Fifty years ago I learnt of Prem Rawat's inheritance of his father's position as the Divine Spiritual Leader of Divine Light Mission and the Guru Maharaj Ji, the Incarnation of God on Earth and furthermore, the Lord of the Universe. This was recorded in the young Prem Rawat's own words though whether he believed it or whether he was already a skilled liar is moot. After 1984 that story could not fly along with Maharaji's stripped down version of himself.
- the "official" version: "An Unbroken Garland" as told in the Millenium edition of And It Is Divine magazine
- the "official" version in "Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?" as told in the book
- The Incarnation of Prem Rawat the story gathered from the original sources
- The Incarnation of Prem Rawat as told in Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?
- Sampurnanand's version of events as recounted in 1999 on the ejoyinglife webste
- the version in Peace is Possible showing how Prem Rawat wanted it presented in 2007
- the Incarnation of Prem Rawat in pictures
- Rawat reveals the truth he didn't believe in the Indian religion: he was not a Perfect master (2014)
As Prem Rawat said: "it's a very important day because exactly 50 years ago I had been given this opportunity to bring this message, throughout the world." In fact, we have records of that day, of those days and it was not a message that the young Guru Maharaj Ji was empowered to take to the world. It was the Knowledge of God that could be experienced by all through the meditation techniques that only the Guru Maharaj Ji could inspire with His Divine Grace. Prem Rawat always harps on the fact that peace is within you and that he is the only person in the world who knows this. I guess he doesn't get out much, even Jane Seymour knows it.
For reasons only he knows for certain, after nearly 20 years giving satsang as His father had done, singing the Glory of Knowledge and the Perfect Master as his father had done, having his most devoted premies living in ashrams as His father had done, He tried to have His history expunged and lost his mojo and stopped trying to Spread this Knowledge through every land. Instead he tried setting himself up as a self-help teacher of meditation and inspirational speaker bank-rolled by those people who still secretly worshipped Him as they remembered Him. He reveals (as only he can) the Lord Krishna had to go to Arjun's palace after the battle at Kurukshetra and give him a review ie a Knowledge Review
2016 is Sh. Prem Rawat's 50th glorious year of taking the message of peace to the whole world
To celebrate the unprecedented occasion with Joy & Jubilation few events have been planned in the following cities:
- Chennai (Tamil Nadu) - Sunday 17th July 2016
- Surat (Gujrat) - Thursday 21st July 2016
- Jaipur (Rajasthan) - Sunday 24th July 2016
- Kolkata (West Bengal) - Wednesday 27th July 2016
- New Delhi - Sunday 31st July 2016
- All programs will be organized in Indoor Stadiums.
- Smart card is mandatory to attend the program.
- Due to limited seats one Person can attend only one program.
- Entry in the program is restricted to ticket holders.
- Ticket Bookings will start from 6th June 2016
- All programs will be telecast same day on Anjan TV.
- To know more visit: or stay tuned to Anjan TV
Get ready to celebrate this special occasion
Golden Jubilee Celebration, 31st July 2016, New Delhi
Today we have gathered here and today, as you've been hearing till now, according to it, it's a very important day because exactly 50 years ago I had been given this opportunity to bring this message. throughout the world. This was the wish of my father, my Master. He wanted me to bring this message throughout the world. That's why he enrolled me in an English school and when the first time I went to the West, I had gone on my holidays because I didn't know if the people from there will be able to understand this message or not. So it was just an experiment. It was just an effort. Let's go see what would happen. And when I went to the West then people grasped what I had to say because whatever that expression is, when we see someone, we say, Oh this person is not from India. Oh, this is person is not from here. This person is black. This person is white. These distinctions is just in our head. It's not in our reality. These distinctions that we make is made by the human being and due to these distinctions, these separations so many countless people have been killed. But the thing to we that we need to see is that a human being is a human being.
