Prem Rawat (Guru Maharaj Ji) / Kissimmee Florida / November 5, 1978

Prem Rawat aka Maharaji The Fat Bloated Jowly Perfect Master 1978
So dear premies, welcome to Hans Jayanti. We've all come here together to listen to satsang, to understand the meaning of this life, to understand the purpose of this life. Because this world is really getting fragmented more and more. This world is losing its focus more and more every day. And unless that realization happens to us, unless that realization manifests within us, what is going to be our perspective? What's going to be our focus? What's going to be the purpose of our life?
Because, okay, there's so many concepts in this world. And here we are. And there must be -wow, man - there must be so many concepts in this world that it's probably hard to list them. Literally impossible. And we, every one of us, have to live with those concepts. Every one of us has to more or less face those concepts. Every one of us more or less has to deal with those concepts. And what it all boils down to is: What are our chances? What are our odds in this world of craziness? If it's not one thing, it's the other thing. And if it's not the other thing, it's something else.
But without Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, nothing is possible. Without Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, it is impossible to understand how we are even going to get through in this jungle. Because it is a jungle. We see that. It's thick, dense forest. And we have to try to make it through it. Us. Individuals. No help. No assistance.
It's almost like this mind organizes this fraternity in this world. And we have to go do these things. And some things that we have to do in this world are completely ridiculous, completely eight-ball. And we go there, and it's like what we have to do is to cross this dense forest all by ourselves - a forest that we can't see through and we don't know what lives in it. And we have to do it. We have to go through this forest. And yet we don't know how we are even going to make it. How is it even going to be possible to make it? And we pray. We pray to Guru Maharaj Ji. "Guru Maharaj Ji, please help! Help me, because I don't know what there is ahead of me. Help me, because I don't know! Help me, because I am ignorant! Help me, because I cannot see!"
The situation of this world is getting worse and worse and worse. Nothing is really getting any better. And okay, yeah, what is the point to talk about it? This whole world could go away, you know. What's the point to talk about it?
Well, we live in this world. That's the point.
We live in this world. We have to deal in this world. We face this world. And it's all going down the hill.
to have faith in their Guru Maharaj Ji. to love their Guru Maharaj Ji,
to see their Guru Maharaj Ji, to do satsang, service, and meditation,
to realize who they are, to become one with that most incredible thing!"

Prem Rawat aka Maharaji The Fat Bloated Jowly Perfect Master 1978
And in everybody's little concept its like this graph. And there's lines going vertically and there's lines going horizontally. And there's all these lines.
And there is this one line that's this world. And it's going down. It never stabilizes. It starts off way up there, but constantly keeps going down. And if you look at it that way, then of course this whole world has to have an end. This whole world has got to see a doomsday.
But are we going to be a part of it? Look, there's a lot of people and you talk to them and you give them satsang. And you say, "Listen, this world is coming to an end!" And they will say, "Well, I could care less about it. I'm only going to live two more years! This world can come to an end whenever it wants to come to an end, but I'm not going to be a part of it." But the thing is they don't know that this world is coming to an end; our world is coming to an end, every second, every moment.
Our realization is going down the drain. Our precious moments, our life, our understanding is going down. And the only person that can save us from that is Guru Maharaj Ji. And we have to come and pray in our hearts for him to save us from that ordeal. We have to come and understand that Guru Maharaj Ji has to save us and have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji.
You look at what's happening when that Knowledge really enters our life. Such an incredible experience. There's so many premies.
I've been driving around and it's completely incredible! And we had satsang last night. And it was completely incredible. And there were all these premies and there was so much love. And all this was not happening because there was some person sitting way up there in the director's chair going, Take Two! Quiet on the scene. Roll it. Action." And everybody became loving all of a sudden. "Oh Guru Maharaj Ji, I love you." And I said. "I love you."
Well, what was it? Was it for these 35-millimeter cameras? I could care less about them.
