Rawat tells his most common lie: "Look, I've been talking about this since I was 4 years old." Naturally, the ignorant listeners assume he is and has been talking about 'peace' as we all define it. A look through his career shows what a grifter and fraud he was and is.
Prem Rawat at International Maritime Conference, Nov 16 2014
"Peace, Prosperity and Progress through the Sea," the Indian School of Business in Hyderabad, India
On November 16-18, 2014 the prestigious Indian School of Business (ISB) in Hyderabad, India, hosted a three-day international conference to discuss key concerns involving peace and maritime issues that affect India and the ASEAN region (Southwest Asian Nations). The conference was titled Peace, Prosperity and Progress through the Sea. Rawat spoke to members of the Indian Defense Services, emphasizing that peace will begin when people first make peace with themselves.
Who else can be a more befitting person to grace this occasion like this than the global peace ambassador, Prem Rawat. Ladies and gentlemen, put your hands together to welcome Prem Rawat.
Officers of the defence services, dignitaries, faculty, students, ladies and gentlemen.
Would you like to hear a story? Well, yes, no, yes, no. Alright, here it comes. Once a king heard that in one of the villages in his kingdom somebody had come up with a way of living forever. The king was very excited. He wanted to live forever. So he immediately dispatched for his ambassador. He said you are to go and to go immediately. Don't waste any time. Go and find out this way of living for ever and the king insisted. Don't waste any time. So the ambassador set out but unfortunately, by the time the ambassador arrived, the man who had invented the way to live forever died. Now it was a few days journey so by the time the ambassador came back, the king had been waiting and waiting and waiting and waiting. And the king said, "So, did you find?" when the ambassador returned. "Did you find the way to live forever?" The ambassador said "Sire, I'm very, very sorry. But by the time I got there, the guy had died." The king was furious, "I told you, I told you to leave immediately. You must have delayed and that is the reason the guy died before you got there. Had you been two minutes early? You could have found out the way to live forever. You must be punished." Big ruckus. The king is to decide how to punish the ambassador who was late by two minutes so that he could not learn the way to live forever. Big debate going on. Everybody shouting, screaming. A wise man happened to be walking by, heard the ruckus and said "What's going on?" Said Sir "You know, this is this ambassador. This is his fault that I wanted to know how to live forever and had he been two minutes early, it would have happened. Two minutes late, guy died. Now I don't know." The Wise man said "Is it not apparent to you? that this man did not know how to live forever. Had he known how to live forever he wouldn't have died even if the guy was two days late. You have missed the obviousness of this, of the situation. Obviousness. What is the obviousness of the situation? That's the end of the story. What is the obviousness of the situation? Well, here's the obviousness of the situation. We, we the people of this planet Earth happen to be the only ones around for billions and billions of light years of space. OK. I mean, I'm not talking about like a mile this way or two miles that way for billions of light years worth of space. We're the only ones. I know there's a lot of sc ientists here, so please forgive me. I'm not a scientist. But I know there's a lot of scientists who are looking for life out there sending various crafts, sending various things.
And as you have already heard, you know, I'm a pilot. So I like gadgets. All kinds of gadgets. And so I like all the technology. But if those scientists are looking for life, I know a place where there is one. It's a planet. And it's incredibly beautiful planet. And there's life there and it's called Earth. It's right here. I know that in anticipation that one day this Earth won't be there so mankind need could possibly go somewhere else and be. We missed the point of what Einstein had said that everything that is created will be destroyed and that includes the entire universe. Nothing will be left. Nothing. So here we are as human beings trying to coexist on the face of this earth and we have miserably failed to do so. I'm just being obvious. If this was a report card. If today you had to make a report card on how we are doing on the face of this earth. What flying marks, passing marks, do you think we would get? There are people who go hungry on the face of this earth. When approximately 1.2 billion tonnes of food which is approximately 50% of the World Food Production is wasted. Wasted, nobody gets it. Nobody. How are we doing? How are we doing? Have we learnt the formula to embrace each other? Or have we come up with a formula? How to hate each other? Just being obvious. Just being obvious. Just being obvious. As a father and I am a father and I have four children all grown up and they used to fight. Over petty things. Nothing important. Petty things, you broke my toy. What do you think I would tell them? Some of you must be fathers and when your children fight, what do you say? (claps) Bravo. Kill him. Whoever emerges victorious. Come to me. Is that what you would, if you did that somebody I'm sure from Dr Ravi Shankar's department will pay you a visit. What we wouldn't do to our own children? We do to each other. We have become experts , experts at figuring out our differences. But we have not yet figured out how to see our similarities, that we are the same.
