Prem Rawat's Teachings about the Infinite - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat or Maharaji (Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's had no compunction stating he was the one and only living Perfect Master. He claims to reveal the infinite and eternal inside of everyone though which his followers can know and experience infinite bliss and become infinite perfection. His followers can become masters of perfection though they can never bcome the Perfect Master. He has a special relationship to that infinite God and that his followers can also know the beginning an end of infinity in one second though the infinite grace of the Perfect Master.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Denver Ashram, Colorado, 18 September 1971
See, that Knowledge is infinite, perfect and very easy to learn, and omnipresent and is in everybody. This Knowledge is in everybody. Like God. Where God is, this Knowledge is with Him. You cannot separate your name with Him. Can you separate your name from you? Have you left your name in your cupboard? Wherever you will follow, your name will follow you. God is like that. Wherever God will follow, the way, the method to reach God, will follow Him. This is the way: attached to God always. Perfect
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 1, November 1972

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Johannesburg, South Africa, 29 April 1972
Every satsang is a discussion on one subject, and that is the true Knowledge which brings peace of mind. Many great saints got fantastic experiences from this wonderful Knowledge and just wanted to spread it to all people. In every age a great saint like Rama, Krishna, Buddha, Mohammed, and Christ has taken birth on earth for this purpose, to give this Knowledge to other people, because, in their time, the truth had declined, spiritual understanding had been lost. As far as spiritual matters go, they were ages of darkness. … I don't mind the difficulties that are being put against me. Whenever he comes to the world the Perfect Master has to tolerate many difficulties. I have come to spread this Knowledge and that is what I am going to do. Understand this and believe it. Are you hesitating to receive this Knowledge? Why? It is very simple Knowledge. It will give you complete peace of mind. It will give you infinite bliss. Do not complain later on that you were never told about this Knowledge. Again and again, I do nothing but to tell you all to take this Knowledge.
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Delhi, India, December, 1972
God is perfect, God is infinite, but we are all finite. If we want to reach to that level where we can see God and experience God, then we are forced to become infinite, and to get infinite is the process of Knowledge, of knowing what is unknown to us. Now there are many things that are unknown to us, but there is one unknown thing that is inside of us. And the revealing of that unknown thing is called Knowledge. When we know it and when we understand it, we become infinite, and big enough to see God and be one with God. Because unless and until you have had that experience, it's difficult for you to say where it starts and where it ends. … The problem has been that God is infinite and a finite thing is not able to deal with the infinite. Until the finite becomes infinite it is quite impossible. Because a relationship between God and a human being is not possible. But Guru or Perfect Master - what is the meaning of Perfect Master? The man who teaches us math we call a math master. The man who teaches us physics we call a physics master. The man who teaches us perfectness we call a Perfect Master. He teaches us perfectness and then we become a master of perfectness. Not a Perfect Master, but a master of perfectness when we have perfectly realized the perfect Knowledge. And because perfection is infinite we also become infinite. Then the relationship between us and God is possible.
And It Is Divine, Volume I, Number 5, March 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Questions and Answers, Delhi, India, 1972
Is it possible to know God without the help of a Perfect Master?
The problem is that God is infinite, human beings are finite, and a finite thing is not able to deal with the infinite. Until the finite becomes infinite, it is quite impossible because a relationship between God and a human being is impossible. But a Guru or Perfect Master - what is the meaning of Perfect Master? The man who teaches math is called a math master. The man who teaches physics is a physics master. The one who teaches us perfectness, we call a Perfect Master. He is the one who is both finite and infinite at the same time. He is the bridge that can take us from our finite condition to an infinite one. … No matter what religion a person believes in, he must understand that God is realizable now, in this century, in this age of darkness. So this is the whole process to know God. Once we approach the proper source, it is not at all difficult because Perfect Master knows what to do. We just give ourselves into his hands.
Light Reading, June 1979