So 50 years ago when I took this responsibility, my feeling was that I want to show you something by knowing which in your life there would be a transformation and a very wonderful transformation that you would experience joy. That in your life you would experience happiness. Why? Because yesterday there's my website and on that website I write my thought for the day and every day there's a new thought for the day or a new expression of mine that is put on that website. So I was writing some quotes for that, in one quote that I had written, one expression that I had written just a one line. That whenever you leave this world, whenever you leave this world, then the experience that you've had will also go with you. (applause) Now I'll have to explain this because this is not just an ordinary thing. Once I wrote it, after writing this I wrote this in the morning and since then I've been thinking about it. That this is such a serious thing because our teeth, our nose, our eyes, our fingers, our head all of these things will be left behind and we can see these things, we can touch these things, we can touch our head, when you depart this world, your fingers can be touched, your nose can be touched. After you leave all the things that you believed in, someone else can believe in those same things but here we're talking not about eating the mango, here we're talking not about eating a mango but after eating the mango the joy that you experience because the mango will stay and somebody else will eat the mango and they will also enjoy eating it. But whatever your personal experience was, that will go with you, that will never be repeated again.
So the question becomes, what is your personal experience in this life? The question is, what is your personal experience in this life. In your life do you have joy? Do you have joy? Or do you have frustrations? Do you have sorrow? Do you have worries? What happens in your life on a daily basis? From the moment that you open your eyes in your bed when you awaken, what happens? Do your problems worry you? what you need to do? What needs to happen? What shouldn't happen? Or is every day in your life filled with the experience of that true joy? of that personal experience? It's a very deep question. Because this personal experience of yours is just yours. You cannot give it to anyone else. And when you don't exist any longer, neither will this experience.
So again, I ask you, what is it? Kabir Das says "Janam Maran Ki Duniya Bhagi." So confusion of birth and death has disappeared since I am enjoying the Knowledge given by the true Master. My master has shown me a method by which I have found my true home within. My attention is above and the door is left behind. The inner palace. The inner palace where the divine resides. The sound of silence. The sound in the silence where the instruments play. Silence. If you play tablas or any musical instrument, one is the beat and then the silence, to make the sound, to not make the sound. One is the sound. One is the silence. And in that silence, in that silence you can also look at it in the sense with music, with the sound and the silence and you can also look at it as limitless, limit and limitless. So the sound of that, and that is where I am residing. Is this your experience? I have become one with my beloved. All my doubts and sorrow have gone. All the agonies of Karma have been caught, have been disappeared and confusion and fear have also run away. Look at the words that I used. Look at the words that have been used. Confusion. Fear have also run away. My confusion is gone. My fear is gone. Is that? Is that your experience or something else?
My gate(??) has become swan like. My gate has become swan like and Kabir says "My master has taken me across to my destination." And what is the joy? like the drizzle. It's not raining a heavy rain, but just a drizzle. Have you seen the drizzle? Everything becomes so quiet. There's not even any sound. It's just this drizzle. The soft drizzle. Everyone gets wet. It's not a very strong rain, but a drizzle. And in that drizzle that I'm enjoying, even death has been captured. (applause) So I think in all of our lives this possibility is there. This possibility is there. And whatever we're doing have we reached there or not? Have we reached to this point or not? Has this become a reality in our lives or not? Has the colour, has the colour of that rain begun in our lives or not? Because that will go with us. No matter how much wealth you accumulate. You won't be able to take even this much with you. I'm not saying don't accumulate wealth but the way you accumulate wealth it's as if you're going to take it with you. That's the difference. I'm not saying don't accumulate wealth. Accumulate wealth. But when we do, do remember that not even this much will go with you. In your life there's the possibility of two enjoyments. One enjoyment is to have a party. Have a party. The other possibility is to go and be one with your beloved and all your doubts and confusion have been gone. And until that happens where you become one with your beloved because that too is an enjoyment, that too is an enjoyment, that is also an enjoyment. And the other is also an enjoyment that I in my life want to experience that thing and the greatest thing is, the greatest thing is the thing that Kabir Das talks about is not about something on the outside. Just as the oil is in the Sesame seed and the fire is in the flint, the divine is within you. If you can awaken, do so.
