THIS IS AN URGENT CALL FROM THE SINGLE HEART WITHIN US IT ACHES FOR DARSHAN. AFTER TAKING KNOWLEDGE, MEDITATION SERVICE AND SATSANG IS THE CERTAIN METHOD OF LABOURING GRADUALLY TOWARDS OUR GOAL BUT NOTHING CLEANS AWAY ALL IMPURITIES OF MIND LIKE THE PRESENCE OF THE LIVING LORD. TO BE AT THE PHYSICAL LOTUS FEET WASHES OUT AIMLESS DESIRE AND POLISHES THE DULL GEM 0F OUR DEVOTION. WE HAVE BECOME PARTICIPANTS IN THE DIVINE PLAY OF HEAVEN AND WE WAIT ON THE SATGURU TO DIRECT HIS LILA. WHAT ENTREATY CAN WE MAKE TO DRAW HIM NEAR? HOW CAN WE SHOW OUR GRATITUDE FOR HIS PRECIOUS GIFT? BY PREPARING THE GROUNDS FOR HIS GAME, BY WORKING WITH GREAT LOVE AND PERSEVERANCE TO AWAKEN THIS COUNTRY SO THAT IT MAY SEE IN FULL UNDERSTANDING THE PLAY OF HIS BRILLIANT LIGHT. WE ARE ONLY SMALL CHILDREN. WEE NEED OUR FATHER, WE CRY FOR HIM. BUT REALISE TTHIS: HE WILL COME SOONER IF WE ASSEMBLE ALL HIS FAMILY OF THIRTEEN MILLION, HE WILL __________________________________________________________ COME SWIFTLY IF OUR TEARS ARE MADE NO FROM EMOTION BUT OUT OF EFFORT, OUT OF DEVOTION TO HIS BEAUTY RATHER THAN TO THE PROMISE OF LIBERATION OR TO SELFISH DESIRE FOR ESCAPE FROM HELL. IT IS THE TRUE DEVOTEE WHO WANTS ONLY THE LORD, WHO CASTS ASIDE ALL OBSTACLES TO END HIS SEPARATION FROM THE LOTUS FEET. OFTEN WE JUDGE THE POSSIBLE RESULTS OF OUR ACTIONS BY PAST SUCCESSES AND FAILURES; BUT GURU MAHARAJ JI HAS GIVEN US THE MOST POWERFUL WEAPON IN THE UNIVERSE: PURE LOVE. IN THE FACE 0F LOVE, ALLl RESISTANCE DISAPPEARS. ALL OF AUSTRALIA CAN COME TO HIS FEET THIS YEAR. CYNICISM, DOUBT, HATRED ARE ONLY FRUSTRATIONS CAUSED BY THWARTED DESIRES. WHEN MET WITH COMPASSION AND STRENGTH THEY VANISH BEFORE THE RESPONSE OF THE SOUL LONGING FOR TRUTH. TO ACHIEVE THE HIGHEST RESULT WE MUST COMBINE OUR FAITH WITH THAT RARE ELEMENT, COMMONSENSE. WE MUST TELL PEOPLE AGAIN AND AGAIN THAT TRUTH IS HERE AT LAST DIVINE LIGHT MISSION IS MOUNTING A 'WHO IS GURU MAHARAJ JI?' CAMPAIGN, SUPPORTED BY TELEVISION ADVERTISEMENTS, BILLBOARDS, AND A FILM FROM AMERICA WHICH ANSWERS THAT VITAL QUESTION. AT LEAST THREE THOUSAND DOLLARS WILL G0 INTO THIS CAMPAIGN, AND MUCH MORE IF BAL BHAGWAN JI COMES TO PERFECT OUR SERVICE, AND STILL WE HAVE VERY LITTLE MONEY FOR GURU MAHARAJ JI'S AIRFARE. WHAT CAN WE DO? IT IS OBVIOUS WHAT OUR COLLECTIVE ACTION IS TO BE; THE QUESTION MUST BE HONED TO A FINER AND CLOSER EDGE: 'WHAT CAN I DO?' LOOK CAREFULLY, 'HAVE I TAKEN MY LIGHT OUT TO ILLUMINE ALL AVENUES OF DARKNESS, OR HAVE I HOARDED ITS WEALTH IN A CORNER OF MY ROOM? WHAT LITTLE COMFORT HAVE I SACRIFICED TO SAVE SOMEONE DROWNING IN IGNORANCE?' _________________________________________________________ THERE IS NO TIME FOR HESITATION AND FEAR. WE HAVE THE KEY TO INFINITE BLISS. WE HAVE TAKEN BIRTH AT THE HOLIEST TIME IN ALL CREATION AND 'GOD WILL COME TO BE THE PRESIDENT, OR TO BE THE RULER OF THE WHOLE, ENTIRE UNIVERSE, AND IT WILL BE FAR OUT, SO GET READY, PREPARE YOURSELVES.' LETTERS PLEADING FOR DARSHAN SHOULD BE SENT TO: GURU MAHARAJ JI or BAL BHAGWAN JI NATIONAL HEADQUARTERS RACE STREET DENVER COLORADO U.S.A. ………………………………………………………………. FORGET ABOUT 1984… FORGET ABOUT 2001… 1973 IS HERE AND NOW Buy your car in '74… Build your house in '75… but SERVE THE LORD IN '73 ________________________________________________________________________ MILLENIUM '73 "Guru Maharaj Ji recently compared Divine Light Mission to an airplane that