The Essence of Your Life, Maharaji, 2005, DVD E074

This video was shown on the Gold Coast at a rented Broadbeach Hall on 11h September 2005.

Maharaji: The Essence of Life Maharaji inadvertently (or not) gives his premies a nod and a wink: "How do you know what goes on in my mind? How do you know what I really think? Ha ha." Its obvious to most people what goes on in his mind - he's a scammer - which is why he is such a minor figure with relatively few followers despite the staggering amount of money his followers have provided him and the sophisticated organisation that has supported him for 40 years since he became 'Maharaji.' He says he left home when he was very young and went travelling and told people that they were very precious and unique. Everyone in the audience knows he is lying. Nearly all of them knew him as Guru Maharaj Ji and what and how he used to "give satsang." They recall his demands for worship, for surrender, for a Boeing 707. They recall his demanding that all copies of those very speeches he has just mentioned from the 1970s be destroyed.

As always, He posits an unrealistic possibility of joy in human life, a joy that none of his followers have ever attained, as he shows by always telling them that they could and should. In this speech he stresses how it must be an everyday practice, continuously repeated in the hope that their heart of rock will be transformed and flow down the river of joy, tranquillity, clarity into the ocean of joy, tranquillity, clarity and eternal peace. He doesn't use the word 'meditation' in any form but the speech is apparently all about exhorting his students to meditate more and more. He mentions 'comfort' 31 times in 57 minutes, it seems that's his priority.

The Essence of Your Life, Maharaji, 2005, DVD E074

The Essence of Your Life

To realise something beautiful in this life. This is what it's all about. The rock looked down and saw the water flowing in the river and the rock said to the water "Where do you go?" And the water said, "Oh, everywhere. I go down. I flow through valleys. And I flow and I flow and I flow till I come to the ocean. And then I even fly. And then I come and I become snow and then I melt and I flow again." And the rock said "That sounds very interesting. I want to be like you. I want to flow too." And the water said "Well come join me." "So well if if I became you I wouldn't be me" and the water said "Yes. This is true. You wouldn't be you but you would have to learn. You would have to become something that could accompany me, that I could take. And yes, you wouldn't be like this big rock you are. But if you are willing to adapt a little bit, if you're willing to change a little bit, then you can definitely join me. I'll take you."

When it comes to change. That's one of those things. So far the changes are what we have dreamt about. So far the changes are those that we like, then it's Okay. But if the changes are something that we don't expect in our lives, we don't like. There are many people who stand there you know and they go "Well. Change is good. Change is good. Change is good." I don't know, I don't know if change is good, change is bad because some changes are bad, some changes are good but so far that change allows me the freedom, the freedom to go where I really want to go and here are the the list of items that that place that I want to go is not a place that is created by my ideas. Ha ha. That's a big, big order. "What do you mean it's not created by your ideas?" No. Not ideas. Not what I think is "Well, will this be socially acceptable?" because, believe me, in this in this world of today everybody wants to be normal. I don't know what normal is but everybody wants it so that when somebody looks at you, you are normal. You are just like every one else. Then it's Okay. If you are different then maybe you don't belong. You are not s-o-c-i-ally acceptable. In this world, you don't have to accept you. Everybody else has to accept you. This is a problem. This is a big problem. This is a very big problem because how is everybody going to accept you?

You know when I when I was very young kid I left my country, I left my home and I travelled and I travelled and I travelled and it was always different. It was always different. Different cultures, different people, different languages, different food, different ideas what it was to be socially acceptable. And yet I didn't go there for that. I went because I had something to tell them. And what I wanted to tell them and I have been telling them this, everywhere I go. It's you, you are very precious. You are unique. You are same and you are different. You are different because this is your life. This is your life.

This is your existence and you must be the judge. You must be the judge in this life of whether you are fulfilled or not. Somebody else can't do that for you. Somebody else cannot come along and say Okay, you're fine. You're fine. You're gonna go to heaven. I'm sorry. I I don't buy that.

The Essence of Your Life

How do you know? How do you know? Because I've got a good face. That's it? Because I show up at the temple every Sunday? That's enough? How do you know? How do you know what goes on in my mind? How do you know what I really think? Ha ha. How do you know if I am fulfilled? How do you know? How do you know if I am happy? How do you know? You know, just because I smile, you think I'm happy. That's crazy. That's nuts. Because I am dressed in a suit and it's a nice suit. I'm rich. You see the answer to these questions only you know. Only you. Nobody else. Only you know in the heart of your hearts if you are happy and nobody has the right or the authority to judge that. Only you know in your life when you are fulfilled. Only you know, only you know the riches of your heart. Only you know what sadness you carry within you and only you know what joy you carry within you. Hey, I'm merely merely pointing out the fact, I'm not creating it.

