Prem Rawat (Guru Maharaj Ji) / Hans Jayanti Festival / Kissimmee, Florida / November 8, 1978, evening program

"0 Guru Maharaj Ji, you are all powerful. There is nothing you can't do. I know that you can save me. I know that you can let me go, too. But I pray to you as humbly as I can, that if you find it in your heart, in your mercy, in your compassion, to save me, please could you? Could you please make sure this boat gets to the other side? Please prevent me from jumping off the boat. Please help me."

So premies, I think by now, with all the satsang and darshan that has happened, everything is so incredible that I think it can even open the eyes of people who can never see. It could make those hearts of rock melt. And of course, there's still more.

I know that this is going to be the biggest festival I have ever participated in. And yet, I really believe that if our determination is missing and if we completely neglect to take those three steps, we could have a thirty-day festival and nothing would happen. And it's so incredible that there are premies - and believe me, there is nothing unusual about those premies - who can, in one moment, make that determination. And I know as I am saying this, maybe some people are saying, "But Guru Maharaj Ji, have mercy on me. I'm not one of those. I'm not one of those people who can make that determination in their life and lock onto it."

But you are, you see. Everybody is. Everybody has that capability built-in.

Because, you see, it doesn't matter how your external form is. Guru Maharaj Ji doesn't come to you and say, "You're too ugly to receive Knowledge." Guru Maharaj Ji doesn't come to you and say, "No. You're too beautiful to receive Knowledge." Because all are external forms. All are external attachments.

Guru Maharaj Ji wants to take us inside, in his world, where everybody looks the same, where everybody looks like that Light, where everybody looks like that energy, where everybody feels like that primordial vibration. Instead of having one thing: one beautiful incredible thing that we can all merge into.

Otherwise I could screen you out as you go through a darshan line. "You, you, you, you are accepted. And you, you, and you are rejected." But no, it's not like that. Because as one devotee says, "Oh Guru Maharaj Ji, to you, there are thousands. Thousands and thousands and thousands and thousands. But to me, you are only one."

Our last resort in this whole life, I feel, is in Guru Maharaj Ji. When everything stops working, when we watch our theories go twirling down the toilet, when we watch our concepts go right with the Drano, when everything is gone, when everything is not going to materialize for us - our concepts, our things that we have always wanted in our life are not going to materialize for us -when it is the dead-end street, when you have found out that all your life you've taken a dead-end track, then there is only one person who can save you.

And that resort, every time, comes back to Guru Maharaj Ji. Because Guru Maharaj Ji is not involved in theories. To me, I don't like theories. There are so many theories in this world. I don't like theories. I don't want to participate in a theory. And even when I try to explain about lifetimes and this and that, I say, "Well, this is what they believe." To me, what I really want to express is what I have experienced and what I am experiencing. I don't believe that by theory alone you can exist in this world.

Because those theories this world has are like this concept, "God is watching you all the time." This is told to little kids. "God is watching you all the


Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker When He Was Guru Maharaj Ji, The Lord Of The Universe Being Worshipped At Hans Jayanti, 1978 time. Don't make mistakes. Don't goof. Don't do wrong things." Can you believe - a little kid goes into a dark corner and he looks up to see if God is watching him. These two great big eyes looking out of the blue sky, or a couple of binoculars sticking out right at the edge of the heaven. A big yard with one of those binoculars that you put ten cents in and they open up. God is somewhere there in his park, looking at you constantly?

And I mean, there they have these people telling this little child, "God's watching over you. God's watching over you. God's watching over you." But they really don't believe in that. Because if they did, they would kneel down right at that time and say, "Lord, here I am. Take me. You're looking at me."

No. If God is looking at you, wouldn't you like to look at God? If the Creator came on this Earth, wouldn't you all like to look at Him instead of turning around and looking at something else? In the same way, "God's watching over you. God's watching over you. God's watching over you." But when it comes down to a practical thing, "Well, if God's watching over you, what are you doing? Kneel down, look up!"

Then the other theory comes in: "Well, not that way. You know what I mean. Not that way. He's omniscient, you know. He can see everything."

