Prem Rawat's Teaching about Shri Maharaj Ji (his father) - In His Own Words

On the basis of his public teachings, Prem Rawat or Maharaji (the Ultimate Ruler) as he likes to be called, is not a well organised thinker. His teachings are conveyed through mostly impromptu speeches and these are full of non sequiturs, unfinished trains of thought, contradictions, repetitions, irrelevancies, poor grammar and pronunciation and a highly idiosyncratic command of English even after 40 years of practice. These speeches were transcribed and printed in magazines published by the organisations devoted to him until the early 1980's and on cassette tapes, videos, CDs and DVDs as those formats became common.

During the 1970's, when he called himself Guru Maharaj Ji, he often referred to himself in the third person as Guru Maharaj Ji and made grandiose and Godlike claims about His power, His Grace. he said he was greater than God, that he was a manifestation and embodiment and incarnation of God known as the Perfect Master He was identical to Jesus, Buddha, Krishna, Ram, etc. These statements were and are quite controversial and some of his followers have claimed that he was not referring to himself but, among other possibilities, his father and predecessor "Param Sant Sadgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj" or Hans Rawat. However, he consistently referred to his father as "Shri Maharaj Ji" or "my Guru Maharaj Ji." In Rawat's teachings, "Guru Maharaj Ji" or "the Master" as he now translates it is the title used for all Perfect Masters.

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

San Francisco, California, August 1, 1971,
Guru Maharaj Ji Speaks of Shri Maharaj Ji

Guru Maharaj Ji, how did you come to this Knowledge?
This Knowledge was revealed to me by my Guru, by my Satguru
Affinity, June 1979

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Questions and Answers, October / November 1971, London, England
Guru Maharaj Ji, what do you owe to your father?
I won't tell you what I owe. If I took all the birds, the sun, moon and everything that exists in trying to repay my father, I wouldn't even be able to repay a single pennyworth. You know He has given me such a lot. Such a lot that He has made me king of the whole universe. So how can I repay Him? As a Guru. I regard Him as my father because He is my real father, and He is my Real Father. Real father and Real Father, real to Real. He is my real father because He has given me birth, and He is my Real Father because He has shown me the path. How can I repay Him for this real thing He has given me?
Affinity, June 1979

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Delhi, India, November 11, 1971
Blessed are those souls who have been born in this Kaliyuga, because my Guru Maharaj Ji has given me the Knowledge and made me the Guru of this world so that I can help all people. I feel so happy and so peaceful that he has given me the chance to serve humanity through his Knowledge.
Affinity, June 1979

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Montrose, Colorado, July 26, 1972
I was an ordinary child. And then I used to come back home, and there was Guru Maharaj Ji, there was my father, who was, as a matter of fact, the incarnation of his time. He was true. He was perfect. And then the whole company was holy; the whole company was Truth.
Divine Times, September/October 1978, Volume 7, Number 6

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Public Program, Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando, Florida, November 9, 1975
You see, my father used to go and give satsang. He was the Perfect Master of his time, and only by his agya, by his order, by his Grace, am I carrying on his job. There was a point in my life when I had not received Knowledge. I was a very little kid, I was in third grade, and we used to have opportunities to go and listen to his satsang, to go and listen to his discourses. Well, he used to talk about peace, and he used to talk about this Knowledge
I was very little. To me, my happiness was my toys, my laughter, my smile was playing around, going around, and running around the house. I gave this a lot of thought before I realized that yes, really I want peace. I want it. Without that, … I needed something, I was missing something. There was a missing link. And I also knew that something had to be done about it. And there was one thing that I did about it. Because I knew, I had heard my father say, my Guru Maharaj Ji say, my Perfect Master say, that he can reveal peace to anybody who comes with an open heart.
And It is Divine, March 1976, Volume 3, Issue 1

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

International Conference, Orlando, Florida, November 11, 1975
I mean, let me tell you. I have been doing this program, and for the very first time I have been extremely harsh with my words. And the reason is because I have polished them too many times. What I have ended up doing is polishing these words so many times I am wearing off the chrome and the color itself. And premies are just not understanding what I am trying to convey. See, I am doing a service, too. I mean, you understand that? I am doing a service, too. And I am younger than you are -- look at it that way. Or if you don't understand it that way -- maybe in the country you come from age doesn't matter -- then look at it this way: You are a premie. Premie has a duty and a responsibility towards Guru Maharaj Ji. Let me give you one example. The example that I quote is from Hans Yog Prakash, which was written by Shri Maharaj Ji.
Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 3, Fall 1978

