Guru Maharaj Ji

South American tour Sao Paulo, Brazil-January 30, 1980

Prem Rawat Giving Holy Breath In Darshan 1980
Prem Rawat (Maharaji) Giving Holy Breath In Darshan In 1980

So dear premies, again we have a little opportunity - by Grace - to be able to listen to some satsang, to have a deeper understanding of this life, to have a better understanding of the purpose we are here for. There arc so many questions that face man today. It's outrageous. At every step of a man's life there is an abrupt question holding so much back. And if somehow man can answer these questions again and again and again in his life, perhaps he will be able to go all the way to the end. Perhaps he will be able to go to his destination.

Look at how, from a very small stage of a human being - where he can barely say "Yes," or "No," or "Mummy," or "Daddy" - these questions start. "Do I want this toy or do I want that toy?" And at that stage it's very little. It's very small. It's only a toy. And then slowly and slowly it becomes, "Where do I want to live? Which suit do I want to wear? Which car do I want? Which place in this world do I want to be in?"

And slowly and slowly it just becomes more intense and more intense. And do these questions really even have an answer? Are these questions meant to be answered? Or in fact - another way of looking at it - are there even questions like that? Do these questions even exist or are they just created to make things more sophisticated in this life? Aren't these questions just a dream that we live in?

If you are having a dream, yes, you are involved in everything that you're dreaming. But if you're not having a dream, you're not involved. If you are dreaming that you're falling from ten storeys high, then you are. Your body is going to react. You're going to wake up. You're going to be sweating. Your heart's going to be pumping, and breathing really heavily. "Oh my God, what a nightmare I had."

But a person can be sleeping right next to you who's completely sound asleep and he doesn't wake up. It doesn't matter if you're falling from ten storeys, twenty storeys, thirty storeys, or even if you did fall. It's absolutely none of his business and he's sleeping. Nothing happened to him or or him.

And this is a very, very fine balance, because every one of us who is in this world indulges in this world to a very great degree. We take ourselves and plunge ourselves into this world. Whether we want it or not, whether we see - it's like the curiosity of a child overcomes anything that the child's mother has told him. The child's mother can be telling him, "Don't go near the fire. Don't go near the fire. Don't go near the fire." and yet that curiosity completely takes over. And I really don't know if there is even a fight inside. "Should I go? Should I not? Should I go? Should I not?" But somehow that kid ends up touching that fire and hurting himself.

Same thing with us. So many saints that have come into this world have very have clearly laid it out for us that this world is a dream. And it's very confusing. How can this all he a dream? Then what is real?

There is the story about this king. And one night he had a dream. And in this dream he dreamt that he had lost everything. He lost his kingdom. He lost his family. He lost every single thing he had, every single materialistic possession he had, and he was running for his life. And he ran and he ran and he ended up in this jungle. And it's this dense jungle and he's hungry. He's wet and tired.

And he stops and he goes to a little cottage to ask for some food and the lady gives him some lentils. "Here. This is all I have. You can cook it and eat it."

He starts cooking it over wet logs and his eyes are full of smoke, and watering. He is in complete pain. And finally he cooks whatever he is cooking and lays it on a big leaf to cool down.

And two bulls come fighting, just fiercely fighting. And they don't see his food and they knock it over and completely mix it into the dirt.

There he had come so close to being able to acquire this food and all of a sudden it was completely mixed in dirt. And there he was with no food. Nothing.

And from this nightmare he wakes up. He wakes up and he sees that he is still lying on his golden bed, that his guards are still on guard, and there is his old palace. He hasn't lost anything. But he doesn't know whether … He gets it all somehow flip-flopped. Or did he get it flip-flopped? That's what he wants to find out. Which is the dream? Whether in that stage of extreme pain he went to sleep and is dreaming that he still has everything, or in fact he has everything and he's dreamt that he had lost everything. Which one is real?

He sets up an advertisement. He says, "Whoever can come and give me the answer to which one is the dream, I'll give them my whole kingdom." And so many people come and everyone keeps getting locked away. The king locks them up because they can't give him his answer. They can't manage to tell him which one is real.

And finally the Perfect Master of the time - a little child who is completely deformed. People used to make fun of him. His father went to try to give the answer and couldn't give the answer. So he went.