"Okay, so kneel down! Pray! Do full prostrations. He's looking at you, you dum-dum. What are you doing, busy at your job? What are you doing, busy with all the things that you do all day long? Why don't you just kneel down?"

I mean, of course, the Creator has created billions and billions and billions of beings. And to Him we are so many. But to us, He's only One. So when all these theories and concepts start, when the time comes that they should pop …

It's like a parachute. The idea behind a parachute is that you put it on your back and when you pull this cord it should open up. And usually they do. Sometimes they don't! And it's "plop." And this is the way our lives are.

Okay, maybe you see something in your life that may prove that yes, that concept of yours is right. What about the other one?

You see all these other concepts about the Creator, about the God: the big beard, white chair. All these concepts. Clouds all around. Light everywhere. Little angels. Things with big trumpets. If God's got a place to sit, then God's got a place to sleep. So go ahead and try to picture a dining room, a living room, a bedroom. But it's

There's even the whole concept of pearly gates. There they are, these huge pearly gates. Why are they pearly? Why not solid gold? Why not diamonds? Why not emeralds? Why pearly?

Okay, I'll buy it. They're pearly. You can imagine them pearly. Then, before you enter the pearly gates, it's like this road goes up and there's this guy sitting there with a desk, a great big book, and a little ink pad, with a feather pen. Why not a Parker? Why not a Mont Blanc?

God created human beings. Human beings created Mont Blanc. Why don't we take a great big Mont Blanc and put it on an altar? "Here God, this is for You. Give it to Your devotee." But no, it is a feather pen.

And this book: Why not a computer terminal? Make things easy. They have this computer terminal called Apple. Send him an Apple. "To the guy with big beard sitting behind the desk, care of God, before Heaven." And then you write a letter to the guy. "Jai Satchitanand. Hope you are feeling good today. I look like this. And if I come along, would you just sort of tumble me over towards the pearly gates? You don't have to open the big ones. You can just open that little one, the side door."

It's incredible! An artist's concept, an artist's depiction of all that. And we take it. We buy it.

Before I had Knowledge I used to have so many concepts like this. We used to have some of these pictures. And there would be this picture of Krishna and he was all blue. And that's what I thought. "That's what Krishna looked like." At that time I didn't know that you can actually draw a picture and print it. And because this picture was framed, and the real ones were framed, I thought this was a real picture of Krishna. "That's what Krishna looked like."

I'm not trying to criticize things. I'm not trying to do that. All I'm trying to point out is how involved we are in them. And in fact the Truth is not lying in our concepts. Knowing what heaven looks like is not going to get us to heaven. Knowing what Krishna looks like is not going to bring us Krishna. But there are so many people who think that. And to get to heaven is everybody's dream. Even in India, people read Gita. And it's just like, "Oh yeah, you will go to heaven. If you do this, you will go to heaven."

And Krishna says, "No. There is one more place." And he says, "There is one more place from where, once you get, you don't return. And in that place, the Light is so incredible that even thousands and thousands and thousands of suns put together


Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker When He Was Guru Maharaj Ji, The Lord Of The Universe Being Worshipped At Hans Jayanti, 1978
Prem Rawat aka Maharaji or Guru Maharaj Ji, The Perfect Master: Obese And With Chin Bloated With Fat

cannot equal the Light. And that, Arjun, is my abode. That's where I live. That's me. Constant."

And it's so obvious that when we have to see that Divine Light which Krishna talks about, that Divine Light is not visible by these eyes. Why? It's so simple. You can't even look at one sun. (I mean, it's hard enough to look at these lights (stage lights). Your iris freaks out and then your muscles freak out. Your iris closes all the way up. And then your muscles try to close your eyelids. It's a natural reaction.) So what is going to happen in our lives? One day we are going to have that incredible experience (according to Gita) and there's going to be a hundred thousand suns and we are going to have our eyes shut? That doesn't make sense to me. No. Because that's not the way it is.