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Riva del Garda, Italy, May 18, 1976
Divine Light Mission was founded by Shri Maharaj Ji so many years ago, because he wanted to spread this Knowledge. And today, if we are not coming from a clear place, then what is going to happen? Then this world is not going to realize Knowledge. Because if we are coming from a wrong place, if we are coming from a completely wrong place, not from a clear place, then it's going to delay more and more and more and more. And that's why I said that there are too many people involved in it. As a matter of fact, that many people around the world are involved.
Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 1, Spring 1978

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

The Frankfurt Conference, November, 28, 1976
And you look back, at least I look back at the life of Shri Maharaj Ji, my father, my guru, and I see that in his life he knew the two worlds and he was in his own world while he just enjoyed this outer world. It was like, fake, but he enjoyed it, he understood it was there, but he didn't use that as a stick to measure, he didn't pinch himself to measure if he was sleeping or awake by the measurement of this world.
The Frankfurt Conference booklet

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Munich, Germany, April 10, 1977
I had to really know what I was doing. Because if I didn't, then how could something that my father, my Guru Maharaj Ji has described so incredibly to me, how can I just kick it away?
Divine Times, September/October 1978, Volume 7, Number 6

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

London, England, April 20, 1977
We were just there, and one day Shri Maharaj Ji came in the afternoon and He said, "You guys want Knowledge?" He didn't quite say it in English, or that way, but, "You want Knowledge?" And we said, "Yeah!" So He took us into the sitting room and said, "Okay. How do you do meditation?" And I said, "Like this." (holding hands out) And He revealed us Knowledge. He gave us Knowledge. And from there on it was just like, "Okay. Now you're on your own. If you want to proceed in this Knowledge, if you want to continue with this Knowledge, that is completely up to you. You have to make that effort. I have done my part."
Élan Vital, Volume I, Issue 1, Autumn 1977

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Guru Puja, Miami Beach, Florida, July 29, 1977
There are so many people in this world and they are suffering. And they keep on suffering. Why? Why are people suffering? And this was the great question Shri Maharaj Ji used to discuss or talk about. There are so many people suffering. What is the real solution to these people suffering? Food? If they are suffering from food, naturally you would think, "Take them some food. Give them some food. They will be happy." But he said, "No. You give them food today; they will need food tomorrow. Their happiness will only last that long, as long as they are satisfied from that food. And it's not really food that they are suffering from." Then, is it clothing? Maybe because they don't have clothes they are suffering. No, it's not clothes. Because you can give them clothes now. Maybe six months or a year from now, their clothes will tear up; their agony, their suffering will start up again. What is man really suffering from? We look at the symptoms of suffering. What suffering brings us is a lack of tranquility. Lack of knowing. Lack of understanding. Lack of food. Lack of clothing. Lack of this. Lack of that. Those are symptoms! That is not the reason. That is not the cause. And by trying to just cure the symptom -- if you know that this is what you are trying to do, cure the symptom and not the disease -- you're terminal.
Élan Vital, Volume IV, Issue 2, Summer 1980

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

London, England March 4th, 1978
Because just talking about my own experience, sometimes I would see Shri Maharaj Ji, and it would be like really incredible. It would be like really beautiful. It would usually be a little stage, a small stage, much smaller than this is -- or much lower than this is -- and Shri Maharaj Ji would be sitting there and I'd be sitting there, and it would be just an incredible experience.
DLM Publication, 1978

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Holi Festival, Miami Beach, Florida, April 8, 1978
I do remember that all of a sudden, before I knew, I was giving satsang. And yet I didn't know what really it could have been that I was talking about, except that people liked it. And I guess it was more of an amazement for those people to just see a little bitty boy sitting up on a stage giving satsang. People would collect -- all these people wouldn't know what's going on. It would sort of provide a good advertisement, and then Shri Maharaj Ji would come and take over. And yet, of course, there was a feeling. It wasn't like a fake thing. It wasn't just for the fun of it. But there was a feeling. And the feeling was very motivating towards something, wanted to know something, knew that something was greater. And it was like, Shri Maharaj Ji, and just a very, very incredible experience. Just so beautiful, so incredible, so radiant.
You knew that there was something there. And just going to satsang after satsang after satsang … I didn't attend every satsang, because there was Mr. School. But every time I would go, it would be an incredible experience to just see all the premies, and then to just sit down and to listen to satsang, and to see Shri Maharaj Ji.
Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 3, Fall 1978

