Prem Rawat's Teachings about the Creator - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat, or Maharaji (the Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself, has often spoken of "the Creator" or "my Creator" which is God. When he was first in the West he rejected Darwinian evolution though later in his career he expressed agnosticism on the subject. He uses 'God', "the Creator," "my Creator," "the energy that is keeping you alive" interchangably. In Rawat's theology God is the Generator, Operator and Destroyer and is omniscient, omnipotent and omnivorous, just kidding, omnipresent. Exactly what the connection is between this formless God and the human Prem Rawat who has a form and who comes in this world is not clearly defined but the connection is made and the words used include incarnation and manifestation and embodiment to describe the relationship between himself and God. Around 1982 he retitled himself Maharaji from Guru Maharaj Ji and began using his name, Prem Rawat, he increased his use of "the Creator" dramatically and droppped "Guru Maharaj Ji" and "Perfect Master" as titles for himself and synonyms for God in his theology. His organisations already stopped calling him "The Lord of the Universe" and other outrageous designations and at this time he also dropped many Indian words from his vocabulary and stopped wearing Krishna costumes and crowns and sitting on thrones.

Marolyn Rawat nee Johnson aka Durga Ji (wife of Prem Rawat), Guru Puja, Geneva, 10 September 1978
Don't we want to be progressing to Guru Maharaj Ji? And instead we're regressing! Because now we know what it's all about. We're right there. We know what it's all about. We know this maya, we certainly know it. And we're just starting to get a glimpse of Guru Maharaj Ji. We know Guru Maharaj Ji, we do; in whatever way we do, we do. We know Guru Maharaj Ji, we know that Guru Maharaj Ji's perfect, we know Guru Maharaj Ji is perfection. We know Guru Maharaj Ji is our Creator.
And if we know and have experienced that Guru Maharaj Ji is our Creator, is the Creator of everything, we are a part of his creation,
then just like someone was saying, "What do we do? " When we come to that point of realization, what can we do except bow,
bow our heads and pray to Guru Maharaj Ji. Worship him, adore him, like we're meant to do. What an incredible gift that is, to us,
that Guru Maharaj Ji has given us himself. It's so beautiful. Guru Maharaj Ji, he's just too much.
Geneva 1978, DLM publication

Delhi, India,on October 29, 1966 (translated from Hindi)
The Ramayana sings the praises of satsang. Can such a great scripture be wrong? If the Ramayana is wrong, then the
whole creation is wrong and the Creator is wrong. God Himself is wrong. And if God is wrong then Guru Maharaj Ji's
wrong. No. That can never be - I am confident of that. You may read where the scriptures have so much praise for
satsang yet even though it's praised in the scriptures so much, people still don't appreciate it.
Divine Times - November 1979 Volume 8, Number 6

San Francisco, August 6, 1971
Evolution is something from the ideas of man. The theory of evolution does not fit with God, the Creator, because the theory of evolution says
that everything was made by itself. But God has created them. So I do not believe in the theory of evolution. People say, "First man was monkey.
Then ultimately he went back to the point where he was a small reptile." From where was the reptile created? Who created that?
Somebody must have put it here. And the man who put that thing there was the Creator. He was the real Creator.
Élan Vital, Spring 1979, Volume III, Issue 1

Alta Loma Terrace, Hollywood, California, August 15, 1971
Guru is that man that gave you the key for hidden treasure. Hidden treasure, that you were searching from time immemorial.
Today we just read book and ask questions about that. But remember that His every second, every quarter or half of a second, is precious.
Because can you think of something higher and holier than God? And He is Himself everything. He is God. Say, "You are Creator of whole universe,
you are Destroyer of whole universe, you are kindness, you are Peace, you are Light, you are everything for me." The giver -- only Guru.
Élan Vital, Spring 1978, Volume II, Issue 1

Boulder, Colorado, August 18, 1971
What is the difference between a Satguru and an Avatar?
Same. What is the difference between H2O and water? Some people say "Mercy," "Lord of Mercy." Some only say "Lord," some say "God," some say "Lord Christ." Same thing.
Élan Vital, Winter 1977, Volume I, Issue 2

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India, December 2, 1971
People think that this world is itself it, and that is why some people are believing the theory of evolution. But the theory of evolution
does not conflict with God, the creator, because God has created, and the theory of evolution says it existed by itself.
So remember the basis; don't forget the basis of this universe.
Reflections On An Indian Sunrise

Prem Rawat's Birthday, 10th December, 1971, Prem Nagar Ashram, India.
And all the human beings that have been created and are living in this world, or on any other planet, have to be united in one cord, only one cord. This cord is of love, and that perfect love is only given by the Perfect Master of the time. No one else is able to give that love to you. You think that your wife, your husband, your children will give you love? No. It is the love of selfishness. Baby loves mother because mother gives milk, not because they have a connection. No. Just because of selfish love. In the same way, you love everything because of selfishness. But we love guru without any selfishness. It is pure and perfect love, it is that love which cannot be disturbed by mind at all. So be perfect, be in love, do meditation, run smoothly, have a good life, enjoy yourself, be one with Him who has created you, who had created you and who will create you. Because this is what you have to find in the world.
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?, 1973

