Prem Rawat's Teachings about the Master - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat or Maharaji (the Ultimate Ruler) as he prefers to be addressed or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's had no compunction stating he was the one and only living Perfect Master. He now refers to himself as "the Master", a vaguer description which is less controversial. However while he is more circumspect with his public claims there has no been no real change in his teachings about himself, only in the language he uses. In India he stll refers to himself as "Guru Maharaj Ji" and this is translated into English by the Raj Vidya Kender (Raj Vidya Kender is Rawat's main Indian organisation) translators as "The Master". The language he uses to decribe what his power is and who he is has changed but this group of pages that collect Rawat's teachings about the Master, Guru Maharaj Ji, the Perfect Master, the Savio(u)r, the Lord, the Living Master, the Incarnation of God, the Manifestation of God, the Embodiment of God who come(s) in(to) the world show that Rawat uses all these descriptions to refer to himself. His public claims about himself have become more circumspect and vaguer in language but have remained the same throughout his career.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

Hollywood, California, August 11, 1971
This is the Knowledge that Jesus Christ gave, that Guru Nanak gave, that Krishna gave, that Ram gave, that Mohammed gave. And I am giving it. Supreme Knowledge. It is sacred. Top sacred! And it dwells within all of us. All human beings. And we are unable to know it without the help of the true Master. That is what I am teaching. Yes?
Élan Vital, Volume III Issue 3, Autumn 1979

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

Why does a Perfect Master have to have a living body to give Knowledge? Why is it necessary?
Are you feeling thirsty? Can you see that photo of Lord Shiva? You see the water coming out from the top of his head? Drink that water. Drink, drink! Can You? You can't drink that water. It is a picture. You need everything living. If you have doubts, you cannot ask Lord Krishna questions. That's why you need a living Master, for the circumstances of the world today. When Jesus was here there were no nuclear bombs. But now there are nuclear bombs, and the Perfect Master, the Perfect Savior, has come to save you from nuclear bombs.
The Questions, Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

Tokyo, Japan, October 3, 1972
The greatest problem all around the world today, whether in America, Japan. China. Russia, India, or anywhere else in the world, is that people are not in peace. People want peace. Today, if two people fight, the government is supposed to settle them down. But when governments fight, who is going to settle then down? The only one who can settle the governments down is the Perfect Master, the incarnation of God Himself, who comes to Earth to save humankind.
And these Masters always come into the world to give and give and give and give. So if a man is losing, he can get what he needs from the Master. And if you can't find the Master I can show you God because I have realized Him!
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 9, July 1973

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

Denver, 8th July, 1975
So realize the Knowledge and the Grace. Because Knowledge has always been there; what we want to realize, our goal, has always been there, but sometimes in this world, two things are missing - Our Lord, our Master, and His Grace. It's like the ship is always there, and the destination of the ship is always there, but sometimes the wind and the skipper aren't. When they aren't, it can't go anyplace. Grace is what blows the wind, and the skipper is what guides the ship. So now it's very lucky for us that here we are sitting in this age in the midst of the whole thing, where the worst is worst, and the best is worst. Because if we really look at the whole situation, we couldn't have asked for Him any other time. This is when we need Him, and this is when we need the Grace, and we've got them both now.
The Golden Age Number 39

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

Memorial Day, Malibu, California, May 28, 1978
Our body is finite. Something within this body is infinite. And if we join those two things, if we make that one connection … Because what we are trying to reach, what we are trying to get to, is that most spectacular experience. And that experience is always there, because it's infinite! And we can always achieve it. We can always be there, by going to Guru Maharaj Ji, by going to the Perfect Master. Because Perfect Master not only teaches us perfectness - and that is why he is a Perfect Master - but he has the key. And not only does he have the key, but that answer, that solution, that experience, lies within him. Because he is that experience. And by approaching that Master, then he unfolds, he unites yourself, that individual, that one jiva, that one soul, to himself, and thus bridges the most, most incredible barrier, crossing the most wide, most outrageous, most violent stream of all between us, crossing all factors of time, life, death, anything that's finite - crossing all those factors - and bringing us into that perfect harmony and that perfect unity.
The Golden Age, August 1978, Number 47