No! It was a much deeper experience. It was an incredibly deep experience that was bringing that. And of course, nobody in this world would ever understand that. Like, "Wow, man. That's impossible! How can that happen?" But that's what this world needs to know. It can happen. Because that Love is within inside of us.
And we have to bring that Love out. We have to make that Love real in our lives. Because without it, we are going to be completely alive but dead. Without experiencing that Love, we are going to be good for nothing!
Because, to me, the life that people live in this world isn't worth living. It's a chaos! It's incredible! People live this thing every day and they hate it every day! "Man, I can't believe it!" They come off a rush hour and they go, "Oh boy, I'm glad that's over! That was ridiculous!" The next day, they say the same thing. And they walk into that rush hour next day.
Maybe for some people in this world, there is no solution. Maybe they can be that narrow-minded that they might say, "Well, there is no solution in this world." And this is where Guru Maharaj Ji has always differed. This is where I have always differed from everybody.
I say, "No! There is a solution. There is a solution that can make us happy. Happy in the real sense of the word. Happy in the realizm. The real happiness."
Because there is a lot of fake happiness. You can read a joke book and laugh. Somebody cracks a joke, you can laugh. Somebody does something funny, you can laugh. You've been walking all day long. All of a sudden you sit down on a bench. And it's like, "O000h! That feels great! That's incredible. That's just beautiful." But all that happiness that might seem like happiness, all that temporary satisfaction that might seem like satisfaction, is all an illusion. Because it comes and goes very fast.
And you see this whole arena here. And this
"I can take you away from the evolution of life and
death, I can take you away from the revolution of
pain and suffering, I can take you away from the ferris
wheel of all this illusion! But only if you confide in me.
Only if you have faith in me, Only if you have trust in me"

Prem Rawat aka Maharaji The Fat Bloated Jowly Perfect Master 1978
"Guru Maharaj Ji gives us that protection. Guru
Maharaj Ji gives us that shelter. And by staying in
that shelter, by staying in that protection, we can
be safe, We can be safe from the miseries of this world."
whole complex. It's really incredible. I've been driving around quite a bit and I've given places names.
I call this Satsang Avenue. It's the road that goes behind the stage and pretty much goes around this road right there. And then we've got Port-O-Let Street. That's across there. And that comes to the Indian Bend. And after the Indian Bend comes the Concept Street. That's where all the initiators are living. And where the Entrance Boulevard meets the Satsang Avenue and Port-O-Let Street, it's called the Satisfaction Crossing. Because that's where the food tent is. And you come in and that's always where the biggest crowd hangs out. And that's the way it is.
But that's the way this whole world is. There is this crossing and then there is that crossing. And then there is this happening here and then there is that happening. But the most important thing
Okay, there is this Indian Bend and then there is this Port-O-Let Street and then there is Concept Avenue and there are all these things. And then there is the Satisfaction Crossing. But all these are for one purpose, and that is to be able to come towards the Satsang Avenue, to be able to sit down and listen to satsang.
What is happening here is not for a purpose of a great golf tournament going on. When I was in England just recently, every time you switched on a television somebody would be playing golf. That's all that was happening there. And it was outrageous, because here is this television and thousands and thousands of people watch this television. And instead of talking about themselves, instead of talking about the purpose of their lives, they're playing golf. As though as soon as you can get a hole-in-one, you will receive salvation!
And there is tennis. Raja Ji plays tennis every morning in the residence on the tennis court. And sometimes I walk down there or I look out my office window and I see them playing tennis. And I can never … Okay, they're playing tennis. But then I start looking at them and I start thinking. "Look at them! Look at them playing tennis!"
It's like this game that started when they were two years old and they never could get the ball straight. And here they are. Old. Not "old" old. Raja Ji's very young. And here he is, as old as he is, and he still doesn't have the ball right!