And I'm not talking about a concept. I'm saying there's a third eye, which is our inner self. (And it's not a third eye like a monstrous third eye. A lot of people paint a third eye. You can get these suction-cup eyes, and you put them on: third eye. Automatically that's the reaction to "third eye." But it's an experience.) One saint says that everything you can see with these two eyes is all maya, is all an illusion. But when we go beyond the process of this world, when we go beyond the process of this illusion, when we go beyond the point of this world, only then can we open up to that perfectness. Only then can we have that experience.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker When He Was Guru Maharaj Ji, The Lord Of The Universe Being Worshipped At Hans Jayanti, 1978 And you don't have to leave this world. And you don't have to leave this physical form. So how are we going to get there? What is the transport? What takes you there? It's not like a twenty-minute shuttle. But it's our effort. It's us that is going to take it there. And that's the most important thing that we need in our lives. A practical experience is what we need.

Because theories after theories after theories, stories after stories after stories, are not going to … By chanting water, you don't get water. By chanting Peace, you don't get Peace. By telling stories about Peace, you don't get Peace. Peace is within inside of us. Peace is in that satsang, service and meditation. Peace is in that Guru Maharaj Ji. And when we become one with Guru Maharaj Ji, when we tie our cord with Guru Maharaj Ji, then in fact the whole process of this manifestation becomes real for us. Then in fact the whole process does manifest for us.

This afternoon I was talking about Shri Maharaj Ji. And it's true! And it's true for you, too. He was my Guru Maharaj Ji. You have a Guru Maharaj Ji, too. And by having faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, your boat can be put across this maya, this illusion, this ocean.

Because in this illusion, we are constantly wet. The waves of this illusion are so huge that it's almost like a continuous storm situation all the time. And we try to plow our way through and we can't! It's not possible. And sometimes we get lost out there, and Guru Maharaj Ji comes along and says, "No! Get on my boat. I can take you. Get on my ship. My ship can plow right through these waves.

And what is there to hesitate about?

If you were to take a situation as simple as that, that here you are and you are in trouble and somebody comes to help you, would you refuse them? I mean, would you? Here you are. Your car went off a cliff. You got flung out of the car, and there you are about five hundred feet up in the air, hanging onto this branch, which slowly is starting to crackle, and somebody comes along and says, "Can I help you?"

What would you say? "No thank you. Thanks anyway. Not today."

A lot of times this happens to us. I know it happens to me. Sometimes I walk into a place and somebody comes up to me and says, "Can I help you?"

And I say, "No, no, I'm just looking around" Then I realize, "Well, wait a minute. Come here! What is this and what is this?"

And I know we all get boggled. A lot of times traveling in an airplane, a stewardess will come up to you and say, "Would you like a cup of coffee?"

"No thank you." Then you go, "Bing-bing-bing. They have a cup of coffee, I think I'll have it anyway."


I'll tell you a story. I don't know if it's real or not but I read it in a newspaper. (laughter) No, this is true. Because supposedly I have four 747s, according to one newspaper article. You don't have to bother about your charters. Ship them all over the world. But obviously that's not true. Don't even have a little propeller airplane. The only kind of airplanes I have are Hansi's.

So I don't really believe whatever you see in the news is true. Sometimes that happens at our own residence. Somebody will bring an article, "See. See! See what this article says!" I say, "Listen. Do you really think this is true? Look at articles they write about me and they're not true. So what makes you think that this is a true article?"

But in this story there was this guy and he filled out a 500,000-rupee lottery. And he was just a poor farmer. So he won it! To break the news to him so that he wouldn't have a heart attack or something like that, they sent a doctor. And this doctor's job was to just slowly know him, become really good friends with him, and then just slowly break the news so he wouldn't have a heart attack and die.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker When He Was Guru Maharaj Ji, The Lord Of The Universe Being Worshipped At Hans Jayanti, 1978 "You can't just stay with the question. There is also an answer.
Guru Maharaj Ji can help. His Grace can help you."

So this guy put on dirty old clothes and acted like a poor. He went over and became really good friends with that farmer. And they were talking and he would just say, "Oh, what if you win that lottery? What if you won it? What would you do?"

And he'd say, "Well, I don't know what I'd do.

And he'd say, "Well, think about it." And he wanted him to just really become used to it so that when he would spring him the news it would be just, "Okay, great! Oh boy, that's really nice!"

