Prem Rawat's Teachings about Grace - In His Own Words

My Concise Oxford Dictionary, 4th Edition 1951 defines 'grace' as the "unmerited favour of God" and "the divine regenerating, inspiring and strengthening influence." Prem Rawat or Maharaji (the Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's, often spoke of the necessity for his devotees to receive his Grace through obedience to his agya, faith in him, devotion to him and surrender to him before they could attain spiritual realization. 'Grace' is usually considered to come only from God but as he also claimed to be the Incarnation of God, the Manifestation of God, the Embodiment of God who come(s) in(to) the world to save mankind then that was not a problem. Rawat stressed time and time again that it was "only by Guru Maharaj Ji's grace …"

Hindu devotional or bhakti literature available throughout India is replete with references to grace (kripa) as the ultimate key required for spiritual self-realization. Some, such as the ancient sage Vasistha, in his classical work Yoga Vasistha, considered it to be the only way to transcend the bondage of lifetimes of karma. One Hindu philosopher, Madhvacharya, held that grace was not a gift from God, but rather must be earned. Prem Rawat taught both doctrines. Mike Finch has given an account of the young Prem Rawat explaining how this grace flows to his followers.

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj Originally Published by Divine Light Mission, B-19/3, Shakti Nagar, Delhi 7, India - 1970, 8th November, 1970
He was a fearless, realized saint who followed the path of all great seers, shunning traditions, superstitions and rituals. He emphasised the worship of the living Guru.
But the relation of the Guru and the disciple transcends human relations, and are based on eternal bond of the jiva and God. Every individual soul is destined to achieve salvation through the grace of a living Guru.
Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

"Peace Bomb" speech, November 8, 1970
Mira did not hesitate. When she was given poison to drink and was told it was nectar, she drank without suspicion, so trusting was she in the Grace of Guru Maharaj Ji. If Mira had hesitated, definitely she would have been killed; but she was not at all troubled by pride or how her social position would be affected. She had sacrificed her whole life at the Lotus Feet of Guru Maharaj Ji, and this is why she did not die.
Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Patna, Bihar, India, December 25, 1971
Therefore, my dear aspirants, what is that path? What is that medium which, if we adopt it, we can know that Supremest God, we can know that Creator of this universe, we can know our Father who, though He is omnipresent, is the secret of all secrets, is everywhere, is actually not secret. And you can know Him only by the Grace and Blessings of Guru Maharaj Ji.
Élan Vital magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 1977

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Fernbank, London, 14th March 1972
Listen, if you have understood God, you could not say that. God is almighty but a human being can never free the world. All saints have said that before you go to Satguru to ask for and receive this Knowledge, you must have a guileless heart, a heart filled with devotion and love for this Knowledge. Ask, request, and if He is pleased with you He will shower His grace upon you and give you the Knowledge, and if not, He will not. He is almighty. He is going to give you the Knowledge. He is Guru. In Western languages He is called Perfect Master. Who is perfect? He is perfect.
Divine Light magazine, Volume 1, No. 8, May 1972

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Montrose, Colorado, July 5 1972
This Word is not only for Americans but this Word is for the whole world. And you see, by the Grace of God, I'm sure that this time the kingdom of heaven is going to come. I'm very sure about it. If the whole world receives the Knowledge we can bring it soon. This Knowledge is completely true; I have experienced it. And you can also experience it. That's all I can say.
Light Reading, 1980

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Divine United Organization Proclamation, April 1 1973
This is the organisation which is going to help the whole world to get out of misery and suffering. And I challenge this to the whole world, that by Divine United Organisation, and by the grace of Almighty Lord, and the power of Knowledge, the bliss of the Knowledge, peace in the world can again be established, in the same way as people have dreamed of. And the Kingdom of Heaven on this earth will be possible, and is possible if you work together, with cooperation and in the manner of Divine United Organisation that I have explained to you. Everyone will have shelter, even a small ant, and then lions and goats will drink water in the same pool and will be satisfied.
The sayings of Guru Maharaj Ji, © Divine Light Mission 1974