And to me, it's outrageous! Of course everybody has their trip. Some people have basketball. Some people have baseball. The Big Thing. Thousands and thousands of people come and they watch these NFL games and what have you. But, realistically, is that the kind of stuff that's going to get us Peace? Is that the kind of stuff that is going to get us satisfaction? Is that the kind of stuff that is going to get us to our destination? Of course not!
But what is? What is going to bring us to our destination? What is going to bring us to that beauty that we want so badly? What is going to bring us to that understanding that we want? Because I mean you look at this entire thing and it's really incredible.
And there is this whole world. And it's outrageous. This is this whole world. The world has mountains. Ocean. Trees, Bees. And all these things. Rivers and streams and you name it. And then it has people. And then it has dissatisfaction in it. Then it has craziness in it.
And then there are these other galaxies. Everybody's really paranoid. "These guys are going to land and shoot at us with their incredible laser guns." Or whatever. They have this whole project going on called "Project UFO." Whenever a space ship lands they go with their Geiger counters to check for radiation. I always turn around to the premies in the residence and say, "Wow! Why are they looking for radiation? Why would people that advanced, who could make space ships, make a ship that would leave radiation behind?" Why are we checking for radiation? What has it got to do with it?
There's all these concepts and all these theories and

Prem Rawat aka Maharaji The Fat Bloated Jowly Perfect Master 1978

Prem Rawat aka Maharaji The Fat Bloated Jowly Perfect Master 1978
"What is faith? How do you have faith in Guru
Maharaj Ji? What do you have to do to have faith in
Guru Maharaj Ji? What does Guru Maharaj Ji want
us to do? Let go! Get out of your idiotic 'conceptness.'"
all these beliefs. And sometimes you look at this at nighttime when its really clear and you see these stars. And you look right through the stars, sort of, and you just feel like, "Wow, man! It goes on and on. It's just so deep and it's just so in there."
I guess people used to imagine Martians before. But now that's all out of the question. Or people used to imagine people on the moon! Well, that's out of the question. They didn't find any there. (Maybe they all hid! "What's that weird thing walking around?")
And we look at out there" and it really blows us out. "Wow! How could it be? How could it be so incredible? How could it be so ultra-fantastic?
How could it be so 'too much' as it is?" And why do we look out there for it?
If that blows our mind, if that really gets us going, if that really gets us thinking; what about us? What about our ocean of our concepts? Of our mind? How deep is that? It's limitless! Everybody has concepts. And these concepts aren't just concepts, but it's like an outrageous thing where somebody is saying something to one person. He hears it. His computer trips on. He analyzes it. After he has analyzed it, then he says, "You're right" or, "You're wrong." And it's all based upon the concepts.
But what I'm trying to say is that all these concepts that we live in, which is such a huge quantity of them, are not the things that are going to bring us to the point where we want to be. In fact, what is going to bring us where we want to be is Guru Maharaj Ji, is that Knowledge, is that Grace. And only by having that belief, only by having that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji are we going to be able to cross this crossing. Only by having that trust in Guru Maharaj Ji will we be able to cross this ocean.
Because this ocean is huge! It's gigantic. And in this ocean you can just - what? You can let your imagination go! And you can just imagine all sorts of weird things in this ocean. And here we are. And Guru Maharaj Ji says, "I can take you across. Have faith in me."
But all of our lives we have faith in something else. And sometimes when you hear that word "faith" … what is faith? What is faith? How do you have faith in Guru Maharaj Ii? What do you have to do to have faith in Guru Maharaj Ji? What does Guru Maharaj Ji want us to do?
Let go! Get out of your idiotic "conceptness." Get out of this up and down, this teeter-totter of maya, of mind! Because definitely that's not going to bring you anywhere. Definitely that's not going to put you anywhere. Definitely that is not going to bring you what you want in your life!
And as I was saying yesterday, it's like: wish. And okay, if a fairy angel came here and said, "Okay, you have a wish. Make a wish," what would you wish? What is there to wish for in this whole world? What is good enough for you?