I didn't make this room. There are no lights. A human being does not have a computer terminal, that you can plug the human being into a computer terminal and say "Hmm you're happy." No. Only you know. Only you know when it hurts how much it hurts. Only you know. Nobody can figure that out. There are doctors, you know and they know "Okay, this guy is in pain." But they don't know how much. They guess. "Oh, must be a lot of pain." I always have to remind doctors "Please First of all, remember this is a human being. Okay, this is not a little piece of paper. This is not some computer diagnostics on a monitor on a screen. This is a human being and before you begin treating with anything, make sure this person is comfortable. His basic needs are taken care of. Doctors look at me like, "Huh?" I said "Yes. This is how it is."

To me. Do I need to change? Only I know because in the heart of hearts I know what my quest is, what my longing is. Oh how that thirst to be fulfilled exists within me and if joining this river of life, in joining this river of joy, if joining this river of tranquillity will bring me that, I am ready. I am ready to join. I am ready to change. I am ready to understand. I am ready to give up my doubts. I'm ready to give up my questions for answers. You know, understanding is something that is so potent. So potent. You go along in your life and you don't understand and you don't understand and you don't understand and you don't understand and don't understand and then one day. Bang. I understand. I understand. Understand. That every day in my life needs to have the substance.

That every breath needs to count. Then everyone is important and irreplaceable. Nothing I can do about that. I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to, I want to dream about maybe I will get another day. Maybe I will someday make things right in my life. That someday's here, that someday's now, that someday just went by. That someday came and that someday vanished. And it comes again. It's an opportunity. This is this is really what it's about. This is it. For those who have the eye to see this, who have honed, who have honed and practised and - practised. It's an art. It's an art. And it takes practise. To realise the most precious opportunity in every single day takes practise. You can't just do it, just like that. No, it takes practise. It takes practise to realise the value of each breath. It takes practise to understand the meaning of being alive. Alive.

The Essence of Your Life

There's so many people all over the world. Just think about all the people around the world. They're doing something. Something, something, something, something, something, something. You know what's going on around the world right now? Some people are waking up. Some people are going to sleep. Some people had a really good day. Some people had a terrible day. Right now, in the last 10 minutes, in the last 15 minutes, somebody is born. Somebody died. Somebody got lost. Somebody got found. Somebody just realised they were hungry. Just in that second. So just think about that. Somebody just realised they were hungry. Just in that last second, somebody just realised "Hmm,I wonder what it's all about." Somewhere. Somewhere in this world, somebody's sitting there going "Hmm, I wonder what it's all about." And someone in that last second that went by, sat down and once again practised the art of capturing the moment, just started in that last second to sit down and take a journey inside. Take a journey within, the rock transformed itself into something that it can now flow with the river.

The Essence of Your LifeThe dance began. The dance begins. And there are on that beautiful journey of discovering and discovering and discovering and going inside and feeling a joy unparalleled, a joy. In that last moment, maybe somebody began to cry and in that one second that is gone by, somebody stopped crying and went inside and felt beautiful, eternal peace. This is what I have been saying, I have been saying to people. You see me like a river flowing and they say "Where are you going?" "Oh, I'm going to be back. I'm going to go flow through this way again." But the journey will never be the same. You want to come and join? You want to come too and witness? You want to come too and witness what a gift you've been given? You want to learn how to fly? Maybe people in this world rassle with their entity and identity. "This is me." You know. "This is me. My name is da da da da. This is who I am. This is what I look like. These are my clothes. My! This is MY house. These are my shoes."

I'm not saying that's wrong. Mind you, I'm not telling you it is right and wrong. Don't sit there in your little head and go "Why is he saying that?" I'm not telling you try anything wrong. I'm merely pointing towards the fact. "This is my child. This is my wife. This is my husband. This is my book. This is mine, mine, mine." When I am touring. when I am not at home. My 'my' shrinks. Very dramatically because all that is mine, I leave at home. My home is full of my, my, my, my and then just like the last time. I come out and leave my home and my things behind. My cars. My clothes, My watches. My desk. My room and then just like that. My 'my' shrunk. There's just my garment bag with a few suits in it. My suitcase. My briefcase and off I'll fly, flying to this place. Very small 'my.' No. The reason I'm telling you this, is because, this is how it is for so many of us. And then one day, one day, ha ha all that 'my' shrinks to nothing. You go. You go somewhere. Nobody knows where that is. And all the 'my' just disappears. The thing that used to say 'my' stops. The things I used to think 'my' stops. The thing that used to point 'my' no longer points. So what is yours? So what is really yours? What is mine?

