Prem Rawat's Teachings about Raj Yoga - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat or Maharaji ("Ultimate Ruler") as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's has no compunction stating he is a unique person with power possessed by nobody else alive. He declared himself, and was declared by his devotees, the Lord of the Universe and the Perfect Master ("as a matter of fact, I am the Perfect Master") and taught he was going to usher in a millenium of peace on earth in this Kali Yuga through his Knowledge which is the Raj Yoga, the King of all Yogas (also known as Raja Yoga) and the Raj Vidya, the King of All Knowledges.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about <b>Raj Yoga</b>

Published by Divine Light Mission, B-19/3, Shakti Nagar, Delhi 7, India - 1970
"The four Kriyas or the four-fold technique taught by Shri Hansji Maharaj furnishes the easiest method of mind control. Ordinarily, the control of the mind is a stupendous task. Many have given it up as well nigh impossible. The human mind, Shri Hansji Maharaj admitted, was indeed powerful and not easy to be brought under control, but when it is harnessed to the equally powerful "Prana", it becomes easier to subjugate it. Lakhs of people, who were initiated into the mysteries of the "Raj Yoga" testify how an extrovert mind can be changed to an introvert mind, bringing into view the wonderful panorama of the inner working of nature, to the aspirant. Shri Hansji Maharaj claimed, and rightly too, that the knowledge, he was thus imparting was the same, which some five thousand years back Lord Krishna imparted to Arjuna, which enabled him to comprehend the universe as an integral whole. The Vishwa-Rup (Universal consciousness) which Arjuna was shown with the help of the "Third Eye" can be seen and comprehended by any other person, provided he is told where the "Third Eye" (Gyan Chakhshu) is located and how to open it.
Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about <b>Raj Yoga</b>

Interview with Mahatma Rajeshwar, March 8 1974
"There is no external method to purify the mind. This mind cannot be purified by talking philosophy or idea but mind needs meditation and real meditation starts after receiving Knowledge from a living Perfect Master. This meditation is also called Raj Yoga. In this way, Guru Maharaj Ji's devotees receive Knowledge and do meditation which purifies the mind and gives perfect peace."
The Golden Age magazine, Number 4, Thursday, April 25, 1974

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about <b>Raj Yoga</b>

The first discourse by Shri Guru Maharaj Ji in America, Los Angeles, July 17, 1971
"People write in their books, "I have heard." People have been taught, they say, "I have heard." But for the people who have experienced, then the words, "I have heard," go off. Suppose I am saying to you out there that I have heard that there are rubber roads in Paris. Now I have experienced it, so I won't say, "I have heard;" I will say, "I have experienced it. I have seen it. The roads in Paris are like rubber, rubber roads." So now - now we are just saying that we should know God, we should realize Him, we should do that, we should do that. But when you realize, then somebody will ask you what you have done, "Oh, I have realized that Supreme Being, that Supreme God." So, you have to realize God and there is a special technique, that Raja Yoga - not yoga - Raja Yoga: yoga of mind and not of body. Of mind. That yoga of mind which I teach, Krishna taught to Arjuna. Krishna says, "Arjuna, this is the Raja Yoga and every yoga started from it." Every yoga started from it."
And It Is Divine magazine, Volume I, Issue 1, November 1972

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about <b>Raj Yoga</b>

New York Times Interview published April 8 1973
"Knowledge? What knowledge? Do you give them the guru mantra (the sacred formula whispered by a guru in the ear of the disciple on initiation)?"
"I give them the Maha (the great) mantra," he says emphatically. "I tell them of the true aim of human life. It is not to eat, drink and be merry; it is realization, the true realization of God." …
"Why must a person have a Guru? Because without a Guru no one can achieve salvation." Seeing I am a Sikh, he quotes the Sikh scriptures to me: "Were a hundred moons to rise and a thousand suns as well, without the Guru the world would still be in utter darkness." He likes to illustrate his points with parables. He breaks into English: "Divine knowledge is like money in a bank, it is my money. I have the checkbook. But only after I write on that check and sign it can you draw the money. See?" His English is not very good. He speaks it with an American accent with the query "see?" at the end of the sentence. "There is this special technique I have Raja Yoga: yoga of the mind, not of the body which is Hatha Yoga. The yoga of the mind that I teach, Krishna taught in his sermon in the Gita, see?"
Guru, Godmen and Good People by Khushwant Singh

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about <b>Raj Yoga</b>

Shrine Auditorium, Los Angeles, 18th September, 1977
And to me, my explanation for all those explanations that man has, is because he does not understand. Because if man - if the human race today really understood what the purpose of this life is, if this whole human race really understood the essence of this life … I mean, it's very clearly - like it's stated in Gita: This is the Raj Vidya. This is the Knowledge of all the knowledges.
But to me, what makes sense is when this one person realizes Knowledge in his life, instead of saying, "This knowledge and that knowledge," it's just flat: "This is the Raj Vidya. This is the ultimate Knowledge. This is the Knowledge of all the knowledges." Because it is!
Divine Times - September/October 1977 Volume 7, Number 6

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about <b>Raj Yoga</b>

Portland, Oregon, Questions and Answers, March 19, 2001
Track 5: Q: ??? Shri Maharaji ??? read satsang about yogis and yoga and I have some questions about um the practice of actual physical asanas in yoga and how that relates or doesn't relate to knowledge?
A: Very clearly, it is described, the Knowledge is Raj Yoga, the king of all the yogas because it is the unity, 'yoga' means unity, 'yog'. It actually doesn't mean physical exercise it just means unity, to become one with something and that which puts you to be in one with that essence within inside of you is the King of all yogas. All the yogas that are there, they are for physical benefit, maybe they put you in touch with different elements. This yoga is to put you in touch with the element of life itself. It is not a physical exercise in that you have to put your foot over your back. I mean look at some of the people who have knowledge, including me, it is obvious we don't do that, ha, ha ha ha. We have a hard time getting up from the chair, much less putting, you know, that's not everybody but it's very clear, it's very clear, clearly defined the two in one you do, you know, a housewife cooks or a houseman cooks, in this day and age, umm, but that feeds the stomach but Knowledge feeds something else, a thirst that is much deeper than that and so there is a very, very clear distinction between all these different things and I think to appreciate that difference, I'm not gonna put down anything, I don't need to, you know, umm, be in this world, do whatever do whatever it is that you do and whatever it is that you have to do but don't forget that element, that breath and in each breath there is that is the witnessing, that is the witnessing of that Supreme Power that makes all of this possible, the whole world, the whole universe, so, it's not a paradox, it's simply a very clear division, the two have nothing to do with each other.
Visions International CD #AC0722EN

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about <b>Raj Yoga</b> Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker teaching about <b>Raj Yoga</b>

Excerpts from Various Speeches, 2003
"Has the potential that is in each one of us been recognised. Cause that's what I offer, that's what I call Knowledge. Knowledge of the self, that's what I offer. A way to be able to go within. People are wondering is that Yoga? If you are into yoga, it is the Raj Yoga, the king of all yogas. It has also been called Raj Vidya, the king of all knowledge. That's why it is called the Knowledge because it is knowledge of the self. My Master showed me a place where I could take the seed and I could sow it and when that seed was sown it started to grow."
Thank You 2003 CD