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Divine United Organisation Announcement, February 1973
Taking drugs, taking shots, is not the infinite stage. It's a very finite stage, it as a beginning, it has an end. If you are taking a two millimeter, or a two c.c. injection, you start and then you end at two c.c. That has a beginning, that has an end to it. If you are taking a pill, it has a limited size to it. But this Knowledge does not have it, so when they get into this Knowledge, it's just very blissful, as those people who have realized this Knowledge, and those people who have experienced the Blissful stage of this Knowledge, know. And that's why, after receiving this Knowledge, we leave all these kinds of things.
Divine Times, Volume II, Number 6, US Edition - April 1, 1973 and Perfect Master Tape 001, April 1, 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Interview by John Wood of the Boston Globe, Newton, Massachusetts, August 3, 1973
Wood: Do you think that there is only one Perfect Master?
Maharaj Ji: You see - here I want to be very frank - people come to me and ask me about this, and they say, "What's your opinion about a Perfect Master? Is there one, is there two?" I tell them my opinion, that there is only one Perfect Master. Because perfectness is one, not two, not three. So, there is one Perfect Master in this world. And because he is perfect, that's it. He is perfect. You just can't divide perfect. I think it's funny saying that; it's just as funny as saying that the car had tires on top, and car had tires on the bottom. That's just like saying there are two Perfect Masters. You are just dividing perfectness into two - you can't do that. There has to be one Perfect Master, because perfectness is infinite, you just can't divide it. It has to be one.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Crisis? What Crisis?

Millenium 73, "The Most Holy and Significant Event in human history" Houston, Texas, November 10, 1973
I'm talking about that Knowledge that has to be accomplished in this world, that Knowledge that has to be put into this world. Because that's the way to Peace. We all want Peace; we all are trying to work for Peace. All the different people are trying to come up with new ideas for Peace. You want Peace, give me a try. Let me have a try, and I'll establish Peace for you. It's a simple deal. It's like infinity to zero. I want nothing out of you, and I'll give you that infinite thing. I'll give you that infinite Perfection.
And It Is Divine, Summer 1977, Volume 4, Issue 2

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Questions & Answers, Phoenix, Arizona, January 21, 1974
And to start it with the mark, just like that (makes infinity sign), is the answer and the equation and the beginning and the end of itself. So where will you start it from? Where will we end? Forget it, you know. It's like, that's why it cannot be written down. Otherwise if there would have been something like that, we probably could have written the equation down. And what really, for man, what infinity is, is "G" plus "M" is equal to infinity. When God and man become one, that's infinite. Because man is finite, and God is infinite. When finite is completely merged into something that is infinite, it's equal to infinite. Yes?
Élan Vital, August 1977, Volume 1, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Chicago, 18th February 1974
That is why we must go to a person who has and who is the source of this infinite bliss of the, the infinite Knowledge, of this perfection we go to him, ask him and he reveals us that truth then that is the perfect bliss that we are searching for, that we are looking for and this is why it's like there are so many people going around in this world. … You see and that is, that is the main reason that why this world is not reaching a point of satisfaction and that is why always a Perfect Master comes from time to time to time to time to time to time. Comes into this earth and reveals people, shows people that perpetual, that perfect movement which is inside of us, that beautiful, beautiful vibration and he shows us, he reveals us that and when he reveals the bliss that he has experienced with that is completely, completely unbelievable because it's perfect. It's like a man has never experienced perfectness before and instantly, in a split of a second, the next thing he knows that he is merged with infinite and the bliss of there is I can't even describe it to you because it's completely fantasticIt's like you have seen that uh series Gilligan's Island (laughter) and when they see a aeroplane nearby (the guru can hardly stop from laughing) how, how, it means how blissful they feel about it and this just again from one kind of misery, from a kind of misery you are going to the b kind of misery but it's still the same you know it's like it's still, still the same, it's completely still the same and so how blissful it is going to be for actually a human being merges into a complete infinite and the complete bliss because you see when there is a drop of water in the dropper it can be identified as a drop when it is put into a glass it is no more a drop it is the whole glass of water and when there is water in the glass it can be identified as a glass of water, glass in the water or in measurements but once it's poured into the ocean then that identity, that little drop of a glass of water is no more a glass of water, it's the whole ocean because that identity is now merged with the whole ocean.
Perfect Master Tape 019