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Phipps Auditorium, Denver Colorado, 2nd May 1974
And it's the Grace that brings us there, the Knowledge which brings us there and I can tell you one thing right now, that in Guru Puja I really, really intend to get this mind straightened out, out of almost everybody who comes to Guru Puja. Because (Bolie Shri Satguru Dev Maharaji Ki Jai from crowd) because it's getting pretty heavy each day and the way, the way we will set up Guru Puja will be better than Montrose, the one we had in Montrose, will be a lot more beautiful and it's like there'll be Arti two times, and everybody will receive Holy Breath, everybody will receive Darshan, who hasn't and there will be Arti two times, one in the morning and one just before satsang program and it's like if this Guru Puja goes the way I have planned it in my head, by the time it's over, the mind should be out, I mean out (enthusiastic Bolie Shri Satguru Dev Maharaji Ki Jai and Hooray from crowd) and so I want, that's all I want you to do is to get the word around that ah how important it is, how fantastic it is, really.
Perfect Master Tape 014

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Hans Jayanti, November 1974
There are so many premies who have received Knowledge. But how many premies really realize that at this moment, at this instant, we are existing, we are living, and that is due to the Grace of this Knowledge? People who can realize that, people who can understand that, and the importance of this Knowledge, they can really, really start getting into it. … Premies, this is where this Knowledge stands. If every premie can really realize how important this Knowledge is, and how important it is that that Grace has lead us to this Knowledge, to that Word, to that Grace, to that power, to that vibration, they can really, really relate to it. Then we can really, really get on with it, which is the dream of every human being living in this world. No matter if you think it's by doing mantras, or if you think it's by going to the Himalayas, or if you think it's by doing sacrifices, or no matter what we think, we have to just really, really understand that that Grace, that beautiful, beautiful Knowledge is right here within ourselves.
And It Is Divine, Volume 2, Issue 7

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Proclamation For 1975
I still sincerely think that this Knowledge, the Knowledge of God, the Knowledge of our Creator is our solution. … I do not claim to be God but do claim I can establish peace on this earth by our Lord's Grace and everyone's joint effort.
The Golden Age, Number 17, January, 1975

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Denver, 8th July, 1975
So realize the Knowledge and the Grace. Because Knowledge has always been there; what we want to realize, our goal, has always been there, but sometimes in this world, two things are missing - Our Lord, our Master, and His Grace. It's like the ship is always there, and the destination of the ship is always there, but sometimes the wind and the skipper aren't. When they aren't, it can't go anyplace. Grace is what blows the wind, and the skipper is what guides the ship. So now it's very lucky for us that here we are sitting in this age in the midst of the whole thing, where the worst is worst, and the best is worst. Because if we really look at the whole situation, we couldn't have asked for Him any other time. This is when we need Him, and this is when we need the Grace, and we've got them both now.
The Golden Age Number 39

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Public Program, Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando, Florida, Afternoon, 9 November 1975
The question is, do we ever get up ourselves and face this question: If the Lord is omnipotent, if we all understand that He has the power to do anything in this world, and He controls everything in this world, He controls us, and it's because of His Grace that any structure is here (because you have seen the movies of earthquakes, haven't you?); if because of His Grace this earth is here, and the sky is here, that power can adapt Himself. Because it's infinite, it can adapt itself to any shape, any form, any time, in any way. Have you ever thought of that? We know He is all-powerful and He is all-graceful. So see, what He might just do, is He might love one of His very close devotees, He might just love us, and He might also love that delivery man. So one day He says to the delivery man, "I'll save you the trouble, boy. I'll deliver this milk to my devotee. He loves me very much." He comes knockin' at your door, and what have you got there? The Lord Himself, standin' with a bottle of milk.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 1 and Light Reading, 1980

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

International Community Directors meeting, Orlando, Florida, November 11, 1976
So premies, we have a problem that we have to deal with. And you premies are responsible for it. You are the very people that I hold responsible for it. So go out and do your job. Do it. Because this is the time to do it. This is when everybody is looking for Knowledge. This is when the world is in crisis and really looking out there for some thing. Now there is a clear definition before the public, and that is that either there is peace in this world, or there is nothing in this world, there is nothing like "truth," there is nothing like "Knowledge." But there is. And we have received it, by Guru Maharaj Ji's grace. So we can go out and tell these premies, tell this public, that we have it and you can have it, too.
Divine Times, May 1976

