Prem Rawat's Teachings About The Formless God - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat (Maharaji) uses a quick phrase to describe the tripartite faces of God. He used this especially often during his first years in the West. He says God is the Generator, Operator and Destroyer and is both formless and with a form. This is a standard Hindu concept with Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer being the three faces of God. Rawat mainly speaks of the Creator (or my Creator) and the energy keeping you alive that has no beginning and no end that cannot be created or destroyed. While he often speaks about the certainty of death for everybody he does not personalise it as often. It's all a bit confusing but it seems Prem Himself is God with a Form.

Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj Originally Published by Divine Light Mission, B-19/3, Shakti Nagar, Delhi 7, India - 1970, 8th November, 1970
But the relation of the Guru and the disciple transcends human relations, and are based on eternal bond of the jiva and God. Every individual soul is destined to achieve salvation through the grace of a living
Guru. … Knowledge of the soul cannot be attained simply by reading the holy books. It is only a living spark that can give us light. The truth can only be imparted to us from the living spiritual master. …
Guru and God are one and the same entity. One is given form while the other is formless. "I and my father are one." (John, 10; 30) Thus, the knowledge of the self can be attained only at the feet of a living spiritual master. … The living spiritual master is Balyogeshwar Param Hans Satgurudev Shri Sant Ji Maharaj.
Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaj

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, India, November 24, 1971
So now, because the Lord was not here with His physical form everybody
was saying, "O Lord, come with your physical form, O Lord come with your physical form." And now, because the Lord
has come, they say, "We don't need you anymore." You know, devotees are always thinking that the Lord is like a door.
When the Lord is not there they say, "O Lord, please come. You are formless, we want you in form." And when God
comes in form, they say, "No God, we want you to be in a formless position." So this is the play, the joke that devotees
are playing with God. Remember he has said one thing in this world and that is, "Oh God, You are formless, and you
won't change form." That is why God is here. And then he says, "Without Guru, we cannot receive this knowledge." So
the sweet Guru comes in physical form and through His physical form they can realize this knowledge.
You have a physical form. You need a physical body to realize it. Now, if you have a formless God then you require a
formless Guru to give you this knowledge. Because you have a form, you require a form of Guru to give you a form of a
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, November 27, 1971
If I know God, if I see God, what else would I have to see? There is nothing greater than God. You know, I am talking
in terms of energy, not of physical forms. There is nothing greater than God the energetic form. Now that I have known
the energetic form then what more is there to see than that?
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise, 1972

Patna, Bihar, India, December 25, 1971
But there is no trouble with a God
who is in a book. I may keep that God there easily. That is why people worship God in a book, a God who is formless.
But one who is devoted to God in form and person gets the fruits in form and in person. One who puts his devotion to
the Lord in body gets the real fruits in form, and one who puts his devotion to the formless Lord, to the formless God,
gets fruit in no form. One who is devoted to his Lord in body can see all the real virtue in form, and get the real fruits. Devotion towards the
formless God is completely useless, because the object which the devotion is done for has neither horns, nor tail, nor
legs, nothing. Therefore, my dear brothers, it is said that the whole universe is blind. Now, there is a common saying that the sleeping man rises and sees who the man is who has awakened him. But now the case is reversed. The man who is doing the awakening is going to every person who is sleeping. And he sees that these
people are determined not to get up. This is the darkest age (Kali Yuga). But in this darkest age, the Name of God is the only shelter and base. Only by remembering that Name can man cross the ocean of this world. Therefore, my dearest friends, know the devotion for your Lord in body. You cannot get anything out of the devotion you do for a God that is formless. It is said that devotion to Guru Maharaj Ji is very, very difficult, that it is too difficult to be asked for. But after all, it is the easiest thing.
Élan Vital magazine, Volume 1, Issue 1, Spring 1977

Killarney Heights, Sydney, October 1972
"Form" means that energy takes a form
which is like Guru. Okay? Formless energy is energy. Formless form
of God is energy, and does that energy have any form? No. Guru has a
form, right? And Guru is a form; energy is formless. But you have to
see to consider something formless and with form. God is not visible
by these eyes. So He is formless, He has a form yet He is beyond all
that. Because you cannot see Him with these eyes. This is a common
thing, but commonsense is uncommon.
Why did God ever take form?
There is no question we can ask "Why?"
to God, of course. God is ten times, a thousand times, a million
times more clever than us. And any step He takes we do not know why
He took that step. If you are the boss of the world and God works
under you then you can ask Him, "Why did you take a form?"
He takes a form of a Guru to come into this world to enlighten
people, to show then a way, to show them a path. That's what we can
see, that's what we can realize why He takes a form.
Golden Age May 1978 Number 45

