Prem Rawat's Teaching about Faith - In His Own Words
When Prem Rawat or Maharaji ( the Ultimate Ruler) as he insists on being called or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's speaks about faith it must be understood that he is implicitly referring to and demanding faith and devotion and surrender to himself. There many times when he made this explicit. He believes he deserves this faith because in 1966 he succeeded his father who had been the Perfect Master before him as had Jesus, Ram(a), Krishna, Buddha, Kabir, Guru Nanak, Swarupanand (his father's guru) and others of that ilk. He also referred to himself as the Satguru, the Saviour, the Lord, the Master and the only Living Master which makes it obvious why he feels he deserves faith.

Yogiraj Param Sant Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, June, 1961, at Prem Nagar, India
Sublime devotion, however, comes from implicit faith and confidence in the Satguru of the time, and it must be clearly understood that only He who can bestow God-vision instantaneously within oneself is
the Satguru of the time, and no one else. In reality, He is God incarnate. It is impossible to have unflinching confidence without personal experience of this divine light
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji? Published in November 1973 by Bantam Books, Inc.

Hans Rawat (father of Prem Rawat quoted in Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj)
The Arya Samajists did not believe in the principle of Avatar Vad, while Maharaj Ji had full faith in the principle of the incarnation of God.
The unmanifest God can only be realized through the grace of the manifested one. He often used to quote the Gita, "Whenever virtue subsides and wickedness prevails I manifest myself.
To establish virtue, to destroy evil, to save the good, I come from Yuga to Yuga." "Fools deride Me in my manifested human form, without knowing My real nature as the Lord of the universe".
Such is Shri Krishna's declaration in the Gita on incarnation.
Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

Durga Ji (Marolyn Rawat nee Johnson), London Guru Puja, June 24 1979
But look at this world. Is this world dying for Guru Maharaj Ji? But we're not together enough for Maharaj Ji to really manifest in this world. Because we're not ready. We're holding him back. He's having to wait for us. For each one of us. One time in Malibu, Maharaj Ji said, "If I just had a handful, if I just had a handful of premies who were really dedicated, who really had faith in me, I could spread this Knowledge. I could spread this Knowledge so fast. If I just had a handful." You know, I feel like we're wasting time. Wasting time. And it's not our time to waste. We waste it like crazy. Every second that we spend that's not in Holy Name is wasted and we'll never get it back. Never. And we know that. And we know that feeling of wasting time. Can't stand to waste time. And that's why we're so jumpy and that's why we're so edgy.
Divine Times - September/October 1979 Volume 8, Number 5

August 18, 1971
As long as we haven't seen God, we can't have faith in that. It is our Father anyhow, but we haven't seen Him. How can we say what His nature is and how can we have faith that He is the Savior of the whole world? We may believe that He is saving this whole world but we can't realize it because our mind is flickering. Until our mind settles to one point, we can't realize how God is saving this world. We can't have faith that "Yes, God is the real Savior."
Élan Vital, Winter 1979, Volume III, Issue 4

Holi Festival, Florida, March 20, 1977
I was watching a cartoon in Los Angeles, and it was "Bugs Bunny" cartoon. …
There's no power in this whole world that can stop us from experiencing what we want to experience. Not even mind, if you're strong enough. There's nothing. No power in this world, that can stop us. Just - all we have to do is have faith in Guru Maharaj Ji. Have faith in me. I'm here to help you, and I will help you. But sincerely have faith in me. Not in some, not in some way, not in some manner, or particular manner, but just have faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, period. And let it all happen, let it all begin.
The Golden Age, May / June 1977, Number 38

On the Phone to Atlanta community, January 7, 1978
This is the way it is! There's Guru Maharaj Ji, and by his Grace we can relieve ourselves from the misery that we are into and by his Grace receive that Knowledge that we really
want to receive. The thing that we really want. That bridge between the going-down minus, to the ever-going plus."
So premies, it's just so important for us to always remember to just really have that faith.
The Golden Age March 1978 Number 43 and The Divine Times January/February 1978