There is nothing. Everything that we could possibly even wish we already have! "I wish for an orange." I can have an orange! There's no problem in having an orange, especially if you are in Florida. "I wish for a great big chocolate bar." Well, there's no problem in having a chocolate bar. They have a lot of chocolate bars everywhere. All these little wishes here and there that we can make, that's already here. Look, there is even more than that here in this world.
But one wish that we have to make, one determination that we have to make in our life is that we want that Grace. We want Guru Maharaj Ji. And that's something that is good enough for us. That is something that is what is going to save us in this world. Because it's like, "If I do this, maybe next time this will happen to me." I was giving this example yesterday: "What is going to happen to us in our next lifetime?"
But Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Listen! I can take you
away from the evolution of life and death. I can take you away from the revolution of pain and suffering. I can take you away from the ferris wheel of all this illusion! But only if you confide in me. Only if you have faith in me. Only if you have trust in me. And then I will take you away from this illusion."
And our mind goes, "Wait a minute! Wait. Wait. Wait just a second! Hold on! Hang on! I don't like ferris wheels. I don't want to go on a ferris wheel."
And Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Well, I can take you away!"
And mind goes, "Well, I can take you away, too!"
And Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Well, I can take you away to that ultimate beauty. I can take you away to that incredible abode. I can take you into my world!"
And mind says, "Well, I can take you to a roller coaster. Away from this ferris wheel."
And it's like this tug-of-war. Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Well, I'll give you that incredible Knowledge that you have been looking for all your life." And mind goes, "Well, I'll give you the thrill of your life."
And this constant combat happens between us. But if we have that weapon, if we have that faith, then it makes it all an easy, nice-ending war. Just a nice, clean finish. Grace comes. Your faith comes. Your Love comes. It takes about two and a half seconds. It blows up the mind to little bits. And that's the end of it. That's it!
But only when we have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji does that happen in our lives, only when we really let go of what we are hanging on to in this world.
We're constantly thinking, "Oh yeah, well, this would be good. I can't let go of this. I need this. I want this. Well, I can't let go of this. I need this. I want this." And it's all these arrays of bars that we have arranged. We hang on to these bars. We hang on to these things.
And Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Let go. These things are not going with you!" Guru Maharaj Ji says, "Look! Come to me and I can give you that Knowledge. But you have to come to me."
And mind says, "You see? He is trying to make you work! I am saying," the mind says, "that you don't have to come to me. I'll come to you!"
And being as stupid as we are, we fall for that. "Yeah, well, that makes sense, you know? Then I don't have to go anywhere!" But what are we bargaining for? What are we going to get: that mind, that strong mind, that strong ego. And in this life, do you really think that's what this life is all about? Is that the reason why we all have come here in this world to be born, this incredible miracle that we go through and here we are? Is that the reason?
Some people don't even think about it! To them it's like, "God? What? That's all a fantasy, man. That's all this thing. 'God? What God?" Just like little shrines here and there, and here and there. "Yeah, you go pray to Ram and MI go pray to Mohammed. And you go pray to Christ," and so on and so forth. And all these little things.
And Guru Maharaj Ji says, "No! You can do whatever you want to do. But what about your inner satisfaction?" Guru Maharaj Ji says, If that's what you want to do, that's great! Okay! But what about yourself? Your true self which is not bounded by any name, any caste, creed, any legendary following?"
If your father goes to heaven, that doesn't mean you're going to go to heaven, too. Or does it? Does that mean that because your father went to heaven, you're going to go to heaven too? Of course not! And sometimes we think, "Oh boy! My father was this so I should be this too." And all these concepts. "Yeah, kid. When you're going to grow up you're going to be a lawyer." A lot of times a lot of people get these concepts. And those concepts don't take us anywhere.
We are who we are. We are going to be who we are going to be. And Guru Maharaj Ji can show us who we are, take us away from that roundabout that we always are caught up in in our lifetime. Guru Maharaj Ji can take us out of that. But only if we have that faith, only if we can have that trust.