Maharaji's Teachings About the Perfect Master

Guru Puja Festival Caracas, Venezuela, July 23, 1975
You know, I was in Denver, and I was giving satsang about Perfect Master. And like, a Perfect Master, when we call him a Perfect Master, we have just said something that we really don't sit back and try to understand. When we say Perfect Master, when we say this, this person who is infinite, call him Guru Maharaj Ji, call him Perfect Master, call him Lord, call him anything you want, he doesn't need to come into this world. You see? He doesn't. Because he is perfect. All he has to do is one day get up and just scream through the blue skies, and say, "You! Everybody! Realize Knowledge. Otherwise I am going to do something to you guys you never dreamed of." And then he could do something that would sort out every person who realized Knowledge and is meditating, and every person who has not realized Knowledge. He could do anything he wants, because we just called him perfect, and he is perfect. And in fact, he could very well do that. He could, with a blink of his eye, make the people who haven't really realized this Knowledge, who are really into darkness, stand up two feet from the ground. And so you can trace them exactly, wherever they are, and turn them this funny color. And then you can really imagine what a big ego hit that's going to be, what a mind blower that's going to be. Because everybody will be able to see: "Oh, you didn't realize Knowledge, eh? See what you get for that?" But he doesn't do that. He comes into this world, and bears a body just like everyone, and comes in and knocks at everybody's doors. Doesn't pressure anybody, but begs them. Doesn't make a rule, but begs them to realize this Knowledge.
And so premies, the Perfect Master comes, and he comes in the human body. I mean, he doesn't have to. All he has to do is have a body that's as huge as the world -- and even bigger, as the universe -- and then pick up the whole world on his little finger and say, "You guys want to live, or should I blow you away?" He could do that, because we call him Almighty. And if we call him Almighty, it's a jazz for him to do this. It wouldn't take him anything. Because he's perfect. And he could just very well do that and say, "Look. If you don't realize this Knowledge, all I am going to do is -- boomp! -- and you are never going to know what hit you." But he doesn't do that. Why? He bears up with everything in this world. Look at us humans; look at the people of this world. Every time he comes, they say, "Forget it, he is not the one; he can't be the one. He doesn't have Knowledge. This is some crazy thing." And I mean, if really this ever happened, that the Almighty, the All Perfect, just picked up the whole world in his hand and said, "Should I kick your …
Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 2, Summer 1978

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Public Program, Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando Florida, Afternoon, 9 November 1975
When we take all the history of all the Perfect Masters coming into this world trying to reveal this perfect Knowledge, combine it together and put it in one book, in one page, in one sentence, it sounds crazy. That is when everybody goes and says, "Jesus. How could there be people like that?" This is when the people turn around and say, "They must have been out of their mind." And, they were. The question is, do we ever get up ourselves and face this question: If the Lord is omnipotent, if we all understand that He has the power to do anything in this world, and He controls everything in this world, He controls us, and it's because of His Grace that any structure is here (because you have seen the movies of earthquakes, haven't you?); if because of His Grace this earth is here, and the sky is here, that power can adapt Himself. Because it's infinite, it can adapt itself to any shape, any form, any time, in any way. Have you ever thought of that? We know He is all-powerful and He is all-graceful.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 1 and Light Reading, 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Paris, France, June 8, 1976
Because the last example I gave was like, satsang, service and meditation are like this -- there's this gap in our lives, in the whole system. There's Knowledge and there is us, and there's a vast gap in between. And this gap is because Knowledge is infinite and we are finite. And the two things just can't go together so good. Because one is infinite and one is -- one is perfect and one imperfect. So there's a vast gap, and a bridge has to be built over it. And this bridge has to be built by this cement which is called satsang, service and meditation. Meditation itself is the cement, it is the cement -- without that you can't do anything. All you'll have is water and a stir stick, and about all you can do with that is just stir a lot of water. Nothing's going to happen And then satsang is the water, and service is the stick. And the better the proportion of those three, and the better they are mixed, the right amount of water, and the right amount of cement will make an excellent base to build the bridge with. When the bridge is completed, then the gap is completed. The gap is finished.
Élan Vital Magazine, Autumn 1977, Volume I, Issue 1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