The way the king had set up everything was a big stage and a big throne. And that was the king's throne. And so this little boy walks without hesitation in this whole court full of the generals and the colonels and whoever. He walks straight up onto the throne and sits down. And everybody says, "What are you doing? That's the king's throne. Don't sit on that."

And he says, "It's okay. Don't get upset. Don't get bothered. It's okay."

And it goes on and the king hears all this arguing going on, and the king comes and he says, "What's the matter? Why are you sitting on my throne?"

And he says, "Here I am. I have come to give you the answer to your question."

So the king asks his question. He says, "Well, this is my story and I want to know which one is really real, and what's fake. Is this all fake or is this all real?"

And to everybody's amazement, the answer was incredible. "King, when you dreamt that you had lost everything, that was a dream. Of course that was a dream. You had lost everything. You were sleeping and in that you had a nightmare. That was a dream. But the fact is that what you call reality in this world is also a dream. None of this is real. What you think is real, what you think you cling on to, what becomes so precious to you, in fact isn't precious at all. You think that this body belongs to you and it doesn't belong to you."

He gave an example. If there were a bird cage with a parrot inside of it, which one belongs to you - the bird cage or the parrot? The bird cage has no significance. It's only to keep the parrot there. Nobody goes around hanging bird cages in their homes unless you sell bird cages. You can hang them in your shop. But the essence is the bird inside of it. And does that bird belong to you? Because if it belongs to you, then what happens one day? All of a sudden the bird is there but it's gone. No "cheep - cheep" and "Polly wants a cracker" and no enjoyment or biting on the finger. Nothing. Everything is dead; everything is gone.

And time and time again a solution to every one of our questions - a solution is offered by a Perfect Master. And the solution that is offered to us is beyond - completely beyond - what we can think of. We can read. We read the scriptures. We can read scriptures. But the scriptures point out to us, "Yes, there is an existence of something that is incredible. Yes, there was a time when Jesus came into this world. Yes, there is something like incarnation. Yes, there is something like peace and happiness. Yes, there is something that's called bliss."

Because it's very hard to believe. Looking at Sao Paulo or looking at Rio in a rush hour, it's very hard to believe that that kind of stuff really exists. There you are. Everybody's mad. Everybody wants to get in front of you. It's a rush hour. It's been like that for a long, long time. Everybody gets more frustrated and more frustrated. You see all these buses just completely packed. The people can barely even stand up. Those who are standing up are standing up and those who are sitting are sitting. The sitting can't stand up and the stand-ups can't sit. And that's it.

You look at it and you say, "Well. Isn't that all there is to it?" Because you just drive and every day people get up and you see these long lines right around the block. They're completely full and the bus will come and take them and then they'll go to the office and they'll do whatever their scene is in the office. And then there will be the lunch break or the siesta time and everybody will flood home and go to sleep and get up and go back to the office, and get out of the office and go home to go to sleep, eat or whatever you do. You go to sleep so you can wake up and go back to the office. And this whole repetition happens.

Even that repetition is broken by the Saturdays and Sundays, or just the Sundays. But then that also becomes a repetition. Six days a week and then one day off, six days a week and one day off, six days a week and one day off, six days … even that. The whole year becomes a repetition: when your summer vacation is going to be, when your winter vacation is going to be, when you're going to go on a holiday, when you're not going to go on a holiday. Everything.

We get so locked up inside that circle that we lose sight of what the path really is. It's very, very hard for people in this world to imagine on their own, really, that Truth is something that's better than all of this. All people can do is go to a very simple limit: "Yeah. I would like to sit at home. That's all better than this."

But even better than sitting at home, even better than all that, even better than any experience of this life we can have, there is something else. And that something else is that Truth that we have to experience. That is our destination: to become complete, to become whole. Instead of being this thing that consistently goes up and down and up and down all life long. To become one. To become one with that which is always one. To become complete by joining, by becoming a part of what is always complete. By completely submerging into something that has no beginning and has no end. Because everything in this world…

Yes, I am wearing my suit. But I know that one of these days this suit is going to go to a dry cleaner and it's going to get completely ruined. And then it's going to end up in some ashram for an ashram premie. But that's the beginning and the end of this the suit and he's happy and everything and then one day, in a Hans Jayanti festival or something, he slips into the mud and the mud gets completely all into the suit and that's the end of the suit for him.

