Maharaji at Amaroo, 25th April 2001
I love his logic:
this is about telling people what they ought to be feeling, therefore
this is about telling people how to point the heart in the right direction, therefore
this is about telling people what they ought to be doing, therefore
this is not about telling people what they ought to or ought not to be doing
- No Judgement is this a message meant to reassure the PWKs or for Himself?
- What does it take to create doubt? Nothing. All you have to do is make a comment Surely even a comment is something?
- Aspirants it's a very beautiful process for them. It's not a doctrine - Thousands of hours of Maharaji speaking is a complete indoctrination, not just one doctrine
- In the world of Knowledge … the Master doesn't judge you - All he cares about is attendance and donations
- Unless you are in touch with it, it does not matter what you have accomplished - Yes everyone and everything done is meaningless without Maharaji
- Rawat has always said his giving satsang was different, where others couldn't crank up the engine, he could come from "that place"
Edited excerpt, Maharaji at Amaroo, 25th April 2001
Passion not judgment
What's wrong with being simple? Can we investigate what simplicity offers? We know how to create doubt. What does it take to create doubt? Nothing. All you have to do is make a comment. One little comment creates that. Yet you don't have to be in doubt. Clarity has something to offer to you. This life may not have an instruction manual, this is true. But that does not mean that there are not favourite implants in this existence that bias you a certain way. To be clear is more beautiful than to be confused. To be in clarity is more beautiful that to be in doubt.
I talk to aspirants, and I tell them "keep listening, keep growing" - it's a very beautiful process for them. It's not a doctrine. Knowledge breaks traditions. In India they have the caste system. They have been trying to get rid of it. Very strongly they are trying to get rid of it. And in the caste system, those people that work with leather are considered one of the very lower castes. And who is Mira's master? Guess. He worked with leather. How
There she is, totally in love and the world says she is mad. And Mira writes to herself. 'The world says I am mad. But I am not mad. I am in love. I am in love with that beauty, the perfection that touches my heart."
Why can't we all, in this life, be in love with that perfection? Why can't we also in our life have that passion? Passion for this heart. Passion to be alive. It doesn't matter how old we are or how young we are, what our situation is, where we live or what we do.
In the world of Knowledge, nobody judges you based on that. Well, let me take that back. The Master doesn't.
Remember to save
Edited excerpt, Maharaji at Amaroo, 25th April 2o01
The world will continue to change. I'm sure things will get better and better, and different and more incredible. All these big video cameras will become small. There will be faster media. High bandwidths for everything. We still won't know what we are communicating about, but we will be communicating. What are we saying? You see, its not what is on the outside. That can only reflect what is on the inside. And what is on the inside? Unless you are in touch with it, it does not matter what you have accomplished, or what you do. It carries no meaning.
To me the greatest gift you can truly have is to be alive, and a greater gift still is to recognize that. Because without recognizing it, its like writing an essay in computer, and the directory never got written. Was the effort made? Yes. Does it exist? No, it's gone.
Some people are much like that document in a computer. Saving never happened. The button 'save' was never hit. Its gone. But to recognize is beautiful. Then you know. Then you understand. That's when gratitude begins. That's why we come to celebrate. We need to celebrate.
Oh What a feeling!
Edited excerpt, Maharaji at Arnaroo, 25th April 2o01
When I come and I speak to you — oh, there have been times when I have been sick or whatever may be going on — but I come because I want to speak to you. And when I begin to speak, it's my privilege, because I have to come from that place. My privilege and my joy. It needs to be yours too. That's the difference around here. It's not that one guy does all the work and you just sit there and go, "Oh, okay. Great. Fantastic." No, no, no.
This isn't about lecturing. This isn't about sermons. This isn't about telling people what they ought to or ought not to be doing, but what they ought to be feeling. And that feeling can only happen when the heart is pointed in the right direction.
Copyright (c) Visions International 2001