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

London, England, April 19, 1977
That's not the purpose of that power that has been given to this man in this world. As individuals, the purpose of this is to really reunite with that Almighty, with that all-graceful thing, and become one with it, and enjoy that power source. Enjoy what - the reason we are here for. Enjoy the purpose of our life what we are here for. Enjoy the meaning of our life
The Golden Age, Number 39

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Hans Jayanti, Rome, Italy, 9th November, 1977
That experience of Knowledge is within inside of us, because that Knowledge is within inside of us. But we need Guru Maharaj Ji, we need Guru Maharaj Ji to be able to tune that so that we can hear it, so that we can feel it, so that we can emerge in it. And by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, and only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, have we already reached to the experience of what we are, of what we have. … And only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, and by his Grace only, can we experience this Knowledge, can we experience that experience. And once we have experienced that experience, then we can very easily, again by his Grace, de-motivate, de-activate ourselves. That one thing that is really supposed to be focused in on that incredible perfection can then be focused into that incredible perfection. And your body can still function normally, except with a nice, beautiful smile in this world, which people appreciate. And that's the difference. That's what happens. Such an evolution takes place. … But in another sense, it's a lot of Grace. It's a lot of Grace that has pulled this program together. And I know that a lot of premies who have come here from different parts of the world really know how this Grace is really pulling it together.
The Golden Age, Issue 42

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

On the Phone to Atlanta community, January 7, 1978
This is the way it is! There's Guru Maharaj Ji, and by his Grace we can relieve ourselves from the misery that we are into and by his Grace receive that Knowledge that we really want to receive. The thing that we really want. That bridge between the going-down minus, to the ever-going plus. So premies, it's just so important for us to always remember to just really have that faith.
The Golden Age March 1978 Number 43 and The Divine Times January/February 1978

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

London England, Wembley Hall, March 3rd 1978
It's very, very simple experience, because there is such a beautiful experience that is within inside of us that has been given, that is there. And unless we open up to it, the experience is not going to open up to us. Because the experience cannot open, cannot close. It's ever-constant. It's the experience of that incredible infinity. It's not some head trip, but that incredible, incredible experience of that Grace, of that Knowledge that Guru Maharaj Ji, by his Grace, has given us.
The reason is to come, sit down, and to experience that bliss and that Grace that comes out of that satsang, of that company of Truth, of that what we experience inside when we can let that flow, and to see our brothers and sisters, to see that growth happening within inside of us, to see that bliss and to get blissed out about it. And to have Guru Maharaj Ji's darshan. And to just let go for that one moment.
The Golden Age, May 1978, Number 45

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

London, England March 4th, 1978
And it's just to be able to open up to that experience of Guru Maharaj Ji. To be able to, by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, step on his boat, and let him carry us, let him take us to that "Supreme Aboard" where we all want to be. To be with him all the time, 24 hours a day. Not just one second, not just two seconds, not just three seconds, but where there are no seasons, where there is no night, where there is no day, where there are no seasons, where there is no time. To surpass all barriers of anything: time, death, life, imagination; even, to some extent, any barrier that - - if infinity has a barrier -- to even cross that, and to go where that "Supreme Aboard" really is, and just to be there with Guru Maharaj Ji, is the most incredible experience. And that's the experience that I have had.
DLM publication, 1978

