Prem Rawat in Boston Sunday 24th November 2013

His speeches were not written or prepared but they are certainly not unrehearsed. The speeches preceding his current one are the rehearsals using the same store of tales, premie gossip, clichés, life events, recent tv shows, stock phrases and buzzwords.

At about the 25 minute mark Rawat goes a little rabid, shouting, arm waving, carried away. He really acts this speech out with over the top expressions and arm movements. Mimicking ignorant American accents. Long whispering periods denoting importance. There was more laughter than Rawat's comic lines warranted but there might have been tension as the premies feared he might be going crazy. Rawat's vignettes of ordinary life as lived by people not interested in Prem Rawat are infused with his deep research into television cartoons and sitcoms. He's obviously watching more documentaries by 2013 than he used to as Guru Maharaj Ji, the Lord of the Universe but his understanding of "the Other" has not improved.

Its completely obvious that Rawat is a guy who has eaten and drunk alcohol to excess, real excess, for decades. As far as I know it is only the excessive drunkeness for which we have first hand evidence. I cannot recall anyone talking about his eating. By 2013 his face no longer looks completely stuffed with fat but he has the gall to talk about avoiding buffets for his life's sake. Only his mentor and éminence gris, Mahatma Sampuranand was fatter.

The overwhelming majority of people in the audience are 60ish but Rawat's minions always display images of younger people in their PR spin.

Young People

Prem Rawat in Boston Sunday 24th November 2013

"In this life, in this existence, what is it that I want? What do you want? What truly makes you happy? Freedom makes you happy. Clarity makes you happy. Understanding makes you happy. Peace makes you happy. Why? Because that is your nature." Sunday 24 November 2013

Hello everyone, good evening and believe me, it's much more comfortable in here than it is outside. It's really cold out there. And once again, the seasons are turning. The changes are afoot. The reality of it is the changes are afoot every second, every day but we don't acknowledge them. We don't see them that way. To us, it's just yes. Now it's cold and sometimes it's a bit of a shock because people haven't put away their summer clothes yet, and they walk out and then all of a sudden they feel the cold and it feels really cold. But this was coming. People are sometimes very surprised. Oh my God. All of a sudden it got cold. Now this was coming. This was coming, long, long, long time. And it's here and this will go. Spring will come. Summer will come. And that too was in the making. Long, long, long time ago. After all, almost four billion years in the works. And today we are here. Our paths across, maybe our might seem like a long time to some people. But when you're talking about billions of years, it's just a flash. And indeed we strive to live 80, 90, 100 That's good. But even that compared to the age of this earth. (snaps fingers) It's not even that. I mean it. That's faster. There's less than a second. So what does it mean to be alive? It was all just this fast. What is it mean? I mean, what does it mean? Here you are. You're gonna be brrrp gone. So what does it mean? I mean, what is this divine thing in this world? What? What? What? What about peace? I mean, who cares? But you see, this (snaps fingers slowly) has been slowed down. Incredibly, incredibly, incredibly slowed down. Even when the time has been sped up because of gravity in our in our perspective, in our perspective, we get to live. We actually see a day. For something like Himalayan mountains we are just gone. Sun just keeps bobbing up in the back and back and back and forth back and forth. What is winter? But nothing. What is summer but nothing. What is the rainy season but nothing? But understanding, feeling, these are our powers. Our power is not to try to control. That's not our forte. We try. We try. Of course we try. God have we've been trying and will we keep trying. Of course we will keep trying because there are two things in this world. Efficiency. Now what is efficiency? Doing things right. Then we are all told we should be efficient and we try to be efficient. Do you have a little place where you put your car keys by the entrance? That's efficiency. Efficiency is doing things right. And then there is effectiveness. And what is that? That is doing the right things. So the world is in a situation of efficiency. Not effectiveness. Is the world effective? Of course not. happened,

Prem Rawat 2013 You know there was a time. There was no phones. Now it just so growing up in India, I watched the first phone in being installed. You'd think iPhone or one of these Android phones, they're high tech? They're not. This phone was high tech. Super high tech. They did not have a dialer on it. Nothing. Just you pick it up and you heard a voice. What number should I connect you to? And you didn't actually say a number. He actually didn't actually give a number. He just said so and so. Okay. Or if the number was busy, it would say, the operator would say he's on the phone right now. You want me to cut in? I mean, this is high tech. I mean, this is really high tech. And then he would say no. Try 20 minutes later and buzz me back. This is really hitech. Then of course, the phone's got the dialler and that was the downfall of everything. And still to this day, I don't understand why we have phone numbers. I mean, it's from those days when you have the Rotary phone where the relays had to click. But we still have phone numbers. All we need is our email address. That's all we need to get to the phone because it's unique but we still have numbers. Efficient. Efficient. We're pushing for efficiency. Efficiency in what war? Let's be really efficient in killing everybody. Kill the most people in the shortest period of time. Efficient. Effective, zero.