So this doctor started talking to him. And one day the farmer said, "I've thought what I'm going to do with my 500,000 rupees." He said, "I'm going to open up a great big factory. And in this factory I'm going to have the most ultra-modern equipment. And I'm going to take and buy a land as far as you can see with your eyes, miles and miles around. And I'm going to farm, and I'm going to take my produce and package it the best way possible, and give it the cheapest so I'll just make millions after that."

And the doctor thought about it. He said, "Why, that's true. With all that money he can buy the factory. He can buy all this land. And if he does it the way he's talking about, he will be a millionaire, a billionaire!" So the guy was just kidding, you know. He said, "Well, if you do do this, what would you make me?"

And the guy said, "I'd make you my half-partner." The doctor had a heart attack.

Because for the farmer, it was imagination. To the doctor, that was real! And he died! So, the element of surprise …

If the Lord did walk over to us and said, "Can I help you?" What would happen to us?

So I mean you look at this whole life, and you look at everything that has to happen in this life and you realize that it's all so critical. So critical. It's just like trying to put a puzzle together that's got twenty thousand pieces. And you just take one and one doesn't fit, you take it out.

I don't have a calculator, but you probably could calculate it. On the tenth of December I'm going to be 21 years old, and there are 24 hours in a day, and you could calculate how many hours … Or if you are 28 years old or close to 30 years old, or whatever your age is, calculate how many hours


Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker When He Was Guru Maharaj Ji, The Lord Of The Universe Being Worshipped At Hans Jayanti, 1978

"When we go beyond the process of this illusion, when we go beyond the point of this world,
only then can we open up to that perfectness. Only then can we have that experience."

you have lived on this Earth. And every hour has been a puzzle. Then take that and cut it down. And how many half-hours have been a puzzle? How many quarters-of-an-hour have been a Puzzle? How many minutes have been a puzzle? How many seconds have been a puzzle? A lot of seconds. A lot of seconds.

And we are putting these pieces blindly together. When we open up our eyes, is it really going to be complete? Is it really going to be right? Because that's what we are doing. We're putting this whole puzzle together without even looking at it, without knowing which piece goes where. "Why am I alive today? Why am I alive this minute? Why have I been alive for the past half an hour?"

And there must be a reason. And that's the reason that we have to find out. One day, we're supposed to open up our eyes and look. And that puzzle is supposed to be ready. It's like the Creator has given us this puzzle and said, "Go down there and put it together."

And we say, "Oh yeah. Sure. Why not? I can put it together." And are we really putting it together by all the things we do?

Everything that we think is going to bring satisfaction to us, has it so far really brought us satisfaction? It's a good question. Everything that we think is real, is it really real? Every piece that, fumbling around, we have thought that this is where that piece is going to go: is that really real? In fact, is our puzzle of our life being put together right?

And all these are questions. And there is nobody in this whole world who is going to answer that question. You. Yes, you. Every one of you is the one who has to answer it. And how can we do that?

Life is such a great puzzle. This world is such a great puzzle. We are such a great puzzle. In this life we come and here we are. We have relatives. We have friends. We have whatever we have in this life. And every time you pick up a phone to call your relative, you expect them to be there! Every time you go in front of a mirror, you expect your image to be there! Why? What's the assuring factor?

Here are a few points of reality that we have to take and compare. Are we leading a life of illusion or are we leading a life of reality? There are these shadow dancers. They put a great big screen up. Behind the screen they have a great big light. And in between the screen and the light there are the actors. Are those shadows in fact what they look like? A lot of people come to watch them, and yet there is no way they can put on a real show where everybody will be able to see it. So by putting the light at a certain angle, they make these actors look huge. Then all the detail that they have to put together, they don't really have to put together. If somebody's wearing a crown, that crown can just be made out of cardboard. It doesn't even have to have silver paper on top of it as long as the image is right. (There have been people in India who have, in the middle of a movie, attacked the screen. Help the hero out.) I used to think that those people behind the screen were really real. (I mean, I know that they were real, but in fact that they were right there!)