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Malaga, Spain, Sunday, 26 March 1978
So premies, Knowledge is such an incredible thing, because it just shines and shines and shines and shines. And I mean it's just like there is a lot of new premies here, because yesterday it was really incredible in the darshan line. So many premies wanted Holy Breath. And there were these premies that actually had not had Holy Breath. And it was just so beautiful to just see more and more premies, more and more premies, more and more premies, more and more premies come into this Knowledge. Because it's like an opening. It's just like you can see how beautiful it is to be able to come back home again. Because we are really spaced out all the time into this ocean. But only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, when we surrender to Guru Maharaj Ji, when we say, "Okay." Not literally say, "okay," and not mean it. But when we don't say a word and yet mean it, mean it from the bottom of our heart, that "Help." And then it just manifests
Golden Age, April 1978 Number 44 and Divine Times, Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Miami Florida, Thursday, April 6 1978
And it's just like we can take so many freeways, we can take so many paths. And all these paths just end. All these paths just die. And there is one true path. There is that one reality. There is that one Truth that really is within inside of us all. And that's where we have to come. It all has to hit home, by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, again; only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace. Because just to he here, just to be here, and be breathing, and to have that time given to us to be able to meditate, to be able to see Guru Maharaj Ji. I mean, it's just like a part of this whole action, of this whole role that just continuously goes on and on and on. But for only devotees.
Holi '78 Malaga/Miami

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Memorial Day satsang, Malibu, California, May 28, 1978
But it's quite obvious that only by Knowledge - and then, not even that - only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, can we really understand who we really are, can we really have our true identity, can we really experience ourself, can we go beyond the barriers of right and wrong, can we go beyond the barrier of all time, and cross all infinity and merge with what's finite. (???) And that's only possible by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace.
The Golden Age August 1978 Number 47

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Malibu, California, June 11, 1978
Look, it's beyond liberation. It's beyond all those things. Beyond all our concepts. In this lifetime, we have the opportunity to realize, to be with, Guru Maharaj Ji. Be it not Guru Maharaj Ji - you know, maybe they didn't call him Guru Maharaj Ji - maybe they called him Lord. Anything. To be with that power. To be with that thing. To be not infinite, and yet to be with the infinite. To be here as individuals, and yet to be able to be next to the person who is everything; in which everything is, and he is in everything. Guru Maharaj Ji. The Lord. All-powerful. We are here. And only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace can we realize that, and see how divine this whole plan really is.
Divine Times - June/July 1978 Volume 7, Number 4

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Saturday, 26 August 1978
"Without Guru Maharaj Ji, you can never be on the right track, no matter how hard you try. As a matter of fact, without Guru Maharaj Ji, there is no right track. As a matter of fact what it basically boils down to is without Knowledge, without the Grace, without that Guru Maharaj Ji there is nothing. There is nothing in this world. This world is empty without it."
The Golden Age, June/July 1978, Number 46

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Hans Jayanti '78, Kissimme, Florida, Evening Program, Monday, November 6, 1978
And by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, we have been "aboarded." Somehow, here we are anyway, being able to experience that Grace, being able to experience that Knowledge, being able to have the privilege of doing satsang, service, and meditation; having Guru Maharaj Ji, praying to Guru Maharaj Ji, listening to Guru Maharaj Ji, and dedicating our lives to Guru Maharaj Ji. And this is completely incredible. Nobody can comprehend this. Nobody can understand this. Nobody can ever in their faintest dreams imagine this. And yet, by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, we have it. And that's how powerful, that's how strong, that's how magnificent, that's how incredible the Grace is that we are being showered with.But by the Grace, it's just so simple to understand and so simple to keep it straight. It is as easy to keep straight as it is to get spaced out. Believe me, that's true! Because when have we dictated our own lives? Really the real "us"? It's always been mind. "Oh yeah, you should do this. Oh yeah, you should do that." And by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, I feel that for me there was this whole trip but it was very simplified. And the faith, that true trust, is what kept it simple from there on.
Affinity, June 1980

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 11 1978, afternoon
But what we really need in our lives, unless we get that -- what we really need in our lives, unless we really believe in that -- unless we have all our faith in that instead of in this materialistic world, I can't tell you what's possible. There are possibly no words to say what is in fact possible. Because that Knowledge brings us the reality that we all seek. That Knowledge brings us the Truth that we all want. That Knowledge brings us who we really are. And only the true realization, only by the Grace of Guru Maharaj Ji, is that possible. And so our key, obviously, is Guru Maharaj Ji. And that's where we have to have our faith. That's where we have to have our trust. I mean, how incredible is it? How could it be more perfect than to have this world, to have the burning, to have the suffering and yet have a salvation out of it? Only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace.
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 2, Summer 1979