There are people who go hungry in this world. I mean, excuse me. To me, it's like, how can that be? When an incredible amount of food in the face of this earth is just wasted. Just wasted. Have you been to a buffet? Have you been to one of these restaurants where they give you the generous portion? Excuse me. Feed me. Don't try to kill me. I have come here because I am hungry. Not because I feel suicidal.

Few weeks ago, I had this incredible experience. My youngest daughter. She got her private pilot's licence. So you know, we were driving and you know, we both love aviation. Of course now that she has her pilot's licence that's officially she loves aviation. And so we were driving by and I was talking to her about this donut place. And I said, you know, there's this donut place and when because and I had not been there ever. And I said supposedly it's really, really good and when they have their lights on you know you go there making it fresh and so she got very excited and she said "let's go." I said OK so I did a U-turn and we went there, there was nobody else in the place. We were the only ones trying to commit suicide. Anyway she got very excited, very very excited about having it done so we got a whole bunch and there were other people around so "Come on in, you know, give you donuts, come on." But to me, in this life, in this existence, what is it that I want? What do you want? What do you want? Since you have taken the time and trouble to get here. Let me ask you that. What do you want? What truly makes you happy? Am I being intense? Ha ha ha ha. I don't mean to be intense.

You see I go around the world and I talk about peace to people and I think it's hilarious. This hilarious, is absolutely I think is really funny. Why? Because peace is inside everyone of us. We should be love and peace every day. We should be so in love with peace. You know what? It's free. It's free. Wars cost money. Peace is free. You don't have to go around creating a machine going "this is the peace machine." I mean it's free. You don't have to have a certain level of education. You don't have to have a certain amount of income. You don't. None of those things. Peace can be for every single being because it's already inside of them. And yet I go around the world and I talk to them and I tell them this. I shouldn't be doing this. It's true. I shouldn't I shouldn't. Can you imagine if I go to people and say, "OK, now take a breath in and let it out. Take a breath in and let it out and keep doing that. It's good for you. Keep you alive." Peace should be like that. Peace should be your second nature. But it isn't and a question. What makes you happy? Becomes challenging.

Prem Rawat 2013Because the first the answer is, "Oh yeah, you know. Oh yeah. I can't wait for Thanksgiving." So it's a start. It's a start. It started long time ago. And they're talking about black Friday shopping, everything is discounted by … there's people who makes buying makes them happy Not really till they get the bill. Now all that happiness just floats away. Oops. What makes you happy? Because one of my friends who had that donut felt very sick but not when he was eating it. Ummm.Was the reaction. Ummm. And then afterwards. "Oh my goodness, I feel sick."

What makes you happy? Freedom makes you happy. Freedom. Clarity makes you happy, understanding makes you happy. Peace makes you happy. Why? Why? Because that is your nature. When you are confused you are not happy. What is confusion? Some people think "Oh yeah, confusion Wow." What's the opposite? Clarity. How far is confusion from clarity? Just the other side. How far is clarity from confusion? Just the other side. Just the other side. So close. But you have to get to that. clarity. You have to get to that understanding. And unless you do the question will come up again and again and again and again and again in your life of what makes you happy and you will come up with different answers. When you were a little kid that was a different answer. When you were growing up and you were a teenager that was a different answer. Now you're a little bit older. It's a different answer. When you get a little bit older than that it'll be a little bit different answer. And when you get into your "golden" years, it will be a different answer. When you were very young, very, very young. What made you happy? To be in those beautiful arms of your mother? Your father that cared about you or to be in the arms of the one that cared for you. Then you got a little bit older. The toys. The candy. I used to ask my children. "Why do you like chocolate?" And they would answer me because it makes my mouth feel good. It was a very smart answer. Makes my mouth feel good.