Mahatma Sampurnanand Ji - and this was a long time ago - used to have a little Kodak box camera, and I used to go around taking pictures with it. It didn't have any film in it. But I thought I was really taking pictures. Then I would open it up and look inside of it. "Where are the pictures?" Take the camera to the counter, to this guy who processes film, and say, "Can I have pictures?" And I mean I had all these ideas.

I was so fascinated to see a cassette tape recorder for the first time in my life. It was like, "Wow, what is this? How can it do that?" Raja Ji and I couldn't believe it. This tape recorder that didn't need a tape? The guy had the lid closed and to me it was incredible. "My God, they must have a huge room inside which is empty, and you just store all this sound in there. And then whenever you want to play it, you just play it." It all looked like a black machine - the microphone - too much! "Wow! Look at this thing."

And I would get all these toys, open them up, and look inside of them at what was in there.

It was this thing that I didn't understand. There was this whole arena that I couldn't comprehend. It was somewhere there, and I just never wanted to comprehend. I never even made an effort to comprehend.


Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker When He Was Guru Maharaj Ji, The Lord Of The Universe Being Worshipped At Hans Jayanti, 1978
Prem Rawat aka Maharaji or Guru Maharaj Ji, The Perfect Master: Obese And With Chin Bloated With Fat

I always used to think that Delhi was a foreign country. The first time I saw the ocean I couldn't believe it. As far as I could see it was all water. I said, "How come it's so small? I thought the ocean's supposed to be really big. This is very small." It wasn't like there is something that you can't see. Wherever I looked, there was a rim to the ocean. And it was like, "That's all. That's how big the ocean is."

Even now there are people who can't understand. It's just in the back of their heads. They could care less. People walk in a cockpit. Their lower jaws drop down, just looking everywhere. This guy's flying it. And it's just like what happens in our lives. We don't understand something, and we don't even want to understand something. It's too …

I mean, if we couldn't understand it, we just can't understand it. To Mahatma Sampurnanand Ji, I show different cars. I say, "Have you ever seen a car like that?"

"I don't think so."

I say, "Well it was in Malibu. You saw it in Malibu." He says, "I don't remember. I don't think so."

I can show him the jeep. He'll probably say, A never saw this one before."

This has happened two or three times and he hasn't even made an attempt to … All things that have four wheels on them are all alike. The only thing to him that's different is a golf cart, because it doesn't go, "Vum vum." It doesn't make an engine noise. But he doesn't even want to think about it. He doesn't even want to imagine it. He doesn't even want to accept it.

And there is this Creator in our lives. There is perfectness in our lives. There is Peace in our lives. There is satisfaction in our lives. But it's "I don't know Peace. I don't want to know Peace. I don't want to have anything to do with it." And now, of course, everything has gotten a bad name. "Guru." You know?

When I went for my driver's license in Colorado, it was incredible. Nobody wanted to give me a ride check. Nobody wanted to go with me. Nobody even wanted to come and look at my list and check it out. The guys in the background were mumbling, "If I fail him, he might turn me into a frog."

Now this is really true! Now, why would I want to turn him into a frog? (A donkey, perhaps, but not a frog.) Now, why would I want to do anything like that? It's outrageous! Creator has made him. He looks like a frog. Why would I want to alter that?


Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker When He Was Guru Maharaj Ji, 1978 No. But a Creator has created him and why would I want to tamper with that?

Well, anyway, the guy who did give me a ride check, and the guy who actually did check out the list, was very nice. I guess he was stuck. There was nobody else at the counter except him.

So now if this is the kind of things that people think gurus are going to do, you can imagine how far off the people are. Gurus don't come here to make people into frogs. Gurus don't come here Perfect Masters don't come here to make people into mules. People already are that! The Perfect Master comes to change us from a stubborn mule into a human being. No, really! Because we are always like a stubborn mule.

We never listen to anybody, to all the things that have been told to us. We read the scriptures; we do everything. Nothing clicks. The Perfect Master comes and tries to drag us. "Come on!"

And you just stay there. Just stay there! You're not going to budge. He can beat you. He can call you. He can sweet-talk you. But that's it. You're not going to budge. You're not going to budge. Isn't this true?

