Prem Rawat's Teachings about the Incarnation of God - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat, or Maharaji (Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself, no longer publicly uses the word 'incarnation' to describe himself. His father was more explicit. Why Prem Rawat has chosen to remove this explicit explanation of the source of the power he claims to embody is unknown. However, he continued to use the phrase he originated "comes into the world" and claimed his identity with Jesus, Krishna, etc, many times. He sometimes used the word embodiment to describe the relationship between himself and God and 'embodiment' was often used by his followers, including his wife, to describe him. The language he uses to describe himself and his power has changed but this collection of Rawat's teachings about the Master, the Savio(u)r, Guru Maharaj Ji, the Perfect Master, the Lord, the Living Master, the Incarnation of God, the Manifestation of God who come(s) in(to) the world show that he uses all these descriptions to refer to himself.

Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, India, August 28th, 1953
The rivers of the world have been entering the ocean for ages, but the ocean is not yet filled, nor has the source of water been exhausted. In the same way, countless wise men, ascetics, saints, prophets and
Incarnations have told the glory of God's virtues in different ways, and the listeners have also died, but neither the virtues of God nor the listeners have come to an end. So many Incarnations have
manifested! In the future a greater and more powerful incarnation may manifest Himself, and one who will recognize Him at that time will be benefited thereby. Less attention is paid to prophets in the present than to
those who came in the past. Most people follow the beaten path. In other words, by relying on the name of past prophets, they forget God and always think of materialism and the satisfaction of pleasures. They restrict their
thinking by adopting scriptures compiled by only one Incarnation or Saint
Millenium Issue, And It Is Divine Magazine, November, 1973

Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, India, August 28th, 1953
God's fascination is infinite. Up to date, no prophet, seer or Incarnation could know its mystery completely. Yet all have said in the end that we should discard attachment to materialism and remember the Name of
God. … There are two types of Divine Incarnations, perpetual and motivated. A motivated Incarnation is one like Rama or Krishna. They did not remedy the disease of the world; instead they destroyed the diseased. For
example, Lord Krishna destroyed a huge army in the fighting described in the Mahabharata. Nobody survived except the Lord himself and five devotees. Perpetual Incarnations are those saints who destroy the disease
instead of the diseased. In other words, by imparting the Knowledge or 'True Name' and 'True Light' of God, they remove the darkness of ill will which exists in people's hearts. Then instead of doing wicked actions, people
take to godly actions. In this way the influence of the Dark Age comes to an end, and the era of the Golden Age appears.
Millenium Issue, And It Is Divine Magazine, November, 1973

Yogiraj Param Sant Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, June, 1961, at Prem Nagar, India
Sublime devotion, however, comes from implicit faith and confidence in the Satguru of the time, and it must be clearly understood that only He who can bestow God-vision instantaneously within oneself is
the Satguru of the time, and no one else. In reality, He is God incarnate. It is impossible to have unflinching confidence without personal experience of this divine light
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji? Published in November 1973 by Bantam Books, Inc.

Hans Rawat (father of Prem Rawat quoted in Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj)
The Arya Samajists did not believe in the principle of Avatar Vad, while Maharaj Ji had full faith in the principle of the incarnation of God.
The unmanifest God can only be realized through the grace of the manifested one. He often used to quote the Gita, "Whenever virtue subsides and wickedness prevails I manifest myself.
To establish virtue, to destroy evil, to save the good, I come from Yuga to Yuga." "Fools deride Me in my manifested human form, without knowing My real nature as the Lord of the universe".
Such is Shri Krishna's declaration in the Gita on incarnation.
Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

Hans Yog Prakash, The Magnum Opus of Shri Hans Ji Maharaj
You remove the fear of this world. You are the very incarnation of good fortune, and filled with blissfulness. You are Shiva, the one who lets endless nectar flow. You are Generator, Operator and Destroyer, You are the Lord
of Lords, King of Kings, the most High. I do not know how to remember You nor how to meditate upon You. You are Lord Shiva incarnate.
My Guru is the incarnate Lord of this time. I bow before my Guru, who is greater than Christ or Buddha, for each of them was the servant of his Satguru.
He who gives us the lamp of true Knowledge is Satguru, He is God incarnate. If someone took Him to be an ordinary human being, his ignorance would make his whole life fruitless.
We cannot see God except in human form. No one has ever seen the Lord in any form except that of His Incarnation. We haven't seen God, and even if we try, we will not see Him. Why should we even speak about seeing Him, when we cannot even paint His picture without distortion.
The Incarnate Lord, who has always worked in this way, and who has never had any desire for the fruits of His actions, remains eternally free. And so it is with anyone who lives in this way, no matter if he lives in a great city where vice and corruption abound, viciousness cannot touch him. A lotus leaf floats on the surface of the water, but still it does not become damp. In the same way, a man such as we speak of can remain free of sin even if he is dipped in the sink of iniquity.
When the world staggers in the darkness of spiritual blindness and even the leaders of nations know not the path which leads to peace; when all work is done in the ignorance of selfish thoughts and men forget that they are each other's brothers; when the path of Truth and Yoga disappears in the undergrowth of materialism - then the Lord Himself out of His boundless compassion incarnates in human guise upon earth, to lead mankind once more upon the shining path of righteousness. Spiritual masters come onto the earth out of compassion for suffering humanity, and bring True Knowledge which gives peace and the bliss of Self-knowledge. There have been countless masters and saints and their disciples became the messengers of God.
Hans Yog Prakash

