Maharaji at Amaroo, 24th April 2001
There's a feeling of triumphalism in Maharaji's speeches at this 2000 Amaroo event. He feels that he's very clever, very excited: miracle of miracles, what the divine is, to know, wonderful, wonderful, wonderful stuff but there is also the frustration, the bitterness: useless analysis, don't tell me, to that one person … "You're wrong." making hundreds of thousands off Kabir, what about listening to the message of that person? Do they have some expertise? Instead of just listening …
- Maharaji starts off this speech with a totally wrong concept about human beings. He speaks "from experience" that we are "born into this world" without likes, dislikes, personality and for evidence quotes ideas about movies, current affairs and politics
- Has a whinge about another of his pet peeves analysis, research, ideas, concepts - Analysis of his claims and his life is something he hates
- Kabir died penniless. Today, people are making hundreds of thousands of dollars with his poetry - Just like Maharaji who receives donations from people who believe he is the reincarnation of Kabir, the Perfect Master and only realized soul of all time. No wonder he feels a little aggrieved. As Kabir he was scorned and penniless, as Prem Rawat he's just scorned. He should be grateful.
- And what about listening to the message of that person? An eternity of not being listened to
- Breath is the miracle of miracles - not just an ordinary run of the mill miracle
- And people say," Well, I have some questions for you." - How frustrating, he's making the greatest offer of all time and people have questions?
- Cleanse this vessel with sanity, clarity, reality … And then learn to live, every day, all over again there's been another 25 years of this relearning
Edited excerpt, Maharaji at Amaroo, 24th April 2001
It is wonderful to be able to come here, it is very special, because the focus of coming here and being here is about this love, this existence. And truly I can say one thing, and this is from experience, that so many people take this beautiful vessel that is handed to us empty and fill it up with stuff that is absolutely unimaginable. Because when you look at a person who is born into this world, what are they like? Who are they? What is their personality like? What are their likes and dislikes? There are none, zero, nothing. All the concepts that we have carried with us all our life - which color we like , which color we hate, which movies we like, which movie we don't like, what's happening in this world, who is a good president, who is a bad president - did not come with us. We forget this. In this wonderful, incredible existence, were you born with this? Was anybody on the face of the earth born with this? It is something that is placed within this vessel of existence, of this life, as its purity is robbed meaning that we will never get to taste the real flavor of what it is that has been provided, that has been given. Because it will be contaminated by all the other stuff.
You can't define simplicity
The problems come, no questions about it. The issue is, how do you react? When I mention to you simplicity, what runs first, "Ah! Simplicity, that's really complicated. How do I explain simplicity. Let me define simplicity. Let me analyse simplicity." But simplicity is not in the realm of analysis. I used to analyse everything. And one day I realised: why are you analysing? Things are not going to change because you are analysing them.
Not tomorrow - now!
We say, "This is my concept, this is my belief, this is my idea, this is how it is." So then, what is the practical value of knowing? To know, not to speculate but to know, not about tomorrow but about now. To know about this life. To know that you exist. People are like that, they say, "Don't tell me I exist, I know I exist." No you don't, that's the problem. You only find that out when you get hit and you find yourself flat in the gutter. That's when you go: "Oh my God, I exist. What happened?"
Somebody comes along and says to you, "Know." Not 'no', 'know'. I guess when they were coming up with the English language they figured not many people are going to know so let's make both words the same. "No, no, no, I don't know." That which you are supposed to know, you don't. No know. And historically, people say to that person, "You are wrong". To those who are truly wrong they don't have the guts to say, "You're wrong." But to that one person who is trying to deliver the message "Hey wake up", they say, "You're wrong." Later it's very easy. "Oh, you were the greatest. I love your work, you were incredible, such wisdom." During that time? No such animal.
Kabir died penniless. Today, people are taking his work, translating them, and making hundreds of thousands of dollars. Yet he was ridiculed by everybody. Criticism is so easy.
Fact doesn't matter. Fiction, yes. And what about listening to the message of that person? What about what was being said? No trace. It happens again and again and again. It's not a question of a lifetime: it happens every day.
This is my life
This is the opportunity of this life. That's the opportunity of every breath. Don't take a breath and lose it. You don't have to. It is the miracle. It is the miracle of all miracles. You don't know what divine is if you have not experienced that breath as it comes and fills you. You don't know what simplicity is until you have experienced this miracle touching a human being and saying, "Yes. This is my life. This is my existence. This is the most divine thing that will ever happen to me. This breath comes and touches me. Like a harp, it plucks that string, and this incredible resonance resonates through my whole being." For so long, the strings of this harp were taken away, for 'safe keeping'. Then somebody came along and said, "You know, you're a wonderful harp. Let me string this for you. Let me tune this for you. And then you will be able to play."
Some people don't see any logic in that. They say, "If I do that, my strings might break. If I do that, my strings will wear out. So don't you think it's best if we just leave the strings in a safe place and have the shell of the harp? And maybe we can talk about how wonderful these sounds can be. Maybe we can just write about them. Maybe somebody could just make one CD. A sacrificial lamb amongst us could be strung and that one could play the harp. We will just record the CD and then give it to everybody else, then everybody will then know how wonderful it is." But if somebody comes along and says, "What about that harp that is playing within you?" People's first reaction is, "Don't you think the other idea, of keeping everything safe in a box, is better?"
Here comes somebody who says, "Look, I have a way which can fulfill your life." And people say," Well, I have some questions for you." What do they want to know? Do they have some expertise? Instead of just listening, people ask, "Is this about … ?" It would be as if you've been looking for a girlfriend and finally you meet this wonderful, wonderful person who she says to you, "I love you and I would like to offer you my love." And you say, "Well, look. I have a few questions for you."
Learn to love life
So stop wasting time. Cleanse again this vessel that you have been given. Cleanse it not with stupidity, but with sanity. Cleanse it not with hate, but with love. Cleanse it not with dreams, but with reality. And then learn to live, every day, all over again.
There is wonderful stuff planned, this is the start. We are here, it's wonderful, it's wonderful to see you. Really enjoy yourself. Please enjoy the event. Get in touch with that thirst, get in touch with what it is to be alive. Get in touch with what it means to love, to love life. You know what it means to love a friend. You know what it means to love a woman or a man. Figure out what it means to love life. Figure out what it means to be alive.
Copyright (c) Visions International 2001