So it's all these little beginnings and endings that we are caught in. Our experience is also that beginning and end. It begins and it ends. Whatever our trip is … It's like being in an airplane. You walk into an airplane and there is no noise. Then the engines start and the noise happens. Then you fly and it gets noisier till you land. And when the engines shut off, when the flight is terminated, so does the noise terminate.

Whatever our trip is in this world, as far as that trip exists, our experience exists, and as soon as the trip is terminated, so is our experience.

Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this - a Master comes into this world for every single being and says, "There's a little bit more to it than these little beginnings and ends, beginnings and ends, and beginnings and ends that we all are involved with. There is in fact a pleasure of life that's completely consistent and constant. Why not have that experience? Why not have that ultimate experience?"

Because the ultimate experience is what we all want, anyway. Say somebody starts off and gets a nice job. You might start taking buses first. And from the buses you get a better job and you might want little motorcycle. And then you get a better job so that you can have a little car. And then from the little car it goes on and on until you end up with the best car in the world.

Because all we want is that "best." "The best, the best, the best, the best." We always thrive to have the best. And there is nothing "best" in this world. It's one container. It's one boat. When the boat sinks, everything sinks. There are no survivors. When it all goes down, it all goes down.

Technically it's true that if you sit in the first-class section of an airplane, you will get there before the very last passenger on the airplane. Because imagine that there is the boundary of country and when the plane is flying, whoever is in the very front will get there first. And then when the tail of the airplane passes, the person sitting in the very back will then get there.

It's funny. Yes, it is Because it's completely not even true. That's not even the way it works. Everybody is sitting in the same airplane. Everybody is going to get there at the same time.

And to go beyond that and have an experience that's completely beyond that, that's true, that's alive, that's real, that is not based upon which side of the bed we wake up on. Today, people's moods are very much like that. If the coffee is bitter, they're going to have a bad day all day long. You could be having a perfect day and all of a sudden you get fired. And that's it. Bad day starts again. You had a beautiful sleep last night. And then you wake up in the morning to go to your office and you miss your bus. And there goes your beautiful day. That's it.

We have based it so critically. It's like dominoes. All these dominoes are lined up. And you can't afford to hit one of them. Because if you do, it'll start the chain reaction, completely start the chain reaction and every single domino will Lill down. That's the way our life is. One thing - one single thing - happens and the experience of this life can be completely jolted. People get devastated by so many things. Maybe they've had a beautiful life all life long. And then something will happen in their life that'll completely devastate them.

But to go beyond all that - to have something that's permanent, to have something that is a true experience, to have an experience of' yourself, to have an experience of what makes you alive. You. Because you're alive, too. What makes you alive. And what makes you alive makes this whole world tick. That's what keeps this entire world - the universe, everything - stars, moon, sun, everything going around and around and around. It's completely irrelevant what man has achieved, whether man has gone to the moon, whether man hasn't gone to the moon.

I was reading an article that on the sixteenth of February there's going to be a total eclipse in Africa. And the African government in this particular place is trying to prepare the tribes because if total eclipse happens, they'll freak out: "The sun god got very upset," and just completely freak out. So they're preparing. Because they've never seen anything like that or whenever it has been, it's been just like some kind of curse.

And there is one tribe that believes that that's not what's really happening, it's the work of the white man. The white man, who has gone to the moon and made the moon unclean, is doing this, is trying to harm them by dragging the "something - something" in front of the sun, so that it'll be dark.

Well, they really believe it. The witch doctors believe it. They really believe it.

In India, people completely go into this whole big trip when an eclipse happens. "Oh, what's happening? Are all the stars and everything right? Will this bring me luck? Will this not bring me luck? Will this happen? Will that happen?" So many factors involved.

And yet, maybe in South America nobody cares if an eclipse happens or not. Maybe to an Eskimo it doesn't exist. What's a sunset to an Eskimo? Hemingway can sit down and write a book about the sunset, and you can hand it to an Eskimo, and what difference is it going to make to him? For six months, either it's all daytime or for six months it's all nighttime. To him, only once in the year does that sun setting happen. And it's freezing cold and no warmth.

So you can see that it's not even interconnected from human being to human being to human being. Yet every human being is the same. What keeps every human being alive is the same. And every human being has to tap into that resource. By tapping into that resource of what is inside of us, what keeps us alive, we can experience that energy, we can experience that bliss, we can experience that love, we can experience what's incredible.