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Guru Puja, Geneva, Switzerland, September 10, 1978
Wasn't Jesus Christ judged, whether or not he was the Perfect Master? Wasn't Mohammed judged? Wasn't Krishna judged? Wasn't Ram judged? Wasn't Shri Maharaj Ji judged? All the Perfect Masters have been judged, as though if we are the real smart cream of the crop of this entire universe, that we have the capability of judging the Lord of the Universe when he does come. Obviously not But anyway, we judge. And our judgement is based upon different concepts.
The way Shri Maharaj Ji, of course explained it and the way the saint puts it, says, "Oh Guru Maharaj Ji, you are to me like the stick, like the cane is to the blind person, is to the blind man. (Maharaj Ji says the verse in Hindi.) "You are to me, Guru Maharaj Ji, everything."
One time a lot of so-called intellectual people came up to Shri Maharaj Ji and they said, "What are you trying to do? What are you talking about? " I mean these people who said, "Ha, ha, ha, we are the heroes because we are trying to feed people. We're trying to get clothing for people. We're trying to give education." Ha, ha, ha to them too. Because Shri Maharaj Ji, the answer he gave was perfect. These people say, "Why are you talking about peace? How do you think people can have peace if they're hungry in their stomach? Guru Maharaj Ji said, "Listen, I can give them food today, but they'll be hungry tomorrow. If I give them food tomorrow, then they'll be hungry the other day. And if I give them food the other day, then they'll be hungry the other day." He said that, "If I give them clothing then after a little while they will wear off. What kind of clothing do I give them? For summer, winter or rain? If I give them clothing in the summer, they'll freeze to death in winter. If I give them clothing for winter they'll bake and that's it." Then he said, "Education," he said you can give somebody an education and he might forget it tomorrow. "But the kind of food that I give, once anybody has eaten it, never gets hungry again." You can imagine these guys who are thinking that they're heroes, people of the people, yet they didn't know they were talking to the Lord of Lords. I mean this is stupidity.
Geneva '78 booklet

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Hans Jayanti Festival, Kissimmee, Florida, November 11, 1978, afternoon program
When Shri Maharaj Ji was giving that satsang he said, "Here I was." And one day he locked his room. (This is an incredible story. And I even have a tape of it. It's an incredible story.) One day Shri Maharaj Ji locked himself in the room and said, "Guru Maharaj Ji, if you are really real, come here and give me darshan." (Not that this is what you guys should try. Absolutely not. I wouldn't recommend it.) This is what Shri Maharaj Ji did. He said, "Maharaj Ji, if you're really real, come and give me darshan." (In this instance "Guru Maharaj Ji" refers to Shri Swarupanand Ji, Hans Rawat's guru and Perfect Master of his time.)
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 2, Summer 1979

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Denver, Colorado, 25 February, 1979
If it were any other way, premies - I would wish that my Guru Maharaj Ji would give me the Grace to be the first one to tell you if it were any other way. But it isn't. It just isn't any other way. That truth, that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, has to be there constantly. I know for all of us is very difficult. Because our trust, that faith that's supposed to go towards Guru Maharaj Ji, goes into these relentless worldly things that do not by any means deserve that faith. Like Raja Ji was saying, we put our faith in a stupid bus. We put our faith in an airplane. But in Guru Maharaj Ji, who is truly the Captain, who's going to truly take our true life and make it cross the ocean … Remember. Guru Maharaj Ji is merciful, but the mercy comes upon only those who haven't shut their door to mercy. If we, by our stupid concepts or ideas, shut that door to mercy, Guru Maharaj Ji will come, knock, but we won't hear. We will not be able to hear.
Guru Maharaj Ji gives us everything. Guru Maharaj Ji gives us Love. Guru Maharaj Ji gives us mercy. Guru Maharaj Ji gives us passion. Guru Maharaj Ji gives us Truth. Guru Maharaj Ji gives us that experience. And really, premies, right now, if my Guru Maharaj Ji told me, "Okay, repay me," I'd die. Because how could I? I mean, what is there in this world that you can repay Guru Maharaj Ji with?
Divine Times, Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Holi, 7th April, 1979
And Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world, every time. Jesus came. Mohammed came. Guru Nanak came. Shri Maharaj Ji came. Guru Maharaj Ji. For devotees, everything. God is a myth. Guru isn't. Because in the whole realm of "God" there can be people who believe in God and don't believe in God. But in the case of Guru Maharaj Ji, it isn't like that.
Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world. There are devotees. Because, tell me. Is there a possibility that people need not be saved? That is not a phenomenon. That is impossible. People of this world always need to be saved from their mind, from their ego, from their hesitation, from their confusion, from their trips.
Holi Festival '79

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Holi, afternoon, 8th April, 1979
In Divine Times, one premie said, "Guru Maharaj Ji is the best part of Knowledge." To me, it's even a little bit more that I have realized. I had to zero in on my Guru Maharaj Ji. I had to zero in on my Guru Maharaj Ji, before he even revealed the Knowledge to me. And the relationship was a little bit more than a shopkeeper. You go up to the shopkeeper to buy whatever you want, then once you have purchased whatever you want, you split. It doesn't work like that. Guru Maharaj Ji gives us that Grace constantly to be able to even practice that Holy Knowledge. Only Guru Maharaj Ji. Not Knowledge.
Holi Festival '79