You don't look like mules. (Is that right?) Well, you don't look like mules. You don't act like mules. You don't talk like mules. But, we're so closed in our lives that we are as stubborn as a mule!

What did it take for Jesus? He had to come back from death to life to show people that he in fact has that power to give you Peace. He had to go to these people and tell them to hang their nets on the right side of the boat, or whichever side it was, and they'd get more. And still, even after all that it was like, "No, no. We don't understand. We don't believe."

That's not the way we can keep on existing. That is not the way we can keep on going in our lives. For how long is that going to happen?

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker When He Was Guru Maharaj Ji, The Lord Of The Universe Being Worshipped At Hans Jayanti, 1978 It's like a pendulum. It's always happened. Always happened. Always happened in our lives. (There's this great big bug here. Steve loves them. He's even ready to walk out in the middle of the satsang to grab it.) Well anyway, it's like a huge pendulum.

And we keep swinging back and forth, and back and forth, and back, and forth, and back and forth, all of our lives.

Perfect Master comes.

"Who are you? Get lost." He does get lost.

"Where are you? Where did you go? We need you! What's the matter with you? Help!!" It's all afterwards. All afterwards.

Same thing with Krishna. Same thing with Shri Maharaj Ji. "Who is he? Who is he, pretending to be a guru?"

When will it just be "Wow!"? When are we going to straighten ourselves out and walk straight, man? How long is it going to take us? What is it going to take, in fact, for this whole world to realize that, "Man, don't be a mule"?

There is nothing wrong in being a child. There is nothing wrong in emptying out your heart. There is nothing wrong in going to a person and asking for help.

There are a lot of people who say, "Well, we don't want to ask for help. We don't want any help." Well then what you should do is stick a couple of corks in your nose and tie your mouth shut! That Creator is giving you the power to breathe! Sustaining you!


Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker When He Was Guru Maharaj Ji, The Lord Of The Universe Being Worshipped At Hans Jayanti, 1978 And you don't want any help. Just stop it all. You will die.

To ask Lord for the help, to ask the Creator for the help, there is nothing wrong with it! And yet, in fact, what is it going to take? How many centuries, how many ages is it going to take?

And it is such a simple thing, in fact, and we make it so complicated. It is a very beautiful thing, in fact, and we make it so complicated. "You want to go to a guru? What's the matter with you? Why do you want to follow a guru for? Oh, mama, what did we do wrong' Where did we go wrong?"

I mean, a lot of people have these expectations. "I work now. I feed my kid. I send him to school. I send him to college. Then he grows big, gets married, gets a job. Then I retire. He feeds me." What do you think these lives are, some kind of a money-making machine? That's all we do all our lives: make money, make money, make money, make money, make money, make money?

There are practical people who will say, "Well, of course you have to make money if you are going to eat." So how many dimes do you see a farmer putting in an apple tree? Nothing. What does it take?

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker When He Was Guru Maharaj Ji, , The Lord Of The Universe Being Worshipped At Hans Jayanti, 1978 If this whole world really were to change and be the way it is supposed to be … And people would say, "Of course, don't you understand that's not possible? How can this world be like that? How can people just give up their farms?" And all I have to say about that is there are too many of those kinds of guys talking. That's why this world is not changing. "How can you do that? How can you do that?" Sure you can do that! That's the way it was!

It's a simple story. It's a simple thing. We have just taken those habits, primarily, and stuck them together in one place. Well, how about changing a habit for a change?

But of course, there is this whole thing. How is that possible? Well, of course it's not possible. Without Knowledge, it's not. How can you do it without Knowledge? How can you do it if people don't have that satisfaction and people don't have that Peace?

So really, we have to be straight. And it's like that example that I gave today. (His mother threw coins at temples) If all these concepts that Mata Ji used to have about throwing a dime … Every time she would drive by this temple, coming and going, she would open the window and throw money out. And just after that I was thinking about this, and it was like - so incredible. Shri Maharaj Ji, who had every power - the person, the liberator on this Earth - says to her, "Why don't you give me the money instead of throwing it out the window, and I'll liberate you?" I mean, that's the most incredible offer anybody could have ever gotten.

