Prem Rawat's Teachings about the Millenium - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat or Maharaji (meaning Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's has no compunction stating he is a unique person with power possessed by nobody else alive. He declared himself, and was declared by his devotees, the Lord of the Universe and the Perfect Master ("I'm just teaching them perfectness and that's why they call me Perfect Master") and taught he was going to usher in a millenium of peace on earth in this Kali Yuga and often voiced apocalyptic fears if people did not help him in his mission. A full explanation of Divine Light Mission's purpose was printed in the Divine Times, Millenium '73 Edition:
why does Divine Light Mission exist? We are only a small group of people, numbering six million throughout the world, but we have come into this organization for one reason. We have been let in on a secret. And the whole purpose of Divine Light Mission is to let everyone in on this secret, for once this happens, peace will be established on earth! The secret is that there is concrete proof that the Lord is walking on this planet today! This proof exists as Knowledge, a direct experience which Guru Maharaj Ji reveals, which establishes peace in every individual who makes this connection. The secret is that the Lord has come this time for one reason only: to liberate every human being and establish peace on earth for 1000 years. He has chosen America for the advent of the Millennium!
Thomas Pilarzyk in his paper, "The Origin, Development, and Decline of a Youth Culture Religion," wrote: "The Millennium festival in the Houston Astrodome in November, 1973, marked the single most important development in the short history of the American movement. It was billed by the international DLM as the most significant event in history, which would establish a thousand years of peace on earth."
Prem Rawat has not publicly claimed to be able to establish world peace or the kingdom of heaven on earth since the 1970's though he does claim to be "an Internationally renowned Master of Inner Peace," whatever that means.

Durga Ji (Marolyn Rawat nee Johnson), Sunday Community Meeting, Denver Indian Center, Denver, Colorado, 7 December 1975
So it seems like it's come to the point where we just have to really make that effort. Because Maharaj Ji is ready. I know that. I experience it. Maharaj Ji is ready. He's just waiting for us.
We talk about world peace, we talk about the situation in the world and we say, "Oh, I want to go out and do prachar. I just want all my brothers and sisters to feel this love that I'm feeling." Yet how is that ever going to happen until each one of us gets ourselves really together, gets ourselves really clear? It isn't going to happen until that happens. This whole world can't experience this Knowledge until we experience it. It's like a light that starts at one point and spreads. If the people that Maharaj Ji's brought so close to him and has given this precious, precious Knowledge to, if we aren't experiencing it, if we're not really manifesting it and projecting it out, then how is anybody else going to?
The Golden Age, Number 26, February 1976
"Peace Bomb" speech, India Gate, Delhi, India, November 8 1970
Give me your love and I will give you peace. Surrender the reins of your life to me and I will give you salvation. I am the source of peace in this world. Many times I have come but this
time I have come with more power than ever before. But what can I do unless men come to me with love in their hearts and a sincere desire to know Truth. I declare that I will establish peace in this
world." …
Therefore, dear premies, the time has come. See how peace will be established in the world. There will be peace on earth. That peace which disappeared shall prevail again. It will come, and once again
the world will understand. So listen to me and act accordingly. Bow down before Guru Maharaj Ji!
… Therefore, dear premies, the time has come for restlessness to be destroyed and the Kingdom of Peace to be established. Whether you take it as my prophecy or anything else,
the Kingdom of Peace will be established soon. … The great leaders think that I have come to rule and yes, they are right! I will rule the world, and just watch how I will do it.
Even the lion and sheep will embrace each other. Has there been such a king before? Krishna was not such a king. Rama was not such a king. There were lesser powers in Ram,
there were lesser powers in Krishna, but I have come to the world with full powers.
Golden Age, Number 49, November 1978 and Satguru Has Come, Shri Hans Productions film, 1972

Boulder, Colorado, August 18 1971
Guru Ji, do you feel there is going to be a nuclear war, where they're going to use atomic weapons on each other?
I don't know about that, but I know about one thing: that there is going to be a kingdom of heaven into this Earth. A kingdom of heaven into this Earth! On this Earth!
And who will be the natives of that, they all will be liberated. Who will be present in that kingdom, they all will be liberated.
Élan Vital, Volume I Issue 2 Winter 1977