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Interview, Miami Magazine, April 1979
MM: Guru Maharaj Ji, in your recent newspaper announcements, you are quoted as saying, "I declare I will establish peace in this world." The dictionary defines "peace" as "the absence of war." Is that what you mean?
A: No. To me, peace is really the inner contentment. War is only a by-product of man not being content within one's self. When I say peace, I mean the peace which is within us and which comes when man is in harmony with his Creator, the Almighty Lord God.
MM: What message would you like to give to the readers of this magazine?
This life is such a precious gift, and so far as I have understood, it is the crown of Creation. To be here, to be alive, is such a grace, such a gift, from that Almighty Lord God. And that is all the more reason why we have to realize Him, recognize Him and experience Him within.I feel I have something through which you can experience the Peace and the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, within and thus experience that love of our Creator, the Almighty who has created us all.
The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Guru Puja festival, Lingfield, England, June 21 1979
Guru Maharaj Ji's grace. When Guru Maharaj Ji's grace is powerful enough to do anything in this world, don't you think it is definitely powerful enough to make your every word a satsang and every action a service and every moment of your life indulged with the beauty of meditation. Oh yes, it certainly is but we have to open our eyes, we have to open out hearts, we have to good, let's put it this way, we have to give Guru Maharaj Ji a chance.
Guru Puja Lingfield England 1979 video

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 10, 1979, Evening
But now that we have this moment, but now that we have this Grace that has been given to us -- it's explained that there is one Grace that we are even born. That we are alive is another Grace. And then just to be here in this world and to have the Grace to be able to receive this Knowledge, to be able to have an opportunity to dedicate our lives to Guru Maharaj Ji, to dedicate this life, to surrender, to have faith to Guru Maharaj Ji is a wonderful Grace. And how many Graces is it going to take, how many "Grace extensions" do we need before something is going to click in us and say, "Now I really have to do it"?But what Guru Maharaj Ji does is his Grace, which is beyond all miracles. Miracles don't stand up to Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace. Miracles …where miracles stop, at the farthest end, that's where Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace begins. And we get caught up in so many miracles. In Shri Maharaj Ji's satsang, he was saying that one day he locked himself in a room and he just said, "If you are really Guru Maharaj Ji, if Guru Maharaj Ji is really real …" -- and this was before he was Guru Maharaj Ji and he had his Guru Maharaj Ji -- he said, "If Guru Maharaj is really real … "I guess for him devotion was that strong, his love for his Guru Maharaj Ji was strong, that even when he prayed from his real heart, "I want to see you," Guru Maharaj Ji came and gave him darshan in that way. What is a miracle? You cannot call this a miracle. You have to call it Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace. Because it is a little bit one step beyond it. It is a phenomenon. For that stupid, scrupulous mind it's a coincidence. But for that devotee who can see beyond that, it is no coincidence. It's Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace. … Guru Maharaj Ji is merciful. But do we then automatically have a divine right to take any advantage of Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace? Yes, Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, to take advantage of Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace? Absolutely not. By no means.
Affinity, February 1980

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 8, 1979
Mind lulls us away into this "everything" that looks so beautiful, that looks so incredible. Mind lulls us away into something, but everything's here, like that example, that story of this premie who came to Guru Maharaj Ji's ashram to dedicate his life. You might say he did dedicate his life. He moved into Guru Maharaj Ji's ashram and stayed there and he would do service every day. One day he decided he wanted to go off and get married. And to me it's so real; Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, saving us every moment. He went off to be married. … "There is a letter from Guru Maharaj Ji." … What it said is you came into this world to surrender to me, to completely focus yourself on me, to completely let go to me. And now you are wearing this whole costume of a bridegroom, and are going to get entrapped into this world. You came to get away from this world and now you're going right back into this world. You came from that place of misery to an incredible satisfaction and now you're going back to misery. And I guess it really did him in. It was "the right place at the right time," plus a lot of Grace from Guru Maharaj Ji. He really realized. He took his horse and headed right to the ashram. And he went there and then he really realized, he really could see.
Élan Vital, Spring 1980, Volume IV, Issue 1

