6-B THE DOMINION-NEWS Friday April 7, 1972 Morgantown W. Va.

GURU MAHARAJ JI and Mahatma Guru Charanand have returned to the United States, where an estimated 3,000 devotees live. This is the guru's second visit to the U.S. Divine Light Mission offers 'true knowledge' to devotees.

By CATHERINE POWELL Dominion-News Religion Editor

"Divine Light Mission is offering you the true knowledge of inner peace. The cost is your Love."

This invitation to participate in Satsang, or holy discourse, has been issued in cities throughout the United States, and the world, bv followers of Balyogeshwar Shri Sant Ji Maharaj.

The 14-year-old guru was born in the Himalayan Mountains the youngest son of an Indian holy man He began meditating with his father at the age of two. The the age of two and one-half, he was giving discourses and at four he gave lectures in English.

Guru Majaraj Ji, as he is affectionately known to his followers was in Morgantown last fall during his first visit from India to the United States. His visit was sponsored by the India Association. Following his departure, those who had heard him formed a Divine Light Mission.

The Morgantown group has grown slowly, but its members have been intrumental in organizing followers in Pittsburgh. The group also has distributed leaflets in Fairmont and Clarksburg and recently started a House of Brotherhood coffeehouse in Clarksburg.

Premies or lovers of the guru, enthusiastically, speak about the peace they haye obtained since they have "taken knowledge".

Morgantown premies described the process of taking knowledge as an experience rather than a philosophy. It is done through meditation with a mahatma "to rise above illusion and difference to merge into the Oneness, which is God, which is our own True Nature.

GURU MAHARAJ JI and Mahatma Guru Charanand have returned to the United States, where an estimated 3,000 devotees live. This is the guru's second visit to the U.S.

Satsang is held at 2.30 p m each Sunday at the Kennedv Youth Center Chapel. Nearly 20 persons were present at a recent gathering. The topic of discussion was the recent arrival of Guru Maharaj Ji for his second visit to the United States.

Nancy Stevens, a member of local Divine Light Mission was in New York last week when Guru Maharaj Ji arrived "At the airport, reporters asked Guru Maharaj Ji how it felt to be back the U. S. Mrs Stevens reported "He told them that he felt like a gardener who walks out into his garden the first time and sees a few flowers. This time, however, he walks out and there are many flowers." The Guru claims to have "given knowledge to three million people, including 3,000 in the United States.

Followers of the guru believe he is a spiritual master. They also hold that only one Perfect Master is on the earth at a time. Past spiritual masters have been Christ, Buddah, Ram, Mohammed and Krishna.

Premies study scriptures from the Bible the Aquarian Gospel, Buddha's teachings and the Bhagavad Gita. Each of these scriptures has in common references to the Word, the Light, and the unprounceable name of God.

Asked whether they believe the guru's teachings conflict with the traditional church, the premies replied negatively. One person noted that a prominent Episcopalian minister in New-York is a premie

"Guru Maharaj Ji says his teachings compliment" what religious faith you have." Jim Stevens, of Morgantown said. "He says if you are a Christian he will make you a better Christian."

Devotees are urged by the guru to keep holy company Ashrams, or houses of devotion, have been established in more than 20 cities throughout the U.S., Mrs. Stevens reported.

Morgantown premies are among those who are attempting to establish an ashram in Pittsburgh.

DEVOTEES bow at Guru Maharaj Ji's feet They hope that when it is completed, the guru will visit.