I speak about peace. In this world what peace is? Nobody knows. Nobody knows. Nobody knows. I sit with great people, intellectual people and what do they say? What do we need to do to get peace? Now what I'm thinking I can't really say that. That listen, you donkey, Peace is within you from before, but you have to say nice things. You have to say "listen, you know peace is within you already from before and really why do we point always to the donkey? The donkey didn't do anything bad. But anyway people don't know that that divine that you're looking for is within you. That peace that you are looking for is within you. The joy that you are looking for is within you and all the people that are sitting here and I can declare that even after I tell you this you still don't know that it is within you. Why? Why? Because until a human being knows who he is, how will we know what's in him? Who he is? What he is? Whatever there is in your life, there's only been one thing that you've seen and that is that there's nothing good in you, that there's nothing good in you. Wealth will come and then you'll become wealthy. Wealth will come then you'll become wealthy. But the wealthy person that you already are you, have not understood that and that's the real wealth, without having that true wealth, no matter how much wealth you accumulate you will still be poor.
Without accumulating that true wealth, no matter how much wealth you attain, you will still be poor because you haven't captured the true wealth. As you saw in the video I'm saying it very clearly. I'm not a Messiah, I'm not a prophet because people look toward me and say do something, do something to me so that now I can experience peace. You can drag a horse to water but you can't force the horse to drink. If the horse does not want to drink, what can you do? What is the poor Master supposed to do when the words cannot touch the student because that new cloth, that canvas that has the starch, the colour doesn't touch on it. People make their masters, they do this, they do that, they go to that pilgrimage, they go to that pilgrimage. I'm I've done this, I've done that so that I can go to heaven and Kabir Dar says "Kabir gets the invitation to depart this world and he cries because the joy that he's found here in the company of the true Master is not found even in heaven."
Do you consider yourself a citizen of heaven? No, when somebody dies then we say "Oh he's gone to heaven." And you're the person who's in the heaven but you're saying it to someone else who's already gone and what is it all these great writers and they write these books and they even draw these paintings of heaven where there's ladoos and pandas which are Indian sweets and nuts almonds, but without your teeth how are we going to eat that? OK maybe you might be able to eat the ladu slowly, softening it in your mouth but what about almonds? And if the ladoos have almonds then that's going to be a problem. Where will these 32 teeth be left? They'll stay here. Because you have both of those possibilities, you can be happy or you can be sad and this will happen because problems will always be there. The only thing is it will bother one who who is the problems bother only that changes, the problems will always come. Someone will lose a child then they will become upset. Someone's gonna have a stomach ache then they'll become upset. Someone loses their possession and they get upset. So problems will come and they'll come and they'll come. However the confusion od birth and death has disappeared since I am enjoying the Knowledge given by the true Master. My Master has shown me a method by which I have found my home, not the home, but this home within myself. I found the home within myself. So the greatest thing becomes, if you have both those possibilities, you have the joy, you have the sorrow, you have the peace, you have the unrest. Within you there's the Knowledge, within you there's the ignorance, within you there's peace, within you there's agitation. So when you wake up in the morning, do you find yourself in chaos or do you find yourself in peace and when a person understand this they'll say "ohh this is the fruits of my karma. These are the fruits of my karma."
Do you remember anything Lord Krishna says to Arjun? You don't remember but I do Arjun should have said "well God what's the point if I'm not going to remember my karma, what I did, then why am I being given the fruits of my karma when I'm not even going to remember my karma anyway. It's important to remember and the greatest thing is when the bat battle was finished of the Mahabharata, Arjun had gone back to the palace and the Pandavas were back in the palace, Lord Krishna came one day to see Arjun, to find out how things were going? Lord Krishna came. He went to Arjun's room. Arjun received Lord Krishna, had him sit on his bed. "How's everything going Arjun?" "Very well, for so many years I was in the jungle. I was wandering here and then now I have this palace. I have everything. Lots of food, lots of things to drink. Everything's wonderful. Things are good. But I have one request. One request. And Lord Krishna said "what?" And Arjun says "that which he showed me in Kurukshetra in the battlefield. I have forgotten it. What you had shown me. I forgot. I fought the fight. I was busy with the battle and I forgot." Lord Krishna explain it again.