What makes your heart feel good? What makes your heart feel good? (snaps fingers) But I have an answer because remember, (snap) that's not a long time. You have to learn to be effective. Effective encompasses in my opinion, efficiency. Efficiency does not necessarily encompass in it effectiveness. But do you want to be efficient in doing the wrong things? Just like that. I can do it. How long does it take you to get confused? How long does it take you to get angry? How long? How long does it take you to get angry? Doesn't take much. Push one little button. Anybody can push the button. They don't even have to be near you. Just somewhere. You're driving in your car can the guy in the other car push a button and drive you crazy. Absolutely. All this guy has to do is pull up a little closer. Then it's comfortable for you and you look in the back view mirror and you're like, Aagh! Cut you off. I'll catch you. Oh that's insulting. See, not for me. I grew up in India. You honked in India because you felt like it. People in India drive down the road and try to play a song on their horn. So to me, it's like somebody's saying hello to me. They're advantages to being born in India. I mean, it's like somebody is tailgating you just like "Hello I can see you." But this is what we have become efficient at, this what we practise or we've got it down because it would be a wonderful world.

Truly a wonderful world where people knew what made their hearts feel good. Wouldn't it? That you knew what made your heart feel good? That you understood, you understood that the most precious thing of this existence is the union of this dirt and the Divine. A lotta people go "Whoa. What what Divine? What were you talking about? What Divine?" So one time there was a man. He had the same question. "What divine are you talking about?" So I'm looking, searching, somebody would give him a good answer. Found a wise old man. This is wise old man. "You know you talk about the divine. Have you? Where is the divine? Have you seen the divine?" So the old man took a big chunk of salt and handed it to him, her. "Take this salt. You see that bucket there, full of water. Put it in there and then take that ladle and start stirring." So it takes the salt, big chunk salt, puts it in the bucket and starts stirring, stirring, stirring, stirring, stirring. After a while. The salt disappeared. So he comes over to the old man and said "I did what you said. The salt disappeared." The old man said "Really? Disappeared?" "Yeah. When I put it in, I could see it. Mixed it. Mixed it. Mixed it. Mixed it. Mixed it with the ladle and it all disappeared." And the old man said, "So you think it's gone?" "So yeah, I can't see it." "Yeah, you can see it. The salt is still there. Taste the water." Understood?

Prem Rawat 2013 Somebody says the divine. Somebody says peace. Somebody says understanding. Somebody says clarity. Somebody says all these things like me and people go "Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa, where, where? What? Taste, still there? It's all there. Do you know how to look for that peace? Do you know how to look for that joy that is in you? Do you know? Do you know? Do you know? Can you see? Is it dark outside? What do you think. Is it dark outside? No, its not. It never is. It never is. That is scientifically true. It never is. That's scientifically true. It can't get dark now. How can that be scientifically true? When you and I both know it does get dark. Even when it is dark, there's plenty of light. It's just that we can't see it. So to us it appears dark. If you could look at the rest of the spectrum probably blinding light a-a-a-a-a-ll night through. Do you have the eyes? To see? Do you have the eyes? To see that beauty that lies, that lies within inside of you.

Excuse me. Anybody can talk about it. I'm not talking about that beauty that is just talked about. "Oh yes. So so beautiful. Oh yeah. Oh yeah. I love it." Kabir says what's the point of talking? It cannot be described by words. What's the point of talking? It is the same as giving candy to someone who cannot speak. You think they cannot enjoy it? You think they cannot - if somebody cannot speak and they were given candy, you think they cannot enjoy the candy? Oh yeah, but won't be able to speak, to just tell us. No, they can still enjoy. We get caught up in words. We're the ones who get caught up in words. The reality is not caught up in words. The reality was there before we came up with the words and the reality will be there long after we disappear from this universe. But that's really looking far away you know. When we were talking about billions and billions and billions and when it's going to happen. We think we're here forever. And this is what I was saying. It is the seasons of change and the change is always upon you. You don't like changes. Not too many. Only pause. Only the ones you want. You don't like the other changes but they will happen. They will come. We don't like to get old. We want to be younger. Younger. It's comin'. It was coming. It is coming. It will keep on coming and the fate of that was decided when we came out of our mother's womb. (lots of arm movement and incomprehensible sound).

