Something in Your Heart
Wants to Know

Something in Your Heart Wants to Know

"Guru Maharaj Ji invites the people who have received this Knowledge to accompany Him in the adventure of revealing this Truth, revealing this Knowledge to the whole world."

Guru Maharaj Ji
Lima, Peru
November 18, 1976

"And it's like, if every premie, you know, really cooperated in their service and directed the service so that I can use it to spread this Knowledge into this world, I'll tell you before I'm 25 this whole world can have peace."

Guru Maharaj Ji
May 30, 1974

This brochure is designed to help you understand your part in this adventure of bringing Knowledge to the world.

Excerpts from a letter from Ira Woods…

When we focus our lives on Guru Maharaj Ji, automatically we must merge into His purpose, because He is one with His purpose. His purpose becomes our purpose because he has created love and devotion inside of us for Him. And that really goes for every premie. For propagation to really happen, we all must feel that same inspiration to be servants of the Perfect Lord. He has offered us the greatest of all opportunities to merge in Him and actually become one with Him. When we remember what it is that Guru Maharaj Ji wants done, and we ourselves are involved in meditation and satsang, then all our service takes on a meaning, it has direction, and then so much Grace surround us.

So much of what we do is for ourselves, always forgetting that there are so many other brothers and sisters who in their hearts are dying to experience their Lord just as we are. Maybe we can say that we don't care about them, but I never hear Guru Maharaj Ji say that. Recently He told us that the public is, in fact, His potential premies. And still we forget the purpose of Guru Maharaj Ji's mission to bring the Holy Word to all the brothers and sisters of this world.


During the week of May 20th through May 27th there will be a series of public programs in the communities which Guru Maharaj Ji selected just after Holi (L.A., Denver, N.Y., D.C., Philadelphia and Miami).

The Miami programs are:
Tuesday, May 22
Satsang Hall
2650 S.W. 27 Avenue
8 P.M.
Thursday, May 24 and
Friday, May 25
1350 S. Dixie Highway
Coral Gables
8 P.M.
  • MAY 13 - 19
    A postering team putting posters in some of the area stores and restaurants. Plus, invitation cards will be available at the service desk (at a small charge to defray costs) to give to people you meet and with whom you share satsang.
  • MAY 20 - 25
    Three introductory programs. During that week there will be 17 spots on Love 94 FM and WA1A FM and newspaper ads in The Miami Herald.
    Inviting people to other introductory programs. Newcomers interested in taking steps to receive Knowledge will have an appointment with an initiator or a premie from the aspirant team and then become involved in the aspirant program.
  • JUNE 10 - 16
    Another week of preparing for public programs that will happen the week of June 17-23. More newspaper ads, radio commercials and possibly a T.V. spot that Guru Maharaj Ji suggested. During this week an article in Life magazine and an interview in the Miami magazine will also appear.



    These pocket-size cards have quotes from Guru Maharaj Ji, location of introductory programs and the DLM telephone number where they can call for more information. These will be available for a small charge.


    Quotes of Guru Maharaj Ji and introduction to Knowledge. These will be given free to guests only at introductory and public programs.


    These will contain the answers to questions that Guru Maharaj Ji gave for an article in Miami magazine. They will cost less than 25 and because of limited supply will be sold to guests only.


    This introductory magazine may or may not be ready by the first series of programs, but soon.


    Four 10-minute edited clips of Guru Maharaj Ji's satsang for use at public or introductory programs.


  • Everyone is encouraged to bring a guest to the Tuesday introductory programs at the satsang hall. In one Australian community, each premie had the service of giving satsang to at least one new person every day and inviting than to the program. 135 people became interested in one week and 85 actually became aspirants.

  • In the new Light Reading magazine, satsangs written by premies are welcomed (perhaps similar to those in the book, Who is Guru Maharaj Ji?). They should up to 1,000 words, typed and double-spaced. Send to:

    Light Reading
    c/o Shri Hans International Productions
    31149 Via Colinas, Suite 610
    Westlake Village, California 91361

    Any type of introductory material or ideas for propagation can be sent to:

    DLM National Headquarters
    P. 0. Box 390959
    Miami Beach, Florida 33139

    Attention: Ira Woods

  • AMP. Financial service is needed. Propagation activities are supported solely through AMP. At this time about 150 out of 350 premies give to AMP - that means 200 more premies have a chance to serve in this way! As propagation expands support is badly needed.