Somebody can have a very small perspective. Maybe some of you haven't been outside Sao Paulo. Or maybe some of you have never been outside South America or never been beyond South America and America or never been beyond Europe. But then there are all these little places in this world.

There is one island in the Pacific and this island is incredible because the government rents out videos - maybe a lot of people don't even know what videos are. But videos and colour televisions are rented out to literally every family in this place. And it's a very tiny little island, and everybody is into their own thing. Everybody plays football all day long or whatever they want to play. And there is a clothesline stringing from the living room, but then there is also this big colour television with a

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker 1980
Prem Rawat aka Maharaji or Guru Maharaj Ji, The Perfect Master On Stage In South America 1980

video machine sitting right underneath it. They have a completely different part of it.

And yet when Guru Maharaj Ji comes, go beyond that. Go beyond all that. What experience they're having, what experience South Americans are having, what experience Americans are having, North Americans are having, Europeans are having, Indians are having, Chinese, Russians - everybody, you know, caught in their whirlpool. He takes them beyond that whirlpool and shows them the Light.

Because it doesn't matter which corner you face in the darkness. If there is darkness then what difference does it make? What is the big thing? As I was saying, what is the big thing between who sits in the front and who sits in the back? Both are going to arrive at the same time. Matter of one-zillionth of a second, perhaps. It's insignificant. A jet flying at four hundred or thirty-eight or ninety-eight miles an hour - what is it going to take him to cross a fence that's only four feet wide? Takes some calculation to figure it out.

And yet most important: why we are here. When Guru Maharaj Ji comes in this world, when a Perfect Master comes in this world …

I mean, here we are. We don't want to face that we are lost. That's a very hard thing to do. "I'm not lost. I know where I am. I am in this theatre. I know how to get to my place. I know how to get to my home. I know how to get to my job. I'm not lost." And just take off. "It's okay. I'm fine. I'm not lost."

Aren't we all lost? Where are we all going? Between all that that happens - office building, home; office building, home; office building, home - where does all that take us? Where does every moment, every second, of this life - the sleeping, the eating, staying awake, every single thing that we do - where does that take us?

For most of us it's, "Who cares?" And yet a Perfect Master does. Cares again and again. Comes to show that path again and again. Comes to show that way again and again. And I just really see the need to open up, to make our little effort.

There are a lot of philosophies. There is salvation. There is liberation. There is so much. What are you going to give up to? People have the understanding that they all want to be saved. And salvation is everything. Liberation: to be completely liberated is everything. There is that whole. Indian aspect of what this whole life is, which is if you do had karma in this lifetime, you will come out as a bug or as cockroach, or as a something.

To really say it, a cockroach is perhaps more happy than a human being. Everywhere he goes, he gets the human beings screaming. He sets the level of quality for the human beings. Where there is cockroach, that's not a good place, and where there isn't a cockroach, it's a good place. A cockroach. This little cockroach. What does he have to worry about? He gets his food. Your food! You go out. You sweat all day long. You fill your refrigerator up and the cockroach comes and eats it - the food you work for. And there isn't a single court you can go to and penalize that little cockroach for stealing. You can lock him up in the biggest, safest prison and he'll escape out of it.

Maybe people catch and kill ten percent of the cockroach population in this world through spraying and de-bugging and fumigating and crunching and crushing and stepping and…ten percent, perhaps. And maybe ten percent. And he doesn't have to bother about the Vietnamese war and he doesn't have to bother about oil and he doesn't have to bother about anything. And I mean there are airlines. You go inside them and there are cockroaches in them. They travel the best, are in the best. Fly all the time. Get flown all around the world.

It's incredible. There is this big cockroach and he's come to wherever he wants, and steps out of the airplane, right down the stairs and just takes off and gets into the taxicab and takes off and gets into your suitcase, and you end up in the best hotel and so does the cockroach.

Sometimes it seems like an incredible phenomenon, almost, for a bug or whatever it is. This is human life and that's cockroach life. And the cockroach knows what's going on in his life. All he wants to do is find food and eat it. And a human being has to do so much.

And the salvation or the liberation is - what for? Why don't we all wish for the life of a cockroach? It can't be all bad. After all he gets his food and he doesn't have to work and he doesn't have to cook. He'll always find those dumb human beings who leave their refrigerators open, walk in there and have whatever they feel like eating.