One saint says that you can take all the trees down and make pens out of them, take the whole ocean and turn it into ink, take all of the Earth and turn it into paper; you will never be able to write the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji. You will run out of the ink, you will run out of the paper, you will run out of the pens, and still the glory of Guru Maharaj Ji would not be completed.

So that incredible Guru Maharaj Ji has that potential, has that power. Because he wasn't joking. I don't think he was joking. He liberated me. He liberated so many people. One more: what difference does it make? That's his purpose. That's his reason. Brahmanand, a saint in India, says "How can I ever repay my Guru Maharaj Ji that has given me


Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker When He Was Guru Maharaj Ji, The Lord Of The Universe Being Worshipped At Hans Jayanti, 1978

everything? All the wealth of this world combined wouldn't even mean anything." And Mata Ji was probably throwing out a quarter. "Give me the quarter, I'll liberate you."

I mean, of course, to people it's a joke. Ha-ha-ha-ha. Probably everybody in the car was giggling. And that does sound funny: "Why don't you give me the money instead of throwing it out the window? I'll do it for you."

But: concepts, concepts, concepts, concepts, concepts. Concepts are like these banisters. They always stay two feet ahead of you. As soon as you try to grab them they disappear. It's an illusion!

So we have that option of either getting caught up in all our illusions and getting caught up in all of our concepts and in all of our maya and whatever you have, or really plugging into that Guru Maharaj Ji that can take that person, the worst, and turn him into an incredible saint. He'll take the worst kind in this world.

And it's just like, to me, I pray, "0 Guru Maharaj Ji, you're almighty. You can do anything. What can't you do? What is there that you can't do? Please protect me. Please give me the right direction. Please help me. You can do that, too. You have the potential. Guru Maharaj Ji, it's not like you have two hands, so you can only do one thing. You're sustaining the whole world. Maybe you could sustain me, too. You are all-merciful. Your mercy covers the entire world. And this world keeps on doing sin after sin after sin after sin after sin to you, and you still give it mercy. Maybe you would add on my sins to the whole sin and give me a little mercy. Keep me under your umbrella.

"0 Guru Maharaj Ji, you are all-powerful. There is nothing you can't do. I know that you can save me. I know that you can let me go, too. But I pray to you as humbly as I can, that if you find it in your heart, in your mercy, in your compassion, to save me, please could you? Could you please make sure this boat gets to the other side? Please prevent me from jumping off the boat. Please help me."

Maybe to some people it would sound stupid. "What's he trying to do? What is he saying?" But to me it means so much. Because this is exactly what I feel in my life. To me, it's not a joke. To me, I'm not kidding. To me, it's not a magic mantra.


Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker When He Was Guru Maharaj Ji, The Lord Of The Universe Being Worshipped At Hans Jayanti, 1978
Prem Rawat aka Maharaji or Guru Maharaj Ji, The Perfect Master: Fat And With Chin Bloated With Fat

Because I know that. I see that in my life, that vast umbrella of his mercy.

That Guru Maharaj Ji that is capable of destroying this whole world by just blowing at it, merely … look, if you've got any concepts that that's impossible, put it under your seat and sit on it for a little while. It is possible. I feel it's possible. I know it's possible. Because that Guru Maharaj Ji has the power of generation, of sustaining, of destroying. It is not only what I feel, but even in scriptures it's written Guru Brahma, Guru Vishnu, Guru Devo Maheswara. It's everywhere.

And, "0, Guru Maharaj Ji, who am I, really, to even request? But you are everything and can I please even request to you to help me? Because I know that I am full of mistakes, and I will make mistakes and I will keep making mistakes. But you are full of mercy. To you, there are thousands. To me, you're my only one. You are the only thing that I can have in this life, and any lives beyond -I don't know. I'm ignorant. You sustain me now. You will sustain me always. But could you please even just look at me? Could you please even just accept me? Could you please even - you know anything? Because you are all-powerful. You can do it.

And I know that Guru Maharaj Ji has saved so many in this world who would be completely drowning into that river of maya, who would be completely drowning and wouldn't even have a word to say help; whose throats would be stuffed with maya, whose whole life would be choked up. And Guru Maharaj Ji has even come and helped those.