Because as long as we have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji there is nothing in this world that'll become a hindrance to us. But when we let go of our sight, when we lose that perspective, then mind comes in and becomes a hindrance.
Because Guru Maharaj Ji gives us that protection. Guru Maharaj Ji gives us that shelter. And by staying in that shelter, by staying in that protection, we can be safe. We can be safe from the miseries of this world. And it's true!
But mind always comes in and says, "No, no, no. He doesn't know what he's talking about." Why? Why is it that when we come down and try to do meditation; "You left your lights on. Your water is running. The bathtub is overflowing. You have to make a call. Find out what time it is. You better go to bed. You're hungry. Your floors are dirty. There's a snake in your shoe."
And when you are watching a nice television show, there could be a snake in your shoe and you could care less about it! And your water could be running and you could care less about it! There you would be, waiting for a commercial. And as soon as that commercial comes (snaps fingers), there you are: "As soon as this commercial comes on, I'll go and I'll turn the water off," Your lights could be on and you wouldn't even notice it.
But when it comes time for that meditation, why does it all of a sudden obviously become such a big deal? Because we have gradually become so used to that mind, that we always keep getting taken for a ride. Mind just grabs us and takes us for a ride and we go with it. "Oh yeah, here I go. I'm going for a ride. Yippee!" And then halfway down you say, "Oh no! That's the wrong train!"
When I used to fly around I remember sometimes sitting back there … As a matter of fact I think it happened the first time, when I was coming to West. The stewardesses were talking to this guy. The airplane was already airborne. And he was very mad. He was very upset. Because I think somehow he boarded the wrong flight. And there he was. I don't know where he wanted to go. And he didn't have any option about it. He was going somewhere else! And that happens. You end up somewhere else. And that's what mind does: takes you somewhere else.
But Guru Maharaj Ji is the only one that can bring you back. And that's where we have to have faith. That's where we have to have that trust in Guru Maharaj Ji. Because you look at this world. What has this world got to offer us? What can this world give us? Nothing! Nothing whatsoever.
If you can imagine, we are blind. And we need a stick. We need a stick to find our way through. And this world says, "Oh yeah, I have a stick for you. Here it is." And every time you touch something with that stick, it breaks! And it's one step at a time. You barely get somewhere and the stick breaks, and you can't go anywhere. And the world goes, "Oh wait a minute. Here's another one." They take you a whole lifetime. And you will go nowhere.
But Guru Maharaj Ji says, "I not only have a stick for you, I've got eyes. I can give you those eyes through which you can see where you're going. I can give you that realization which you need in your life."
So premies, this is my feeling, and I've felt this a lot of times: that there is this whole world. And it's like, here I was on a ship. And I was going along and I was having a nice time and everything. And there's this whole world. It's like an ocean. And I was having a nice time and da-da-da-da was happening and everything was happening. But I was actually all lost. And then my ship crashed. My ship got wrecked. And there was nothing there!
And then I saw this island. And this island was like Guru Maharaj Ji. And in the middle of nowhere, where nothing was happening for me, where everything was nonexistent, there was this island which was my Guru Maharaj E. And in that island, I took shelter.
And in this island, I'm so happy! In this island I've found everything that I needed. Instead of having apple trees and mango trees and banana trees and all these trees, it only had one tree! And I could go to this one tree and say, "1 want banana," and bananas would come out. "I want apple." Apples would come out. "I want coconuts!" Coconuts would come out. It's an incredible, incredible island.
I was looking at this picture yesterday. It was taken on my birthday. And on my birthday, I guess (it was a long time ago), I threw a party for all the kids in my class. And so here we are sitting on our desks. And two of my friends are on either side of me and I'm sitting in the middle. And yesterday when I looked at that picture it was like going back in time - zooming through tunnels. And it was so absurd! Man! This life …
I just remember: homework, homework, homework. And it was this paranoia about it. Homework was this monster. And this monster would come in the shape of these teachers: their sticks, their canes. And it was, "Homework, homework."