And yet human life is somehow supposed to be this superior life. Human life is supposed to be, somehow, beautiful.

And it is. It is beautiful, when the purpose of this human life is executed. When we realize the goal of this life, when we realize the purpose of this life, then it's beautiful. Then it's wonderful. And before that, it's so-so.

You take a vacation: it's wonderful. Come back to your job and you're miserable. Misery here, suffering here. Everything. Look at poverty. It's everywhere. There might be the biggest, tallest building standing, and right next to it is a slum. Right next to it. And it's everywhere. I've seen it in India so many times. People just have to live and live however they feel like living. Sometimes they eat; sometimes they don't eat. Whatever comes their way they will eat. Sleep wherever they can. Railway stations, by the tracks - wherever they can find a little empty space where they can just put themselves: sleep.

And they're not happy. Because they constantly want to strive for something better. And there can be a person - and it can be quite a contrast, in fact. A person

can be a millionaire, have twenty limousines and thirteen or fourteen jets, or whatever - factories, big houses, whatever qualifies to be a millionaire - and then he can have a servant who lives in one corner of his big estate. A slum. It has no facilities. Just a little shelter. Just four little walls made out of clay and bricks and a little tin roof. It leaks when it rains, cold in winter, too hot in summer. His envy is to get up there in that gigantic bed of that millionaire to be happy. And he wants to become rich so that he can be happy.

And "the millionaire is happy and he is not. He's rich; he's a millionaire." But is he happy? Neither are happy.

And that's what seems so dreamy about this world. It just seems like you touch it and is it really there? One moment something is happening, the other moment something else is happening.

Go beyond. Again and again, to just go beyond all that. Truly, there is a history. And in one history there is this description of what the Romans did. They dug these trenches and they made these water wells and they made these waterways, and they did this and had this kind of civilization. They did these tortures and they did these massacres and they did this and they did that.

There's a whole history of Alexander and his associates. What they all did. What his brother did and what his father did and what his mother did, and this whole history. Alexander and associates. And it's incredible. You read it and you feel like Alexander was nuts. He was crazy, his father was crazy, his mother was crazy, his brother was crazy, everybody who followed him was crazy.

And then something. You look at the description of Jesus. And it's completely, completely different. Because there is an experience that those devotees had, of which they described about love, about peace, about a beauty, about satisfaction.

You can read this history of the Pandavas and Kauravas. They were the two sides. And they fought and they always fought. There was the one side that was the pits - the bad guys. And there is the other side that's the good guys. And the good guys always got the worst part, so they were exiled, and blah, blah, blah. And this is a huge book.

And then, in the same thing, there is one part in which Krishna stands up and is telling Arjun about an experience of life, which is completely different - completely different - than the entire story. Because it doesn't deal with what all this is, but goes beyond and shows a solution to Arjun.

Because that's what a Perfect Master comes for. Look at the history of Ram. It's really incredible! Ram suffered so much in his life. There he was. He was supposed to become the king. Everything - is set up. His mother comes to the king and says, "It's now time for Ram to become the king."

And the king says, "Oh, yes, definitely." The king is very happy and everybody is very happy. And definitely Ram should become the king.

And then there is one maid who fills the ear of one of the stepmothers of Ram. "Why do you want Rani to become the king? What about your son, Bharad? He should become the king. Because as soon as Ram should becomes the king you will lose all value. He'll kick you out. He'll do this; he'll do that."

And she completely freaked out. "Oh my God, maybe she is right."

The day Ram is supposed to become the king, the day Ram comes out to become the king, there is his father telling him to go into exile, to get out. "For fourteen years, get out of the palace." His father had given his promise to his wife, that whatever you ask, it shall be given to you.

And she asked that. She said, "I want my son to become the king and I want Ram to get out for fourteen years." And he went. And as soon as Ram left, his father died. Because he couldn't bear the pain of Ram leaving. He couldn't hear the suffering of Ram leaving.

It's all a tragic story and this story and that story.

And then there is that little story in that whole story about the experience of Knowledge, about the experience of one's true self. And that's incredible. Because it's beyond concepts. You cannot have concept about it. You cannot think about it. You just open your mouth and eat it. That's it. It absorbs, completely. There is no, "Huh. How does this happen?" And, "Huh. How does this happen?" and "Huh, how does this happen?" No.

