Prem Rawat's Teachings about Realizing (realising) Knowledge - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat's method of teaching is through impromptu speeches. They tend to ramble, are often contradictory and their content has greatly altered over the years. In the 1970's he often spoke of realizing Knowledge but exactly what this meant was never completely specified, it is likely he didn't know what it meant. However he did use the word in at least two different ways. He often spoke as if to "realize Knowledge" was to understand it's importance according to his dogma and to believe what Rawat claimed for it. This 'realization' could grow if one practised Knowledge, though decades of 'realization' could disappear in an instant, until a premie attained the final state of realization that Rawat spoke of: "realizing Knowledge" as a possiblity that was the purpose of human life. This was a different and superior "realization" all together, one that he alone in the world had accomplished and 40 years later he is still the only one.

Maharaji's Teachings About realizing Knowledge

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, on June 4, 1972
Once a man realizes Knowledge, he calms down, he's in perfect peace, and he does not oppose anyone, because he knows that Father is all,and He's watching everyone,and He is the judge for everyone, and He knows who should get punishment and who deserves paradise or heaven.
And It Is Divine magazine, Volume 1 Number 7, May 1973

Maharaji's Teachings About realizing Knowledge

Denver Hilton, Colorado, July 17 1974
And this is a function, a role of Mahatmas. But the thing is you have to understand that for even them they need Grace, there is still development in their life, they still have to go somewhere. They've realized Knowledge and a lot of it, and it's like the thing is they are still trying to realize Knowledge more and more because now they have gone to such a point that they can see that the road is there, it's clear for them. I mean other people are just making the turns and twists and they don't even know if the road is there or not, but they have crossed their turns and twists now. They're there where they can see a big long road right down. All we can be to Mahatmas is thankful
The Golden Age Number 13, December, 1974

Maharaji's Teachings About realizing Knowledge

Paramount Theatre, Denver, October 12, 1974
And premies, it's like we come, we stay and we go, we leave, but is that it? Now you have realized Knowledge and it changes the whole story, changes the whole theme. But you came, this is where it changes the theme. First of all you came, you stayed and you left, but now it changes slightly and it is you came and you realized the purpose of your coming, and then you leave. Then there is not much difference what it was before. But the whole theme changes, the whole story changes and becomes so beautiful when you come, realize and help others and then leave.
The Golden Age Number 15, November, 1974

Maharaji's Teachings About realizing Knowledge

Palais Ballroom, Melbourne - October 29, 1974
Finally, first of all, I understand that maybe a few premies here have not realized Knowledge (general laughter)
The Golden Age Number 16, December, 1974

Maharaji's Teachings About realizing Knowledge

Los Angeles, California, February 8, 1975.
And now, what can be told to you what can be said to you, except one thing realize Knowledge, understand more and more what the Knowledge is. Don't think just because you have done meditation for 6 months, or a year, you have had it, or you have got to the point. No! A premie can serve for seventeen years, for eighteen years, for twenty years, for a hundred years if he wants, and bingo!, in a quarter of a second, gone.
The Golden Age Number 19, April, 1975

Maharaji's Teachings About realizing Knowledge

Jhumri Taliaya, Bihar, India, 15 April 1975.
In the same way, this Knowledge has always been here on this earth, but until a person receives Knowledge, he continues in darkness, he does not experience that peace. But when he realizes this Knowledge and begins to meditate on it, and practises meditation constantly, then he is benefited by it. So ultimately, we are left with just one thing to be said, and that is that after we receive Knowledge, we should meditate on it.
The Golden Age Number 21, June, 1975

Maharaji's Teachings About realizing Knowledge

Guru Puja Celebration in Caracas, Venezuela, July 25th, 1975.
I am here to tell every premie who has realized this Knowledge to do meditation, satsang and service.
The Golden Age Number 23, September, 1975

Maharaji's Teachings About realizing Knowledge

Essen, Germany, 29 or 30 August 1975
They said, "Well, what do you hope to accomplish? What do you think you're gonna accomplish in America?" I said, "Well, I am going to try to make it so that all the people in this world realize this Knowledge and are in peace." They said, "Come on. You've got to be kidding." And they just gave a funny grin. But now, it's so beautiful, because you can see for yourself. Now I don't need to go out there and scream like I used to. I can just sit back and say, "Mm-hmm, look at this. Everything is so beautiful. Look at this love, look at this experience that people are having."
And It Is Divine, Volume II, Number 11

Maharaji's Teachings About realizing Knowledge

Pacific Guru Puja, Capitol Theatre, Sydney Australia, October 18, 1975
And a lot of premies think, "Well if this Knowledge is the way it is, it's perfect, and I've realized it, then why do I need to do meditation?" … then one day you say, "Oh forget it man, I just gotta receive that Knowledge, I just have to. I know what he's talking about." Then you go and you realize that Knowledge.
The Golden Age Number 24, November 1975

However Rawat sometimes spoke of "realizing Knowledge" as the possibility that was the purpose of human life, used as a synonym for 'enlightenment', 'liberation', "God realization" and other words generally used to describe a superior, spiritual state of human existence. He said that this was definitely possible though apparently he is still the only person alive who has achieved it.

Maharaji's Teachings About realizing Knowledge

Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji? book
"When I was six," Guru Maharaj Ji said, "my Father gave me Knowledge with my brothers in the same room. I was given Knowledge and didn't realize it right away. I knew it was my duty, and l began to meditate, and in about a month I realized it."
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji? Bantam Books 1973

Maharaji's Teachings About realizing Knowledge

Unitarian Church, Los Angeles, California, 21st April 1974
We all want to experience something: the beauty. The most perfect thing that is. And this is why we receive this Knowledge. Somebody tells us from the very beginning that there is something like God, and God is so beautiful, and all this, and finally we think, "Oh wow," we should go ahead and try to realize Him. Many people go about different ways trying to realize God. But really, whatever we have as a conception of God is just completely wrong. And man has made up this concept, because, well finally somebody realized this Knowledge, and somebody named such a power as "God", and that is the reason why half of the world is stuck there. Because there is a little more than God. And as a matter of fact, go to these people who are shouting, "God, God, God," and ask them what was the name of God before somebody realized and made up the word God. What was His name? What were people calling Him then?
The Golden Age Number 14, October, 1974

Maharaji's Teachings About realizing Knowledge

Denver, Colorado, 2nd May 1974
Because really, in this world there is something to realize which is more beautiful, which is more fantastic than we think. In this, in this Knowledge you can get to a point where you open up your eyes, and you see nothing except Light. Like, you look, I mean if you even look at bright lights, they don't even exist - all you see is a Light. All you hear is Music, all you can feel is the Word vibrating. All you can, all you can really drink is the Nectar at that time. And it's so beautiful. Because all what is in our body, that whole energy just comes together completely, just fills us up - and there we are, just so beautiful. And this is what we all want to achieve, this is all that we want to get. And I'll tell you something - it's not very difficult at all. As a matter of fact, it's one of the most easiest things you can do. It's easier than to drive a car, it's easier than to pick a flower, it's easier to tie a tie, it's easier to wear a glass, it's easier than any of these things. It's the easiest thing.
The Golden Age Number 7, Saturday, June 8, 1974

Maharaji's Teachings About realizing Knowledge

Pacific Guru Puja, Capitol Theatre, Sydney Australia, October 18, 1975
Because in this life, in this very form, in this very time, we are trying to realize Knowledge, to merge, to be one with that perfectness, to be one with that pure vibration. This what we are trying to do. And our goal is totally infinite.
The Golden Age Number 24, November 1975