December 10 1976, Guru Maharaj Ji's birthday, Malibu mansion
Knowledge is infinite, and we finite, so we need a bridge, we need a translator, who is infinite and finite at the same time, who can really bring us together, and that is Guru Maharaj Ji. In my realization of Knowledge, I know that if it hadn't been for Guru Maharaj Ji, Knowledge alone wouldn't have done wonders for me, because the wonders that Knowledge was doing already existed - I was alive! After that it was going to go nowhere. I was alive, I was breathing, playing around and so on, but when Guru Maharaj Ji came into my life, everything became different, it became real. I couldn't lose the importance of Guru Maharaj Ji at that point and say, "Well, maybe I can just do it on my own." Because it's literally impossible to do it. A lot of people have tried to do it, and a lot of people have tried to do it the other way around, without going through Guru Maharaj Ji at all, just going back to nature. Trying to be tuned with Knowledge in this whole life, but I can tell you one thing, it doesn't work. They have wasted their lives completely. That's just not blunt advice, because Guru Maharaj Ji is here, and that's what makes it real for all of us.
The Golden Age February 1977 Number 36 and Guru Maharaj Ji's World booklet, 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Spread This Knowledge

Wembley, London, Wednesday, April 20, 1977
What you need in your life is one thing you already have, is your life's life, that energy. And you don't need that, it is already there. You don't have to do anything to keep it there either. When you go to sleep it is still going: what you have to do is to tap into that energy, is to completely submerge with that energy, completely merge with that energy so that you can be one with that energy. And there is a process to do that, and that is the path that I want to reveal you. I want to bridge that gap that is between that infinite thing and between you that is so finite, so that you can come to that point where you can actually be one with that infinite thing.
The Golden Age Number 40

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

On the Phone to Atlanta community, January 7, 1978
Because Guru Maharaj Ji is the revealer of Light. He is the revealer, is that person who can actually bridge that gap between our finite world into the most infinite thing. And yet we don't understand what's that infinite thing. And we don't understand what's finite. And therefore we just can't understand what's the bridge all about. Because we don't understand what is infinity. And we don't understand what's finite. I mean to us, it's just like, "Wow! It's a huge world." I mean to us there's such an incredible thing. I mean, you just read one magazine after another magazine after another magazine after another magazine and it's just like, "Wait a minute! What finite world? This world is so gigantic! This world is so huge!" And yet, you look at this whole world and it's just nothing but a tiny speck in the whole incredible, colossus universe that exists. And we are so bridged to it in such a way that we think, "This is it! This is it, this is it, this is it, this is it." And yet, there's a much more incredible thing that we have to bridge to. And that's that incredible, infinite thing. And it's just like, how can somebody understand a bridge, when they can't understand the two parts of it that it connects? How can they understand it? … I mean, if they could see, and - or if they could even for a moment realize that something like infinite exists - infinite. Something magnificently in its own majesty, something magnificently never-ending. You know? Never-ending. Never-ending. And to people in this world it's just very, very hard to imagine: Never-ending. "Well, what is that that never ends?"
The Golden Age March 1978 Number 43 and The Divine Times January/February 1978

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Kansas City, January 21, 1978
Premies who are really practising Knowledge; it is really manifesting in their lives. It really is manifesting in their lives. Maybe it's slow, or maybe it's fast; but it's such a wheel, such an infinite wheel. Because there is such a barrier in one way. And actually it's not in one way, it is, it is a barrier, and it is different. And there is this river of infinity flowing. And a lot of times I've given this example, and yet, however many times you give it, it's not enough. And it's just, there is this infinite river. And we want to join this infinite river. Now what do we expect? Is this infinite river going to come to finite thing? Because if it does, if all that attempt is not necessary, and it's just that finite river comes to the infinite river, then that river that's infinite is not going to stay infinite anymore. The only way to merge with that infinity is if the finite thing goes and actually merges with it; becomes one with that. Not the finite coming down to the infinite.
Divine Times, November 1979, Volume 8, Number 6 and The Golden Age, March 1978, Number 43

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Malaga, Spain, March 26, 1978
And yet there exists a thing that's completely infinite. Past all the universes, past all the stars, all the galaxies, all the Milky Ways, all the moons, all the suns, lies an incredible experience, lies this incredible energy. And that energy is experienced. The experience of that energy, by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, is possible, now. And that is what's being rendered to us. That's what's been given to us, to be able to experience that perfection, to be able to experience that bliss, to be able to experience that incredible beauty that lies within all of us. What makes us premies? What makes us understand that we are all premies? It's that Knowledge. Because we all share the same secret that keeps every one of us alive.
Divine Times - Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

London, England at the Wembley Hall, March 3rd, 1978
It's very, very simple experience, because there is such a beautiful experience that is within inside of us that has been given, that is there. And unless we open up to it, the experience is not going to open up to us. Because the experience cannot open, cannot close. It's ever-constant. It's the experience of that incredible infinity. It's not some head trip, but that incredible, incredible experience of that Grace, of that Knowledge that Guru Maharaj Ji, by his Grace, has given us.
The Golden Age, May 1978, Number 45