When the Truth pours, you cannot get away and try to hide yourself from the real experience. Wherever you go, it'll follow. Because everything in this world we rationalize. We have our little boxes. We have our little squares where we slip everything in. It's like they have a hotel and in the hotel they have all these little boxes for all the guests. And if the mail comes or something, it goes into the slot where the guest is staying. And it's the same thing. In this whole world we have a picture frame and in this picture frame every little thing belongs in a certain place. Father has a concept of what his son should do, son has concept of what his father should do, mother has a concept of father, father has a concept of mother, mother has a concept of son, son has a concept of mother. Everything has a little square, and then everything should fit in that little square. Then when it does, everything is fine, everything is okay.

And something goes wrong: wrong Bam! It's an explosion. Cannot comprehend it, cannot understand it, can't get with it, can't get it.

And yet when Truth comes, when Truth is there, which slot do you put the Truth in? And it's completely all-encompassing, beyond the wildest imagination that any one of us can ever have. Beyond "you," "me," "I am."

Yes, there is the President in America. And he thinks that's his America, Hawaii, Puerto Rico. Little place. And there's a boundary line like this and a boundary line like that. And that's "United States of America." And then there is the Queen. And she has a little island. Goes like this. She has Buckingham Palace, and that's her island. That "belongs to her." You look at all these world leaders. They have their little place all set up. That's "their country." Look at Brazil. In South America, there are so many countries. When you fly, it's just one country after another country after another country after another country. You start from the hottest place and end up in the coldest place.

It's incredible. Everybody in their little country has everything set up. How everything is going to run and how all the laws are going to operate and how everything is going to happen. And in Brazil everybody speaks Portuguese, and the rest speak Spanish. And the Argentinians have their own accent and the Peruvians have their own accent, and everybody has their whole thing wrapped up in a nice, little box.

And when the Truth comes, it isn't going to say, "Wait a minute. This is the United States of America. This is South America. I have to manifest myself in America. Because if I manifest myself in an English accent, the Texans won't understand. This is America. You have to talk 'Big Mac.' Because that's what this is all about."

"No, no, but this is South America."

When I was coming into Brazil, I read a little book and in that book it said, "Beware. Don't start speaking Spanish to the Brazilians. Because the Brazilians speak Portuguese and they detest it when somebody comes up to them and starts speaking Spanish: Well I don't have to bother about it. I don't speak Spanish nor do I speak Portuguese so I can't get them mixed up.

It's beyond all that. That's where we have to be. That's where we have to be. Because how much is that difference going to be worth? What is it?

There are different religions. In the Christian religion you get buried. In the Hindu religion, you're either buried or swept into the Ganges or burned. And there're all these various religions. But does it make any difference when you die? You die, you die. You're buried. You're swept away. You're buried at sea. You're buried in the sky. You're buried anywhere. Death is death.

Beyond everything. Beyond everything is an experience. Beyond everything is the reality. Not just standing on the face of Earth, looking at the moon and saying, "Oh my God, wow." Not every time something incredible happens that you fail to understand, you go, "Oh my God." That's not God. That's an expression.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Dancing Onstage Dressed As Krishna 1980
Prem Rawat aka Maharaji or Guru Maharaj Ji, Dancing On Stage Dressed As Krishna 1980

And the Creator, and His experience … Because what we are is this little being. In relation to this universe, we don't even exist. We're smaller than a speck of sand. In relation to this entire universe, we must be smaller than a speck of sand. Only through a microscope - electron microscope - could we be even made visible. And that's how small we are. In reality we don't exist.

And yet, for everyone, we exist. We would do our things. We have our world. Whatever. And yet there is this infinite power, this incredible, endless power that has no beginning, that has no end, that created you, that created me, that created this Earth, that created this sky, that created the stars, the sun, the moon, every single thing that exists - every single tree, every single seed, from that speck of sand to the luminous sun, the brilliant sun, from north to south. Every single thing that we pride upon, that Creator created.

What is that? What is that? That is everywhere. That's in everything. It never changes. Things come, things go. But it never changes - always constant, always consistent, always real.

There will be a time when the sun will disappear. Definitely. Slowly and slowly - poof! There'll be a time when the Earth will stop. Definitely. And yet the power that created it - the sun, the moon, the Earth - that will never stop.

