Crisis? What Crisis? Prem Rawat's Teaching - In His Own Words
For Prem Rawat there are no crises, certainly there can be no real energy crisis when God, the source of the universe and the energy that is keeping us alive is within inside of every human being just waiting for Maharaji the Ultimate Ruler to reveal it in the Gift of the Possibility of Peace. Maybe just maybe he is guilty of some overstatement here. Did anyone ever say or think that when the Vietnam War was over everybody would be happy? Probably the soldiers and civilians in danger did so and no doubt they were happy afterwards. Did anyone ever say or think that when the fuel shortages in the USA were over everybody would be happy? Probably the harassed garage operators and people who couldn't afford fuel did so and no doubt they were happy afterwards. Prem Rawat had never worked, and his life was spent playing pinball, watching TV cartoons and sitcoms, playing extraordinarily loud music, collecting and driving expensive fast cars and driving them really fast, messing about with stereos and electronics for hours, eating meat and getting drunk, stoned and spending more than half the donations DLM was getting while he stayed in guarded seclusion with interaction only with a small group of sycophants and heno interaction with normal people. Prem Rawat claims to be the reincarnated Perfect Master in a long line of Perfect Masters as was Jesus but he doesn't realize that the authors of the eponymous gospels of Mark, John, Luke, and Matthew did not know Jesus, had never met Jesus, did not "receive Knowledge" from Jesus and wrote their gospels long after Jesus was dead.

Millenium 73, "The Most Holy and Significant Event in human history" Houston, Texas, November 10, 1973
And ladies and gentlemen, we are big cars. And to our brain, to our thinking, to our imagination, to what we have
understood of this life today, runs a little line of love, of that Vibration, of that Perfection. But, in that line, when there
is no filter in that whole system, when we are not properly understanding it, when that Perfection is just not coming to
us perfectly, but it's coming to us with all these other crazy things, we do not run properly. And this is causing the energy crisis, or any kind of crisis, in this world. And that is why there are so many people, so
many, so many people unsatisfied.
And It Is Divine, Summer 1977, Volume 4, Issue 2

Questions & Answers, Phoenix, Arizona, January 21, 1974
Maharaj Ji, in Montrose you were saying that a very strange thing is going to happen, and the whole world will know who God is. And you said it would happen real soon.
I think it's happening right now. Don't you understand the energy crisis? What is it? Something for people to understand: that there is a personality like God. And without Him, we are just pieces
of junk, nothing else. And it's like, somebody has to really look up to it, you know, it's like, God is there, all the time.
But for a person to see Him and understand Him, anyway he has to look up to Him. But it's like, God is giving us all
these indications of His presence. You know? If He does …
Élan Vital, August 1977, Volume 1, Issue 1

San Francisco California, February 9 1974
And this is that realization of that perfect vibration that is within inside of us and sustaining the whole world. Because eventually, we say that this bulb is glowing because the platinum is glowing, and platinum is glowing because the electricity has passed through it. But eventually if we just keep on going back, back, back, back, back, - where does electricity come from? What is that energy that is making everything go? And as a matter of fact, there is a very practical example. It's a really practical example that we can know by; that people really do not understand the meaning of energy. Because if they would have actually understood and realized the meaning of energy and realized energy, they could have never said that there is an energy crisis. Because there can never be energy crisis. Because the scientists have themselves said, "Energy is never created and never destroyed." How could there be crisis in such a thing that is completely infinite? It's like saying, "Infinity is equal to infinite point five." You can't do that. Infinity is something that is undividable. There is no crisis in it, and it's perfect. That is what is infinite.
Divine Times, February 1977 Volume 6, Number 2

Chicago USA, 18th February 1974
Something else they have in common which is the greatest mystery and because man has not been able to know it that is why he is suffering the greatest suffering today of not understanding, not having the idea of brotherhood and just really carrying on with all the things in this world and that's why there is fight, there is-that's why there is war and everybody can understand it and as a matter of fact people are talking about energies today and they call themselves experts and so and so but really first it shows that if they really know energy then they would not have said energy crisis because energy can never have a crisis. (scattered clapping) Scientists have said that, scientists have said that energy's never created and never destroyed. How can something that is never created, never destroyed, completely infinite have a crisis in it?
Perfect Master Tape 19