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

January 22, 1980
When we let go, when we become inspired, when we are aspiring to learn, to know, to realize, when we have the hunger in our heart to really want to know, to really want to seek, then Grace comes through for us and reveals to us what's already within inside. Knowledge gives an experience which is already within inside. It has no end; it has no beginning. It is like a constant river always flowing within inside. Whenever we dip in, whenever we dive in, we instantly have that experience.
Light Notes, Volume 1, Number 2, April 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About Darshan

Holi Site, Miami Florida, April 12, 1980
First day, you know, they just wanna take in as much as possible, as much as possible. And second day that love really starts to wind up and starts to flow out and that experience starts to manifest, you know. And why is that? Because there, there becomes a chance for us, another Grace in our lives manifests, another way how Guru Maharaj Ji manifests and in itself, it's the ultimate miracle, it's the, the miracle. Miracles are nothing compared to it. To fulfill the purpose of every, I mean I don't know sometimes I feel like Holi happens, or satsang happens, in all these places.
Holi festival of 1980 video

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Rome, Italy, 25th June 1980
"Someday, with Guru Maharaj Ji's grace, there'll be ashram everywhere is what because I just, you know, just see that there has to be a necessity for an ashram, it isn't just like, hah, that's a good plot, nobody lives in it, how about opening up an ashram? You know. But a necessity, yes there is something to back the ashram up and yes that there is something happening in that area that the ashram can back it up. Then I can see that, yes, there will be it. A good reason, you know."
Rome 1980 Ashram Satsang video

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Olympia, London, Guru Puja, 23rd August 1980
And I'm not a politician, I don't want to be a politician but I know that by the virtue of this Grace, by the experience that I have and so far I'm concerned it's the only thing that can and that will establish peace on this earth if ever there will be peace on this earth. That is it, that experience, that Knowledge is the only thing that can do it, not our ideas, they can't, we've already tried 'em. Don't you think we should be tired of it? We already tried those ideas, they don't work, they stink
Olympia 1980 Guru Puja video

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Rome, Italy 1st November, 1981
You see, there's that expression, you know, when you fall, really fall in love you hear the bell ring. Well Guru Maharaj Ji truly makes those bells ring within us because they're really ringing. They're all ringing, you don't hear them and with that love, that mercy, that grace, he takes us inside and we hear the bells. … Let me tell you one thing. There is no karma good enough to deserve Knowledge. You can't do anything in past life time, nothing, nothing, absolutely nothing that you would deserve that grace in this lifetime. And yet why? And maybe this is an endless saga? Maybe, maybe this is why, 10 millions lifetimes and for 10 million lifetimes have been a devotee and for 10 million times I have doubted and lacked faith and no better than now ever and yet given me the grace the 10th millionth time too. And now and forever to give me that grace, to keep me, you know it really is interesting how much effort do we make to stay with Guru Maharaj Ji and how much effort does Guru Maharaj Ji make to stay with us. … I don't even know what a lifetime is and I don't even know what a grace is because how can I even comprehend what grace is? And yet how do where do I begin? Where do I even begin in the path of devotion? Where do I even begin in this love? Where do I even begin to thank? Or where do I even start? And yet you know Guru Maharaj Ji knows. … In a spur of a moment we want that grace to just come and fill us. Never, ever deserving it, never even doing one thing to deserve it that we want it there just waiting for us like a chauffeur. If I ever get tired I'll just hop in the car of grace and it'll just fly me away. I wish it would work like that, it doesn't because Guru Maharaj Ji gives us ever single ingredient that we need, we could ever need, ever could want and yet asks to have faith and is it that terrible to have faith in something that's real? … Again and again that's the faith I feel towards my Guru Maharaj Ji. That's the grace I feel because that's real. I've experienced it. I don't talk about it just because it's nice to talk about it. It's wonderful to talk about it but I've experienced it myself. It's real in having faith in me all I can do gosh is turn around and say "Yes."
Rome 1/11/81 video