Patna, Bihar, India, December 25, 1971 (translated from Hindi)
Therefore, my dear aspirants, what is that path? What is that medium which, if we adopt it, we can know that Supremest
God, we can know that Creator of this universe, we can know our Father who, though He is omnipresent, is the secret
of all secrets, is everywhere, is actually not secret. And you can know Him only by the Grace and Blessings of Guru Maharaj Ji.
Élan Vital, Autumn 1977, Volume 1, Issue 1

Proclamation For 1975
I still sincerely think that this Knowledge, the Knowledge of God, the Knowledge of our Creator is our solution. Many people might not think so
… I do not claim to be God but do claim I can establish peace on this earth by our Lord's Grace and everyone's joint effort.
The Golden Age No. 17 January, 1975

Indianapolis, Indiana, 5 July 1976
Life is really beautiful. I'm not talking about the kind of life where somebody has got a Rolls Royce, a big, huge 747,
and tremendous mansions all around the world, and he's got this and that. No, no, no. I'm not trying to say that.
I'm talking about the life itself that is within inside of us. We are a creation. God created us. The Creator created us.
The Golden Age, Number 33, October 1976

Indian Centre, Denver, Colorado, February 19, 1977
As I said before, this world was not made for problems. Therefore there are no solutions. This world was made for one reason. And there is only one reason. And the reason is for every individual to come together, to come
into one, to become one, to really understand this Knowledge. Tell me one thing. People might say, "Well, why would God create such a fantastic earth? Why would a Creator create such a fantastic environment just for
people to come together?" Tell me, what did Jesus do when he came? Tell me, what did Krishna do when he came? Tell me, what did Ram do when he came? Bring people together through Knowledge. Through this experience that he
gave, he brought people together.
The Golden Age Number 41

Guru Maharaj Ji's satsang via telephone to the Gainesville Retreat on October 2, 1977
And service makes us surrender, makes us comprehend that
Creator that we want to comprehend, makes us together, makes us give up, brings
us humility, brings us devotion to that Creator that we really want to devote
to. And we're not just talking about, in this subject, some Joe Blow; we're
talking about the Creator. And that's what service brings us.
The Golden Age, Issue 41

Hans Jayanti, Rome, Italy, November 12th, 1977
And it's so beautiful and it's so fortunate that Guru Maharaj Ji's here to be able to protect us, to be able to save us. That is why,
in that movie that you saw, said Shri Maharaj Ji's the
Saviour, the Creator, the Lord. It's because I got saved. The same thing could have happened with me. And it was almost like destined to happen like that. But then it all got changed, because he saved me. He saved me from the
craziness of this world.
The Golden Age November 1978 Number 49

Holi Festival, Miami, Florida, Saturday, April 8, 1978
I mean, this world makes it sound like God had a UNO meeting, dropped in on the UN meeting and read a certificate:
"I God, the Creator of this universe, of every galaxy in this world, hereby give you Earthlings the power to ruin yourselves,
to destroy yourselves without any feeling of guilt or agony. You may annihilate each other." No. I don't think that ever happened. Ever.
Wherever that Creator is, at least he's in our hearts, here, now.
Divine Times - May/June 1979 Volume 8, Number 3

Holi Festival, Miami, Florida, Sunday, April 9, 1978
I mean, is it like what some people really think it is like, to just come into this world and do
whatever you want to do, and this is why God, the Creator has put you here, this is why the
Creator has given you everything? Or do we go a little bit beyond, and find that satisfaction and find that happiness"?
Divine Times - April / May 1978 Volume 7, Number 3

Tucson Arizona, Sunday, July 16, 1978
And our hearts ache, we ache, we want, we desire, we plead to be with that God, to be with that Creator, to be with that Oneness, to be with that fulfillment which will fulfill us. And yet how do we come to that point where we can in fact fulfill all our fulfillments, all our desires?
First we have to realize who we are. First we have to surrender ourselves to Guru Maharaj Ji. …
And only that pure and humble soul can then in fact turn around and surrender to Guru Maharaj Ji. Because Guru Maharaj Ji is that perfectness.
Guru Maharaj Ji is that purity. Guru Maharaj Ji is that Knowledge. Guru Maharaj Ji is infinite. And nothing finite can come into infinite
and still stay finite. That finite thing has to become infinite before it can actually merge in infinite.
The Golden Age, Volume 48, September/October, 1978

Interview, published in the June, 1979 edition of Miami Magazine
To me, peace is really the inner contentment. War is only a by-product of man not being content within one's self. When I say peace,
I mean the peace which is within us and which comes when man is in harmony with his Creator, the Almighty Lord God.
When one has experienced inner peace, then and only then can absence of war really manifest.
To be here, to be alive, is such a grace, such a gift, from that Almighty Lord God. And that is all the more reason why we have to realize Him, recognize Him and experience Him within.
The struggle in this world to exist goes on more and more day to day. And yet it is so obvious that the Creator, Who created us, and Who sustains us, has not created us or the Creation for discontent, anger, hate and darkness. The threat of war grows every day. We don't have to choose war when we can choose the love of God and the Peace of the Kingdom of Heaven within. Undoubtedly, to me, that is what we should experience.
I feel I have something through which you can experience the Peace and the Kingdom of God, the Kingdom of Heaven, within and thus experience that love of our Creator, the Almighty who has created us all
The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54