Maharaji Teaching About the Purpose of Life

Memorial Day, Malibu, California, May 28, 1978
Our body is finite. Something within this body is infinite. And if we join those two things, if we make that one connection … Because what we are trying to reach, what we are trying to get to, is that most spectacular experience. And that experience is always there, because it's infinite! And we can always achieve it. We can always be there, by going to Guru Maharaj Ji, by going to the Perfect Master. Because Perfect Master not only teaches us perfectness - and that is why he is a Perfect Master - but he has the key. And not only does he have the key, but that answer, that solution, that experience, lies within him. Because he is that experience. And by approaching that Master, then he unfolds, he unites yourself, that individual, that one jiva, that one soul, to himself, and thus bridges the most, most incredible barrier, crossing the most wide, most outrageous, most violent stream of all between us, crossing all factors of time, life, death, anything that's finite - crossing all those factors - and bringing us into that perfect harmony and that perfect unity.
The Golden Age, August 1978, Number 47

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Malibu California, June 11, 1978
Look, it's beyond liberation. It's beyond all those things. Beyond all our concepts. In this lifetime, we have the opportunity to realize, to be with, Guru Maharaj Ji. Be it not Guru Maharaj Ji - you know, maybe they didn't call him Guru Maharaj Ji - maybe they called him Lord. Anything. To be with that power. To be with that thing. To be not infinite, and yet to be with the infinite. To be here as individuals, and yet to be able to be next to the person who is everything; in which everything is, and he is in everything. Guru Maharaj Ji. The Lord. All-powerful. We are here. And only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace can we realize that, and see how divine this whole plan really is.
Divine Times - June/July 1978 Volume 7, Number 4

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Holy Name

Guru Puja Festival, Tucson, Arizona, July 16, 1978
Because this miracle that happens here, that's happening here, is definitely not the compliments of Tucson Community Center. This is compliments of Guru Maharaj Ji to all his premies. And that's the miracle. And it happens every day in our lives. It manifests every day in our lives. As a matter of fact, it's a miracle that we all get to come together - after just so many things that happen, and we still come together. And just come together, and more and more experience grows, more and more we can understand, more and more satsang comes out, more and more experience just manifests in every person's heart. And that's the beauty of Knowledge. It grows and grows and grows and grows and grows and grows. All you have to do is let it grow. If you let it grow, Knowledge will seek no end to grow within inside of you. Because it's infinite! Where is the end of infinity? Where does infinity end?
Divine Times - August 1978 Volume 7, Number 5

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Guru Puja in Tucson Arizona on Sunday, July 16, 1978
And only that pure and humble soul can then in fact turn around and surrender to Guru Maharaj Ji. Because Guru Maharaj Ji is that perfectness. Guru Maharaj Ji is that purity. Guru Maharaj Ji is that Knowledge. Guru Maharaj Ji is infinite. And nothing finite can come into infinite and still stay finite. That finite thing has to become infinite before it can actually merge in infinite. Because how can the finite become infinite and the infinite become finite? The identity has to be given up: it has to, in fact, change. And then that process happens - when we come away from all that.
The Golden Age Number 48, September/October, 1978

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Malibu California, 7th January 1979
Because the idea is not for the Knowledge to get imperfect, the idea is for not the Knowledge to come into a finite world and become finite cause the purpose is for us, finite to become infinite. Us to become into that harmony, us to get into that synch, not for the perfectness to get out of synch for us. But we have to synch up to the perfectness but tell me does the perfectness have tolerances? Absolutely not. So all this game that we sometimes play with our mind has to go out the window
Malibu 1979 Ashram Satsang video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Questions & Answers, San Francisco, California, February 10, 1979
I'll tell you one thing. And try to imagine this. There was certainly a time when this whole Earth was not yet created and still God was there. And at that time, I'll bet you that there wasn't any pot. And still Knowledge existed. People realized it without smoking pot. I think that's the way you should do it, too. Because by using an external means of actually getting into meditation, you are limiting yourself from that infinite power. You are limiting yourself from actually understanding and getting into Knowledge. Because then, each time you have to do meditation, you have to have that. And if you want to do meditation twenty- four hours a day, that means you have to smoke pot twenty-four hours a day. And that's just not the way to go about it. It's something that is within inside of you and you have to get into it without any externals. And that is why this Knowledge is given.
Élan Vital, Volume IV, Issue 4, Winter 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