Maharaji's Teachings About Grace

Miami Florida, 9th December 1983
So, (long applause) I say it's a wonderful chance for all of us to be able to come together and of course it's nice to see everyone ha ha and uh really we need to recognize and need to understand how incredible of a blessing it is that we have, how lovely, how incredible, how gracious it is to have this chance, to have this grace of life, of Knowledge, of that experience.
"Birthday Program", Perfect Master Tape 256

Prem Rawat Teaching AboutGrace

Shri Hans Jayanti celebrations, November 9, 1990
Those who have received Knowledge, they forget this fact after sometime that what a beautiful opportunity, what a beautiful time they have got. What a grace was conferred upon us that we were able to get this opportunity, to have this Knowledge. And so many times I have given satsang from this stage but the basic thing I have always explained is: "Enjoy yourself. The supreme happiness you are seeking, which is so much desired by your heart is before you. Just accept it" But people are like that sieve (which sifts out the essence of the material and retains the waste of it). They forget the primary thing related to that inner joy. That's missed by them and all that they remember is, "Oh, there is this problem with me. I have this trouble, this grief. And this has happened to me. That has happened to me." They are caught up in such things. And what happens? Then their mind, their brain becomes active.
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 2 April - June, 1991

Prem Rawat Teaching About Grace

Public Program, Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, April 13, 1992
But I have found that a human being is not in a position to save himself. His condition is constantly deteriorating in such a way that he cannot save himself. Only when he gets the grace of the Master, he can be able to save himself. But it is possible only when he is ready to listen to him. Because the guide will only show the way, how you can save yourself. He will reveal the techniques to go inside so that you can experience, enjoy and understand that thing inside. So, whatever it was and how it was done but I don't have the least doubt that my Master has showered his infinite grace upon me. He bestowed his grace when he gave me this Knowledge and my Master's ineffable grace is with me all the time -- every day and night. And if I accept that infinite grace within my heart and be worthy of his grace every moment of my life, then I know fully well that I can pass my life in an everlasting joy and bliss wherever I am. … So, dear gentlemen, that grace is also being bestowed upon you. Accept it with your open heart and remain worthy of this grace. Then you will have a storehouse of perpetual joy throughout your life!
Maharaji by his infinite grace always protects us otherwise who knows what may happen. Anyway, the next day the whole session was conducted very smoothly and beautifully. Now, it has become quite clear to me that if there is an opportunity, I have the confidence to give this Knowledge to the whole world at a time -- if there are no mahatmas or instructors. And everything can be done very easily, very smoothly. A few months earlier, if anybody would have asked me whether I would do without the instructors, I would have said, "I don't know, whether it will be possible or not." But now there is not an iota of doubt left in me about its possibility. It is the amazing grace of Maharaji indeed that he put this thought in me, otherwise I would have been in the same dilemma. Because it has been in the system for such a long time that only instructors were expected to do everything. Only they could give Knowledge. I mean, it has been a very old tradition.
'Life Force', Volume 8, Issue 3 July - September, 1992

The And It is Divine magazines included the following proclamation in one form or another:

Dear Reader,

By the grace of Almighty Lord, we bring you the magazine And It Is Divine. You will find this magazine very different from others, because it shows not only the suffering of the world, but also a way out for all humanity.

There has never been a time when the Lord of Creation did not manifest Himself in human form, and come to this planet Earth to do away with evil and spread the True Knowledge. But history is a pendulum which is always in swing. There have been so many scriptures, but still people have never been able to understand Him.

Divine Light Mission wants to bring world peace by sharing the Knowledge which is within us by the grace of Almighty Lord. In this magazine, we hope to give information about the peace which lives within us, which Guru Maharaj Ji reveals.

Sant Ji Maharaj

And yes, He, Himself, Prem Rawat aka Sant Ji Maharaj, Prem Pal Singh Rawat, Maharaji, Guru Maharaj Ji, Balyogeshwar Param Sant Ji Maharaj was the manifestation of the 'Lord of Creation' and his signature was on every print of this manifesto.