Essen Germany, 29/30 August 1975
If you look at this whole world today, something really mind-blowing is happening; something that just whacks us right on our face. We just couldn't expect it, couldn't imagine it, and couldn't understand it, either. And we call it "the energy crisis". This world was going and going and going and going, expecting all these things, and all of a sudden, out of the blue, there is an "energy crisis". I tell you, people don't know what to think about it. Yet that energy crisis has really taught us one lesson - that there is something else. In this whole world, whatever we experience, there is something which is different, something that is more, something that we don't understand but that we need to and want to understand. This world is going nuts, this world is going totally bananas over, "Oh no! What's gonna happen? The gas prices are too high," and this and this and this and this. But go to a mirror and look at yourself. You're still there. And it's so beautiful. Because what puts you together, that energy that sustains you, is different. It's not having a crisis. It has not gone away yet. I tell you, that's such a reassuring feeling. That's such a beautiful, beautiful, beautiful feeling. And it's that energy that we have to understand.
And It Is Divine, Volume II, Number 11 December 1975

International Community Directors meeting, Orlando, Florida, November 11, 1976
So premies, we have a problem that we have to deal with. And you premies are responsible for it. You are the very people that I hold responsible for it. So go out and do your job. Do it. Because this is the time to do it. This is when everybody is looking for Knowledge. This is when the world is in crisis and really looking out there for some thing. Now there is a clear definition before the public, and that is that either there is peace in this world, or there is nothing in this world, there is nothing like "truth," there is nothing like "Knowledge." But there is. And we have received it, by Guru Maharaj Ji's grace. So we can go out and tell these premies, tell this public, that we have it and you can have it, too.
Divine Times, May 1976

London England, April 19 1977
There's a lot of different ways that things happen. And it's slowly becoming so obvious. Not that this energy crisis is
going to bring the whole world to realization. I'm not trying to say that. I really doubt that. As a matter of fact, this
might be another diversion for people. Because instead of trying to look within inside . I'm not saying that the energy
within inside of you is going to power your automobile. Most definitely not. But the energy inside of you powers you.
And what is the most important thing? You! Your own realization. The most important thing is that you realize what
the purpose of being on this Earth is. And this is what we have to focus on.
Light Reading, June 1979

Royal Albert Hall London, May 28 1979
Look at this whole world. Why does there always have to be a crisis before we can open our eyes a little bit more, and a little bit more, and a little bit more.
Guru Maharaj Ji's World

Guru Puja festival, Miami, Florida, 19th July 1979
Energy crisis. That's a new one. It's a good one. Energy crisis. "Huh, what about my gas? What about my gas?" "How am I gonna get my gas?" "Oh, no!" "I don't like the president anymore. He doesn't give us gas." "But
the president has to teach us a lesson." And I mean, so many arguments. In California, they almost got so hot that they wanted to kill somebody for it, energy crisis or no energy crisis. What do you think John realized in his life, Luke realized in his life, Matthew realized in his life? What did Jesus Christ come into this world for? "Don't bother. The Saudis will give us gas sooner or later." Is this
what Jesus Christ came in this world and said? "Don't bother. I'll go over there and I'll try to convince them"? No. That's not the realization. Gas crisis! Well, what is gas crisis? This whole Earth we are living on can collapse. It's such a thing that we live every day, but don't know what for. We live. We exist but don't know what the reason is. It's like this photographer who goes out and, "Bam, bam, bam, bam," starts taking pictures. But he doesn't know what he's taking a picture of.
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 4, Winter 1979

Guru Puja, Miami Beach, Florida, Saturday, 21st July 1979
And today we're running out of oil. There is this thing called "energy crisis." You tell me a time in our lives when there wasn't a crisis. You know everybody's bothered about crisis. First there was World War I, then there was World War II, then there was the Vietnam War, then comes the first energy crisis. Everybody gets hit. "Oh my God, how are we going to survive?" People's reactions. This is it to them. Their whole dinghy just had a hole in it. Something popped a hole in their dinghy. "What's going to happen? My God!" No more airplanes. No more cars. No trans-portation. "You mean I have to ride that funky bus to my job? What is all this?" There was a time during World War II when people were taking all the gold they had to buy a loaf of bread. All that gold that they hung on to so dearly could only buy them one loaf of bread. That was it. And Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world and he doesn' … Okay, we listen to all the satsang about how miserable this world is. We all know this world is miserable. … And this is what's so different when Guru Maharaj Ji comes. He doesn't offer a silver platter. He just says it very simply, "Come to me. Come to me and I will give you the solution. I will give you the freedom. Knock and it shall be opened unto you."
The Golden Age, October 1979, Number 55