July 29, 1966
So many times, Guru Maharaj Ji has come to this world. There have been many, many Perfect Masters and each one has revealed the very same Knowledge. You have not understood. Each Divine Incarnation has gone away and
still you have not realized the Knowledge he brought. Now, if you want to know the Truth, then get that Supreme Knowledge, because this body will be destroyed one day. You have got to get Knowledge as soon as possible,
otherwise the shop will be closed. This Knowledge will grow more and more expensive; it will not remain cheap. Today you people think that Guru Maharaj Ji is not here. Again you have not understood his true form, but I will
explain everything to you. If you do not realize God within, then Guru Maharaj Ji, the Perfect Master, will manifest again and again in this world and you will see him in the form you like. When a Perfect Master
comes, he cannot be bound by the rule of government, but we know that if we have to explain this to the world, people will not understand. Even when people of this world see a true saint, they do not recognize him. Every
time the Perfect Master comes, some people think that he is true, some think that he is false.
Millenium Issue, And It Is Divine Magazine, November, 1973

India Gate, Delhi, India, November 8th, 1970
And today I have to say with sorrow that the Knowledge which was once firmly established in this land of India has been slowly disappearing. But when the Lord saw that the troubles His devotees were having to endure had
reached the final point, He said, "My devotees can bear it no longer", and then manifested Himself in a human body. So He has now come to reveal the lost Knowledge and to restore true peace. The Lord, the True Saint,
the True Guru Maharaj Ji has incarnated in this world. So, in this ground, where one moment ago I expressed sorrow, I now praise the fate of India. I do not have the words to express how fortunate we are that the
Lord's Grace always saves us from destruction and makes us His lovers.
The Golden Age November 1978 Number 49

Alta Loma Terrace, Hollywood, California, August 15, 1971
So see, search in God; you will find that Guru is the Supremest of all. It is said that "In a day I should bow many thousands, thousands, thousands, thousands, millions, millions and millions of times to Satguru." Such a high thing, such a high power, has come. "I was seeking for God, but God has come in body! What can be higher and holier than that?" We think that God is the highest and holiest thing. But listen: God has come in the form of human man, form of you and me! What can be higher than that? Such a high person took the same form as the lowest thing. No shame at all! For our benefit.
Élan Vital, Spring 1978, Volume II, Issue 1

Guru Maharaj Ji answers questions in Boulder, Colorado on August 18, 1971
Q: Would you speak on the subject of reincarnation?
A: See, reincarnation means that a realized soul, which is one at a time, comes and reveals that Truth to people. Ram, Krishna, Buddha, Kabir, Nanak, Guru Govind Singh … and also Christ - and there are many. They are all called incarnations. They come to give this Knowledge to people so that they may be done with all the sufferings of this world. Like Krishna says, "When there will be a decline in the true religion, I will come to save it and form one religion." Which he did. And "religion" means realization. "Religion" has started from a word "realization."
Élan Vital, Volume 4, Issue 1, Spring 1980

Guru Maharaj Ji answers questions in Boulder, Colorado, August 18, 1971
What is the difference between a Satguru and an Avatar?
Same. What is the difference between H2O and water? Some people say "Mercy," "Lord of Mercy." Some only say "Lord," some say "God," some say "Lord Christ." Same thing.
Élan Vital, Winter 1977, Volume I, Issue 2

Montrose, Colorado, July 26, 1972
I was an ordinary child. And then I used to come back home, and there was Guru Maharaj Ji, there was my father, who was, as a matter of fact,
the incarnation of his time. He was true. He was perfect. And then the whole company was holy; the whole company was Truth.
Divine Times, September/October 1978, Volume 7, Number 6