And if we can just plug into that source, if we can just plug into that power, then what are we? We go to the stage beyond liberation, beyond salvation, beyond everything and be in that permanent stage. If you call it happy, then it's happiness. You call it peace, then it's peace. But whatever that thing, whatever the stage of that thing is that created this everything, that sustains everything - that stage is what we want to be in. Because it's motionless, it's timeless. There is no sun; there is no moon, in that stage. There is no heat; there is no cold. There is no hunger; there is no thirst. There is no death and there is no birth. And it always is.

When we plug into that, then only will our sufferings be taken away. There is no political leader in this world that can come up with a solution to take those sufferings away. It's obvious. It's not matter of speculation any more. It's obvious that there is no political leader. It doesn't matter what the aspirations of the country's forefathers or "foremothers" had been. (And uncles and aunts, for that matter, too.) Because it's absolutely irrelevant. Nobody can bring that peace, nobody can bring, that solution to us. Doesn't matter how much we count on them.

One little thing can upset the entire balance: the fighting, the fighting, the fighting, the fighting, that continues. The different rules, the different regulations, the different everything that we are so adapted to - it's incredible.

I have seen people in England, and people in England live and they drive on the wrong side of the road and they're still okay. And people in America, I've seen them, and they live and they drive on the wrong side of the road (or the right side of the road, whichever way you look at it) and they're okay, too. In the whole of Brazil and the whole of America and the whole of England, you're supposed to have white headlights for your cars. Not in France - it should be yellow. Actually in France they'll stop you and tell you to change your headlights if they're white: "It should be yellow." Doesn't make any difference.

And yet every single one is subject to that regulation, subject to that particular thing. And we live on it. I see it. I mean, I travel quite a bit. And I see from one regulation to the other regulation to the other regulation.

One time I went to Swaziland - this little country in Africa right above South Africa. And we had to fly to Johannesburg and then take a little airplane. Flew over treetop level and got into Swaziland. And they had the regular set-up. The airplane pulled up and…to them, in one way, it didn't matter where the airplane parked, where the airplane took off. It was irrelevant to them, so long as it did take off. The fire people wanted to know if it did take off or they should come. Where it parked, it didn't matter. It was just like it was completely open and just completely irrelevant.

Yet they had their immigrations and they had their laws. And you go in there and you hand over your passport and there's a guy standing in a little skirt, about this big. He's all there is and he looks at your passport page after page after page and after…He looked very thoroughly through the entire passport, handed it back after stamping a few stamps on it and said, "Oh, by the way. Are you coming or going?"

It's fascinating. Because if it doesn't matter to him if we are leaving or going, what is the purpose of this whole bureaucracy?

And yet, "No! It's very, very important. It's so important." People ride in trains. And you get a little ticket. Get on the bus or a train and you go. But in airplanes they have this ticket that's about this big. And it's literally like a book that they write. And there's absolutely no difference. You take a bus, you take a train or you take an airplane. I have seen people who have gotten on the wrong airplanes. I have seen people who have gotten on the wrong bus. And I have seen people who have gotten on the wrong train. But somehow it comes to us. And everywhere, every single place, it's like that.

Look at all the bureaucracy that they wanted to impose on Jesus. And to his devotees, there were no bureaucracies. It was all beyond it.

Can you imagine if a fisherman today wanted to know which side of the boat he should throw the net on to catch fish - how long it would take him? First he would have to probably file an application, give his boat number, see if he has a

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license to fish, what is his net income, what is his IRS income tax situation, who he is, where he lives, what is his uncle's name, what's his mother's name, what is his blood type. And then based upon a probability of that day, maybe they might say something.

And yet when Jesus was standing there, he said, "Don't throw your net on that side. Throw it on the other side." And they did and they caught a whole bunch of fish.

Because when a Perfect Master comes - that Knowledge he gives to us, that experience that he gives to us, is not bound. It's open. Its free. It's complete and it's everything. When we receive it, when we merge with it, then we become real, then our experience becomes real, then our life becomes real.

And to me, that's what reality is. That's what's real. And to receive the reality, that's what we have rock). Get with the real, what's real - that Knowledge, that Master.

So premies, just that little opening up inside and that little effort is what'll bring us to our destination.

Thank you very much, and goodnight.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Sitting On Throne Dressed As Krishna 1980
Prem Rawat aka Maharaji With Manboobs Showing Dressed As Krishna