge, the bliss of the Knowledge, peace in the world can again be established, in the same way as people have dreamed of and the Kingdom of Heaven on this earth will be possible, and is possible if you
work together, with cooperation and in the manner of Divine United Organisation that I have explained to you. Everyone will have shelter, even a small ant, and then lions and goats will drink water in the same pool and will
be satisfied.
The sayings of Guru Maharaj Ji, © Divine Light Mission 1974

Guru Puja Festival Caracas, Venezuela, July 23, 1975
And so premies, the Perfect Master comes, and he comes in the human body. I mean, he doesn't have to. All he has to
do is have a body that's as huge as the world -- and even bigger, as the universe -- and then pick up the whole world
on his little finger and say, "You guys want to live, or should I blow you away?" He could do that, because we call him
Almighty. And if we call him Almighty, it's a jazz for him to do this. It wouldn't take him anything. Because he's
perfect. And he could just very well do that and say, "Look. If you don't realize this Knowledge, all I am going to do is
-- boomp! -- and you are never going to know what hit you." But he doesn't do that.
Why? He bears up with everything in this world. Look at us humans; look at the people of this world. Every time he comes, they say, "Forget it, he is not the one; he can't be
the one. He doesn't have Knowledge. This is some crazy thing." And I mean, if really this ever happened, that the
Almighty, the All Perfect, just picked up the whole world in his hand and said, "Should I kick your …
And it's a prayer you pray. It's Guru Puja festival, when you worship your Guru Maharaj Ji, when you understand, when you get to be …
and it's one more thing, one more occasion, where premies can be close to Guru Maharaj Ji. Because how can you worship the Almighty?
Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 2, Summer 1978

Lisbon, Portugal, May 14, 1976
But then comes service, because there's satsang, service and meditation. That's meditation, and then comes service. Now what is the part? Why do we even need to do service?
I mean, where does service fit in? And it's very fine. It's very beautiful, but very fine. Because the whole idea, the whole basis, is on surrender.
And if we really and truly surrender ourselves, then what do we become? We become a servant. And it's not a servant of Mr. Joe Blow, but it's servant of Lord, servant of Almighty.
Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 3, Fall 1978

London, England, April 19, 1977
That's not the purpose of that power that has been given to this man in this world.
As individuals, the purpose of this is to really reunite with that Almighty, with that all-graceful thing, and become one with it, and enjoy that power source. Enjoy what - the reason we
are here for. Enjoy the purpose of our life what we are here for. Enjoy the meaning of our life
The Golden Age, Number 39

Guru Puja Festival, Miami Beach, Florida July 29, 1977
And then, in the whole conversation where Lord Krishna is trying to convince Arjun that it's okay to fight -- "Just go ahead and do it," and shows him his real form -- he says,
"Look, I'm everything. I'm the doer of everything. I am the maker of everything. I am everything. I am in everything and I am everything. So go ahead and fight."
He says, "It's my agya. Go ahead and fight." Then he also says, "Look, these people are dead, so just go ahead and kill them. It's okay, kid." (That's an exaggeration.)
But why? "Because following me, by obeying me, the Almighty, you will attain peace. I'll give you the Knowledge. I'll reveal you myself. You will attain it."
Élan Vital, Volume IV, Issue 2, Summer 1980

Holi, Miami, Florida, 8 April, 1979
I think it's completely stupid to think that God's going to do whatever you think you want Him to do.
But that Almighty is going to do whatever He wants to do. That Power is going to manifest Itself in any form It wishes to, any time It wishes to,
anywhere It wishes to. Who's going to tell It, "You can't do that"? Who?
Divine Times, May/June 1979, Volume 8, Number 3

Holi Festival, Miami, Florida, Sunday, April 9, 1978
You are not looking at the fact that there are no deals to be made with the Almighty Creator. You cannot make deals with Him. And that, as a matter of fact,
the life that you call your own is in fact by no means your own life
Divine Times - April / May 1978 Volume 7, Number 3

Interview, Miami Magazine, April 1979
MM: Guru Maharaj Ji, in your recent newspaper announcements, you are quoted as saying, "I declare I will establish peace in this world." The dictionary defines "peace" as "the absence of war." Is that what you mean?
A: No. To me, peace is really the inner contentment. War is only a by-product of man not being content within one's self. When I say peace, I mean the peace which is within us and which comes when man is in harmony with his Creator, the Almighty Lord God.
MM: What message would you like to give to the readers of this magazine?
This life is such a precious gift, and so far as I have understood, it is the crown of Creation. To be here, to be alive, is such a grace, such a gift, from that Almighty Lord God. And that is all the more reason why we have to realize Him, recognize Him and experience Him within.
… I feel I have something through which you can experience the Peace and the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, within and thus experience that love of our Creator, the Almighty who has created us all.
The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54
The And It is Divine magazines included the following proclamation in one form or another:
Dear Reader,
By the grace of Almighty Lord, we bring you the magazine And It Is Divine. You will find this magazine very different from others, because it shows not only the suffering of the world, but also a way out for all humanity.
There has never been a time when the Lord of Creation did not manifest Himself in human form, and come to this planet Earth to do away with evil and spread the True Knowledge. But history is a pendulum which is always in swing. There have been so many scriptures, but still people have never been able to understand Him.
Divine Light Mission wants to bring world peace by sharing the Knowledge which is within us by the grace of Almighty Lord. In this magazine, we hope to give information about the peace which lives within us, which Guru Maharaj Ji reveals.