Swiss Alps Festival, August 26, 1972
One thing you must understand is who is Guru, and who is God? And what is the difference? God is the name of power, God is a sort of noun.
Guru is a complete adjective. It indicates a movement from 'gu', darkness, to 'ru', light, and so this word is performing a very great action.
And this word 'guru' is an adjective, and a verb too, because it shows us that some work is being done. So who is Guru?
When God Himself incarnates in this body, He is called Guru, because only God is the power who can bring us from darkness and put us into light.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 4, December, 1972

Tokyo, Japan, October 1, 1972
In the same way, when we want to search for Peace, when we really want to learn Peace, when we really want to understand Peace, when we really want to be in Peace and one with Peace, then always God incarnates Himself in this human body on this planet Earth, and gives us this Peace. He reveals this secret to us.
Élan Vital, Volume II Issue 4 Winter 1978

Tokyo, Japan, October 3, 1972
The greatest problem all around the world today, whether in America, Japan. China. Russia, India, or anywhere else in the world, is that people are not in peace. People want peace. Today, if two people fight, the government
is supposed to settle them down. But when governments fight, who is going to settle then down? The only one who can settle the governments down is
the Perfect Master, the incarnation of God Himself, who comes to Earth to save humankind.
And these Masters always come into the world to give and give and give and give. So if a man is losing, he can get what he needs from the Master. And if you can't find the Master I can show you God because I have realized Him!
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 9, July 1973

Unknown speech, Published March, 1975
It is to provide the missing ingredient that the Lord incarnates forth from time to time in human body. For without obedience for and surrender to Him, one can never receive the Holy Knowledge. It is simple and logical.
Hidden Light newsletter, March 1975

Calcutta, India, April 23 1975
But we never understand how very fortunate the Kaliyuga is. Of course, nobody directly praises the Kaliyuga. But in this Kaliyuga, the Lord will incarnate with full power. Whoever he will be! That's the other question. For this Kaliyuga, it's said that Kaliyuga is based on the Holy Name. By remembering the Holy Name, a man can cross the ocean of suffering and misery.
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 4, Winter 1979

Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando, Florida, Evening 9 November 1975
"How many times are we going to deny our Lord? I mean, I can't even imagine how man can be as crazy as he is! The Lord Himself reincarnates, reincarnates, reincarnates Himself for the very purpose of saving us. And we do not even realize who gave us the authority to refuse Him! Who are we anyway? From which field do we come that we can reject, that we can refuse, that we can deny our Lord? That is something that I cannot answer. And we do it every time! Because we have got a stupid ego. Because of one simple reason - we have got our stupid mind that's always telling us. For one simple reason - we do not understand, we cannot comprehend His beauty, His perfection."
Divine Times, Volume 4, Issue 10

Guru Puja, Miami Beach, Florida, Saturday, 21st July, 1979
You know it seems so evident that by now everybody would understand, that everybody would understand all the mistakes human beings have made in the past with the Perfect Masters and would not commit the
same mistakes again. Too many stories and too many examples. The cost of every living Perfect Master who has incarnated into this Earth. Look at Krishna. Look at Ram. Look at Mohammed. Look at Buddha. Guru
You know, we think there are so many experiences out there. But every living Perfect Master has come to reveal one experience. After all, there is something behind it. Isn't there? And how simple does Guru Maharaj Ji make
it? Tell me, how simple did Jesus make it when he came?
The Golden Age, October 1979, Number 55

Cancun, Mexico, January 16, 1980
So much is taught. Time after time, age after age, Perfect Master has incarnated into this world. If we were truly alive and the essence of life came, would we miss out? It doesn't even make
sense. Because when that essence of life would manifest …In this entire world you look at it. The way this entire nature functions it's so clear. And yet for human beings, time after time that Incarnation happens of the Person, of the Being, of the Lord, who can reveal us, who can show us what this life is, who can give us the meaning of this life, who can make us alive. Otherwise, what is it? We are abused just like a dead carcass. What happens to a dead carcass? You leave it there. I've seen it in Calcutta. Boy, it was really, really gory. I walked off the train and there was this dead body lying there and the flies - the mouth was open - the flies were going in and coming out. That's what it is. But that's exactly the way this world is.
Affinity, February 1980

