Durga Ji's Birthday Party


We never used to understand that the purpose of our birth was to marry God. Each birthday would arrive and be enjoyed, but the real destination of the life we celebrated always remained unknown.

Then one day He gave us spiritual birth. And He promised to each one of us a wedding, sealed with a ring of golden light. Within the ring, a star. Within the star, His shining face.

And His bride's heart is filled, drenched with the Word. Her Beloved is a source of bliss, ever new and constant. He neither comes nor goes, but always delights in the true wife who obeys His mere glance. She makes Truth the parting of her hair, Love her dress and ornaments. Having kindled the lamp with the Word, she wears the Name of God as a garland on the breast; fairest among women, she wears on the brow the jewel of Love. She knows no man save the Beloved; her affection and love are for the Satguru alone.
- Guru Nanak