Guru Puja festival, Lingfield, England, June 21 1979
God. Everybody has a picture of God. You know, children (sucks snot up nose) they have a picture of God, This bi-i-i-ig, hu-u-uge man, you know, that's got, that can fly in a leap you know able to cross tall buildings in one leap, faster than a speeding bullet, just immaculate thing, immaculate being. We have it, in our own ways. People who believe in Ram, people who believe in Krishna, people who believe in Mohammed, people who believe in Christ, people who believe in, in Buddha have their own Gods in their own different formats. I mean, everyone of us has our different ideas of what that Creator really is. Everyone of us thinks that we know, we are right and yet, all it is, is just our painting. And Guru Maharaj Ji comes, you know, Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world and everybody thinks that Guru Maharaj Ji is also going to pick up a piece of canvas, a bunch of paint brushes, paint and start painting a picture and we'll all see the picture and Ta-da, that'll be it. And ??? Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world and we all think that we know the kind of picture that Guru Maharaj Ji is going to paint and when Guru Maharaj Ji comes into this world, that's true, always comes into this world but he doesn't paint a picture, no. We translate, after a Perfect Master leaves, disciples take what he has said and try to paint it into a picture but never the Perfect Master. Perfect Master never paints a picture cause he knows there isn't a picture to paint. That picture that he would paint is already within every one of us. That thing, the ultimate goal of life is already within all of us and yet we're ignorant. We do not know. We are unaware and that's no sin, that's no crime. If we do not know, we do not know and that's the why every time the Perfect Master comes into this world to give us, to give us, to teach us perfection. If we all knew, do you think a Perfect Master would come?
Guru Maharaj Ji shows us something which is real, which is true because Guru Maharaj Ji
brings us into this world and shows us something, gives us that realization, shows us what God really is. In its true form.
That God that has no religion, is bound to no religion, is not abducted by a religion because that's what the religions do, they abduct God,
they steal Him, get a copyright on Him. If you don't do things a certain way you don't believe in God. You have to go to a church every Sunday.
If really we knew, us human beings knew a place where God lived, wouldn't we all move there?
God, the Creator, the omnipresent, the omniscient, the omnipotent.
Guru Puja Lingfield England 1979 video

Guru Puja Festival, Miami Beach, Florida, July 19, 1979
Husband sees something in his wife and a wife sees something in her husband and they call that love. …
And yet how obscene is that? God has love. God loves us all. The Creator loves us all. But he never said, "I like your moustache."
"I dig the quality you have. I dig the way you talk. And therefore I love you."
There is no contract between us and the Creator. And yet, in front of that Creator that has the love for us that is unquestionable,
that is ultimate, that has no boundaries, we try to exceptionally - I mean, it's our ignorance that we see love in this world.
Élan Vital, Winter 1979, Volume III, Issue 4

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, October 10, 1979, Evening
Yet remember one thing: that that Guru Maharaj Ji, who is Creator, who is the Sustainer, and who is the Destroyer, has love enough for his devotees to come onto this Earth for his devotees; then absolutely,
unquestionably, there are no bounds to what can happen. All we have to do is to become that devotee, to have that devotion. That's all: that faith, that surrender, to Guru Maharaj Ji, that love that is sincere, that
comes from our hearts for Guru Maharaj Ji. Not in our imagination, but in reality. If we can become a devotee … If there is Guru Maharaj Ji and then a devotee, when they join, then there is devotion. And it is said
that when that happens, when Guru Maharaj Ji and a devotee are bound together by devotion, then the purpose of that soul that devotee has been completed. That's it. There is no more to be done. There is nothing left to
be done. It has received the stage beyond liberation. It has received, it has joined, it has merged in the state which is beyond, above and beyond -- joined its Creator. It has joined its Owner. It has joined where it came
from; it has joined back to its own.
Affinity, February 1980

South American tour, Sao Paulo, Brazil, January 30 1980
Beyond everything. Beyond everything is an experience. Beyond everything is the reality. Not just standing on the face of Earth, looking at the moon and saying, "Oh my God, wow." Not every time
something incredible happens that you fail to understand, you go, "Oh my God." That's not God. That's an expression. And the Creator, and His experience … And yet there is this infinite power, this incredible, endless power that has no beginning, that has no end, that created you, that created me, that created this Earth, that created this sky, that created the stars, the sun, the moon, every single thing that exists - every single tree, every single seed, from that speck of sand to the luminous sun, the brilliant sun, from north to south. Every single thing that we pride upon, that Creator created.
Affinity, June 1980

Holi festival, Miami Florida, April 11-12 1980
Nobody is saved. We have to be saved, yes. We can be saved, yes. And we should be saved, yes. We should find that Master, yes. Because Guru Maharaj Ji makes it so simple and we make it so sophisticated. Every single time the Master comes, open His arms and says, "Let me in. Let me in. You know, it reminds me of that song, you know, that the Lord becomes a beggar and
it goes in this, in front of this devotee's house and knocks on the, on the door and the song is just going, you know, saying, "Oh devotee, you know, your fortune is really come, your, your, your luck, your, your destiny is unfolding now. The Creator, the Giver of everything is at your door begging from you. From you." That has created, that sustains, that destroys, that holds this ultimate, this holds this universe in the palm of his hands has come to your door, do not refuse. Which Master didn't come to everyone of these human beings and come to me open up. Regardless of our confusion, regardless of our concepts. But anyway, you know, again, surrender, have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji. What else you gonna do? Nothing. You have to have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, You have to have to have that surrender.
Holi 1980 video, Élan Vital Inc., 1980