South American tour, Sao Paulo, Brazil, January 30,1980
And time and time again a solution to every one of our questions - a solution is offered by a Perfect Master. And the solution that is offered to us is beyond - completely beyond - what we can think of. We can read. We read
the scriptures. We can read scriptures. But the scriptures point out to us, "Yes, there is an existence of something that is incredible. Yes, there was a time when Jesus came into this world. Yes, there is something like
incarnation. Yes, there is something like peace and happiness. Yes, there is something that's called bliss."
Affinity, February 1980

Rome, Italy - June 25, 1980
"When Guru Maharaj Ji Himself, like I said, that power Himself, accepts and will and does, take a human form, so that you can relate, for every individual human being, then what do you think is left that you can't understand? Do you think He'll come in this world, do you think Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world to make the most incredible thing the simplest thing and then take the simplest things and make them so incredible that nobody can understand them."
To me, religions always happen after the fact. Religions are almost the aftermath of the ultimate thing. Perfection comes in this world, incarnates, takes a human body. People of that time see, people of that time believe, people of that time understand, people of that time are given that opportunity to surrender - to surrender, to let go of their ego, to let go of their faith in everything, and put that faith in that only Being, to take that love and give it to that Ultimate Being. And they enjoy it. They cherish that love. They cherish that Being so much. They cherish their Perfect Master so much. Because in him they saw their love. In him they saw their life which they could never find. In him they saw themselves. Themselves. The purpose of their creation. The purpose of their existence. The purpose of their being in this world.
Ashram Satsang video, June 25 1980

Rome, Italy 1st November, 1981
And Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world and says "No, wait. There is a mind and it'll get you." It's almost like that's it's service, that's it's job, that's why it incarnates, to get you. And Guru Maharaj Ji says "I come in this world to rid you from it, from that mind because all that mind will bring you is suffering after suffering after suffering and what I can bring you is that true love, true joy, true peace, true happiness.
Rome 1/11/81 video
Prem Rawat's Teachings about His Embodiment - In His Own Words

Birthday Satsang, December 11, 1971, Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar
All the saints of India, even Jesus Christ, even Mohammed, have emphasized love because love is the greatest cord in the world that can unite you and the Lord, Who is perfect, perfect for all. And he who goes to Him and
asks Him for His love, He never hesitates to give this love to him. Maybe he is the lowest person in the world; maybe he is the highest person in the world. The Lord is the embodiment of love and you must realize
Him. Not only realize Him, but be one with Him; because He can create you as many times as you like. So be careful with the golden opportunity He has given you. And don't be confused with the hypnotic shadows of the mind.
The mind is creating doubts in you , and you are getting frustrated. Once you get frustrated, remember friends, you will not be able to return again. Don't be frustrated. Don't look anywhere; just look at your destination
which you have to complete. Don't look anywhere else.
So today in this frustrated darkness in this world, only the Perfect Lord is the bright shining sun for every darkness in the world. And if you have known Him, far-out. There is nothing that can be more than That. It is
the endless limit if you have known the Lord of the time. So, through the knowledge, you realize Him. This knowledge is the medium through which you realize who the Perfect Lord is. And through meditation and service we
serve Him and be one with Him. So, what I have told you just now I think is important. Maybe it is not for you. But it is very important for me. And only through this principle, only through this basic outline, can we know
how to be one. This solid line of love is being carried out from centuries and centuries, ages and ages and ages. And my guru also taught me this first of all, this thread of love, and then I was able to realize this
embodiment of love. He is white, but if you will wear blue glasses, you won't be able to see Him. In this world, everywhere there is darkness. White glasses are necessary for that white, bright, shining light. And if
you go to Him, He says, "Ask and it shall be given; knock and it shall I be opened unto you." So, if you have asked for knowledge, very good. Otherwise, if you have known the knowledge, go ahead and meditate.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise, 1972

An Interview with Guru Maharaj Ji, June 1979, Miami Magazine
Q: Most people think of a Guru as someone who has renounced all worldly things and sits on top of a mountain. What does "Guru" actually mean?
A: The word "Guru" is a very simple word and has a very simple meaning. It derives from Sanskrit and means, 'One who can take us from the darkness and bring us to the light.' 'Gu' meaning darkness; 'Ru' meaning light. The
word 'Guru' is in some circumstances mis-used. Guru is that embodiment, that human being who can take us from darkness, bring us to light, show us the perfection within, show us the experience of God within,
and bring us the inner contentment.
The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54 and Guru Maharaj Ji Answers Questions, 1979 and The Golden Age Special Introductory Issue Number 1, February 1980

The Connection video, 1998
"It's a total package. Physically there is a Master so you can connect and internally there is Knowledge so you can connect on both levels. Make the connection."
The Connection video, 1998