has started down the runway and is quickly picking up speed. During this time of lifting off, the throttle, the mixture and the props must be pushed full forward and the airplane's full amount of power must be applied. But when the airplane lifts off ground, slowly the throttle, mixture and the props are pulled back, and less and less power is needed as the airplane begins to ascend into the sky. Then, finally, as the airplane reaches the correct altitude, very little power is needed to maintain the proper height and speed, and going becomes very easy. Guru Maharaj Ji said that this airplane will be lifting off the ground in November during Millenium '73." -- Charter Flight Manual On November 8, 9 and 10th of this year in the Astrodome in Houston, Texas, over one hundred thousand devotees of Guru Maharaj Ji will meet to give the world a practical example of what Divine Light Mission is doing. The Astrodome is the largest enclosed area in the world. It will be the perfect platform for our Lord. Between now and then the question to end all questions - 'Who is Guru Maharaj Ji?' - is being spread throughout the world. The question will be answered at Millenium. As our Lord predicted, 'Divine Light Mission will manifest in '73' Everyone should be aware of how important it is to be there and anyone who is able to find $535.00 should spend it on a ticket. As for ashram premies they have given all material wealth to the Mission and are in His care. If a relation or friend wants to pay for your ticket accept without hesitation. Any other means of making money is impossible unless you leave the ashram and that's not recommended.
The Qantas flight 530 leaves Sydney on Monday 5th bound for San Francisco where UAL charter 5842 will take us to Houston. We will be met at the airport and taken to our hotel. Everything will be arranged for us. On Monday 12th after a week of indescribable bliss UAL 5842 will leave Houston for San Francisco where Qantas flight 533 will take us back to Australia.
Total cost is $535 Aus. An extra $25 should be taken for unforseen expenses. A deposit of one third ($177.00) should be paid immediately to make sure you get a seat. Deadline for deposits is Sept. 15th. The seoond and final amount of $368.00 must be paid by Oct. 1st. Only two payments can be made. Only certified cheques or money orders can be accepted. For information about transport to Sydney, obtaining passports and visas, see your regional Millenium Co-ordinator now! What an incredible cosmic adventure this holy pilgrimage will be! ……………………………………………… EDITORIAL The general purpose of a newspaper as stated in most mass media courses is to provide information. However, divine publications fulfil two roles: information, and to sing the praises of the Lord. They are the living scriptures of this age. One function must not override the other; elaborate eulogies built on rumour only undermine our credibility and both purposes are lost. The difference between probable and real must be established in honest, reliable communication. Unity in propagation is the first aim. This newsletter cannot become a newspaper unless everyone is prepared to contribute. We can only begin to dispel ignorance with information and there is no information without a source. We have the source of all information and activity; along with verbal satsang it must be utilised in the form of the written word.