Guru Puja festival, July 25-27 1980
Then yes we do because the precious gift we have been given is incredible. It is upon which the universe is existent. It is upon which this entire human life depends on. It is what sustains us. It is what is everywhere. It is life, it is energy in the purest form, it is the real you and me. It is the Creator, it is what the moon dances on. It is what makes the sun
shine. It is the essence of this entire existence wherever that existence is, within you and me.
"To get on my hands and knees and to beg, it feels so good. (shouting) It feels so good to beg. You know why. Because when we do get
on our hands and knees we realize we had never for anything to give to anybody anyway. Born beggar. To beg the Ultimate One in our heart. To beg that Emperor for that solution in our heart. The most majestical thing that happens to a human being or can ever happen to a human being. To open myself up, me, to beg Him, a moment between me and the Ultimate Being. A moment for me to have with that Ultimate Thing, a personal audience (shouting) and I know that when I beg the Emperor is listening to me. (shouting) In this whole world the Creator of billions and billions and billions of souls is listening to me. The Sustainer, the Generator the Destroyer of this entire (long pause) thing, not just the world, above and beyond by His Grace I have captured a moment between me and Him and nothing stands in our way. It is complete, it is the Ultimate, it is real and when I become like that in my heart then that Gift is given to me (shouting) a Gift which is a part of Him, a Gift that's His, Him, He doesn't just give a third thing, He gives Himself."
You Are My Savior Divine Light Mission video

Olympia, London, Guru Puja 22nd August 1980
So the Creator said "Well, you've done a little bit of good things, you know, given a dime to one and a nickel to another one. I suppose he's done some good but it certainly isn't enough to enter the heaven on those grounds." So God turned to his secretary and said "Well, what should we do?" The secretary said, "Lord, I personally think you should give him his 15 cents back and tell him to go to hell. Just get out of here, that's it."
Has ever, has there ever been a doubt in anybody's mind that there has been a king almighty besides the Creator. We are in his kingdom and there is an ultimate heaven for us to just enjoy.
Created for us, by that Creator. For everyone of us to just simply bliss out in now. In this physical body, I mean after all, this human body is made why?
Why such a work of genius is created after all. Why so much goes into it. Why such an incredible creation? There's a very different, definite purpose to it.
Olympia, London, Guru Puja video

Olympia, London, Guru Puja, 23rd August 1980
But for this Creator we can't have a love like that. Our devotion has to be in an utmost place where it has to be sincere, it has to be correct, it has to be true, it has to be real.
And if we are ready to accept in that format that that's a God given thing, that tragedy is a God given thing then we have to also accept the fact that every beautiful thing in this world, that every incredible thing in this world that exists is a gift of the Creator and to simply give us life, to simply give us this breath, to simply give us a chance to exist in this world is a gift. It's so incredible and so great, so incredible and so great to give us that love, to give us that care, to give us then opportunity to be that no tragedy can ever balance it, no tragedy can ever be so bad. If we can just realize that small factor that there is a lot to be, there's a lot in us, something that really needs that devotion to exist because in that devotion we can say that sincere thank you. In that devotion we can go a step even beyond and experience that Creator the way He is. The way and there is nothing, absolutely nothing in the English dictionary, in the Hindi dictionary, in any dictionary in this world, in any language, in anybody's fragment of imagination through this brain that can describe that Creator when we can not simply describe what salt tastes like.
To me that Creator is One. My way to approach that Creator is One. Has to be one, because there is one interface to Him, because there is one experience there is this one human being just like millions and millions on this earth. Perhaps for us maybe there are different different ways. But is God different? Is that Creator different? Is that Creator bound by the, by I mean do you really think for a moment that that Creator that existed before any human being was created would be any subject to a religion? That would be, that would be a bad mistake to even assume such a thing. That Creator is not bound by religion, is bound by devotion. If you have that devotion, if you have that love that is not biased then you may experience something incredible and that Knowledge is that missing link between that interface and you that converts it into something that you will be able to then plug in otherwise it's just always a dream state.
I am for the religion that existed when no religion existed if that has a name. A time, a place to be, just you and your Creator, not the bells and the idols and the books between you and your Creator. Not the gigantic study courses and not the knowledge of everything in your life to know your Creator, the One who created you. It almost sounds as foolish as if you, you were born and you couldn't know who your father was until you guessed and figured it out. First you have to go to school and I mean that was always what if I mean that's how ridiculous it is here it's it is considered God is considered the ultimate father and to recognise Him, to realize Him, to know Him, do we need a book?
Olympia 1980 Guru Puja video

Kansas City, Missouri, November 28, 29, 30, 1980
Believe in God? No, not until you show me, you know (slightly more applause). Do you believe in happiness? No, not until you show me. Do you believe in peace? No, not until you show me.
And you know, the thing is, all those things can be shown. They can be experienced by every human being. Those things are to be experienced, the Creator is something incredible to experience,
is something incredible to see. The peace is incredible to enjoy, it's so satisfying, the truth, the consciousness that keep us alive. Sure, it can be seen.
I can show it and here we are in show me state and it can all be done.
Eyes of Faith, © 1981 Élan Communications video