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 27h August, 1978
There is the experience that you have experienced in Knowledge. There is that experience you've experienced in service, in
meditation, in darshan.
And mind says. "But I promise you more than that." Mind has always promised us. but never given us anything.
Guru Maharaj Ji has not only promised us. but given us more than what he has promised. Always. Always.
And as that battle begins, the things get even more tense. And if that faith is not there, if that faith is not completely in
Guru Maharaj Ji, you're going to fall in so many fragments that you wouldn't be able to count them yourself. You will
run right out of count. Right out of it. You will go beyond zillions, billions, everything.
The Divine Times January/February 1978

Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 11 1978, afternoon
But what we really need in our lives, unless we get that -- what we really need in our lives, unless we really believe in that -- unless we have all our faith in that instead of in this materialistic world, I can't tell you what's possible. There are possibly no words to say what is in fact possible. Because that Knowledge brings us the reality that we all seek. That Knowledge brings us the Truth that we all want. That Knowledge brings us who we really are. And only the true realization, only by the Grace of Guru Maharaj Ji, is that possible. And so our key, obviously, is Guru Maharaj Ji. And that's where we have to have our faith. That's where we have to have our trust. I mean, how incredible is it? How could it be more perfect than to have this world, to have the burning, to have the suffering and yet have a salvation out of it? Only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace.
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 2, Summer 1979

Ventura, California, 21st January, 1979
So premies, here we are: 1979. I was listening at the residence to the satsang from here, and it was nice. And the whole thing was, that there is a feeling of understanding, a feeling of devotion. There's a feeling of clarity. There's a feeling of Knowledge, of Guru Maharaj Ji, that has to be very, very clear for all of us; that has to be very alive and very present for all of us. … And what is mind? I mean, what is mind? By saying "mind" it's not the "mind" mind that we all think about: brain. (I guess you've seen pictures of a brain.) That's not it. But that darkness, that absence of Guru Maharaj Ji in our lives, of Knowledge in our lives; that absence of clarity in our lives, that absence of Truth in our lives: that's what mind is. … And Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Wait and I'll give you the tool. Have faith in me. Believe in me. And you'll have that experience; you'll have that beauty. All your absence will go away. All your darkness will go away. All your illusions will go away and nothing but the clarity is what would persist within you."
The Golden Age, April 1979, Number 52

Denver, Colorado, 25 February, 1979
It just isn't any other way. That truth, that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, has to be there constantly. I know for all of us is very difficult. Because our trust, that faith that's supposed to go towards Guru Maharaj Ji, goes into these relentless worldly things that do not by any means deserve that faith. Like Raja Ji was saying, we put our faith in a stupid bus. We put our faith in an airplane. But in Guru Maharaj Ji, who is truly the Captain, who's going to truly take our true life and make it cross the ocean … Remember. Guru Maharaj Ji is merciful, but the mercy comes upon only those who haven't shut their door to mercy. If we, by our stupid concepts or ideas, shut that door to mercy, Guru Maharaj Ji will come, knock, but we won't hear. We will not be able to hear.
Our faith in our Guru Maharaj Ji has to be real. Our faith in our Guru Maharaj Ji has to be there. There is no and, if, and but about it.
And pray! And just with all your heart, pray that Guru Maharaj Ji, by his mercy, will have faith in you. Because Guru Maharaj Ji has absolutely no necessity of having faith in you.
Because remember, there is that prayer. "Oh Guru Maharaj Ji, do not forget me. To you there are thousands. But to me, you are the only one. And if you forget me, then I've had it. Your Love and your Grace is what I depend on. I do not doubt your mercy. And I do not doubt your faith. But I doubt myself. And so give me the strength. Make my effort manifest. Give me the strength so that I may never forget you."
Divine Times, Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Holi Festival Miami Beach, Florida, April 7, 1979
I know that there are a lot of premies who have tried to get rid of their minds. Not only haven't they got rid of their minds, but they also have confused other premies. What do you say to that? That's how tricky that mind can be. But only when there is a total faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, only when there is a true faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, only when there is a "let go" to Guru Maharaj Ji, that there is, in fact … See, there has to be a displacement. And when your heart gets filled with Guru Maharaj Ji's faith and love and devotion, then that asks for more space than the mind, in fact, holds. And just because it is stronger than the mind is, it asks mind to just split. And that concept, the craziness, the imagination, and the wildness come out. So just to surrender to Guru Maharaj Ji, to have faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, to have that devotion, to have that love -- that's something even Guru Maharaj Ji applauds. That's something to which even Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Alright. Okay. Beautiful. Perfect."
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 2, Summer 1979

