Prem Rawat's Beggar video

This video, titled 'Beggar', a Visions International (a division of Élan Vital Inc) video, was released in 1994. It is a short (21 minutes) video made up of excerpts of Rawat's speeches to 'aspirants' - an Élan Vital term for people who have become interested enough in Rawat's "Knowledge" to regularly attend screenings of his videos and become known to the local organisation. It combines these excerpts with brief 'natural' scenes and some excerpts from "Without Your Love", a One Foundation song written and sung by Geoff Bridgeford, which also ends the video to provide the inspiring, emotionally uplifting ending that Rawat's speeches cannot convey and that are a staple of videos about Rawat. While it is mainly vacuous expressions of unattainable states of Being, it contains some exposition of the central dogmas of his religion that have remained constant through the decades. The most obvious is the extraordinary onus he places on the necessity to beg him, as the current Perfect Master in the line of Perfect Masters which are incarnations of God and includes Krishna, Ram, Buddha, Jesus, Kabir, Guru Govind Singh and his father, Hans Rawat for the "Knowledge". He claims these have all revealed the same secret Knowledge and that this "Knowledge" is the only source of peace in the world.

Like most of the videos about Rawat it contains visuals of peaceful natural scenes that attempt to convey a relationship between Rawat's teachings and peaceful, beautiful nature even though Rawat's lifestyle of luxurious homes, travel in a private jet and staying in 5-Star hotels is the antithesis of 'natural.' His followers sit under blankets with their fingers poking their eyes, stick their thumbs in their ears, concentrate on their breathing and roll their tongues backwards and sit in darkened halls watching films of him speaking in rented halls. None of these are natural activities.


(Visuals: Waves breaking on a rocky shore)
When all the riches and the most generous giver is within you, then why, oh beggar, do you hold out your hand?

Hold it inside, not out. It is out, somebody will see your bowl and invariably taking pity, throw something in it that will indeed make you poor. But if you want the gift then hold in your hand, hold in your bowl and the greatest of riches and the most generous of the givers will fill you like you have never been filled. Let that be, you know, let that be.

It's rare to hear someone describe themselves as "the most generous of the givers" giving the "the greatest of riches" but then Prem Rawat, who claims to be "the giver of the gift of Knowledge" has had no trouble describing himself as the Savio(u)r, Guru Maharaj Ji, the Perfect Master, the Lord, the Master, the the Living Master and the Incarnation of God who come(s) in(to) the world so calling himself "the most generous of the givers" is almost being humble.


Let's begin from scratch. There is a giver and there is a receiver. I'm even gonna use the word 'beggar'. Yes, some people are not gonna like it, people don't like the word 'beggar' because they see themselves as little more dignified but, nonetheless, the facts are, we are all beggars. I'm a beggar too. We're all beggars, I'm a beggar, I have to beg. I have realized that in my life I am being showered upon with wonderful gifts. I'm not talking about physical gifts, I'm talking about the internal gifts and these gifts are so precious, these gifts are so precious that yes at times I have said, "Yes, I need this, I demand this. Somebody owes me this!" and all I have realized is that I have come away with an empty bowl. As a beggar I have no right to say "You must give me this!" but as a beggar I have every right to beg to offer my bowl, my empty bowl to be filled. There is a law of nature, I'm not talking about pumps and I'm not talking about tricks, I'm talking about one thing. One glass is empty and one glass is full. There is a law of nature, the glass that's empty has to be here (lowers his hand), that glass that's full has to be here (raises his hand) and then it can go on with the business of filling that glass. When I said beggar I don't mean beggar like a beggar in the street I mean somebody who is willing to receive, who is willing to understand who is willing to say, "Okay, take me through the uncertainty. I trust myself enough, now, take note I didn't say "I trust you enough" but I said I trust myself enough to place myself in your hands so that you can show me, so that you can teach me. (Music begins: Oh where would I be?)

Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him
Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him

For an aspirant, when you ??? put it down and say I am ready for the real. Carry no load no more then it can be something beautiful. You have to decide that, do not worry about getting Knowledge, don't worry about that, don't worry about that. If you need to be worried, then worry about being a student. Clean the bowl. Don't worry about the giver coming and giving you the gift, don't worry about that. That's nothing to be worry, you're worrying about the wrong thing. Clean the bowl, empty the bowl, be ready, be ready so when the giver comes, you're ready to receive. Be ready. (More swelling music and waterfall scene)

Rawat emphasises the need for the aspirant to "clean the bowl" ie empty him/herself of any doubts about Rawat and his Knowledge and accept, without any doubt, everything that Rawat says. But only accept everything that Rawat says.

Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him
Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him

Try to open, open the doors, open the doors, open your heart. What the Master says cannot be understood by intellect. If you try to understand what the Master says by intellect, the net result is total confusion because the message is sent to the heart, not to the intellect. When the heart receives the message, "Feel", it's very clear, it's very clear. When this receives the message, "Feel", it says "What?" The message is not for this (points at head) the message is for this (points at heart). When you take Knowledge and put it here (points at head) it does not make sense, does not make sense. Take Knowledge and put it here (points at heart) and it's so obvious, so obvious.

Rawat's teaching ("what the Master says") is easily understood by the intellect but it's not easily believable and it's certainly false, unless you accept it without due consideration. That is why he castigates 'doubt' and 'the mind' because only if you accept his simplistic teachings that the heart and the mind are separate, antagonistic entities and you should just 'feel' his speeches would you accept his claims that he is the unique source of peace in the world today. Rawat is merely the leader of another insignificant cult whose members enjoy the shared beliefs of any cult member.

Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him
Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him

The miracle, the miracle of inside, to watch, to listen, to feel. This (points at head) understands the past and this (points at head) understands the future, this (points at head) has a very hard time understanding now. The heart does not understand the past, the heart does not understand the future, the heart only understands now. Open, open the doors and welcome, embrace your life. Open your heart and begin to accept the gift your Creator gave you. Accept because unless you accept the gift, unless you accept the gift, there will be no gratitude and unless you have gratitude, there will be no bliss. Accept the gift that has already been given and let your heart be filled with gratitude and then the joy of the universe, the bliss of the universe will come pouring inside of you. That's the key, that's the key. Be and feel. Feel the magic, the magic of this Knowledge, the magic of this life. The magic of that thing that has allowed you to be here today. The magic, something so powerful so powerful that it has allowed you to be here wanting, wanting that precious gift. That's powerful, very powerful. (swelling music)

My intellect has no trouble understanding this "Knowledge" Neither do the majority of people who have listened to Rawat and his followers' spiel, have tried it and have rejected it. Bliss is certainly not dependant on gratitude to Rawat, nor practising his meditation techniques which are merely poking your fingers in your eyes, sticking your thumbs in your ears, remembering you're breathing and curling your tongue backwards.

Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him
Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him

The longing of the heart creates this feeling of longing but creates no pain. Longing of the mind creates impatience, creates ambiguity, creates frustration, anger, doubt, confusion but the longing of the heart creates no confusion, no doubt, no impatience for even though the heart longs it still produces a sweet joy, even in the thirst the heart has the ability to produce joy, gratitude and that's the miracle of a student that even with that longing, even with that feeling, it's okay. Somebody once said to me, "Maharaji I can wait not a minute longer but I can wait for a hundred years. Even though I would like this gift, even though I want this gift the place from where the desire for this gift is coming is so sweet that I can continue to feel this longing." When all the other things, when all the other traps, when all the other baggage is gone then only you remain and when only you remain then your Divine comes to be with you and the only thing that remains on the stage is just you, just you and when you are the only one on the stage then an amazing thing starts to happen. The Divine shows up. The Divine shows up and without the music the dance begins and when everything is stripped away, when it's only you and you heart and nothing else. Just you, you as a human being not the goods, bads, rights, wrongs, concepts of what is this, what is that, what is a God, what is a demon, what is a this but no nothing, where nothing else remains, when that heart becomes pure, once again like a child only to embrace the moment without concept, without ideas, so full, so full and yet so empty, so full and so empty, the longing (swelling violins) pure, pure then you are you.

Rawat claims to reveal "the Divine" who "shows up" once you "receive Rawat's Knowledge" by being taught the meditation techniques and presumably that can strip away all the bads, goods, baggage and traps, whatever they are.

Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him
Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him

Where would I be?

(segues into: )

Where would I be?
And how could I see?
I'd be an ocean without water
A flower without sun
A poet without feeling
A singer without a song

Yeah, where would I be?
And how could I see?
I'd be a journey without meaning
A story without an end
A heart that's always broken
A man without a friend

Where would I be?
And how could I see?
Without your love
Without your love
Without your love
Without your love

Without Your Love from the CD Downpour

Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him
Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him
Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him
Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him
Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him
Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him
Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him

Be in this moment and let your heart soak it. I'm here to give, be there to receive. I have no restrictions, I'm not saying Oh this is rationed, only this much per person, please, take as much as you can, enjoy. This is the kind of giving in which more you give, the more it becomes, not less.

Rawat claims he is "here to give" and he can give without restrictions, without rationing, infinitely. If that was true, that would mean he was God.

Copyright MCMXCIV Visions International

Prem Rawat Extolling Begging To Him