Jacques Sandoz of Shri Hans Productions, California, mentioned in a letter that Guru Maharaj Ji may come to Australia in September….Jeff Brigford, ex-drummer for Bee Gees, is playing with Blue Aquarius …. A new Ashram established in Barcelona, Spain…. Divine Sales International, England, is importing oils, incense and so on and selling them in the Common Market with other toiletries under the name of 'Mother Nature Products'.
"…Guru Maharaj Ji also needs something before giving this Holy Knowledge; what He needs is:- only a little, very little faith and a guileless heart, a child's heart…" …People who are not yet aware of the truth, they presume they are in peace and happiness but they do not know that they are in the mortal world and its nature is: to have night after day, to have sorrows after happiness… with much love, your brother Baldev Sachdeva P.S. Don't forget, please, to say my loveliest Jai Satchitanand to Mahatma Padarthanand Ji." Prom Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India ARTICLES
Waste is the medium by which our society functions. For years we have been conditioned to buy our satisfaction at the expense of our higher consciousness, our bodies and the planet we live on. People who live in the ashrams of Guru Maharaj Ji are still exploiting their surroundings unconsciously. Local Resource Officers should co-operate in their areas to ensure that waste is kept to a minimum. Become aware of how much we are still motivated by our previous habits. A few simple steps can help rectify this: 1. no plastic packaging 2, no aerosols 3. heating - put on a sweater instead of the heater. We are approaching a world energy crisis; get used to saving watts. 4. switch off lights when leaving rooms. 5. water - fill a basin to wash your hands. Don't leave taps running while you wash or clean your teeth.
7. bulk toothpowder instead of waste-making tubes. 8. olive oil or vaseline can be used instead of skin cream for housemothers' hands. 9. paper - do not use packaged tissues. Toilet paper should be white; coloured toilet paper contains dyes which are really bad news for anything living. In offices try to write both sides of paper. Use scrap paper, computer printouts. One large Aimerican company found in a survey that its staff wasted thirty million dollars worth of stationery a year! Use old newspapers as padding in parcels. 10. food - there is a world food shortage looming ahead, along with present acute shortages of crude oil, steel, wood, paper, textiles and all raw materials. So eat up on good organic food. Waste can be composted. Conclusion - Please become aware of how much time, energy and resources we waste. Guru Maharaj Ji has given us a beautiful garden in which to play out his lilas with Him. As this garden is now in great danger of turning into a swamp, we must set an example to our brothers and sisters. Respect and cherish what He has given us, tend this garden with care ……………………………………………. " The Hidden World has clouds and rain, of a different kind…made apparent only to the refined, those not deceived by thecompleteness cf the ordinary world." -- Rumi, Mathnavi "As the drops of dew in contact with the sun's rays disappear, so all theorizings vanish, once one has obtained Thee." -- Rahulabhadra I am of water the sweet taste, of resplendence I am the sun. I am the lustre of sun, moon and stars; I am the music of the spheres…I am Knowledge and realisation. Nothing whatsover exists without me or beyond me." -- Sri Krishna "WHEREIN is the strength of the devotee? He is a child of God and his devotiona1 tears are his mightiest weapon." -- Sri Ramakrishna
National Headquarters established in Sydney and a national structure set out; General Secretary - David Lovejoy Public Relations - John Perry Treasurer - Ray Millikin W.P.C. - Neville Ackland Divine Sales - Derek Harper Mobile Satsang Team - Kim, Lindsay, Trevor State Secretaries - New South Wales - David Ransome Victoria - Julie Collett South Australia - John Macgregor Queensland - Vic Marsh A.C.T. - Lindsey Stockdale Western Australia - Faith Healy Tasmania - Peter Edge To provide funds for expanded national services a gross income levy of 10% is placed on each state…. Neville Ackland appointed Millenium '73 co-ordinator …. Printing press acquired for all publications….Weekly report system introduced for Administration, P.R., Finance and W.P.C … As Divine Sales will be financially independent of regional headquarters, reports will be sent to Divine Sales Headquarters …. Mahatma Padarthanand Ji is asking everyone to listen to at least one month's Satsang before receiving Knowledge, and for those who have had previous gurus or practives, two months….Mahatma Ji travels from Adelaide (August 31) to Perth (Sept 2) Melbourne (Sept 3) Hobart (Sept 5) Sydney (Sept 6) Auckland (Sept 10) and possibly to Brisbane (Sept 15) and then to Sydney…
Public Relations
'Who is Guru Maharaj Ji?' campaign takes shape in conjunction with 'Second Coming' programme to announce the Lord's imminent arrival. Sites for billboards, 60" by 4011 and 20' by 10', are being chosen in Melbourne, Sydney, Brisbane Adelaide. Leaflets and posters prepared to announce Maharaj Ji's and Bal Bhagwan Ji's programmes.