January 22 1980
And Guru Maharaj Ji shows you the universe, the entire universe, because he patches you into something that's completely infinite. … It's simple. It's very, very simple. To us, we try to make it very sophisticated. We put a lot of mystique in it. "Mysterious thing." "The Guru" and "Knowledge" and "the Knowledge session." And it's very, very simple. … That's what a Knowledge session is all about - so that we are eager, we are concentrated, we are focused. Grace comes and Knowledge is then imparted to us. That's what happens. There is no mystery. You don't get banged over the head or sent to the seventh heaven. Seventh heaven is brought to you, right there.
Light Notes, Volume 1 Number 2 April 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Olympia, London, Guru Puja, 23rd August 1980
We don't see any necessity in have, in for any reason to have devotion, any reason to have devotion but devotion is the only link, the only existing thing, the only interface there is between the infinite, the ultimate infinite and the ultimate finite. And unless that link is linked, unless that connection is hooked up, unless there is true devotion within inside of us the manifestation of that experience is not going to happen for us.
Olympia 1980 Guru Puja video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Baltimore Maryland, January 1981
I'm not talkin' about this one day experience that you get hit over the head and fantastic. I'm talking about an experience that is continuously happening, a power, to tap into that source that's all around me, to tap into that source that's infinite, to tap into that source that'll never end because everything I do will definitely have an end, it'll definitely have an end.
Message Of The heart video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Lima Peru, 7th February 1981
Blessings of Guru Maharaj Ji, when Guru Maharaj Ji bless us, blesses us he's giving us that strength to continue. He's giving us that strength to carry on, he's giving us that strength to understand him because Guru Maharaj Ji's not gonna try to understand us, we have to try to understand him. We have to understand, we have to try to understand that game plan, we have to try to understand that truth. The truth isn't gonna understand us. The saga of what's finite and what's infinite. What's infinite is infinite and what's finite is finite and yet here I am completely something that's a very, very finite, that has a very distinct beginning and has a very distinct end. A period, a time and every little factor that I'm completely bound by and simply what Guru Maharaj Ji brings is that bridge to take away the gap between what's really, really finite and what's really, really infinite. For me to have that beautiful, beautiful experience. For me to have that beautiful, beautiful understanding in this life and so you know in one sense it's like sure there's a lot to be said and there's a lot to be understood and yet if that first step has to come from me, that first and very foremost step has to come from me from my doors to open and simply says "Yes" to just step out from that realm, from the, from the all the trips and the ideas and the things that I live in and reach out towards Guru Maharaj Ji and say "I accept."
Lima Peru, 7th February 1981 audio tape

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Rome Italy, 1st November 1981
You experience that bliss, now you know because you experience the bliss that the source of it is the truth and why it's happening is you're conscious because you're alive. And in that you have experienced the entire creation. The absolute infinite. Finite is no more. Finite has been linked, it's like like I was saying, … You can't split it up, you can't split up infinity into little pinheads, can you? But we shoot for the "Oh we want the ultimate infinity." Hey, infinite is ultimate. We shoot two things, the ultimate, the infinite. Infinite is ultimate and whatever is ultimate is infinite.
Élan Vital 'Rome 1st November, 1981' video

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Melbourne Australia, March 23 1982
We don't even know where this universe begins, and where this universe ends and yet in one minute, in one second Guru Maharaj Ji shows us the beginning and the end of infinity right inside of us. He shows us the infinity, the thing, the very thing that keeps us alive. The Knowledge, to know, to know everything, to know and after that no more to wander and no more to just spend this life in that search and search and search but in one moment he turns this life around where it begins to become just to experience an experience an experience, experiencing that grace, and experiencing that love.
Audio tape

