Prem Rawat's Teaching about the Energy Keeping Us Alive
- In His Own Words

Prem Rawat or Maharaji (the Ultimate Ruler) as he wishes to be called or "Guru Maharaj Ji" as he called himself in the 1970's has changed the expression of his teachings considerably, especially in the early 1980's when he jettisoned his "Guru Maharaj Ji" identity, changed the name of his organisation Divine Light Mission to Élan Vital and ordered his followers to destroy their DLM materials (magazines, tapes, videos), cease their public meetings and stop discussing "his Knowledge" both publicly or with other followers/devotees/premies. One important phrase he has continued to use is "the energy that is keeping you alive", the energy that cannot be created or destroyed, the Élan Vital that he claims he reveals in the techniques of meditation he teaches. This concept of a source of life within each person is one long ago abandoned by modern science and medicine but one Rawat has maintained from his childhood. Rawat taught that this energy he reveals through the 4 techniques of meditation is also the infinite, impersonal form of God the Creator and Sustainer of the Universe.

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

April, 2020
The breath still comes into you-and that's what was keeping you alive before, is keeping you alive now - and hopefully, if you take those precautions, it will be keeping you alive for a lot longer than you want to, maybe. … And that is that the infinite, the most amazing, the endless, what cannot be created and what cannot be destroyed, has come and is residing inside of the very finite thing. So, the infinite has come to reside inside the finite. … And then, the infinite that has no limit, that has no beginning and has no end, that was never created, will never be destroyed, that was, is and will be, is residing inside that that wasn't, is, and won't be. That's what's going on;
Lockdown Series Day 39

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Shri Hans Ji Maharaj (Prem Rawat's father and guru and previous Perfect Master) in Delhi, India, 18th November, 1963
The Real Name of God is also ever-existent and self-dependent in all living beings. It is the only life generator. The difference between a living body and a dead body is the presence and absence respectively of the Holy Name. The Holy Name cannot be written in any alphabet nor can it be uttered. It is the eternal and secret sound of a vibration which has to be known, and just as fire has the inherent capacity to burn, so the Holy Name has the inherent capacity to purify the mind. Hence it changes a man's nature, making him pure and shining with bliss.
The Golden Age May 1978 Number 45

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

India Gate, Delhi, November 8, 1970, (before a million devotees)
There is one famous poem in which the poet expresses his feelings in very simple words. Which is the blessed home, he asks. That home where there is talk about God. Which ears are blessed? Those that hear words about God. Which eyes are blessed? Those that have the darshan of Guru Maharaj Ji. Which foreheads are blessed? Those that bow down to Guru Maharaj Ji. So dear premies, receive this Knowledge and know God within yourself. That pure energy, God, is within your own heart.
In the same way, dear premies, we seek outside and do not know that He is within us. Dear premies! If God is within us, how will we know Him? We cannot tear open our hearts like Hanuman because even if we cut our fingers slightly, we bandage it. Will you tear your heart? How will you rip open your chest? But, dear premies, that energy, that Lord you are seeking outside is within your heart, so seek for him inside.
The Golden Age, November 1978, Number 49

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Boulder, Colorado, 17 September 1971
This is the mystery of nature, that there is hidden light in everything, and you have to realize what is that hidden light, what is that hidden thing, what is that hidden current in you that is constant and can never die. These are the teachings of all the saints on record. That thing that is making things alive is the most constant thing in the world because it is the power of God, and this is making everything alive. This is the body, this is a frame. One day something will go out of it and the whole body will become like a plank of wood. You can lift the body now by just holding the legs, but what is that thing that went into this form, and made it alive, and then went out of this form? That secret you should know.
Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?, 1973

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Central Hall, Westminster, London, England, November 2, 1971
The world thinks, people think, God is a man. People think God has ears, nose, teeth, and he rises early in the morning, brushes his teeth, washes out his mouth and he is an old man so he brushes out his beard also. But no, God is energy. God is perfect and pure energy, and that is why scientists say that energy cannot be destroyed and cannot be created. This is knowledge. This is the Word of God. They said, "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God." So this is the perfect and pure energy and it has no creation and no destruction. This is the Word. This is God. He is under our pillow and if we search for him outside can we get him? You can't get him.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise, 1972

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Central Hall, Westminster, London, England, November 2, 1971
I believe in one reality and that is the pure religion. Religion word has been started from the word realization and the realization of God is the pure and perfect religion. There is a glorious sun, not the sun that you see in the sky but the sun which is within ourselves, which is much brighter, much, much, much brighter than the sun you see in the sky. People think God is a man. People think God has got ears, nose, teeth and he rises daily in the morning, toothbrushes, washes mouth and he is an old man also so he makes his beard also and all that people think. But no, God is energy, God is perfect and pure energy and that is why scientists say energy cannot be created and cannot be destroyed. And this Knowledge, this Word of God, how, they say in the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, now try to understand here, and the Word was God. Isn't it, isn't it a fantastic sentence? In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. Now this is that Word and so this is the perfect and pure energy and it has no creation and no destruction and this is the Word, this is God. And he is under our pillow and if we search Him outside, can we get Him? No. We can't get Him, this is a very practical thing before you. It's a very, very practical thing. People try to search God outside. How can we get you? God is inside.
'Satguru Has Come' film, 1972