World Peace Corps
The ever-expanding structure of the W.P.C, now reads as fol1ows: Propagation Officer Programme Organiser Purchasing and Resources Officer Security Transport Maintenance Publications Sale Flowers and Altar Arrangement Musicians Nursery Recording Lighting Electronics Street Theatre
Divine Sales
Tne Sales International wheel symbol chosen as national logo…National cheque account opened.,.Record graphs of sales takings, customers and jumbling introduced…
"Welcome into the kingdom of heaven and congratulations on obtaining the highest goal in this material world.." "Australia is waking up all over…" "The ultimate ashram is that temple which has been given us through the infinite mercy and compassion of the Lord of all creation…" "As each of us is a part of the whole of creation, then by our own effort, by effecting our own change, then we can change the face of creation. We are all members of the only real political force, the only real political force, the only real economic and sociological force that has a positive direction, so we should realise our position, our vital importance in the change which Guru Maharaj Ji is bringing about…" "The point is that Guru Maharaj Ji has come in this present age to reveal Knowledge to everyone who asks humbly with an honest heart. No sincere seeker is ever turned away from His great shelter."
"We depend upon Guru Maharaj Ji for our life force. He is our Lord of Lords, King of Kings. He is so full of Love and we are His concern. Isn't that just so fantastic?!! To be at His Feet like helpless little children as we are is enough to make the W.P.C. Commander cry." "As a devotee who experienced the subtle power of this Knowledge by not practising it, I suggest to all doubtful brothers and sisters that they check out what is going on." "Jumbling is very selfless service, especially when we have to miss the bliss of Satsang - but then we get the bliss of jumbling." STATE
New South Wales
Highly successful parents' satsang held… Divine Light Mission registered as a charity and ashrams divorced from state financial system… Bulk food co-operative established on firm basis … Sydney acquires new factory to house printing press, art team, photography dark room with motor repairs downstairs.
Second Divine sales shop opened in Greville St, Prahran…Jumbling up,to 400 houses per day … Stall operating at Monash University every Friday selling food, plants, magazines..Foof Co-Op set up…
Fifteen ashram premies living in two houses, one in West End one in Hill End….Eleven premies living on Gold Coast, six at mountaintop farm in North N.S.W….Malcolm Davey, director Satsang Cinema, has worked out propagation tour of ten Northern Rivers towns
Western Australia
Large ashram set up in West Perth ….Premie gets job in licorice factory… T.V. interview arranged….Divine Light Mission attends Ananda Marga potluck party
Ashram established in Macquarie St, Hobart…. Donation of Morris Oxford car …. 63 Salamanca Place is site of satsang and information stall … lectures on religions of the world at progressive high school….Programme at university… Contact with Director of Children's Theatre… Interview with Channel 6
"Through the infinite Grace of our Lord, we are flowing along very nicely.." "Divine Grace pouring in on us, drowning us in an intoxication of Love and Light and Supreme Bliss. Need I continue?"
Nothing More to Know - Shri Guru Maharaj Ji, November 1971
We are now coming up to a completely new era, which is emerging from the past era of darkness, illusion and mis-directed power. What is going to happen in this Kaliyuga would never have been possible, not even in imagination, in any other age. This age is so materialistic that people are grabbing everything possible from the material side of life. And not only material things, for people are receiving the True Knowledge so quickly that one can hardly believe the speed of its progress. That is why it is said that in Kaliyuga things will happen so fast that you will not even have to wait to get to God. You just have to know that Name and meditate on it. Only by immersing your concentration in that Holy Name will you achieve liberation from the phenomenal world.
This is the mystery of the Word. Saints have said that the Word is the sky, the Word is everything and the Word is light. So all the universe is resting on one single sound, the Word. See people sleeping, how they still remain alive.