Montreal Canada, January 1981
(Applause) Peace is eternal. Peace is within you and me and nothing more that an experience of who I am and what I am and nothing more than the experience of that Supreme Thing itself is going to bring me peace and not until every human being is in peace with himself will he be within peace with anybody else either. Cause he has no necessity to. And yet I see that that Creator creates us with such love, such care, such tenderness to bring us, to put us here, give us an experience and what is demanded? No more than to just open up, no more to go that Master, to go to that teacher, to go to that one who has got that realization and to ask and then that realization is imparted to us.
Message Of The Heart video

Lima Peru, February 1981
I'm saying is how about if I put you directly in touch with God. Now that, that's the real thing (applause) that you, you, you yourself experience who that Creator is. You know the whole thing is I don't say to you who have not received Knowledge yet that you should believe in Knowledge and this is the interesting thing cause all religions work the opposite or I work the opposite which ever way. (laughs … laughter) But the thing is very interesting because I say, first experience and then believe. And with the other ones, first believe and then experience, if you can but (laughter) its simple and its just a simple thing being that we can experience that Creator within inside, through that Knowledge, through that knowing , through that experience.
Message Of The Heart video

Caracas, Venezuela, 4th February 1981
God is one, God is the Creator, God is the Sustainer, God is the Destroyer, it's methodically in all the religions. Muslims believe that. Hindus believe that. Christians believe that. Everybody believes that just about and then there are the atheists. What are atheists? Atheists, I'm not quoting a dictionary, are people who do not believe in God. They don't think God exists therefore they don't even follow any religion. You'll never find an atheist Christian or an atheist Hindu or an atheist Muslim. Very unheard of but how does that religion convince even an atheist that there is a Creator that everything that person sees, believes and thinks, knows is pure luck for him. That everything that person notices and and and and everything that surrounds him is pure circumstantial luck. How do you convince that person that there is a Creator? If, now imagine this, on the other hand if there was a Creator and he did come down to earth and he wa was over walk over to a human being who was an atheist, what would he say? "Ta ta, here I am, I am God." That only happens in Hollywood like that not in real life. No, the simple and profound experience, a simple and a real experience can convince anybody that that Creator that that energy which is supreme, which is above all, which is within every particle of this creation exists. And there's a big difference in that you are believing in that Creator, the power, the absolute, the truth not because somebody told you to. You do it because you've seen it just like Vivekanand. He believed, he was ready to accept and yet how profoundly was it put to him that it wasn't all joke, it wasn't all theory, it wasn't all ideas but it was very straightforward "I have seen God face to face." This is, this is this is what we need to experience. Who can who can argue that? For that Creator which is motionless, the Creator is formless, the Creator that's timeless, the energy which drives everything and yet nothing drives it.
What is the sickness, what is the sickness that's got everybody? The ones that are sick, it has them too and the ones that are perfectly healthy, it has them too. The sickness, the trauma that we caught in between of hate and love, just that, that we have that hate in us or express in more preaching type words, the devil, the devil that gets us. A sickness, we are plagued by it, we are all plagued by it and yet what is the answer and what is the solution to it all? That that presence of that Creator can remove it, the knowing of that Creator can remove it and yet do we conceivably communicate, see and understand.
They could see, they could hear, they could walk and yet still coming and finding the biggest miracle because what Jesus showed them, what Jesus showed them was that form, that manifestation of that Creator that one received by a human being the doubts go away, the questions disappear
This isn't an illusion, this is the reality and reality is much different than an illusion. We are not illusion, we're not part of an illusion, we are part of a reality. The Creator who created this earth so magnificently wasn't out to create an illusion but to create a reality. Am I an illusion? No, I'm real. Are you an illusion? No, you are real. Then what is an illusion? Your ignorance is an illusion but you do not know it is an illusion. You think you know but you don't really know. That's an illusion.
No but when that Creator comes and we are there to accept and to understand then that automatically becomes that Kingdom of Heaven. That Creator is always with us. When he creates us, when he makes us, when he puts us on this planet earth he doesn't say "Ciao kids. I'm goin' away now. You work it all out." He knows, we can never work it out, doesn't he? If it always will get finally our foot caught in our mouth and another way to put it we are bound to step on the bear trap and that always happens. That very simply that Creator always is with us. There never is a time when that Creator isn't with us. We have to just open our eyes and look, that's all. Accept with that open heart. Believe because He is showing us something. He is giving us something not because He - there is a philosophy not because your mother told you, not because your daddy told you, not because your uncle told you, not because a smart kid on your class told you that because you know because you have seen because you have believed. There are no more doubts to be remain when somebody can come to you and say "I have seen God face to face closer than I am seeing you. I have felt God closer than I can feel you and I have touched God more than I can touch you."
Perfect Master Tape #173