Maybe we speak different language. But do you think we say anything different? Whether it is Japanese saying I want a glass of water or if it or if there is somebody from northern India saying I want want a glass of water or whether it is being said in Telugu or Tamil or Gujarati or Nepalese. English. French. Dutch. You say the same thing. We say the same things because our needs are the same. We don't have different needs. What do we need that is decided by nature? 3 minutes without air. If you that's if you're in really good shape. I just broke it down to 3 minute rules. Three. 3 minutes, three minutes. Maybe three days without water. 3 weeks if you're in good shape without food. 3 hours hypothermia. If you're not. If you're not too warm or too cold. We're fragile? Ask a doctor. How many degrees does it take to be qualified as hypothermic? versus hypothermia setting in. Too hot. Too cold, not much. A few degrees. That's how fragile you are. Your strength does not lie here. Your strength lies here. You can figure out solutions to problems. But are we, are we working those solutions out? We have discussions. We have lectures. But are we looking at the obviousness? Are we looking at the obviousness that the peace that we want on the face of this earth is not the one that is created. If we're looking for a created peace, it will never happen because we can't decide on anything and collectively it gets much worse.
If tonight's dinner was to be decided by all of you very wise people sitting here. We're not going to have dinner tonight. We're not. Somebody will say. Sometimes somebody will say something. Somebody will say something. Somebody will say something. I deal on a very fundamental level because I believe in the integrity of an individual. I do not see countries. I see individuals. I don't see societies. I'm sorry. You don't have to be like me. I'm not here to sell you me. I'm not here to sell you anything. But I see individuals. When I went to that prison, I saw individuals. I'm going to another prison in South Africa's ??? to meet with individuals. Poverty. The disease and it is, just think, the kinds of things poverty gives birth to. Poverty. What are we doing about it? What are we doing about it? Oh yeah. Well, the poverty will go away when there is a better distribution of wealth. How long? Excuse me. Just being obvious. How long do you think human beings have been trying to achieve that? How long? There's, there's this idea of how money came about when people, when the farmers used to travel with big, big, you know, jars of rice or oil or whatever. It was very difficult for them to be travelling through the whole market carrying these jars. So they would take the jars and deposit it in a place and the guy would give them a little coupon and it represented that jar and it had a seal on it. So then you could walk around the market with these little coins or these little clay tablets. And if somebody wanted to trade, you said, here you can go and collect the jars and I'll take your buffalo. We've been trying, trying.
Listen, if you had a son in school or a child in school that failed one year, you may still passionately look at that kid and go, OK, you know I haven't been paying enough attention to that child. I should pay more attention. Mommy, you should pay more attention. You know, da da da, let's go talk to the teacher. Maybe he can have extra tuition or whatever. Then he fails the second year. Mmmm. Maybe he's just a little slow, Then he feels the third year. Why he's a little bit slower than the rest of them? 4 years. 5 years. 6 years. After that, you're gonna start questioning whether he's actually related to you or not. (laughter) Maybe you would wanna talk to the mother and say, "Are you sure this is my DNA? Perhaps we need to have a medical blood test."