So! Why the need for peace. Is there is there a need for peace in your life? Do you feel a need for peace in your life? You need coffee in the morning. Some of you, "Coffee mmm." Need the coffee. Go-go juice. Same way. Do you feel the need for peace? You feel hunger? Your stomach growls. You come across one of these places where they're making fried food and then venting it out and you go "Mmmm" in your mouth. Salvate. (sic) Mmmm. In the same way, do you feel the need for peace. Because if you don't, you are not in touch with a whole another part of you. You! You! Part of you is there. (groans, looks around) Salt. Remember the salt. Where? People say "So where will I feel peace?" Salt! Is it disappeared? No, it's still there. There is a place in you that wants to feel that peace.

Living life consciously. Is it is about acknowledging those needs that are fundamental to you. When you go out on an outing. What do you do? You take with you what is important. What is the traveller's dilemma? What is the traveller's dilemma? You see I travel a lot so I know what that is. It's should you bring the kitchen sink or not? It's amazing. It's amazing how easy it is to over pack at home. And it is amazing how easy it is to lug that over packed luggage to your car. It is only when you arrive at your destination do you realise how over packed you are? I don't know why it is like that. It's like I don't need that. I don't need that. I don't need that. I don't. Why do I keep bringing them? You know it's like you need a checklist not of things you bring but the things you should never bring. Because you don't need them You'll never need them. This is just going from one place to another place. I'm talking about the journey of life that comes when we were born and is going to go on till the very last breath. In us the journey is afoot. Have you overpacked? Absolutely. Have you packed the right things? Have you packed the right things? Have you packed the right things? Did you bring on this journey with you, with no uncertainty, clarity? Did you bring on this journey with no uncertainty, understanding? With no uncertainty that every day that you walk the path of your existence, that you walk not in ????. Not eyes closed, but eyes wide open. That every day that you exist you know at any given moment where you want to be? Inside. At every day that comes to you. It's not a mistake, but you're fully prepared for that day. Are you fully prepared? Because there's one coming. There's one coming. Are you ready? Are you ready? Are you truly, truly ready? It'll be here in a few hours. And when it comes is it gonna take you by surprise? Or are you so well prepared for it that you will greet it with arms wide open and a big smile on your face.

Some of us have to wait a year to celebrate Thanksgiving. There are some who celebrate Thanksgiving every single day because they have truly something thankful to be thankful. Arbitrary thankfulness is not thankfulness. Have to think about what it is that you are thankful for is not thankfulness. It is not in your nature. When there is the good you know what you are thankful for. What you are thankful for? Will you be thankful for today? Do you know how to be thankful for today. Or are you going to be busy every single day trying to make your dreams come true? Dreams. Dreams. Dreams. Problem of dreams is that we have to stay asleep. That's when they come. "Oh yeah. I dreamt I was in Hawaii. So let's go to Hawaii." Do we have enough money to go to Hawaii. Of course not. But then you don't need it right? All you do is you get online and they'll be come to Hawaii free. Just fill out this questionnaire and come to Hawaii free. "Ah, my dream has come true."

Prem Rawat 2013

I was very excited one day. I scratch these three things and it said I won. So immediately I called my secretary. I said "I won call this in." This person comes back to me and said the person said it's going to cost you more money to claim that price than that price is worth. I get it. I get it. So in this world where I am trying to be me. I am trying, keyword trying, to be me. In the world of explanations, of course I have to explain everything to everybody right? Explanations. In this world of uncertainties. What have I got? What have I got? People tell me "Empty handed I was born and empty handed I will go." And you know there are people who are very rational, very rational people saying "Well that's that's how it is. You can't. You're in this world have a party. Enjoy yourself. And then one day you'll be gone." Okay, I did come. I know that. And one day I'll be gone. I understand that. But is this existence just about struggle? Just struggle and struggle and struggle and struggle and struggle and struggle and struggle.