August 4, 1981
We must take off these blinders and see God, and feel that love of our Creator we all truly seek; and that is what must somehow be made manifest
to every human being on the face of the earth.
God is everywhere. God is in you. You can experience the Knowledge of God, you can enjoy it. You don't have to be sad. You don't have to suffer. You can have that heaven. What you only dream about otherwise, that dream can become real in this life.
People from all walks of life pursue Happiness… © Élan Communications 1982
Public Program, Manchester England, 28th September 1981
In that life have I, have I really become one with that Creator, have I really become one with that reality, have I seen my God? Have I touched my God? Have I felt my God or has it simply been that somebody kept telling me again and again and again, "He exists, he exists, he exists" and I kept saying "Yes, yes, yes." I want to see him, I mean you see this is, this is where the basic point comes in. Everybody says (clears throat) you know that's that's that's a little too much, hang on there, cool off, everything you're saying is fine except, you know, that's when people start fiddling with their ties (laughter) scratching their throats, scratching their heads, "Ah well, what time is it? Well I should, I should be on my way." This one never sits with anybody. Some people even must say "That's easy for you to say but what about us here you know? What about us in this little world? How are we gonna touch it, feel it, see our God?" Cause there's one God for everybody, whether we like it or not. We wish He was all different, that way we could have our own monopoly on Him, our own little style, our own little method, could be really together then that God could approve our little method of doing it that way. Be really neat, sealed, siled, approved and that's the way it is but it isn't that way unfortunately or fortunately for this world.
He can show us. He can take us to that place where fairy tales are only made of but in that reality and that's where we need to be. I can go on all night long but there's no point to do that. I gotta go get back and I'm sure you gotta get back but I'll leave you with just a simple straight message. If you want that Creator, if you want that touch because exactly I mean like I was saying with Vivekanand what happened with was Vivekanand? Finally when he went to this one Master, this one helper he said, "Look, don't give me any theories, just tell me this. Have you see God and can you show me God? And this helper was really, this is it you know, he doesn't have to come out and say "Blah, blah, blah, blah, blah, blah." He just says "Yes." That's it, that's the way he starts his little statement, "Yes" not "We-e-e-ll, maybe like the whole world has to say to us but to him, "Yes I have seen God and I can show you God. I have seen God more clearly than I have seen you. More closer than I am seeing you, I have felt Him in my life. I am feeling Him and I can show it to you." That was it, you know, time out, finished. The whole little sequence, the whole little game, finished. "Okay, now show it to me" and he did and and Vivekanand's life completely turned around, it changed and changed for the better, mind you.
Élan Vital audio tape?

Rome, Italy 1st November, 1981
I have faith in my Guru Maharaj Ji because I have seen that that faith, that faith is the rope. If I let go of it I don't even know where the bottom is. It's gonna be an endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless, endless fall. And that faith is for me, not Guru Maharaj Ji because Guru Maharaj Ji doesn't need to have faith in me. He already has that. Do you realize that? We say "Guru Maharaj Ji, it's hard to have faith in you" and Guru Maharaj Ji has faith in everyone of the premies. Impeccable faith, too. Do you ever think of that? No questions, yes. You can do it. Is that faith? If Guru Maharaj Ji didn't have the faith in you, would you be premies right now? For so many people it's like can I even have that experience of this Knowledge in this life? They don't have that faith. Yet the Creator has that faith, the Creator has given the life, makes us alive, sustains us and that faith is there. I'm the one who is missing the faith and I need the faith. I need the faith to make that bond even stronger. I need the faith to make that bond even stronger. I need the faith because that's the only thing I'm holding onto.
Rome 1/11/81 video

Follow-Up Program, Washington DC, 26th November 1981
And here we are, a world created by the Creator, specifically for us, not for the Martians, for us, air in it suitable for us, water suitable for us, the sun suitable for us, the night, the day, everything suitable for us, custom tailored, could it be any different? Custom tailored for us. We can't, if we can't convince ourselves of that and through some realization of course, cannot convince and cannot understand those basic fundamentals, nobody can teach us those fundamentals and I see that every day human being take one further step off that centerline I don't, I mean, completely amazes me and in this world everybody has to have better communication with their own Creator through themselves, not via somebody. I don't claim to be the angel sent here on earth. I am not your telephone operator, I'm not an exchange. You call me and I'll call him. You can do a much better job than me. I can do a much better job for myself. You can do a much better job for your self, you can talk to your Creator, be with your Creator, experience your Creator the way you want. I merely just have this experience is that I can impart to you.
I mean it's like your mother you know what your grandmother or your great great grandmother telling you, "God exists" and you wonder some day, "Does he?" I mean it's uh so outrageous, you know, some day you call upon God and say, "Okay God, if you really exist, really exist, to do this for me?" Maybe you're in just a tight jam and it never happened and then you go, "Mama, what you said, is that really true God exists?" It happened to me many times, you know, I remember one time that this is all I could say, "God if you really exist perform a miracle" and somehow we all anticipate miracles out of God you know if he can perform a miracle he's God. That was the whole story with Bernadette, same thing happened, a priest told her, "If your, if your vision is really real the God the that that power that that comes to you is really real let it perform some miracle. What you tell me, why should God the Creator be obliged to do any kind of a thing for anybody? And when we start looking towards miracle we have obviously looked over something, a very basic, fundamental thing we have overlooked and that is everything that around is a miracle to begin with. you know we can look at that miracle that exists here, there is no other miracle, there is no greater miracle to keep me alive, me alive, that is the biggest miracle there is man. Nobody else can do it and that Creator is doing it giving me every day that power to be, to remain and that is the biggest miracle so we get fat fed a lot of things that have no foundation to it what so ever and then, all of a sudden, that realization comes and they can understand, they can have that experience and something happens.
When it comes down to just that nothing else is gonna count, it's just you and your Creator, it's down to the bare, bare fight and you throw your little beliefs at that the darkness and it just eats 'em up, just eats 'em up. So my prayer has to be for me. Too many disappointed little souls have said too many disappointed little prayers and gotten very disappointed cause they never got there. They don't even know where it goes. Sit down, cross your hands and kneel, beg "I pray to you my God my Lord I pray and I know that God is so merciful that Creator, that Lord is so merciful when you give him a call he's got this incredible ???? system. You see the Bell telephone system will bust, if him I don't know what the amount of people is I think if all of California picks up the telephone at the same time it will bust the phone system but it's not designed to handle that. That Creator's phone line system is outrageous, (shouts) him in the him in the everybody can call at the same time yet no recordings, goes through in the first ring and I feel good, I feel good about it, (shouts) that's my prayer. I don't you know I don't pray, "Make this a nice flight." I could do that, I just pray for acceptance that I may keep on accepting you my Creator.
Perfect Master Tape #216

