Prem Rawat's Teachings About Gratitude - In His Own Words
In the early part of his career it was understood that gratitude to Maharaji from his premies was de rigeur. After all, not only had he revealed the Knowledge, powered it with his Grace without which the Knowledge was useless but he was the Lord of the Universe and the Perfect Master and much else. From the 90's on 'gratitude' became one of major foci of Maharaji's teachings but he rarely explained to whom this gratitude should go. Of course, his old guard knew only too well and no doubt they ensured that newbies soon learnt about such an important part of the experience. Mind you, it's not as if is difficult to see to whom Maharaji is alluding in all these exhortations to gratitude.
Many of the things Maharaji says seem a little miraculous and strain credulity to the limit. All you have to do is accept this breath: "Your heart will filled with gratitude instantly. And when your heart is filled with gratitude, let me tell you, there is no greater heaven on the face of this earth."

Holi Festival, Rome, Italy / June 25, 1980
I have to let go to my Guru Maharaj Ji. I feel his mercy. I feel his compassion. I feel his love so much. I am grateful. I feel him. I need him. Because if I didn't feel him,
the day I discover that I don't need him, I'll be ready to go six feet under the ground. I'll be ready to be cremated.
Élan Vital, Fall 1980, Volume IV, Issue 3

Miami Florida, Christmas Day 1980
Every one of us has to understand that Grace, every one of us has to have that gratitude. Without that, we try to live in fantasies, without that, we try to live in a dream and
maybe one day we'll wake up and find the whole thing has disappeared. But the experience being manifested is right now. … To me, that those devotees accepted Jesus as their
Lord, and stayed with it. That's it, that was their experience, there was a gratitude,
there was an experience, then there was an acceptance and that's why there was even an experience.
Audio tape

Maharaji's Gala Evening, New York, March 1986
Knowledge has allowed a miracle to happen in all our lives. It is therefore necessary that we feel that gratitude in our hearts as clearly and profoundly as Knowledge has brought
us an experience.
In View - Summer 1986

The beautiful thing is my father, my Master, my teacher showed me that that was inside of me and it wasn't just empty words but he showed me and the day I could see, the day I could feel I understood. My garden continues to grow. If it is possible, I've had knowledge for a long time, if it is possible because it is happening to where my tree produces more fruit every day, more than yesterday and more than the day before and my gratitude grows and grows and grows and grows. … I knew there was no limit to doubts but it takes a real turn to understand there is no limit to clarity, that there is no limit to that joy, there is no limit to that gratitude and that's why it's an opportunity, it's an opportunity to need to come and speak from my heart. - Across the '90's

Miami Beach, May 1998
My creator has given me an opportunity to be here. My master gave me the opportunity to be free. I am indebted, eternally grateful.

Miami Beach, May 1998
Today, a breath came into me and brought me the gift of life. For this, I am filled with gratitude. For this, I'm eternally thankful because today I am alive.
Inspire Electronic magazine, v3 i112 26 October 2006

Visions International booklet 1998
We look at each other, not with admiration, but to find fault. Pretty soon, it becomes a habit. That is not what this opportunity is. Obviously, if that is your outlook, there is no opportunity. If you have trained yourself to look at the bad, there is no good. If that is your perspective, where is the bliss? Where is the beauty? Where is the gratitude?These things exist. Joy exists.
Nothing Celebrates Life … Like life

This package of human life has riches beyond belief. Gratitude, fulfillment, understanding, joy. Do you really understand what the word joy means?
Joy comes whenever you feel the immortal inside of you. That's what fills you with joy. And what is joy like? Indescribable. What does contentment feel like? It cannot be described. What does peace feel like? Again, Kabir says, "It cannot be described. It is like a mute person eating candy."
ADI magazine #4 post 2001

The Thank You 2002 CD
Track 5, The Perfect Instrument: "For me, it gets fuller and fuller. Do not measure the tree, instead admire its glory. Stand back, come close, sit in the shade, love it because it is a miracle. This life, this existence, I can't say enough. Don't you realize there are no divisions, no separations? Don't you realize it is the same thing? Don't you realize how simple it is to be given an opportunity to appreciate? Don't you realize how simple it is to have a human body? The perfect instrument to play the perfect notes of gratitude, of glory, of contentment, of satisfaction.
- Thank You 2002 CD

The Thank You 2003 CD
Stay in love and it will remain magical, be in love with this breath and it will remain magical. Do you realize that all along in the path of this Knowledge this is what you have
been asked to do. No miracles except to enjoy and let your heart fill with gratitude and now I'm also telling you something which you can do which is fall in love.
Fall in love with this breath, fall in love with this Knowledge, fall in love with this life - Thank You 2003 CD

Miami Beach, May 1998
Today, a breath came into me and brought me the gift of life. For this, I am filled with gratitude. For this, I'm eternally thankful because today I am alive.
Inspire Electronic magazine, v3 i112 26 October 2006

May, 2007
You begin to understand the preciousness of life, the joy, and the truest responsibility to be in gratitude to the most magnificent power that has made it possible for you to be alive. That's what it means to be alive. Not doubt. Not confusion.
Not pain, not suffering, not misery, not darkness. - ADI magazine, Issue #2, 2007 and The Voice of Maharaji Website

When you feel that simplicity, you can begin to hear the real rhythm of your life. You can appreciate what you have been given, and the story will be complete.
You will be set free when you understand that you do not need the support of all the ideas, that you can just stand on this bridge of life, and that it is solid, good, strong.
You can jump on it, and it won't fall down. You will be able to appreciate its strength.And then your heart will fill with gratitude for all that you have been given.
And when your heart fills with gratitude, you will have the answers without needing the questions.
Inspire electronic magazine, v5 i149, 22 May 2008

July, 2008
If you could just know that this life is the chance to spend time with that which is the truest, unconditional love … This is the opportunity for every living being to
spend time with the Beloved within, to feel gratitude for life and rejoice.
The Voice of Maharaji Website downloaded April 1, 2010

Accept the blessing that has been given to you, so, so abundantly. This breath, accept it and the day you do, that will be the most incredible worship, you will ever have done.
Your heart will filled with gratitude instantly. And when your heart is filled with gratitude, let me tell you, there is no greater heaven on the face of this earth.
Time stops, worries are gone, the heart is filled with gratitude. You know the fulfilment of mind because you've tried it many times, you work hard at it,
trying to get gratitude out of your head
Inspire Electronic Magazine Volume 5, Issues 139 - 164

ADI Magazine #10, created 21/5/2012
When I feel the closeness inside me to my God, I smell a perfume. The perfume of God is peace. No more dualities. No more confusion. Just understanding. No questions.
Just answers. I feel gratitude because truly I have been gratified. Fulfilled. And then I walk this earth knowing and understanding, even through all the bumps.
Life is not about the bumps. Life is not about the storms.
ADI Magazine #10 © Words of Peace Global

It's only one thing in you that can understand the moment called now and it is your heart. Not your mind. That's why you have a heart. That one place from where questions don't com but inspiration does. That one place from where reasoning doesn't come but gratitude does. Gratitude and understanding that gratitude. Not reasoning. Mind likes to reason. Mind likes to gloat. Human beings like to gloat. - 'Does God Test?' video clip downloaded September 22 2012
Dance, Dance, Dance
by Rich Neel with One Foundation
How grateful we are for your Lotus Feet
It's brought us Divine Nectar so sweet
Your breath is the life of all mankind
Without you we are completely blind
Your presence sends our hearts out of control