  • Leaflets and posters will be available after satsang in the premie information area.

  • Premies are needed for service involving introductory programs and the aspirant program. Call Susan Hubley at the DLM office, 667-4136.


Every one of us has to see that we are a part of the aspirant program. By His Grace, the public programs are going to introduce many new people to Guru Maharaj Ji. We have the opportunity to give of ourselves in helping a new brother or sister come to His Lotus Feet.

It's important that when a person comes into our community the focus is on Guru Maharaj Ji. Guru Maharaj Ji says that when a community is strong in satsang, service and meditation, a new person doesn't have to wait as long to get that momentum to receive Knowledge.

If you know of someone who wants to become a part of the aspirant program and receive Knowledge, here's what you can suggest to them:

  • Have them come to introductory satsang on Tuesday nights. At these programs, the initiators, ushers and premies at a guest reception area are available to answer questions, have satsang, and just generally be there to respond to a new person's needs.
  • If a person wants to become involved in aspirant satsang, have them make an appointment for a one-to-one satsang by calling the DLM office or asking at the introductory program itself.
  • Once they enter the aspirant program or when you feel they are ready, invite them to nightly satsang.

These things are set up to give each person that love and care Maharaj Ji gives us, and help focus them in an environment of satsang and service. Guru Maharaj Ji has a high standard of dedication for a person to receive Knowledge. To even begin to share with aspirants, we have to aspire for that complete dedication ourselves. We don't want to mislead them or lead them part way.

One request: Please do not accompany the new person to aspirant satsang or send them before they've had a chance to have some individual attention.


"The first and foremost thing we have to understand is: What are we trying to do? And what we are trying to do is to spread this Knowledge, is to spread this Grace, is to spread this Word."

Guru Maharaj Ji
Coordinators' Conference
Rome, Italy 1977

"You see propagation; let's eliminate for instance what happens before and what happens after. To me, and I guess by the examples I give it quite proves it, to me propagation is that one moment, one second when you first meet that person and tell him about Knowledge. That is, to me, propagation. And in his heart, in that person's heart, either you can make the biggest barrier which will be the greatest mistake you ever make. And this is how serious it is. Because if that person does not receive Knowledge and does not find peace because of some stupid thing you did, then you are responsible for it; by all means you are responsible for it. Because you did it…"

"So when I put it this way I hope I make it quite clear how serious this matter is, and that it's just not a simple thing of you just going out and passing out leaflets or you just going out and just doing anything you want. It's a very, very serious thing."

Guru Maharaj Ji
Guru Puja Conference
Miami, Florida, 1977

"But you just can't - it's just like we go back into that same thing where those satsangs were given, and it was like, you just can't, don't go up to a person and say look, you just dedicate everything you have and so on and so forth. But it has to be a real, clean approach, it has to be real - almost a perfect approach."

Guru Maharaj Ji
Montreal Conference
May 2, 1977

"We have to organize so many different people into one format, into one way. My example of our situation, what Divine Light Mission has to do for people, is that we are a clothing store, and this clothing store manufactures clothes and ready-made suits. But it has to manufacture its clothes in such a way that as soon as the buyer goes into the shop and picks up the suit, it fits him perfectly.

And you can imagine the problem involved in making a suit that will fit him perfectly the moment he puts it on. And yet this is what we have to do."

Guru Maharaj Ji
European Regional Conference
Essen, Germany, 1975

"In service there has to be so much Grace, there has to be so much understanding, there has to be so much togetherness, there has to be so much oneness, there has to be so much sensitivity, and surrender that by all means that service that has been given to you, you will be able to accomplish it. And this is, you know, this is the understanding that we all have to have. And that kind of understanding doesn't come by me telling you, that understanding comes from within you, that understanding comes when you really see the need for that understanding then you really realize that you're lacking that in your life. Because there is a way to get it, and that way to get it is by satsang, service and meditation."

Guru Maharaj Ji
Conference Satsang
Rome, Italy
November 17, 1977

Quotes and picture, © DLM 1979