And sometimes here would be this whole class and it would be really fun. It would be Saturday. And everybody would be really excited about Sunday, and the teachers were really excited about Sunday. I guess they wanted a break from the kids and the kids wanted a break from them. And everybody was excited, everybody would be excited. And the teachers would forget to give the homework!
And there's all these teachers who have forgotten about it. And all of a sudden this smart kid in this class would get up and say .
Everybody has packed their bags. Everything is done. We're all waiting for that bell to ring, so we can zoom out of the classroom. We could care less about everything. Just zoom out. And everybody's looking at their watches and just, "Tick. Tick. Tick. Tick." And wondering. And all these thoughts going on: whether the guy who's going to ring the bell, if his watch is correct or not. Slow or fast. And then somebody would get up and say, "You
want to give us some homework?"
All these kids would look at this kid like they could eat him up! They could literally eat him up! And the teacher would sometimes say, "Oh yes! I'm glad you reminded me. I almost forgot."
And here everybody had to pull their books back out. Take the homework down. And while you'd be taking your homework down, the bell would ring. All these kids would start rushing out. And here you were. And all the kids would then turn around and look at that kid again.
And it was like this phobia. And right after you'd leave school it was the homework, homework, homework. Nighttime you sat down to study and it was homework, homework, homework.
It was this whole arrangement. (It was flashing to me really fast.) And we had this whole arrangement worked out. A lot of kids had this whole arrangement worked out where if one kid didn't want to do his homework, and this kid had something that another kid wanted, he would do his homework for it and come to the classroom with his homework all done. (And of course it was ridiculous, because your copy was done in his handwriting.)
And you would be really counting on it. And you would usually come to school really right at the verge of the time when school's going to start, and be all settled, and everything is fine. You walk over to your friend and say, "Oh, can I have my copy back? Did you do my homework?" You'd be really counting on this.
And all of a sudden he would say, "No! I forgot!"
And it was: "Oh my God! What have you done? You crazy kid! What are you -?" And you try to do everything, you know, take all your books out and sit there and try to do the whole homework at that point.
And at that period … say it was algebra. And the algebra teacher would walk in. And he had given you some homework and you hadn't done it. So he would walk in and he would be teaching. And he wouldn't ask about the homework and the bell would ring. And everybody would go, "Oh!" It would be such a satisfaction. It would be such relief. Because he didn't ask about your homework! And all these things were happening. All these crazy things that would always go on in the school: Parade. March around. Carry dummy-guns. Wear a uniform.
Nine years. Nine years. (Of course the first few I don't remember. But nine years.) Slash a couple of them. Seven years. Eight years. That's what happened. And I can imagine, I would still be there, doing even more homework.
And what about all this? Isn't all this a reality? I mean, what can be more real than the Truth itself?
And I know that I have studied algebra. And I haven't yet on December the tenth of this year I'm going to be 21 years old and yet I have not used algebra in my whole life after I came out of the school. Didn't need to! There was no necessity for it. I studied geography. I have not used any geography so far. I don't need to. When I look at a mountain I say, "That's a mountain." So does Wadi-Sue! And it's incredible! But this is what we all get lost in.
And I'm not criticizing the fact Of course if I never had gone to school I would never be sitting here speaking English. I'd be sitting here speaking this language that would seem funny to you (not funny to the Indians who are here, of course). And then there would be this premie sitting over there or over there, who would be then in fact taking that Hindi and translating it into English!
But the thing is, that's only one major portion of our life. When we come out of there, we still waste
Guru Maharaj Ji, is that Knowledge, Is that
Grace. And only by having that belief, only by
having that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji are we going to
be able to cross this crossing."

Prem Rawat aka Maharaji The Fat Bloated Jowly Perfect Master 1978
our life. And if God had made this life to be wasted upon these things, then I will have to admit that there was no reason absolutely whatsoever for that Creator to make this whole creation. He made a boo-boo by making this whole creation.