KNOWLEDGE REVIEW with LORD KRISHNA (Same God, different Incarnation)
He gave him a review. He could have said, "well, you're not even going to remember." But why did he make the effort to review that again with him? In other words, they are the fruits of our karma. But whatever karma you're doing now, that's the fruits you will reap. Whatever karma you do in ignorance, those fruits cannot be good. And you will have to suffer those consequences now. And that's what it means to have ignorance. If you say to me "this person is very wealthy. He has lots of cars. He has this. He has that. He looks like he's very happy." What fruits of what Karma is he reaping. If you're living in heaven. If you're living in the true heaven and he doesn't know that you haven't then there's no greater hell than that. Within the one who has the divine and you don't know the divine there is no greater ignorance than that. So no matter what he has, he has nothing. Because he doesn't have that experience which he can take with him. So the true joy. He doesn't have that. His joy depends on things that he doesn't have, which he cannot take with him. Do you understand what I'm saying? If you understood? Then you say yes. In Hindi you say yes and in Hindi, if you don't understand, then you say no. Did you understand what I said? So if you understood what I said, then tell me in your life, what joy are you experiencing? The joy of the illusion or the joy of knowledge? I am being really straight forward here. I am being really straightforward. For the person who has the key to his house in his pocket and sometimes he's trying to break his door down so he can enter his home and after making all the efforts, cause he's built the house very well and he's not able to get into his house and he's sleeping outside. He's sleeping outside and he's cursing himself as to where he left his key and his key is in his pocket. His keys are in his pocket and he's cursing himself as to where he left his keys. Where did he lose his keys? Did I leave it here? Could I have left it there? Could I have left it there? Just like the fruits of the karmas. I left it. I did this and I went there. Maybe I left it there. If I went here, maybe I left it there. But have you ever put your hand in your pocket where you had placed the key? It's still there. Where the key was put in the first place. It's still there but the key is not gonna come through the pocket in through your stomach and into your hand. You have to put your hand in that pocket. You have to take it out. You have to open the door to that house and you have to enter. It's the same way with peace. Peace is within you.
Peace is within you but do you experience that peace or do you experience unrest? Whatever you have done till now you're very good at experiencing unrest. I was watching on the scooter. There were 3 people sitting. The seats were for two people, but 3 were sitting. One was the husband who was driving the Scooter. The wife was sitting in the back and between the two there was a child. He must have been four or five years old and he was sandwiched between the two like this. I started thinking about it, right now they're both young. They're very happy in their life. A lot of time must not have passed since they got married. They met all the relatives. Then they got the news that they're going to have a baby. Then they had the baby. But how long will this continue as that child grows. He's going to make some mistakes along the way just like you did. There's no one sitting here who's not made mistakes. Small mistakes, big mistakes.
They happen and they are the parents were the first ones who teach the child how to lie. If a glass breaks then the parents come to the child and say "did you break it? Did you break it? Tell me the truth." Now if the child is a complete idiot and he takes after you then he's going to think, "Yeah, I better say the truth." But if he has even a little bit of smartness he's going to think. "I will get it if I say yes, I will get it. I'll be spanked. If I say no then there's a small chance that I won't be spanked that I'll be spared." So what is he going to say "I didn't do it." Tthe next question "then who did it?" OK judge if either tell him he's guilty but why are you caught up in trying to prove his guilt that yes "you did it." What do we tell them? What is the child told? Someone gives them something and the mother says "Say thank you, say thank you, say thank you" and the child says "thank you." He says thank you in such a way as if he's swearing. In India they say sorry a lot with a smile "sorry." Sorry comes from sorrow. What you did, you're not happy about, what you did, why are you smiling about it? On everything they say sorry sorry sorry. There's no meaning behind that. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. There's no meaning behind the thank you. That's where the lies begin.
Whatever you are doing. Whatever you are doing. The result of it could be that. So think before you do it. Understand before you do because all the possibilities that exist in your life, one possibility is that you can fulfil this life. One possibility is but you can experience this peace not for one day not for two days not for three days but every day you can experience this peace in your life. If you are to be worried. Be worried to be in the remembrance, because everything that you worry about without being in that remembrance is like a noose around your neck. So what's the result of that? Because then the joy that will be in your life. Then this heart of yours, this heart of yours, only one thing will come out of it. And what will that be? Dear creator I give you millions and millions of thanks. Not for this life, but for every breath. For every breath. For every breath.
