Sponsorship Program Update
The North American Sponsorship Program, established three years ago to create a dependable base of support for international aviation operations and the presentation of Knowledge in North America, continues to grow. More than 3,600 people in the United States have now pledged their monthly support. Throughout most of 1989, support for the program has been fairly consistent, with 65 percent of all pledges being honored. However, if everybody who pledged support followed through, we'd be fully able to meet the North American pledge for our pan in the support of Maharaji's work.
If you are a member of the Sponsorship Program, but have not been keeping up with your pledge, now would be an excellent time to do so. If you want to change your pledge, please include that information when you mail your check. If you want information about how to join, drop a line to "North American Sponsorship Program," PO Box 6130, Malibu, CA, 90264. If you are not participating, but would still like to make a contribution, simply send a check to Elan Vital at the above address. Contributions are very much needed at this time and are tax deductible as provided by law.
All the News that Fits
Maharaji Post-Festival
Maharaji has been exceedingly active since the Festival of Knowledge in Miami. Since then, he has done Rejoice programs in Mexico, South America, and West Africa. He has also done a series of just recently scheduled programs in Rome, Frankfurt, Madrid, Paris, and London.
Upcoming Programs
Preparations have begun in Australia to host a visit by Maharaji some time in the Fall. Following that, Maharaji will be participating in a three-day festival in India. In addition, largely inspired by the success of the Festival of Knowledge in Miami, another international festival is now in the planning stages - this time in early December in Europe. Further information will be forthcoming as details become available.
Instructor Applications
Instructor/Speaker applications are now available through the national organization in each country. (Completed applications are then forwarded to the International Learning Center.) To request an application in the U.S., write to:
Elan Vital, P.O. Box 6130, Malibu, CA 90264,
RE: Application Request
Stories Wanted
Have you ever had an unforgettable moment, encounter, or learning experience with Maharaji that you've wanted to share with others? In View is now collecting these stories for possible publication. You don't have to be a "writer" to contribute, but please take the time to give it your ven~ best effort. All submissions should be typed, double-spaced, no longer than 750 words, and mailed to Mitch Ditkoff, 518 Second St., Brooklyn, NY 11215. Be sure to include Your name, address and phone number. All submissions become the property of In View and will not be returned, so remember to keep a copy for yourself.
Photos and Videotapes
Photographs and videotapes of Maharaji are now available for purchase. For more information, write to: Visions International, P.O. Box 4918, 'Thousand Oaks, CA 91359
Thou Art
Are you an illustrator or cartoonist? Consider contributing to the next issue of In View. If interested, please send samples of your work to Bob Agosta, 627 Rosedale Road, Kennett Square, PA 19348
In View Subscription
If you are interested in subscribing to In View, write to In View, P.O. Box 6130, Malibu, CA 90264
Mitch Ditkoff
Art Direction
Bob Agosta, Gil Hanson
Senior Editors:
Marilyn Bowden, Cliff Bowden
Associate Editors:
Tim Gallwey, John DellaSalla, Joan Apter, Kim Greene, Rosie Lee, Nora Donachie, Mary Wishard, Sherry Lee
Bruce Talbot, George Hope, Doug Bernard, Vic Marsh, Sherry Lee, Sally Reeder
Mark Appleman, Bob Sturmer, Marta Kepes, Judith Roberts, Carol Schaefer, Noel Phillips, Elizabeth Hess, Bob Halvorson
Michael Wood
Elizabeth Hess, Cathy Soffer, Carol Post
Michal Bagwell, Carol Post, Marilyn Bowden