Maharaji Answers Questions, 2004, Raj Vidya Kender DVD/161
These clips come from three sessions in which Maharaji answered questions. He usually only answers questions that have ben assem, bled beforehand and the answers prepared. He does not mention any of his usual catchwords: the breath, the t(h)irst, the joy, the heart, the blessing, the dance or go into any of his the *, the *, the *, anaphoratic rhetorical raves. This is the sensible, organised pegboard carrying administrator and leader, Maharaji, who stands at a perspex dais, who does not sit on a throne.
- the function to take the attention and put it inside - but why is the eye-squeezing, thumbs in ears and poking your tongue backwards necessary?
- The test of a Master is because he has filled something inside of you - it turns out there are thousands and thousands of Masters who fill something inside of people. Thanks to the internet we can see they're countless
- Maharaji, did you have a Spiritual Master? - Yes, I did. So, yes. Was he my Spiritual Master? No.
- I cannot criticise people for following religion - that's very generous of him but he is the God of the Rawati$m religion.
- Is Knowledge being imparted, I'm not trying to impose Indian culture on anybody - 99% of people receivng Knowledge are Indian
- Does Knowledge Cost Anything? Do I charge for it? No. - Maharaji lives in luxury supported by his true believers. If you join, you'll pay
- I have nothing to sell - True! Maharaji is a salesman he sells you nothing and if you buy it, you spend your whole life paying for it
- Within you is the most incredible treasure - Maharaji is a salesman - he sells Emperor's new undies
- Maybe I didn't even understand when it was given to me. I was very young, very very young - Actually, on more than one occasion, he claimed that he understood it was his duty and he realized Knowledge after a month of meditation
- But all it was was a seed was sown. That's all. No promises were made Hans Rawat made excessive promises about Knowledge
- Who decided that Maharaji is the Perfect Master? - It was the elite members of the Indian Divine Light Mission, whether it was his mother, senior mahatmas or Mahatmas Gurucharanand and Sampuranand is uncertain
- what I am saying is one of the oldest sayings but people think it's new - "Look within you" This is one of the foundation myths of all societies - everyone knows its ancient and its commonplace. Maharaji should google "Peace Lies Within" or something similar or talk to Jane Seymour
There are four techniques. Very simple and the function to take the attention and put it inside. Why do we need them? You have fantastic eyes. Fantastic. Incredible. Complex. And they can see a lot, can't they? Your eyes can see a lot. Guess what? My eyes that can see so much, so small and so big can't see themselves. When something falls in the eye, they can't see it. What do I have to do? Go running to a mirror and in the mirror I see my own eyes. That's all Knowledge is. A very simple mirror. A way to take the focus, to take the focus and put it inside. The reality is in you.
You have good eyes and you see a lot but there are birds who see more than you. You don't see the entire spectrum. That doesn't mean there isn't one, but you don't see the spectrum. Just like for years and years and years people didn't know that there was anything more than to the light than the typical rainbow. This is the spectrum you could see. There is other spectrums that these eyes are incapable of receiving. And if you want to see that spectrum, you have to get some kind of a converter that will convert the infrared to what?? and bring it within the spectrum of these eyes. Then you will see. Then you will know.
Maybe knowledge is a little surprising. It brings into your spectrum, maybe what you didn't know exists inside of you. Maybe you didn't know. Maybe you didn't see it. That doesn't mean it doesn't exist, something to help it, bring it into your spectrum and let the heart be the judge.
Who Decided that Maharaji is the Perfect Master?
Ah, that's a cute question because nobody decides. You see very important to understand we are victims of labels and this is a disease. This is not good. This is a disease because we say or we see a place and it says 'water' and we say 'water' and everybody will go there. Tonight, if you are lost in the jungle and somebody says to you "Don't worry. There is plenty of light The sun is shining on the other side of the Earth." What good does it do you? Does it do you any good? If somebody gives you a whole philosophy, "You know the sun never set. It's still there. It just went around and it's on the other side of the earth. So that's why you can't see it. So it's not really dark because the sun is still shining and how can it be dark if the sun is shining?" Bad philosophy. Very bad philosophy. You need the sun overhead to see. And you have to wait. Cannot make it come any sooner. You have to wait and it'll come and with that it will bring morning. And when it comes you will be able to see and that will be what. your day. It might be somebody else's night but that will be your day and there will be light again.
The test of a Master is not because he has a label. The test of a Master is because he has filled something inside of you and only you must determine that. Not because 70,000 other people have determined that. That's no good. That's not how it is done.
Maharaji, did you have a Spiritual Master?
Yes, I did. He was also my father. How convenient. Um and he is the one who also gave me this gift of Knowledge. See that was short and of course I am eternally grateful. What he gave me. Maybe I didn't even understand when it was given to me. I was very young, very very young. But all it was was a seed was sown. That's all. No promises were made. A seed was sown and it's care was left up to me. You water it. You take care of it and it'll grow. Today I can say that it has grown immensely. Today I can rest in this shade. Eat of its fruit and enjoy having this oasis in my life. I mean that's one analogy or one way to look at it. So, yes. Was he my Spiritual Master? No. Was he my Master? Yes. I don't need to define. What he has done for me has affected every facet of my existence. Every facet of my existence. It has changed everything for me. Good times. Bad times. They don't stop. They come. They don't come little by little either. They come in full swing. Full floods. And yet having that home and having the key to that home. Having the address to that home. At least I can visit that home inside of me. And I know, wherever I go, whatever I do in which corner of the world I fly to, this place inside of me exists. So I am eternally thankful because this life could have been a living hell. A living hell. I see that in so many people. And yet I also see those people who have the gift of Knowledge. Their life has been transformed so beautifully. Maybe they don't always appreciate it. You know that's hard to always appreciate it. But as years roll by slowly and slowly and slowly the appreciation grows of how beautiful it is to have that gift of knowledge in this life.
