"Meditation is the only way to liberation and salvation" proclaimed Mahatma Rajeshwar, a close and powerful disciple of Guru Maharaj Ji, at a beautiful program held in Sydney recently. The Anzac House Auditorium's films and plays were replaced by strong satsang from Mahatma Ji about the importance of the human body, how it was a divine grace through which meditation on the Light of God could be achieved. He pointed out the folly of pursuing the temporary methods of satisfaction available in this world when permanent peace is latent in everyone's consciousness. "God is hidden in everything" he declared, "just as butter is hidden in milk. But we have to know the proper way to perceive Him". An audience of three hundred people listened intently as he explained the importance of meditation in parable after parable, exhorting all true seekers not to waste time in idle pursuits when spiritual Knowledge was being offered by the Perfect Master, Guru Maharaj Ji.
Mahatma Rajeshwar's arrival, after a successful tour of New Zealand, was a blissful event for Sydney premies who have not had high holy company for over six weeks. Our resident saint, Mahatma Padarthanand Ji, has been visiting other states, inspiring the Mission into a greater awareness of the significance of propagation. He is currently in Adelaide, travelling westward on a circuit of Australia which will take in Perth, Darwin (program on May 30) and a station-to-station bush hop across to Cairns.
When Mahatma Rajeshwar's plane touched down at Sydney Airport on May 7, he was greeted by many enthusiastic premies and those waiting eagerly to receive Knowledge. He was driven immediately to the Divine Residence where he rested after a tiring journey. Over the last year he has undertaken an extensive propagation tour, including both the United States and South America.
During the rest of the day, the Anzac Auditorium program was prepared. Other than this program, there is no further news on Mahatma Ji's schedule as he is waiting on direction from the Holy Family. We can only hope he will stay in Australia for a while to provide us with his inspiration and guidance.

Ashram: "shelter", a spiritual community of Guru Maharaj Ji's devotees who have dedicated their lives to spreading Knowledge of God.
Darshan: the physical presence of Guru Maharaj Ji and/or members of his Holy Family.
Knowledge: the spiritual experience gained through practising the four meditation techniques (Light, Music, Word and Nectar) revealed by Guru Maharaj Ji.
Mahatma: "great soul", a disciple of Guru Maharaj Ji empowered to reveal Knowledge.
Premie: "lover of God", a devotee of Guru Maharaj Ji.
Satsang: "company of Truth", discourses about the Knowledge revealed by Guru Maharaj Ji.