Because look at the chaos in this world. Look at the misery that exists in this world. And if that is the misery that we all have to share and if that's the misery that we have to experience in this world, then this world is useless. No good. And there are people who think that, who really think that.
But by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, whose jayanti we celebrate - and of course, we have come to listen to satsang here, come to have darshan, satsang, service, and meditation … but by my Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, I've experienced that there is a deeper purpose in this life, that that's not the reason why we come in this world. That's not the reason we are born in this world. But in fact the reason we are born is to experience this incredible beauty that is there!
And we have to open ourselves up. Because if we keep ourselves closed away from that beauty, then this whole life will be in vain. What will be the purpose of this life?
Maybe when I say "purpose of this life," "aim of this life," "aim of this human life," a lot of relays of concepts click on. But really, premies, to realize ourselves, to understand who we are .. if it were our associations and our concepts and all these crazy things that we have … to get away from that and to really understand who we are by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, to me, is the purpose of my life. That's the purpose.
And I think that that's every human being's purpose in this world; to have faith in their Guru Maharaj Ji, to love their Guru Maharaj Ji, to see their Guru Maharaj Ji, to do satsang, service, and meditation, to realize who they are, to become one with that most incredible thing! And it can be done.
I am not sitting here complaining about this world. "Oh this world is terrible." Of course it's terrible. Everybody knows it's terrible. And I'm not sitting here only complaining about it, like a lot of other people do. But I'm offering a solution. I'm saying, "I have a way. There is a way that we can get rid of this misery, that we can get out of this cycle of this incredible misery that we all have to face!" But we all have to have that implicit faith in Guru Maharaj Ji.
And if we don't have that implicit faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, then this Grace, this bubble, just won't be there. And then what happens? We become vulnerable. We become vulnerable to this incredible world. We fall prey to this incredible world!
And it reminds me of this story where there was once a king. And this king was pretty drunk. And he got on top of his elephant and he really started beating his elephant. After a little while the elephant didn't like it very much, I guess, and he got mad! So he threw the king from his back. And the king went flying across. And he didn't know what happened, but when he finally came out of it, he found himself hanging on a branch. And he said, "Oh wow! What's going on?!"
And he looks down and he sees this pit, he sees this well. And there are snakes and there are scorpions and there are poisonous iguanas or whatever you have, all there - coral snakes, alligators - just waiting for that king to come in, to drop in and to eat him up. And the king is very thankful because he is hanging on to this branch. And he looks up and there are two rats eating away the branch that he is holding on to. And what can he do?
That's the situation of this world.
And of course, as always, he calls for Guru Maharaj Ji. And Guru Maharaj Ji comes and saves him!
But that's what this world is like! If we fall prey to it and we hang on to our little concepts. But they're all being cut away too! And so we have to come to that realization.
And now is the time.
So premies, again, welcome to Hans Jayanti '78. And it's incredible to have you here. Incredible festival. I think it's going to be an incredible festival. Today's the first day. And it is beautiful.
If we let ourselves be open to that beauty, then it is beautiful. And if we completely get "dis-attracted" from that, then there is no beauty. Then this can be one of the festivals that's just a complete mess! But if we open ourselves up, then we can really enjoy the beauty of this festival.
And so premies, let go of those concepts. Just relax! It's Guru Maharaj Ji's ship. Travel the streets of Port-O-Let Street, Concept Street, Satisfaction Crossing, to Satsang Avenue. (Of course you don't have to travel those streets; but come to that satsang.) Be in that satsang. Be in that service. Be in that meditation. Because without that, what is there?
And so premies, I hope that you'll enjoy yourself, and let go. Today's the first day. There's six more to go. And it's incredible. So premies, I'll see you tomorrow.
Thank you very much.

Prem Rawat aka Maharaji and Guru Maharaj Ji, The Fat Bloated Jowly Perfect Master 1978