November 1971
"We are now coming up to a completely new era, which is
emerging from the past era of darkness, illusion and
mis-directed power. What is going to happen in this
Kaliyuga would never have been possible, not even in
imagination, in any other age. This age is so materialistic
that people are grabbing everything possible from the
material side of life. And not only material things, for
people are receiving the True Knowledge so quickly that
one can hardly believe the speed of its progress.
Divine Light News, Volume 1, Issue 1, August 1973

Patna, Bihar, India, December 25, 1971
Now, from the incidents that these people are putting in my way, a clear picture is given that within a very short period, the whole universe will realize the Knowledge of Self,
and there will be one kingdom of Truth and Harmony. These people are trying to put obstructions in my way, and all their actions are enough to give me complete proof that
there will be one banner of True Name all over the universe completely. There is no doubt about this. The time is very near. The whole universe will enjoy perfect peace and happiness,
forgetting all sorts of differences, under the shelter of the banner of True Name. Now the play of God is going to be finalized in a very, very excellent way.
Élan Vital, Autumn 1977, Volume I, Issue 1

The Sayings of Guru Maharaj Ji
I have a plan for world peace, you see. And if we all work to it, I'm sure we can get It. I can see how its going to work out. It wasn't very hard reaching the hearts of six million people, right? So it's not going to be
hard for six million people to reach the hearts or one person each -- and that makes it 12 million.
The Sayings of Guru Maharaj Ji
Switzerland, 1972
"There are so many movies being made today and what do they show? The destruction of the world. And one movie that shows it a better way the destruction of the world they give it a prize. ????
academy award because it shows the destruction of the world. Man, we can finally understand that what man has got in his brain is to destroy the whole world. He does not understand that if he tries
to cut the same branch he is sitting on he will also fall down. He doesn't understand that so he is trying to cut the same branch on which he is sitting. He is trying to cut away the same world he is
sitting on he is on. Now if this will be destroyed where the man will live?"
Satguru Has Come
Montrose, Colorado, July 25 1972
"If there is a father, supposedly I'm a father and there is fire burning here and my child is crawling towards the same fire, right, and he is very near to the fire and almost he is in the fire and
I'm still watching him, am I a father? I have got no right to say myself I am a father because if I am a father I have got many responsibilities on him myself, and one of the responsibilities is to
protect my child. Don't you think that we have already entered this fire? Where it is getting out of control? Everyone is coming, a bullet comes and shoots you, no-one cares for human life. Haven't we
entered this fire? And it's a very very very bad fire we have entered and God can still watch you think? That the human race will be destroyed and God will still watch? He is a father? If he is going
to watch and the world being destroyed he is not a father, something else but he is not a father. But no, God has manifested Himself because if He manifests Himself after one year, it will be too
late, too late."
Satguru Has Come

Montrose, Colorado, July 25 1972
This Word is not only for Americans but this Word is for the whole world. And you see, by the Grace of God, I'm sure that this time the kingdom of heaven is going to come.
I'm very sure about it. If the whole world receives the Knowledge we can bring it soon. This Knowledge is completely true; I have experienced it.
And you can also experience it. That's all I can say.
Light Reading, 1980

Tokyo, Japan, October 3, 1972
The greatest problem all around the world today, whether in America, Japan. China. Russia, India, or anywhere else in the world, is that people are not in peace. People want peace. Today, if two people fight, the government
is supposed to settle them down. But when governments fight, who is going to settle then down? The only one who can settle the governments down is
the Perfect Master, the incarnation of God Himself, who comes to Earth to save humankind. …
And these Masters always come into the world to give and give and give and give. So if a man is losing, he can get what he needs from the Master. And if you can't find the Master I can show you God because I have realized Him!
And It Is Divine, Volume 1, Issue 9, July 1973