Miami Florida, 31st July 1982
My father was sitting in the front, Shri Maharaji was sitting in the front and so she got her little coins in her hand to throw this then he asked her, "What are you going to do with this?" "I'm going to throw it at the temple." He said, "Why?" "Well because you know maybe I'll have salvation, or I'll be free. I'll have liberation." "So do you know by throwing this coin you'll get it? " She said, "No, everybody does it." He said, "Give me the coin I'll make sure you do have liberation." (applause) And uh, she didn't give him the coin (laughter) she just tossed it out the window (laughter) and I just about died laughing. (Laughter) And there goes the liberation, poof, right out the window and this I witnessed myself.
Audio tape

New York, 10th November 1982
This one, this temple isn't man-made. Somebody else did that, the design, the carving, the intricate, incredible stuff of this temple created by that Creator Himself and in this for sure I know that that Creator dwells because I have experienced it. I have experienced it. So regardless of all things and I'm not against religion this may come out to be and some people may assume that that I am against religions, I'm really not against religions, really, that has nothing to do with me. That's fine, if people even want to be in religions that's fine, that's okay, if you want to be a Christian, go right ahead. If you want to be Hindu, go right ahead. See I deal with everybody, I deal with Christians, I deal with Muslims, I deal with Buddhists, I deal with Hindus, I deal with everybody. To me we are first human beings. In that Creator eyes we are human beings. Believing or not believing in that religion then it comes upon us in what we can experience. If we can experience something through our religion we go on to believe that religion. If we do not experience something in that religion then we do not go on to believe in that religion and again it is a very important part of our social grid to have that religion, to have some form of appeasing, pleasing and believing in that God but to me the authentic experience is that Creator really exists to I have to believe that Creator exists on the merits of the pastor or the pundit because he says so. How does he know? How did he ever become to be such an important authority on this?
Perfect Master Audio Tape 253

Miami Florida, 9th December 1983
Why do some why why do these people who experienced something incredible in their lives talk about freedom, talk about this desire, talk about this will to be free because there is something called freedom. Freedom from what we ourselves have created and this is what is so difficult and hard to understand that it that it is in fact us who creates that cube around us, that all of a sudden we are willing to accept the Creator, that incredible energy as the ultimate energy but being ruled and governed by a certain set of circumstances, our unique laws that we make up. God or Lord or whatever we call this incredible energy, it's okay, it's cool, it's beautiful, it's right on except it's limited on me what it can do for us or how we have to be just a certain way for it all to line up, for all to work and then somebody comes and offers this incredible opportunity, this incredible chance to be free, free from that thing because now, perhaps for the first time in our lives we can experience, experience the real beauty, experience the reality because when we say reality what do we mean? What is reality? How many things there are in our lives that we experience?
"Birthday Program", Perfect Master Tape 256

Public Program, Los Angeles, February 21 1988
You know you know to me somehow this continues like that but there is something so beautiful, class, quality and I think that Creator has a lotta class, lotta class. Good taste, I'm really glad that he or she or it, however you want to put it, you know it's not like see I was talking to some people today, I said "It wasn't like I got up one morning and said 'and let there be God' you know, God was there before me so it doesn't matter how we believe in Him so far we believe. Whether we call Her power or we call Him something that's okay so far it's earnest, something is fine you know whatever how we wanna perceive that power. I'm really glad because if we were given the task to design this Earth? Oh my God! Can you imagine the sky looking like the Gucci top of Cadillacs or their luggage? Oh that that that would drive you nuts. Nobody would look at the sky anymore. Moon? It would pulse. You know, some of those other planets would probably tell time: "12:30 A.M. Universal Standard Time." You know how practical human beings get, right? Grass wouldn't be green, never. Purple, gray, some strange color but not green. Sky would be blue, no way. Probably uh just some some of the peculiarst thing you can think of but the Creator's got class. It created you, created me. In class, in style. Now I can think of some ways that that Creator could have created us which would have not you know shown style and created with such, with such cleanness, with such trust.
Élan Vital video and In View magazine, Spring/Summer 1988