Mmm. Kabir. You heard of Kabir. Right? Kabir says everybody says it's a bit like that deer. The Musk deer that smells the smell of Musk which actually is in its navel but it's going around the jungle looking for it and it doesn't find it. It says no no no no no and I agree with Kabir 100%. Kabir says "What you are what you are looking for is inside of of you now. How does Kabir know what I'm looking for? He was born way back then. I was born 1957 which is also way back then but not as far way back then as Kabir. So how does he know what I'm looking for? This Kabir really know about you know new gadgets. No. This is a big gamble, big gamble or is it just a shot in the dark that what Kabir was looking for, I am looking for and what I'm looking for you are looking for because he didn't address this song that he to me or he didn't even dedicate it to me or anything like that. It's just actually generally for everybody so this gets really interesting. This is like you know Sherlock Holmes stuff. Kabir writes these songs and he's referring to you too and me too. That what I am looking for is inside of me and what you are looking for is inside of you. Wait a minute. How does Kabir know what we're looking for? Is it that obvious? It's a keyword obvious. Is it that obvious that Kabir could write a song way back when referring to all of us since then and including the ones before and saying what you're looking for is inside of you.

Prem Rawat 2013But doesn't that get to you? It's like "Hmm. Hmm?" Is it that obvious? Certainly is not obvious. If you walk out on the Main Street tomorrow and look around all the sea of people. Will it be obvious that all of these people know what they are looking for? Go to the movies here. Go to a supermarket. "Oh, that's a great supermarket." Especially these days because now everybody goes to the supermarket and just stay warm. Do you go to supermarket? You go to one of these huge shopping centres where everybody's everybody's watching everybody and everybody's doing this and everything is doing that and doing the window shopping and they're all in this mall and they're confused and they're lost and they're standing and figuring out where am I? where am I? and then of course have to figure out that you are here, but they can't find that you are here, but the whole thing is kind of a pointless exercise. So it doesn't seem very obvious to me. The last time I went in the shopping centre, it did not seem obvious to me at all that everybody actually knew what they wanted. I saw them just gazing and looking, seemed to me, rather confused. But apparently it is very obvious that what you're looking for is inside of you. Confused? Shouldn't be. Delighted? You should be. One now at least you know where it is. Whew! You may not have your luggage in your hand, but they have found your luggage. Whew. Thank you. I'll get it. I'll get it.

Wherever I go to talk to leaders about - there was one person I was talking very, very interesting. I wish I had a paper for her. I didn't. But a really, really interesting conversation. And the person actually goes and is part of this whole team. This committee and negotiation for peace. Very high up ranking official. And he's sitting there and he's looking at me and I'm talking to somebody else. And then he just looks like he's like, you know, how do you make peace? And I said "First of all, no one thing, that that's what truly people of this world want." We actually all want peace. We do. We do. We really do. Now we have our own ideas about peace. But I'm not gonna get into that. We only have, you know one night wouldn't be enough explaining it and next day wouldn't be enough either but the peace that obvious thing that Kabir was talking about that's the peace I'm talking about and what you're looking for is inside of you, the peace you're looking for is inside of you, the clarity that you're looking for is inside of you. So I said to him, I said "The thing is, this is what they want so half your work is done." The other half is to get there.

It has been established that on the other side of the mountain the pasture is there and yes it is green. Now how, the question now is how to get to that pasture and I said "That's very simple too, any which way" (some laughter) and that's the same reaction he had. A big smile broke out on his face. I said "Any which way through the mountain fine, above the mountain fine, not take the mountainous path fine, along the beach fine. Fly, fine. Walk, fine. Crawl, fine. Just get there. How is not the point right now. Just get there. Know that there is peace. This is what people want and just to get there. He was impressed. This was just a few minute counts of conversation. But for you, please make it of, I don't care who you, are what you do, please please please please please please, make this extremely obvious to yourself, that there is something that you are looking for and that what you are looking for, luckily is within you. People go "That's it?" Good God that's a great start. They found your luggage. They found your luggage.

Prem Rawat 2013You have questions. You should have answers. And you should in your life have more answers than questions. Good trick. That's the trick to be happy. Have more answers than questions. If you have more questions than answers. You're in a bit of a hm hm spot. But if you have more answers than questions then you're good. I was reading a book one day. Finance for Dummies. And the more I read it, the dumber I felt. So I'm gonna fly and I was just reading reading reading reading and the conclusion I got to this is what I was saying. Don't spend more than you have. That was just in the book. I mean the book is about that thick. I think you've seen it Finance for Dummies. Well, I finished the book and that's basically what it said. Don't spend more than you have. So now I don't know if I feel like a financial expert or a dummy because the cover of the book said Finance for Dummies. So now I get it. I get it. I get it. Don't spend more than what you have. As an expert who has read Finance for Dummies. I'd like to give you advice. Don't spend more than you have.