People wear the watch to look at time. What time is it? But what's your real watch? Yeah, yeah. This or this. When this began. You began. Not before then. And when this stops, you will stop and not before then. Not before then. People say human beings started a long time ago. If a child comes out and it's not breathing, where is that child going to go? They will bury that child. Not take this child home. To go home it's important for you to breathe. And the day this breath stops they won't keep you at home. But the attention does not go to the breath for people. We don't pay attention to this. People have made the rules from before. "Oh we don't have time for peace right now." Why don't you have time? We're still young. Right now is my time to do this. It's my time to do that. When I become old then I'll look for peace. Who says for you to search for it? People used to come to me and say I'm looking for peace and I would say keep searching. You'll never find it. Why you won't find it? Because it's already, it's within you. It's there now. Really? Yes. Really. I'm not telling you to search for it I'm telling you to experience it, to feel it, to experience that which is within you.
When I started speaking today. When I started speaking as a young child, people wouldn't believe that it was me. They thought it's a show. How can a young child speak like this? There's a tape recorder in the back. He's just lip syncing and somebody else is actually doing the talking. Then people started saying this won't last very long. This won't last for too long. They haven't lasted, the ones that used to say those things. They haven't lasted. Then I'm here. I'm still here and 50 years later I'm still bringing the same message to all the people. Someone asked me has there any? Has there been any impact of what you're saying in this world? Look, I'm not doing this for money. People listen to what I have to say. In South Africa theres no gaol in which my peace education programme is not shown. In Ghana there's no jail in which this peace education programme is not being shown. In Japan there is no orphanage in which my book "Splitting the arrow" is not available and the children like this book so much that at night they go and bring this book themselves and say read me this story because there's lots of stories in there.
So the impact is being made and it's not going to be measured through some measuring tape or some ruler because within every human being there is the good and that's where the water needs to be placed. Every human being has the good lion and that good lion needs to be fed so it can become strong. War is not created by God, war is created by the human being. If someone needs to change it is the human being. People say to me you won't be able to change the human beings. The reason you won't be able to change them is because there's so much greed in this world and I believe it. There is a lot of greed but a is much greed that a human being has. He has just as much generosity because 50% is good 50% is bad within the human being. He has the generosity, within the human being there is also the greed. Both are within the human being. The human being has the unrest, the human being has the peace. These are the things that give me hope that something can happen.
Even if nothing happens, at least I'm sowing the seed. A jungle doesn't happen in one day but the seed has been sown and one day or another it can become a forest. So on one hand I have a lot to say but you need to go home. You need to have your quarrels. You have to quarrel with yourself. You have to on your way out you have to quarrel. You have to quarrel in the parking lot. So those will happen things but make the effort to feed the good lion in your life so that you can have that transformation. Try to understand what I'm trying to say that that peace is within you and if you have this Knowledge it's such a beautiful thing and the song that I explain to you by Kabir Das you would understand it, if you understand, if you have knowledge you would understand it, if you don't have knowledge you won't understand this song. People hear many songs by Kabir and this particular one isn't sung as much but if you have knowledge you understand it because you know what's being said so blessings to everyone now I'm leaving from here there's many places to go to many events are going to happen and I will come back, the plan is to come back as well but the greatest thing is enjoy this life because this life will not come again and again.
Whatever you are, however you are, make that effort, make the effort for this peace, for this knowledge, for this joy, to fulfil this life. It doesn't take much time. It doesn't take much time. In goodness when the light comes how long does it take and when the light leaves how long does it take for the darkness to appear, for light removes the darkness. They're both sisters. On one side is the light, on the other side is the darkness. The difference is they don't know one another but they live very close to one another, very close. As soon as the light leaves the darkness is there and as soon as the darkness is there when the when the light leaves it becomes dark. So they're very close to one another but they don't know one another because darkness has never seen the light and the light has never seen the darkness. The goodness is in you and the bad is in you. The good in you does not know the bad in you. The bad in you does not know the good in you but both live together, living you and living me.
So always we should make the effort that I want to reach that peace. I want to be in that space where I can feel the good in me and enjoy because that's the essence of it all truth, consciousness and bliss, the truth. And when my consciousness is connected to that truth what will I get? Bliss. So the whole cycle is all about bliss, like I was saying there's two enjoyments, one is the enjoyment of the world and one is the enjoyment of the inner world. When you enjoy the inner world that no matter how old you get nobody will tell you anything. The enjoyment of the party. If you go there people will say what are you doing here? You're too old. They will see your age but the enjoyment within? Keep enjoying, keep enjoying, keep enjoying and there's no problem about age and this is one thing that you'll be able to do and experience until you're very last breath.