My dear friends. This has been going on not for 4 years, not for 5 years, not for six years. This has being going on for thousands of years and there is no end in sight. In the name of making things better, things are actually starting to get worse. There were 790% increase in the prison population in the United States of America in the last 30 years. 790% increase. I mean, if this keeps going, everybody is gonna end up inside. There'll be nobody left outside. Why are we not addressing? I'm not against technology. I'm not against defence. I'm not against anyone of these things and I see there's a lot of distinguished people here who helped preserve the integrity of this country. The 7.5 billion people on the face of this earth. If the rate increases is going, you're gonna have to fight everybody, including yourself. How do you do that? When do we start taking a look at the obviousness of the situation and say, wait a minute. We need to figure out. We're doing what people were doing at the time when Alexander came through India. When are we gonna start looking at the obviousness of the situation and recognise that the time has come for peace and the peace needs to be given a chance. The peace that dwells in the heart of every single human being. That is already there. That does not have to be created. But that already exists to uncover it. To give it the opportunity to manifest itself for the benefit. If it doesn't benefit us at least our children and our grandchildren. Because the world that we will leave behind for them is going to be a pathetic one. Peace. The peace that is not born of duality nor of anger. Nor sacrifice of anger brings that peace about but the peace that begins when you make peace with yourself. With you, not with your neighbour. That comes later. That's important. But that comes later. The peace that needs to be the peace that dwells in the heart of every single human being. This has economic repercussions. This has scientific repercussions because it is in the state of turmoil only one thing happens. More turmoil. Peace begets peace. War begins war. To be here on this dais today. To have to be able to have this opportunity to talk to you? Such distinguished people. It's my pleasure. My pleasure. Because perhaps you will join me in some small way, big way, left way, right way, back way, forward way and you will give it a thought because I know, I know.
Click here to see exactly what he was saying about peace as a child
Look, I've been talking about this since I was 4 years old. I was 4 years old when I was talking not to two people in my living room. I'm talking about hundreds of thousands of people who were there and everywhere I go around the world you know what I hear? It's not possible. It's not possible. It will never happen and I say to them, hey, you're not using your horsepower. You're using brain horsepower. What are you using for to come up with a way of saying it is not possible. Why don't you turn that around and use this horsepower for saying maybe it is. Maybe it is. What do you think is going to bring peace? Some angel. That angel better have ??? , right? With all you flyer boys out there. Traffic, traffic, No. If you're waiting for an angel to come then I have good news for you. The Angel has come. And you know who the angel is? You. And I'm not talking about the one that's gonna bring peace to the world. Peace to you. Because remember, that's where it begins. I know. I know that you are a great influence in your life. Decisions that you make influence your life. Maybe, maybe you need to start taking a look at the possibility of peace in your existence. Just a thought. Ha ha. Just a thought. Just a thought. I go around the world. I haven't yet seen the world. I haven't. I go around the world many, many times. But I haven't seen the world. I see people. They look a little different from here to there to there to there. But when I start talking to them, they're all exactly the same. Exactly the same.
I went to China. We went. I went with my family. And so we were taking a tour of the Emperor's palace. There was the guy George. Can you imagine? His name was George. So I said to George, I said George when we were at the Emperor's palace. I said George, there's something wrong. He looked at me like what I said. Isn't this all made fung shui? He said, yes, it's all fung shui. I said it didn't work, did it? George looked at me with eyes about that big. What do you mean? I said, well, it wasn't this meant to keep the emperors in and us out. He goes "Yes." I said, "Well, it didn't work because we're in and the emperors are out."
All of these changes, the desire for peace of human beings will not change. People today who hear the message of peace through the peace education programme. You know what they have to say. And so many of them do. Could you show this to my children too? Because they're walking on the same path as me and they're gonna end up here. That's how powerful it is. That's how real it is. Ladies and gentlemen, I won't take much more of your time but I would like to just humbly request that you give what I have said today a little thought. That's all I ask for. You don't have to go fill any forms. You don't have to go and do any protests. You don't have to do anything. You don't have to change anything. You don't have to go on a diet. You don't have to lose 40 pounds. You don't have to abandon your religion. You don't have to do any of those things. All I request is just give it a thought. A thought for peace. Not for the world cause world doesn't need it, but we do. Peace in your life. If the dolphins are miserable, its because of us. If the whales are miserable, it's because of us. If the world is polluted, it's because of us. We're the ones bothering the crows. I know we think crows bother us, but we're the ones bothering the crows much more than the crows bother us. We are the ones that need peace. Tomorrow I'll be somewhere else. Few days later, I'll be talking to people of another country. And as I travel through the country to country to country to country I would like to say to them. And I have just come from this country where I talked about peace and they told me that they will give peace a thought, that they will give peace a chance. May I tell people of this world that I was just recently in Hyderabad, India and I have been told by them that they will give a thought to inner peace. Knowing about others is wisdom. Knowing about the self is enlightenment.
So that's all I have to say. Thank you very much for giving me this opportunity to be able to talk to you. Thank you. (Applause)