1971 / 1972
If God comes along, you can't sit and write down that experience because it is an emotion you were feeling not by your
mind, not by your thinking power, but by your heart. Some people pray to the formless God, and other people pray to the formed God. But we pray neither to the formless or to the formed we pray to the Word. The Word is
neither formless or in a form. That is why this is called the middle path. Open a seed and you won't find a tree, yet there is still a tree existing in that seed. A form has come out of a formless thing. God means: "G" for generator; "O" for operator; and "D" for destroyer. We are born, we are living, and we die. Everything is around you, just try and you will understand it. You are useless until you see your aim.
Satguru Maharaj Ji booklet

Caracas Venezuela, 4th February 1981
God is one, God is the Creator, God is the Sustainer, God is the Destroyer, it's methodically in all the religions. Muslims believe that. Hindus believe that. Christians believe that. … No, the simple and profound experience, a simple and a real experience can convince anybody that that Creator that that energy which is supreme, which is above all, which is within every particle of this creation exists. And there's a big difference in that you are believing in that Creator, the power, the absolute, the truth not because somebody told you to. You do it because you've seen it just like Vivekanand. He believed, he was ready to accept and yet how profoundly was it put to him that it wasn't all joke, it wasn't all theory, it wasn't all ideas but it was very straightforward "I have seen God face to face." This is, this is this is what we need to experience. Who can who can argue that? For that Creator which is motionless, the Creator is formless, the Creator that's timeless, the energy which drives everything and yet nothing drives it.
Perfect Master Tape 173

Miami Florida, 31st July 1982
People who believe in religion, who believe in God, believing that there is only one God, they fight. My God is better than yours, my God is better than yours even though unanimously they all claim that there is only one God but where it really boils down to it my God is better than your God. And the thing is none of them have ever seen God, they don't even know what he or she looks like, they don't even know where it lives, what it eats, what it does, what cl, what color clothes it wears, what does it look like. As a matter of fact if God appeared to human beings, just boom one day there he was, the first thing they're gonna do is call the police and call the fire department because they will not be able to comprehend what's going on, what's this and if God's, I mean here they are, their hearts probably going to be beating really fast, their bloods gonna be really gushing out, they're gonna be terribly excited and in this anxiety, fear, you can imagine their situation there's this incredibly bright light, formless, and they look, they open their window shades and there it is. No more neighbors house, no more cars, no more street, no more tree, no more yard, no more driveway just this incredible light surrounding everywhere and they go pick up the phone, "I'd like to report this incredibly bright light that has surrounded at my house. Could you please come and check this out?" And then imagine it, I mean imagine this, imagine this and then all of a sudden the light says "I am God." Chances are, you'd pass out, that it. I mean they're hearing about it is like one thing, it's like the ghosts right. People sometimes sit down in their living room or den or dining room, wherever and they talk about ghosts. It's like whooo you know isn't that weird and isn't that weird and they're all telling ghost stories. What if that moment, point blank you see this figure ??? right across the wall and said "Boo." What do you suppose would happen? I can't imagine, it'd be too much. So here comes this incredible thing and says "I am it. I am what you're looking for." And people are going to say, "How do I know?" And the things says "Haven't you heard that I am light, I am light, I am formless, I am eternity and thus you can't see my end. I am light, believe, now you see me believe" and they're gonna say "Oh come on, you know. Cut the trick, who is doing this?"
Audio tape

New York 10th November 1982
Well Knowledge is the vehicle, Knowledge is the path, Knowledge is the bridge and through that Knowledge you experience that miracle. The miracle itself is the experience of that Creator the the the that is the miracle of that power, of that energy. You know for so long I'm not gonna take too long on this one you know I've been known to really have lengthy answers but uh some of the lengthiest ones I could easily write a thesis and get a profeshorship (sic) but I haven't done that but the point is that ha that through our religious beliefs or through whatever beliefs we have been brought up with we are suggested that that that we of course we put slap on the He on in front of God and then then we give try to give God a human form and a and and and a a very incredible type of things that happen with people's concepts with people's beliefs and yet I feel that that Creator, that energy that has created us has a form and yet is formless, is in time and yet is timeless, is limited but is unlimited. It is here and it is everywhere and it's the most incredible thing. It again and again comes in a form to help, to help us, to help us understand to help us have that experience of that pure form of energy. When you experience that true form of energy that experience is the ultimate miracle and that is oh the reason why it is the ultimate miracle is because it is the experience of the ultimate thing, whatever you want to call it.
Perfect Master Tape 253

The Connection video, 1998
It's a total package. Physically there is a Master so you can connect and internally there is Knowledge so you can connect on both levels. Make the connection."
The Connection video, 1998