Divine United Organization Proclamation, April 1 1973
And I challenge this, to the whole world, that by Divine United Organization, and by the Grace of Almighty Lord, and the power of Knowledge, the bliss of the Knowledge,
again peace in the world can be established, in the same way as people have dreamed of, and the kingdom of heaven on this Earth will be possible and is possible,
if you work together, with cooperation and in the manner I have explained to you, of Divine United Organizations.
Divine Times Volume 2, Number 6

Millenium '73, Houston Astrodome, November 9 1973
If you want to see the Truth, if you want to recognize the Truth, if you haven't recognized the Truth and if you do want to, come to me and I can show you the Truth
and I can establish peace in this world. I can. It's very possible. It's just too easy to accomplish peace, just give Knowledge to everybody and do it.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume 3, Issue 4, Winter 1976

Millenium '73, Houston Astrodome, November 10 1973
I can assure you of one thing: I can establish peace in this world. I can assure you of that. Because the Knowledge, the power of the Knowledge, is incredible.
And when people understand it, when people realize it, that's it. That's it. That's it for them.
And this is the way we can establish Peace on this earth, on this very planet, in this very century. We can do it. It's no problem. It's no big mess up.
It's just the way how to go around doing it is the only thing. Otherwise, it's very possible. And that world of Peace, that kingdom of heaven on earth, is very possible.
… See, I cannot promise you anything, except one thing -- I can't do promises to you saying, "I'll do this for you, and I'll do this for you, and I'll do this for you."
I can promise you one thing: I can promise you world Peace. I can promise you Peace of mind. And these are the things I can promise you. Because I have them,
and I very well know I have them. It's no objection about it; it's no problem about it. It's no doubt in my mind about it, that I have it, and I can establish it.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume 4, Issue 2, Summer 1977

Millenium '73, Houston Astrodome, November 1973
The purpose of this mission, the aim of this mission is to establish peace in this earth and we want that we should be helped by all brothers and sisters because if we are
humans, if we are real humans, we would very much like that peace should be on this earth. And thus we would like to help somebody who can establish peace. Well, here I am and I can I say I can establish peace in this world.
The Lord of the Universe, TVTV video 1974

London England, Prior to 1975
But anyway, can you imagine the bliss that will be there when this whole world receives the Knowledge? I mean it's gonna be so fantastic, so beautiful. And Listen, the most beautiful thing about it is that it is very, very possible. It's very, very possible. This whole world can receive Knowledge and be in that ultimate bliss in this century. I mean if we try, if all the premies try hard, really, really hard, I don't see it as being impossible for everybody to receive Knowledge.
Brotherly Love, May 1975

Proclamation For 1975
I still sincerely think that this Knowledge, the Knowledge of God, the Knowledge of our Creator is our solution. …
I do not claim to be God but do claim I can establish peace on this earth by our Lord's Grace and everyone's joint effort.
The Golden Age, Number 17, January, 1975

Jhumri Taliaya, Bihar, India, 15 April 1975
This is not a joke. I didn't say I was going to establish peace on this earth just for fun. I am not asking anyone how I should do it or anything.
I'm just saying I will definitely do it. I don't care if I have to survive by eating salt and drinking water, I'm prepared to do anything.
The Golden Age, Number 21, June, 1975

Hans Jayanti Festival, Orlando, Florida, 9 November 1975
You see, our dream to establish peace in this world is very slowly but surely, coming along. It's so beautiful, because the more and more festivals we have,
the more and more premies grow. And this growth is so incredible
The Golden Age, Number 25, January 1976

Mendoza Argentina, 11 January 1976
It's such a long cycle, such a big circle, but that is why satsang is important: to keep the world from going crazy, to keep ourselves from going crazy. I think it's going to be a little while before the whole world receives Knowledge. Still, we are all working so that this whole world one day can receive Knowledge, because we understand, we realize that Knowledge is beautiful and exactly what this world needs. Without a doubt, that's what this world needs: Knowledge.
The Golden Age Number 29, May 1976