Holi, Miami Florida, April 8, 1979
And in the same way, when we surrender to Guru Maharaj Ji, when we accept Guru Maharaj Ji, when we try Guru Maharaj Ji, automatically Knowledge starts pulling through for us. But when it's only Knowledge and no Guru Maharaj Ji, it just doesn't click. And to have faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, to believe Guru Maharaj Ji, and to have that devotion towards Guru Maharaj Ji, is to me the most ultimate experience of this Knowledge. … You have to have that endless faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, in your self, in your heart, in you. Unchanging love, constant love, constant faith. Not the one that goes up and down depending on the weather, depending on the day, depending on what happens in this world. No. No, no, that can't happen. But a constant faith. … Everybody has to really have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji. … And Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Have faith in me now, and I will give you peace now".
Divine Times - May/June 1979 Volume 8, Number 3

Guru Puja, Miami Beach, Florida, Saturday, 21st July, 1979
Guru Maharaj Ji is the Source and he lines up those individuals who are keen to receive what the Source has to offer. And when
that's all lined up he makes, through devotion, that ultimate joint happen; through that love, he makes that ultimate joint happen. He, through that love, through his mercy, through his
blessings, connects the two individuals so that he can reveal to those who are fortunate, those who want to know, those who need to know, the essence of their life. The Truth. Because there
has to be faith. If there is no faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, if there is no faith in Perfect Master, then how do you suppose the Knowledge is going to work? How do you suppose the cables can
link up? What Guru Maharaj Ji has to reveal to you is so sacred.
The Golden Age, October 1979, Number 55

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 10, 1979, Evening
Yet remember one thing: that that Guru Maharaj Ji, who is creator, who is the Sustainer, and who is the Destroyer, has love enough for his devotees to come onto this Earth for his devotees; then absolutely, unquestionably, there are no bounds to what can happen. All we have to do is to become that devotee, to have that devotion. That's all: that faith, that surrender, to Guru Maharaj Ji, that love that is sincere, that comes from our hearts for Guru Maharaj Ji. Not in our imagination, but in reality. If we can become a devotee … If there is Guru Maharaj Ji and then a devotee, when they join, then there is devotion. And it is said that when that happens, when Guru Maharaj Ji and a devotee are bound together by devotion, then the purpose of that soul that devotee has been completed. That's it. There is no more to be done. There is nothing left to be done. It has received the stage beyond liberation. It has received, it has joined, it has merged in the state which is beyond, above and beyond -- joined its Creator. It has joined its Owner. It has joined where it came from; it has joined back to its own.
Affinity, February 1980

Rome 1980 Ashram Satsang
"A premie is not just somebody who has received Knowledge. The word 'premie' again is a Hindi Word - premie mean lovers - but what is a premie? What is, what is a premie in this day and age and what has been a premie since ever since a human being was created? What is a, what is a premie, what is the definition of a premie? And the definition is one, you know, who has received the gift that Guru Maharaj Ji has bestowed upon that being, practices that gift, has that love, has that faith, and has surrendered in his heart towards Guru Maharaj Ji, towards the living Master of his day. Then you may say that's getting close enough to a definition of 'premie'." … do. There's a big difference in it. You know, if our faith in Guru Maharaj Ji is not there then obviously the mind's gonna win every single time. You know and I just see this whole act has to clean up, has to come to a point where the propagation can really begin to happen.
Rome 1980 Ashram Satsang

Rome, Italy 1st November, 1981
I have faith in my Guru Maharaj Ji because I have seen that that faith, that faith is the rope. If I let go of it I don't even know where the bottom is. It's gonna be an endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless fall.
Rome 1/11/81 video

The Keys FAQ
Does this have something to do with religion?
No. The practice of Knowledge is independent of but also compatible with any religion. There is nothing to worship and no system of faith or belief associated with this practice. Words Of Peace Global website downloaded 1st April 2012