You know, I have a lot of shoes. I have shoes from 1980. They're there. I don't wear them, they're there. I wear these shoes. No, these particular ones and I've had them for about, Oh, I think about 7 or 8 years now. Really. They've been around the world many times. (applause) They're very well travelled. They're very comfortable. They're so comfortable. They're so comfortable that wearing them I don't even remember. I don't even feel you're wearing them. Incredibly comfortable. Now, I have another pair of shoes that are just like these but they're brand new. And I haven't worn them because they're not as comfortable as these. And some day, the idea is some day I'll start wearing those. And they will become as comfortable at these but that hasn't happened yet. I think those shoes are about three years old, they're waiting to be worn (laughter) because these are comfortable. My point is I will wear the most of that which is comfortable and that which I wear most of will become comfortable.

So, so in your life what are you most familiar with? It is that which you are most familiar with in your life you will become even more familiar with it and more familiar you become with it, the more comfortable you will be with it and the more comfortable you will be with it, the more familiar you will be with it and it is in a way an exponential cycle where they just become better and better and better and better and better and better. So I ask you, what do you like the most? But you don't have to answer. Ha ha ha (laughter) You don't have to answer me. You don't have to answer. You have to only answer yourself to yourself. That's it.

The Essence of Your Life

Because if it is joy that you're most familiar with then you will be most comfortable with joy. Joy will be most comfortable with you. You'll be more comfortable with joy. This is what you will want in your life. This is what you will attract in your life and you like it and it'll be the most familiar and it'll be the most comfortable. Comfort. Comfortable. What is comfortable? Where in the presence of that Where in the presence of that, it is fine. No desire to leave it. No desire to get out of it. No desire to change. This is where it comes to change again. Is change good or change bad? And if I am comfortable with my bed, I don't even feel it and I don't want to change. My shoes, I don't want to change. I like them. They're comfortable and because I I mean, time came I was wearing them everywhere, you know and they were getting ruined. I'd wear them walking just anywhere. But finally, you know, I got myself a really cheap pair of walking shoes so I could save these because they were so comfortable.

In my life, in your life, in my existence, in your existence. If I am most comfortable with this breath, comfortable, no change. Then I have to, if I'm not, if I'm not comfortable then I must change whatever needs to be changed so I can get to the point where it does not need to change. It's like lying on the bed with a pillow. Not right, not right. I change. I change. I change. I change. I change till "Ah." I don't have to change. And if these changes that I make in my life take me towards that goal. Take me towards that direction where I can be comfortable. Where I recognise this breath. I understand this breath. Where I understand this existence. When I am uh comfortable with existence. Um you know, not like this: "I would be more comfortable if I had a bigger car. If I'm going to create my life and make my life subjective like that, Bigger car, would be better. If I had two more children, that would be better. If I have a better this." That means I'm not comfortable and I'm still wiggling. I'm wiggling and wiggling and wiggling and wiggling because the essence of life is not out there, my friends, the essence of life is here, within you. If you're not comfortable with your heart. You're going to have to learn to be comfortable with everybody else and it'll be the impossible task. It'll be the impossible task.

The Essence of Your Life

It's like a man who hardly stays at home because he's really upset with his wife. Every time he comes home she's (nagging noises) so he leaves ha ha ha ha ha. He leaves and he goes out and hangs out with friends. Hangs out with friends. Hangs out with friends. Hangs out with friends. The more he does this, the more upset his wife becomes and the more upset his wife becomes he goes out with friends. Till one day, in one of those magical stories, right? Those people, he went out to get Chinese food and he never came back. (laughter) I mean either he found such incredible Chinese food and you know Chinese food is good, but not that good. (applause) This is what happens Did not make peace with the heart. Did not make peace with the inside. Did not make peace with this breath. Did not make peace with that joy. Did not make peace with peace. So, had to go out. And one day went out for the Chinese food and never came back. Went out for the pizza and never came back, never came back.

That's a sad story because in this life, the possibility is incredible. In this life, to be alive, to be is the most beautiful gift. To understand. To let go of the questions and trade them and trade them for answers. Exchange them for answers. The more I do that, the more wonderful it is. When I'm a rock I stand there motionless, motionless, cannot move, everything moves around me and I cannot move. And the day I begin to allow myself the transformation, I begin to become from that motionless rock to start following that water and my journey begins. Now, now I don't doubt. I understand. I am not looking. I'm not looking for questions. I have found the mine of answers.

The Essence of Your Life

I left home when I was a very young kid. I left my country, I left my home and I travelled and I travelled and I travelled and told people "you are very precious. You are unique. If you have a Perfect Master you must worship him" Maharaji and his former character, Guru Maharaj Ji, has been travelling since he was young kid but his message has really always been "Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! Me! I AM the Only One who can give you peace. If you want peace, then come to ME! I AM the source of Peace in this world

The Essence of Your Life