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

Hollywood Florida, April 10 1980
And for you and me, in this world, a Master comes. Somebody comes who can give us that experience. It's simple. It's a simple layout. It's a simple plan. And the way it's executed is obviously very, very simple. Time and time again what will happen? There will be these people who will be open. There will be these people who will be devotees. There will be these people who will have that chance to understand. And their Perfect Master will come again and again for them And when he comes, he will give them an experience. They will receive the experience and experience bliss. That's the plan. And every single time it's been executed in the same way. There have been those and among them has come a Perfect Master. And that Perfect Master has given them the love, given them that bliss, given them that satisfaction, given them that Knowledge, given them that understanding. And every single time they have enjoyed it. He's absolutely not going to be any different this time. He's not going to be different next time or next to the next time- It's never been any different, ever. Nor will it ever be.
When that Perfect Master comes in this world and you give an excuse and you have a reason - I don't care what that reason is, it's wrong. How can you justify, in that sense, that every time the Perfect Master has come, people have been believing in God? And because they have made all excuse of believing in God so much, they have failed to recognize, to see, the Master. That's wrong. Even though it is what it is, it's wrong, because that God is not up there anymore. And when that God comes down and you look up, well, obviously you're making a mistake.
Golden Age Number 57 May 1980,

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

Holi festival, Miami Florida, April 10-12 1980
Nobody is saved. We have to be saved, yes. We can be saved, yes. And we should be saved, yes. We should find that Master, yes. Because Guru Maharaj Ji makes it so simple and we make it so sophisticated. Every single time the Master comes, open His arms and says, "Let me in. Let me in. You know, it reminds me of that song, you know, that the Lord becomes a beggar and it goes in this, in front of this devotee's house and knocks on the, on the door and the song is just going, you know, saying, "Oh devotee, you know, your fortune is really come, your, your, your luck, your, your destiny is unfolding now. The Creator, the Giver of everything is at your door begging from you. From you." That has created, that sustains, that destroys, that holds this ultimate, this holds this universe in the palm of his hands has come to your door, do not refuse. Which Master didn't come to everyone of these human beings and come to me open up. Regardless of our confusion, regardless of our concepts. But anyway, you know, again, surrender, have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji. What else you gonna do? Nothing. You have to have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, You have to have to have that surrender.
Holi 1980 video, Élan Vital Inc., 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, Vaishakhi Celebrations (Evening Session), 13th April, 1991.
So open up your heart. But that too we do not know, how it is done or what we have to do for it. In that case too we have to pray to the Master - "Oh Maharaji, please teach me the process to open up my heart." Not that "Well, I know." People often presume that they know it, but actually they don't know. "So, Maharaji, please let me know the technique to enable me to open this heart. How to understand this process." Only through his grace a man can derive the bliss of Knowledge, otherwise it is not possible.
'Life Force', Volume 7, Issue 4 October-December, 1991

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

April 13, 1992 Public program, Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, (translated from Hindi)
But I have found that a human being is not in a position to save himself. His condition is constantly deteriorating in such a way that he cannot save himself. Only when he gets the grace of the Master, he can be able to save himself. But it is possible only when he is ready to listen to him. Because the guide will only show the way, how you can save yourself. He will reveal the techniques to go inside so that you can experience, enjoy and understand that thing inside. So, whatever it was and how it was done but I don't have the least doubt that my Master has showered his infinite grace upon me. He bestowed his grace when he gave me this Knowledge and my Master's ineffable grace is with me all the time - every day and night. And if I accept that infinite grace within my heart and be worthy of his grace every moment of my life, then I know fully well that I can pass my life in an everlasting joy and bliss wherever I am.
Lifeforce, Volume 8, Issue 3 July - September, 1992

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

The "Effort and Grace" video 1995
And that is the only place where the real love resides. The only place. And that is the place where the Master comes to take you to. And the magic happens again and again and again on the face of this earth.
The "Effort and Grace" video 1995

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The MasterLong Beach California, December 5 1997

Kabir gives an analogy. Kabir says that for you to experience peace and joy, they have to be contained. The one thing that disturbs your peace, that disturbs your joy, has to be put at bay. It has to be contained so that you can feel, so that you can experience peace, so that you can experience the joy that is inside of you. And that transformation is not possible without Knowledge, and Knowledge is not possible without the Master.
Event News

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

The Connection video, 1998
"And this one thing called Knowledge, this one thing called the Master, this one thing called the student, this beautiful flower, this beautiful process of growth, this beautiful process of flowering. This Knowledge, this connection, that's what this is all about. When the Master gives, be ready to take. That's what a good student is, the Master gives, the student takes. The Master has to trust the student and the student has to trust the master. This is, this is their relationship. That's all they have. It is so important that each one of you, you have to have the connection with the Master. The trust is the most beautiful, the most delicate, indeed very delicate, the trust is the most beautiful connection between a Master and a student. Indeed trust is the most beautiful connection between anybody. But between a Master and a student it can be glorious.
It's a total package. Physically there is a Master so you can connect and internally there is Knowledge so you can connect on both levels. Make the connection.
The Connection video, 1998