Atlantic City, 18 December 1976
Every Perfect Master, to me it's like every Perfect Master has come in this world and tried to beat those drums.
And it's just they got somewhere close to it, but they didn't quite beat it, not loud enough, not loud enough for everybody to hear. And it didn't pierce the tons and tons
and and miles and miles of barriers that people have between them. But for some uh for some reason, I have this hope. I have this dream. I have this … not an idea,
it's not an idealism, but as a service, as the aim of my life: to beat these drums so hard, so hard, that it might break down those barriers that people have placed between them,
and that there might be Peace in this world.
Birthday 1976 video

Miami, June 1979
How will you establish peace in this world?
Through Knowledge, which is the experience of one's real self and harmony with the ultimate, which is inside of all of us. When one can really understand the purpose of existence,
then there is no doubt. All pain and suffering from one's self disappears and hence the Kingdom of Heaven is established. It is tranquil and peaceful. …
My work in this world comes from my understanding of its necessity. It comes from my commitment to establish peace in this world. Maybe in some circumstances,
to some people, positive or negative publicity may have an effect, but my commitment is above that. Due to a certain lack of understanding, some people may not see what this work
is all about. And therefore, out of ignorance, present a negative view. And yet, for the millions of followers who have seen and experienced for themselves
(In 1979 Rawat no longer had millions of followers and he still does not have millions of followers)
Miami Magazine June 1979

Rome, Italy, 1980
he was giving satsang and I was listening to it, in the residence, and he was saying, yeah, there is one joke going on in
Venice. It's like yeah, it is a big joke, it has no purpose, it has no meaning, you know, cause the other day we landed in Ciampino, and you know, there's these two Airforce One airplanes sitting
there … Those ideas aren't going to be any good if there isn't some substance that can replace the darkness in everyone's heart. That's what's needed, a real solution, not talk, you know. Oh there's enough
talk, there's plenty of talk and what we need is that real solution and always has been, always will be, and is now. Knowledge is the only solution, really Guru Maharaj Ji is the only solution to
bring that peace into this world. That's why Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world.
Rome 1980 Ashram Satsang video

Olympia, London, Guru Puja, 23rd August 1980
And I'm not a politician, I don't want to be a politician but I know that by the virtue of this Grace, by the experience that I have and so far I'm concerned it's the only thing that can and that will establish peace
on this earth if ever there will be peace on this earth. That is it, that experience, that Knowledge is the only thing that can do it, not our ideas, they can't, we've already tried 'em. Don't you think we should be tired of it?
We already tried those ideas, they don't work, they stink
Olympia 1980 Guru Puja video

September 2004
We need peace in this world as we are. We need peace in this world with all our problems. We need peace in this world with everything that goes on. We need peace in this world because our heart desires it. Something very
fundamental wants that peace. There has been an attraction to that peace since time immemorial. When it comes to peace in my life, it begins with being ready and able to stand on my own feet. It doesn't end there,
but it begins there. For too long, we have looked to world leaders. They try, but succeeding is another story. The noblest gesture we can make is to recognize the possibility of peace in our life and to find ourselves to be
the source and the resource.
The Young People's Initiative web site, downloaded 11 July 2009
For many years the And It Is Divine magazines carried the following message from Sant Ji Maharaj another pseudonym for Prem Rawat aka Maharaji aka Guru Maharaj Ji:
Dear Reader,
By the grace of Almighty Lord, we bring you the magazine And It Is Divine. You will find this magazine very different from others, because it shows not only the suffering of the world, but also a way out for all humanity.
There has never been a time when the Lord of Creation did not manifest Himself in human form, and come to this planet Earth to do away with evil and spread the True Knowledge. But history is a pendulum which is always in swing. There have been so many scriptures, but still people have never been able to understand Him.
Divine Light Mission wants to bring world peace by sharing the Knowledge which is within us by the grace of Almighty Lord. In this magazine, we hope to give information about the peace which lives within us, which Guru Maharaj Ji reveals.