Festival Of Knowledge, Brussels 10th December 1989
How do I see being in this world, talking about Knowledge, doing what I like to do. Everything that I take a step towards, what is it, what is it like for me? First of all I'm very proud and honestly I do have pride, I'm very proud to be one of my Creator's subjects, I'm extremely proud as you should be. Top-notch priority. I don't have to put myself on a pedestal to talk about Knowledge, I don't have to have long gray hair, I don't have to have a mythical wall placed around me so that everybody who comes is a more or less stunned. I'm me and what I have to talk about is so human that it's more human than anything else except for the human beings themselves because of this Knowledge, this love, this expression of Knowledge is from one human to another human. That's the way it has to be.
if you truly are a subject, subject of this magnificent Creator who through mercy and love and kindness has done the most impeccable job of creating this planet earth then I ask you in which sense, in which way are you reflecting that perfection which so kindly has been bestowed upon you. Which way? How have I learnt it? Very simple, be a beggar. Much better, much better to be a beggar and to beg and you'll receive and you know even beggars have priorities
You can say things, you can express things and you can sing the glory of your Creator like it has never been sung before in this format you can feel contentment like it has never been felt before. In this format you can rise above the rest and witness with these very eyes the incredible wonders that that Creator has created for you. With these ears you can hear the softest, the subtlest, the most beautiful sounds that not only reside within you but around you and with this tongue you can taste the sweetness, with this nose you can smell the most delicate of the aromas and with this consciousness you can appreciate the most wonderful of things. Without it, you have nothing.
I know there are some people here who don't have this Knowledge and you've heard a lot about this Knowledge I mean this thing is called the Festival of Knowledge but believe me, you do have that grace, (scattered applause) God that Creator loves you as much as anybody else. It's hard to say about politicians but that's just I guess He likes them too but you have it all. The only difference is that some of us have taken a step forward, received a gift that allows us to see a beauty inside.
Festival Of Knowledge Audio Tape transcript

Millenium 2000 festival
It is possible to be in that peace, it is possible to be in that joy, it is not a frivolous desire, an unsupported desire, an unsupported thirst, an unsupported want. The Creator gave us the ability and the need to breathe but air is provided as well. The Creator gave us the, the wants to have water and the thirst and water is being provided to satisfy the thirst. Too many times, of course it gets very complicated. The human beings they, they don't want to see that simple relationship, they wanna see the "Why is it that God is so cruel? Why is it that God is unjust?" What? There is no reason to believe that God is unjust or God is cruel. Cruelty would be, like I was saying in Hindi, you need to breathe and the air that exists is on top of a huge mountain and every time you need to breath you need to climb that mountain. That would be unjust. Only if the assumption is that that which you require is furthest away from you, that which you need is the furthest away from you on some Holy Land, on some Holy Place, some Holy Mountain then yes, you've got a problem.
If my joy comes from that heart, if my joy comes from that source that doesn't change then there is no reason for me to expect that that will change because it won't. There is that one thing within me that is unchangeable. Let me connect to that source. Let me be a part of that world that is inside me, let me experience what my heart has to offer. One of the things that I was saying was that the Creator has placed within us some mind and a heart. Both. We have figured out the need and what we can do with the mind but have we figured out what we can accomplish with our heart? If both have been given, there's a need for it. If mind could do everything there would have been no reason to have a heart. If heart could do everything there would have been no reason for a mind. If there is a mind and a heart there must be a good reason why there is two. …
By putting all the other things aside and focus on the one way, you don't need to run anywhere else, the human being starts to run in that one direction where his Creator truly resides, where his Creator truly resides, where his true bliss is there. He doesn't know what's in front of him, what's behind him, what's above him, what's below him, that person goes to that place, he's in that place where everything is still, everything is beautiful and there's nothing else besides that bliss, besides that peace and the Master (Hindi: Guru Maharaj Ji) has opened that door, opened that path for the person to go to that place. What a beautiful thing, what is the difference? Truly, for that person who has this Knowledge (Hindi: premie)
when he realizes that every step is so precious and he makes the effort to try and understand this, the world doesn't even try to understand this but people who have this knowledge
can try to make this effort, even a little bit of effort every single day that they want to fulfil their lives. Therefore the Saints and Masters have said "Blessed are those,
blessed are those whose focus is in that direction of where there is that truth, consciousness and bliss where there is that Supreme Bliss, where is that,
where there is that peace but also walk in the remembrance of that.
Élan Vital '4 Days in November' video, 2000

November 2005, "Where Peace Resides"
Every single human being on the face of this earth is a universe unto themselves. Do you know how unique you are? There is no one like you, and there will be no one like you. The way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you cry, the way you hurt, the way you sing, the way you are joyful - every single intricacy is a gift of the Creator that you have been given. Yet, how do we look at this gift? We look at its shortcomings. We say, "This is what I do not have." Our scales measure the negative, when we need to understand that every breath is a gift. It is a gift that has been given and given, and nothing is being asked in return. So I say to people that it is incumbent upon you, and you alone, to reach out to that one place within inside of you where peace resides.
Voice Of Maharaji website, downloaded 1st April, 2009
The And It is Divine magazines included the following proclamation in one form or another:
Dear Reader,
By the grace of Almighty Lord, we bring you the magazine And It Is Divine. You will find this magazine very different from others, because it shows not only the suffering of the world, but also a way out for all humanity.
There has never been a time when the Lord of Creation did not manifest Himself in human form, and come to this planet Earth to do away with evil and spread the True Knowledge. But history is a pendulum which is always in swing. There have been so many scriptures, but still people have never been able to understand Him.
Divine Light Mission wants to bring world peace by sharing the Knowledge which is within us by the grace of Almighty Lord. In this magazine, we hope to give information about the peace which lives within us, which Guru Maharaj Ji reveals.
And yes, He, Himself, Prem Rawat aka Sant Ji Maharaj, Prem Pal Singh Rawat, Maharaji, Guru Maharaj Ji, Balyogeshwar Param Sant Ji Maharaj was the manifestation of the 'Lord of Creation' and his signature was on every print of this manifesto.