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 5, 1979
That is the message of Perfect Master. You cannot look towards these things and call them a reality - any problem of this world. A lot of people used to come to Shri Maharaj Ji and say, "Well, there are people who are diseased. There are people who are sick. There are people who need food. People who need clothes. What about them? Here you are, trying to preach a Knowledge. But what about the immediate necessities of these people?" And Shri Maharaj Ji used to say, "Look. Perhaps I can give food to one person today. But what about tomorrow? They'll still be hungry. I can give clothes to one person today, but what about after a week, what about after a month? They'll again need clothes."
Élan Vital, Volume IV, Issue 1, Spring 1980

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Hans Jayanti, Kissimmee, Florida, November 8, 1979, Evening
… this really reminds me of Satyalok. It would sometimes be like this. And what would happen is there would be satsang all day long, and Shri Maharaj Ji would be getting furious with the premies for not doing meditation or satsang or service - just really furious. Sometimes there'd be two or three hours worth of satsang that would be a real mind-knocker. You really don't have much option when that starts happening.
I know I used to wait for that moment to come when Shri Maharaj Ji would put his crown on. And sometimes it would be very early in the night and he would put it on and then it would go on for hours. Yet it would never be enough.
And it was always so incredible. It was always so blissful to hear Shri Maharaj Ji talk about his Guru Maharaj Ji, the Grace, the power and saving. There was only one reason why he would even talk about it, why he would even give satsang about it: so that the people who were listening could open their ears and perhaps somehow respond to Guru Maharaj Ji like that, too. That experience of completely getting swept away in the river and then praying to Guru Maharaj Ji, and Guru Maharaj Ji coming and picking up his devotee and that devotee then being my Guru Maharaj Ji …
As Shri Maharaj Ji used to say, "Providing that you're not a gorilla or a crocodile" - and I guess he meant all the animals, but in his satsang he said "crocodile and gorilla …" He said, "I can't explain Knowledge to a gorilla and I can't explain Knowledge to a crocodile. But if you're not alligators or crocodiles or gorillas, then we can do it. Definitely can do it."
Élan Vital, Volume IV, Issue 3, Fall 1980

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, Vaishakhi Celebrations, (Evening Session) 13 April, 1991
Somebody came and said, "He (Shri Maharaji) is calling you." In my family there was a sort of a regulation that when he called, it means something serious. In those days, during the time of Shri Maharaji, there was a pet dog named Tommy. We were very young. And that dog used to bite everybody. He was always chained. He used to run after every one to bite them. But when Shri Maharaji came back from tours and was sitting in a chair, that dog used to sit there quietly.
Life Force, Volume 7, Issue 4 October-December, 1991

 Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

"… his own father, Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, who was of Royal Indian descent, formerly conveyed this message throughout India."

 Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

"Maharaji does not teach a religion, dogma or doctrine nor is he the first person to impart this message. Many people have done so before him including his own father. Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, who was of Royal Indian descent, formerly conveyed this message throughout India."

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji "Maharaji does not teach a religion, dogma or doctrine nor is he the first person to impart this message. Many people have done so before him including his own father. Shri Hans Ji Maharaj, who was of Royal Indian descent, formerly conveyed this message throughout India. Taking the initiative of travelling to his audiences Shri Hans Ji Maharaj was able to reach people who could not come to him."
Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

"I've been doing it since I was very young. My father, Shri Maharaji, he would have events, they would advertise them and they would do the whole thing and the time for the event would be coming and I would look out the window and see how many people were there and many times there was nobody there so I'd go out there and I'd start speaking and when I would start speaking they'd see this little bitty thing there speaking and they'd all start coming and when the hall was full my father would come and he would talk. It's not something I went to school for, it's a gift too, it's a gift that I can show you how to catch that magic when it happens."
'Miscellaneous' video clips

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

In this video clip Mahatma Sampuranand, Prem Rawat's number one administrator in India until his death, speaks of the passing of Rawat's father "Shri Maharaj Ji" and the incarnation of the young Rawat (Maharaji) as the present Perfect Master.
"He stepped forward and he gave the hope to thousands of people who were crying and wondering and he promised then, "Don't worry, your Master is with you always," and he said "I will take care of Knowledge. I will try to spread the same Knowledge as Shri Maharaj Ji was doing."
'Passages' video

Maharaji Teaching About Shri Maharaj Ji

December, 2005 (Translated from Hindi)
When I was growing up, we had a little dog named Tommy. He was so hot tempered that he bit everyone except my father, Shri Maharaji. When Shri Maharaji sat outside, if somebody came toward him, Tommy would start barking. Everybody teased that dog.
The Voice of Maharaji Website