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

Miami Beach Florida, 4th May 2000
What the Master actually wishes for you is incredible. Think about it. A life free of doubt so you can have clarity? Not one day - the rest of your life. Not one hour. Not one instance, but for the rest of your existence. To usher out the darkness so there can be light - light in your life, for the rest of your life. Clarity, simplicity. Enjoying.
1971 - 2001: Maharaji 30 Years In the West

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

Alexandria, Virginia Participation Event, June 17, 2000
But what propagation to me means is to offering the possibility of Knowledge making available the possibility of Knowledge. You have to be careful. You can't go sell it. Because there is the Master involved and if the Master refuses to give somebody Knowledge now don't get don't get your eyebrows up but the Master has that prerogative.
By the way, by the way there was a time that the only way you received Knowledge if you was if you were willing to dedicate the rest of your life to it. Mean nothing else. Yes it meant going in a monastery. That didn't sit well with a lot of people and Knowledge was rather rare because it was incumbent upon the aspirant to prove to the Master that they were ready. I don't know if you know the story about Kabir but Kabir wanted Knowledge from his Master. Master just said "No." He ran around ran around ran around chasing "Please please Master." "Nope. No no no no don't even come here. Don't even ask me." Things got so desperate for Kabir that he actually laid down on the steps of that the Master used to take to go down to the river to take his bath. That's how desperate things got and Kabir's Master stepped on him accidentally but knowing he's lying there and the Master uttered something and Kabir said "Okay, that's enough for me that your Knowledge." And Kabir went reciting it cause I think the Master said like"O God" or something and that's Kabir said "That's enough, that's all I need, need something from you." And then when the Master saw him his dedication he said "Oh yeah, I'll give you Knowledge." Do you know that Kabir was one number one critic of Master, any Master. Do you know some of the earlier work that he has written. It is so vile. He writes "Oh all these Masters they're are good for nothing. All these Masters you know they're fake." I mean that's what he wrote and then he receive is a Knowledge and his whole attitude changes and you know then what he writes "If you turn all the earth into paper, all the wood into pen, all the oceans into ink, it's not enough to write the glory of the Master." (applause) He did a complete I don't know what more than 180 but you can't have that more than 180 so it was incumbent upon the aspirant to prove that to the Master not the Master to say "Okay, are you ready?" No
the opportunity is there. Form that special relationship, form that special relationship with clarity, form that special relationship with the Master, form that special relationship with the heart, form that special relationship with Knowledge.
Virginia Participation Event CD

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

Millenium 2000 festival
By putting all the other things aside and focus on the one way, you don't need to run anywhere else, the human being starts to run in that one direction where his Creator truly resides, where his Creator truly resides, where his true bliss is there. He doesn't know what's in front of him, what's behind him, what's above him, what's below him, that person goes to that place, he's in that place where everything is still, everything is beautiful and there's nothing else besides that bliss, besides that peace and the Master (Hindi: Guru Maharaj Ji) has opened that door, opened that path for the person to go to that place. What a beautiful thing, what is the difference? Truly, for that person who has this Knowledge (Hindi: premie) when he realizes that every step is so precious and he makes the effort to try and understand this, the world doesn't even try to understand this but people who have this knowledge can try to make this effort, even a little bit of effort every single day that they want to fulfil their lives. Therefore the Saints and Masters have said "Blessed are those, blessed are those whose focus is in that direction of where there is that truth, consciousness and bliss where there is that Supreme Bliss, where is that, where there is that peace but also walk in the remembrance of that.
Élan Vital '4 Days in November' video, 2000

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - The Master

Brighton England, June 17 2011
The world is going around in its belief systems. But this isn't about beliefs. Knowledge isn't about beliefs. Knowledge is about knowing – knowing what is real. Welcoming 'known' into your life. Welcoming an experience into your life. Not ideas, not concepts, not, 'Ahhh, more of the same.' … When our celebration begins, we celebrate for the rest of our lives. Those people who have Knowledge, who practice Knowledge, they began celebrating the day that they received Knowledge and they have the opportunity to celebrate every day for the rest of their lives. It's not just one thing – to have Knowledge, to have a master, to have this breath, to have this kindness, to have this love, to have this guidance. … There will be a master. There will be a student. There will be a heart. So far we are alive these things are always going to be there. And there's always going to be this magic that happens when we come together, face to face. Words Of Peace Global website, downloaded 22 September 2012