Every second should be spent the way you want to spend. If you spend more than what you have you, will be challenged. The worries. "Oh my God." Everybody remembers God then. "Oh my God. Oh my God. Oh my God." You know, people need to do "Oh my God" when they spend but they don't do "Oh my God" when they spend. They only get "Oh my God" when the bill comes "Oh my God." When the bill comes, they're very clear, when the bill comes, when the bill is in your hand its very clear "How am I going to pay this?" If you only had that same clarity when you sign the credit card you wouldn't be saying those words. When the moment comes in this life and it becomes obvious you have no more of these days, people become very clear. "Oh my God." Don't do that. Your life like that. Live your life every day. Every birthday you really mean that? Live your life everyday consciously. I mean do you really mean? I mean, you really mean that? I mean, isn't that gonna be a little bit difficult? Okay, fine, I agree with you. You have a choice. Is there a rewind button in life? Pause? Is there? This is it. This is the day you have been waiting for, it has come. Either celebrate or feel sorry.

This day, today, was in the making a long time ago. The universe conspired to get you here, (clapping) to create this body. No, no. I'm not talking about any spiritual stuff. I'm talking about right down to Earth. I mean, that's where I like to keep my feet. I find that anytime my feet are not firmly planted on the earth, on the ground, Aagh bad things happen because you gotta you get obviously you get a pain in your head. This is where these feet are meant to be and this is where they do well. I'm planted very firmly. I wanna feel. I want answers. Not just questions and questions and questions. Any idiot can come up with questions. They usually do. Wise is this the one who comes up with the answers. To search but to search from the heart. To understand but to understand from the heart. To acknowledge, to acknowledge from the heart. To be alive and not just be alive, but feel alive. See, that's the thing. Do you feel alive? Or do you feel like a slave? And remember what I was saying in the beginning? Freedom. Freedom. You need freedom. And you might say that I'm free. I know. Are you? Are you? Are you? Are you? Are you? I don't know. I know one thing for myself that I keep making more bars. There are prisoners who are trying to cut away the bars so they can get out. I keep putting more bars on my doors and I know that I want freedom. I know I will have to change this habit. They say you break a habit or make a habit in two weeks. I've heard different. You know week and a half. Week. Two weeks. Good. That's a short period of time. Let me change this habit. And maybe one day they'll change the habit of turning air conditioning down so low. I know. I know. I know. I know. I'm cold too. And uh they like it. They just like it but umm this is actually to prepare you for the outside. Yeah. With that logic would be if they really dropped the temperature than it would actually feel really warm outside. But that's not the way it works.

Prem Rawat 2013So thank you very much for coming. Decisions are yours. It doesn't matter who you are. Decisions are yours. You make the decision. You make the decision to be in that place. You make the decision to be in that joy then all is possible, that that joy is possible and the good is the best news, the best news, the best news that what you're looking for is inside of you and always will be till you're alive. The rest is completely up to you. If you were miserable all your life. You think the death will cut you some slack. (incomprehensinble) "This guy's been miserable, I don't want to make him anymore miserable." No! If you were extremely happy. You think it would cut you some slack? No! So then what's the point? It's called contentment. It's called peace. It's called happiness. It's called joy. Just called to have a heart full of gratitude. That's what I do. That's what I do. This is what I go and talk to people about. Some people find it good. Some people go "Ughh I don't know about this. I don't know about." It's okay. It's okay. It's okay. Why is it okay? Because that what you're looking for is still inside of you. And if you said "No, it's not." It still would be inside of you. And if you said yes, then it would still be inside of you. So either way, see, it's simple. Is this a philosophy? No. Is it practical? Yes! Should you feel? Yes! Should you analyse it like that guy with the salt? No! Because just because he stirred it the salt disappeared, its gone. No, it's still there. It is still there. Me? You know should I say enjoy your holiday season. There are people who like holidays. There are people who are on permanent holidays. They don't seem to enjoy holidays that much. The ones that are on permanent holidays. So it's like such a dichotomy in this in this world, you know. But I wish best for all of you. And when you sit down to give thanks. Just remember you have to do it every day. Make your life such a, make your life such that every day becomes thanksgiving in earnest. Thank you. Thank you very much and I hope to see you soon. Thank you.

Camera Director Monica Winslow
Camera Director Monica Winslow - Maharaji's long time Mistress of the Mattress