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Public program, Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, (translated from Hindi) April 13, 1992
But I have found that a human being is not in a position to save himself. His condition is constantly deteriorating in such a way that he cannot save himself. Only when he gets the grace of the Master, he can be able to save himself. But it is possible only when he is ready to listen to him. Because the guide will only show the way, how you can save yourself. He will reveal the techniques to go inside so that you can experience, enjoy and understand that thing inside. So, whatever it was and how it was done but I don't have the least doubt that my Master has showered his infinite grace upon me. He bestowed his grace when he gave me this Knowledge and my Master's ineffable grace is with me all the time - every day and night. And if I accept that infinite grace within my heart and be worthy of his grace every moment of my life, then I know fully well that I can pass my life in an everlasting joy and bliss wherever I am.
Lifeforce, Volume 8, Issue 3 July - September, 1992

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Visions International booklet 1994
The marriage of the infinite and the finite. The marriage of the immortal and the mortal. Fused together. Brought together. Consciousness. Through which I can remember, I can go forward, I can go backwards or I can be in this moment now where I can find pure bliss. Joy. Contentment. Harmony. Happiness. It doesn't make any difference what you want to call it, Me. Time within. When I can begin to experience through my incredibly infinite means, I can start to feel the infinite. And when I do, and I feel something that has no beginning and no end - has no dimension, and is no slave to time - then my heart delights. My brain wonders and my heart delights. To some people, that's an ambiguity. To me, that is the nature of each. It is not in the realm of my brain to understand, which doesn't bother me, because in my kingdom within, I recognize the sovereignty of my heart.
Maharaji's world wide addresses

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

September, 2007
You have an amazing possibility, and that is to reflect the color of the infinite that is within you. Forget green, blue, and yellow. If you are going to reflect a color, reflect the infinite. This color has shades of peace and hues of contentment. Not questions, but answers. Not ideas, but realities. When you begin to be filled with the color of what is within you, you shine. As long as you're alive, the light is shining. You need to shine, too. It can happen.
Voice of Maharaji website

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

May, 2008
But the real joy resides in feeling and understanding that infinite that resides inside of you. That's the part of you that will not age, that is the part of you that will not get old, that is the part of you that is the reality. Away from all the bondage of ideas and concepts. Away from the chains that take a person and make that person a prisoner. Prisoner. The very ideas that these will set you free. This is what freedom means. But when you have the possibility of being able to go inside, when you have the possibility of being able to understand, when you have the possibility to feel, that is simple by its very nature. Complete by its very nature. Real by its very nature. Infinite by its very nature. And, bringer of joy by its very nature. Total by its very nature. Away from doubt by its very nature. Understandable by its very nature. No interpretation is required.
The Voice of Maharaji Website

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

June, 2008
In this body, in this shell, which, by the way, is made out of dirt. Actually, you know earth is made out of dirt, and come to think of it, most of the universe, any solid matter out there seems to be also dirt. Anyway, this dirt, inside of it resides the infinite. What is infinite? Suffice to say, that which was, is, and will be, is a pretty good definition. Suffice to say that it has the capability - something in you has the capability of making this dirt dance, talk, walk, and most importantly, want. Want. This is the most unique combination. And when this process is taking place, it is called life. And so far this union is intact, you are alive. And so far you are alive, you can feel. So far, so good? What would you like to feel? What would you like to feel? Somebody said, "Bliss,"" somebody said, "Love." You know, you can feel both. And much more than that. Not only feel bliss, but feel contentment. Not only feel contentment, but feel joy. Not only feel joy, feel happiness. Not only feel happiness, feel bliss. And many, many more like that. If you could only feel that infinite inside of you. That's all.
The Voice of Maharaji Website

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

July, 2008
Can life really be filled with infinite joy? Is that possible? If you doubt this, you don't understand the nature of what resides within you, because what resides within you is complete joy, complete clarity. Think of life like this: It is your opportunity to spend time with the best friend you ever had. It is your chance to be with the ultimate clarity, the ultimate kindness, the ultimate joy. That's what a life is. It's not promised to be forever. But the possibility exists that you get to spend time with that which is the most beautiful. And that resides in your heart.
The Voice of Maharaji Website

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings About The Infinite

Jul 13, 2008
People talk about liberation, and I wonder. What liberation? This body comes from dust. This is what it came from. These simple elements. And it'll go back to these elements and it'll be re-used again and again and again. And again, and again, and again. And then they go, "But the soul. Your essence will come back." My essence cannot be separated from the essence of the infinite. It's one and the same. This is where in me resides the infinite. This body is finite, and what lives inside this finite shell is infinite.
The Voice of Maharaji Website