I know that there are premies right now present in India who used to critize Shri Maharaj Ji, used to come in the back and yell when he was giving satsang. And he has even saved those.

"0 Guru Maharaj Ji, I know your arms are full with all your devotees, with all your creatures, with all your creation. But could you please just fiddle me in somewhere, just put me in somewhere so I can be on your boat? You don't have to give me a room. I'll stay on deck."

But all this prayer in our lives goes to maya. All this prayer in our lives goes to our mind. And mind is not going to give us that mercy that Guru


Maharaj Ji is going to give us. Mind is not going to save us like Guru Maharaj Ji is going to save us.

But even to have that prayer. I never say it out loud. But even to have that prayer in my heart. Maybe if I repeat it one billion times, one zillion times, maybe half of it would get to him, somehow. Instead of being as sure as writing a letter, what can we do in this life? How can we surrender? How can we get rid of mind? How can we do anything in our lives?

But you can't just stay with the question. There is also an answer. Guru Maharaj Ji can help. His Grace can help you. Then you have to pray to your Guru Maharaj Ji to help you, to give you that Grace. And then that Grace will come, that protection will come.

There is an expression that people used to say to Shri Maharaj Ji. "Just make me the dust of your feet."

And here we are. We want to be our own Joe Blows.

"0 Guru Maharaj Ji, how fortunate is your tilak that you put on your forehead. And yet I would never want to be that, because sometimes you wipe it off. 0 Guru Maharaj Ji, how fortunate is your ring that you wear all the time, but I would never want to be that. Sometimes you take it off. 0 Guru Maharaj Ji, how fortunate are your shoes that you walk on them. But I would never want to be that, because sometimes you take them off.

"0 Guru Maharaj Ji, I want to merge with you. I want to be something that I never leave in my whole life. Because what is there for me at the other end? I've already ruined it so far as this world is concerned. I've already ruined it, so far as mind is concerned. And if you let me go, there is no other place except to the pits for me."

And there are all these things that we could pray to Guru Maharaj Ji for. But we have to really pray from our heart, premies. We really have to. We can't have our mind tickling us at the same time. You know?

We can't say that prayer, "0 Guru Maharaj Ji, while you are at it, helping me, could you fill my wardrobe up? Could you make sure my shoes are clean every day?"

And I know that if Guru Maharaj Ji wanted, he could even do that. But I can't ask him for that. What right do I have? The only right that I have to ask him is to help me. If he would please help me. If he please would. Not "could." If he "would" please, "would."

Not to challenge his compassion. "I bet you can't help me. I bet you a hundred bucks you can't help me." So Guru Maharaj Ji breaks his bet and says, "You win. Here is your hundred bucks." Then what will we do in our lives? We can't play with that string, can't break that string.

We really have got to say what we sing every night. "You are my mother. You are my father. You are my all to me." And we've got to mean it!

"You are my friend." And yet, what is a friend? What is a mother? What is a father?

"Guru Maharaj Ji, you are even more to me than that. More than my mother. More than my father. You are everything to me. Guru Maharaj Ji, I give you my heart, for in you it will mellow." But we have to really, somehow, by his Grace, by his Love, by his compassion, make it come true for us, if we can.

So premies, it's just so beautiful. I always get blissed out to describe the glories of Guru Maharaj Ji. Because one thing I know is that I'll never run out of them. One thing I know, that that's one subject that is absolutely true. There is no illusion about it.

Maybe there is no newspaper cutting. Maybe you can't find it. Maybe a joke isn't really a joke, it's a reality. Maybe there are all these variations for everything.

But so far as Guru Maharaj Ji is concerned, there are no variations. There is only one thing. And it is all possible. It is true. It can happen.

So I hope I'll see you tomorrow. Thank you very much.

"0 Guru Maharaj Ji, you're almighty. You can do anything.
What can't you do? What is there you can't do? Please protect me.
Please give me the right direction. Please help me."


Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker When He Was Guru Maharaj Ji, The Lord Of The Universe Being Worshipped At Hans Jayanti, 1978