And It Is Divine
this month celebrates the birthday
of Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj,
the Perfect Master of his time, who brought the Knowledge
and love of God into the lives of thousands,
and who left his body in July 1966.
His youngest son, Satgurudev Shri Sant Ji Maharaj, is the present
Perfect Master, and the Editor in Chief of this magazine.
It is therefore fitting that this edition of the magazine be devoted to the memory of the late
Perfect Master, and that it should serve as the program for the great
festival to be held in his honor at the Houston Astrodome,
on November 8, 9, and 10.
Each year in India at this time, a mammoth festival is held in honor of the
late Satgurudev, under the title Hans Jayanti. Now for the first time,
Hans Jayanti is to be celebrated in the West, and with a new and greater
importance. For it was the late Satgurudev's wish that the Knowledge
which he spread across India should reach to all corners of the globe, so that
peace and brotherhood might at last prevail on earth.
Three years ago, at the 1970 Hans Jayanti, the present Guru Maharaj Ji
proclaimed he would establish world peace. This year at Millennium '73
he will set in motion his plan to bring peace on earth …
for a thousand years.