Can Knowledge be imparted to everyone regardless of religion, color or creed?
It is, not a question of can it be? It is imparted to people. I'm very sensitive to this issue. I've always worked with people. I always have to tell them "Don't try to make it a statement, that you are partial to one or the other because there's - you see people follow the religion because they do. They do. Some times it's like you're born Christian. You didn't consciously decide you want you just you just were. Your father was doing it. Your mother was doing it. Your brother was doing it. So you did it too. I mean so many of you, did you consciously choose to go sit down in the park, do pujas in a Hindu family or you were dragged. Sit. Fold your hands. Put this flower there. Ring the bell. Do this do that. So people follow religion because people want to follow religion.
I have I cannot criticise people for following religion. I cannot criticise people. They want to, they want to and that's why religions exist. Religions exist because people make them exist. They don't exist because nobody is nurturing them. If if there was nobody to nurture them, they wouldn't exist anymore. So if people want to believe in those things, people want to have faith in those things, fine! What's the problem? You think Hindus don't eat food? Just because they're Hindu. They don't need to eat. You think something is different for them? You think Christians don't eat food? No, the basics and fundamentals are irrespective. You think hunger looks at the colour of the skin or religion? No. Hunger is hunger. Whether you decide to go on a fast due to religious reason, hunger is still there. Hunger doesn't say, yeah, I'm not going to come today because you're doing this for a good cause. No, the hunger is hunger. Pain is pain. Suffering is suffering. Joy is joy. So it has nothing to do - and colour.
People see. You see, this is what we are taught. We are taught to see the differences. Take five children. Young ones. Two year old. Three year old. Put them in one room. You think they're going to see the difference? No, they don't care. They'll play. They'll do anything. They'll grab one's ball, put it in the other one's mouth and other one's ball, another one's not hit, the other one scream at other one. They don't care. After they have been educated either by their parents or by the systems. Ahh. But look, he he's from Africa now. This is Africa and he's from Africa. Then we are taught to see differences. And you know what I see? I see similarities. I don't see differences. I see similarities. I see that the person in Africa feels the same as a person in Malaysia, as a person in Australia, that there is no difference. People say "Yeah, but cultural difference." Come on. What cultural difference. They all do the same. They may dance a little differently, but they all dance. They do. They may wear clothes a little differently, but they do. Maybe the fashion is not to wear anything, but they do. That's fine.
Then people say "Language." Now think, think. There are so many languages in this world but they say the same thing. Otherwise they would not be translatable. And I run one of the biggest operations of translations. Believe me, everywhere I go, my events have to be translated in, I mean, this is what we were talking about, we're gonna have a 5 day program in Australia and how many languages we need to translate. There's Japanese. There's Chinese. All the dialects of Chinese. There's one um one of the primary one's gonna be English Channel. There's going to be French Channel. There's gonna be Italian channel. There's gonna be Spanish channel. On and on it goes. We don't have enough channels so I don't know how we're gonna do all of it but because they are translatable there is your proof positive that they're saying the same thing. They're just saying it different.
So Knowledge is being imparted, is being imparted. I'm not trying to impose Indian culture on anybody. I'm not trying to impose Western culture on anybody. I'm not trying to impose any culture on anybody. This is people's own freedom. My job, my task is to make Knowledge as neutral as possible. I don't always succeed. But yes, it is being given.
Does Knowledge Cost Anything?
I go place to place and I talk to people about life. I talk about simple things. I do not talk about complicated things. People who are interested in feeling that feeling. I offer them a way to go inside to take the attention that is always going out there and to put it inside and to feel the feeling that is within. That's all I do. Simple as that. As simple as that. Do I charge for it? No. Why? Because the feeling is already inside of you, I don't create it. I cannot bring it for you. It's already there.
Nothing to sell. I have nothing to sell. I'm not a sales person. Nothing to sell. My commodities already have been placed inside of you. I come and I remind people, remind because what I say, you know. It's not complicated. It's very simple and it's all about you. You. Not about me. About you. Not as a group. Not as a group. But each individual This is your journey. This is your path. This is your life.
Within you is the most incredible treasure.
This is what I do. I go around the world and this is what I talk to people about. Maybe in a funny way. I'm not Socrates. I know that I don't have his wisdom. I know that. But I say to people. Very similar things. No less help. In this day and age where there is a million seminars going on and a million lectures going on. How to solve your problem? How to become a better cook. How to become a better father. How to become a better mechanic. How to save $0.05 on your washing. How do you get clothes white with smaller amount of dishwashing liquid or or laundry liquid.
I talk to people about knowing your self. I say to people. Look within you because within you is the most incredible treasure you could ever imagine. And not all people understand me. Amazingly enough, they think I'm saying something new. How little do they know that what I'm saying has been said many, many, many times before.
Perhaps what I am saying is one of the oldest sayings but people think it's new. People think it's different. People think it doesn't apply to them. People try to analyse, what does that really mean? It means you. So simple and so beautiful. And that is what I am offering to people. here. If you're interested you can contact, find out more information. Come listen. And if you're not interested, fine. The treasure will still be inside of you. That beauty will always be inside of you. If you're not interested, that's fine. But just remember that you are blessed. That the most amazing miracle has taken place. And that miracle isn't a tree growing from a rock. But that miracle is you. You are the miracle. So that it's that simple, is what I offer to people, what I say to people. The rest is up to you. There is more, get to know that more that is inside of you.
This is what I do. I go around the world and this is what I talk to people about. … I go place to place and I talk to people about life Maharaji and his former character, Guru Maharaj Ji, have been travelling since he was young but his message has really always been "Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me!" If you want peace, then come to ME! I AM the source of Peace in this world