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, November 24, 1971
From where is your breath coming? Who is making your breath alive there? Just observe it. You weren't breathing at night, were you? You never thought to take a breath at night. You never said, "Well, I am going to sleep, but yet I will be taking a breath." You just went to sleep. And still your breath was going on. The Word was helping this breath to go further ahead. If we realize that Word, it will be quite clear before us what is making us alive every moment. And what is making leaves alive. What is making birds alive. What is making animals alive. What is making the whole world alive.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise, 1972

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, November 26, 1971
Now, this Name. I am going to tell you something about this knowledge, or this Name. This Name is the most ancient thing. It has been described in all the scriptures, and whenever we define it by our tongue, by worldly words, we define it as "energy," because energy is the only thing which cannot be created and cannot be destroyed. This knowledge is the perfect and the pure energy, and thus, with it every human being, every living thing is alive.
In the same way, everybody knows that he is alive because of the breath that is going on in him. But nobody is ready to realize what the main basis of that breath is. If you can realize the main basis of that breath, you can be immortal. You cannot die; you cannot perish. An engineer knows the engine of the car, the machinery of the car, and thus, can fix the car. If a mechanic doesn't know the machinery of that car, he will never be able to make the car work again. So if a man has known the main basis of the breath, anytime his breath is leaving him he will be able to make it alive again, because he knows the main basis of the breath, which is energy.
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise, 1972

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Prem Nagar Ashram, Hardwar, November 27, 1971
You have been hearing about this ancient goal, this ancient mystery of life, the definition which summarizes all the definitions of all the scriptures, the Gita, the Ramayana, the Bible. This is the definition that the mystery of life, of the human life, is the cosmic unspoken Word which dwells amongst all the human beings. The Word which dwells amongst all is the most cosmic and ancient one. Through this Word we are able to survive. We are able to be alive because this Word is fully functioning in us and this Word is vibrating us in a direction, in a way, and thus we are alive. In the same way this Word vibrates in the earth, sky, air, and it is said by Saint Guru Nanak that this whole earth and this whole universe is entirely fixed upon the Word, upon the Shabdh, or upon the unspoken Word.
We should emphasize on one clearly written point in the Gita or in the Bible, that this is a word; w-o-r-d, not w-o-r-d-s; this Word: that means that in this single word, not several words. What is that single Word which cannot be spoken by the carnal lips or which is out of the subject of any carnal matter? What is that Word? At that time, when a man is going to die, at that time all of his body becomes nervous. Something comes and extinguishes all the energy that was making him survive and making him function. He seems to be losing it all and thus he is helpless. His body is losing the functions it is to do; he can't speak, he can't see at times, he can't write. All of his senses go away. At that time if it is a word which has to be spoken by the carnal lips, how will it be spoken? At that time, when a man loses all his senses, how will he be able to speak and say a single word?
Reflections on an Indian Sunrise, 1972

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

An interview on morning television
M: And the same energy is making us alive, see, and that energy, which is within inside of us, the realization of that energy is called Knowledge.
Bliss and the realization of energy.
M: Yes, it's bliss, truth and consciousness.
Bliss, truth and consciosuness. Right now what is the truth?
M: The truth is something again it's infinite, you see, and it's not discoverable
I Have This Knowledge video

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Questions and Answers, Denver, Colorado, August 1, 1972
Because the soul has thrown out this energy to the whole body -- top of the head, right? -- anywhere I touch, there is sensation. Sensation is due to the energy that is vibrating in my body. When the soul leaves, all things go away from it. … But a man who has already been one with God does not feel this pain. Because already he is one with -- his energy is not in the other place but it is floating the other way. It's not vibrating within inside the body only, it is vibrating within inside him and the Perfect Master or the God. When he leaves, he does not have any pain with him. He leaves calmly. That's why when you see some people die -- some Masters leave this body and their body is like they are alive. You don't even feel that they are dead.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 8, May 1973

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Sydney Lower Town Hall, Australia, 6 October 1972
What is the fundamental or basic thing that the whole world exists on? Energy. See, when we take the smallest particle of anything, the so-called atom, and when we divide the atom, energy breaks out. And the definition of energy which scientists describe, you'll find, is that energy is never created and never destroyed. Energy is the thing which is everywhere, supporting everything. We are existing today, let's say we are breathing, that's why we exist. But breathing is not the only thing. If our heart stops, then what will happen? The heart is not the only thing. There is still something and then there is still something, then there is still something. We think that the heart, the breathing system, and the eating system make us alive. But if you dissect a dead body, you will find all these things there. So what is this thing that makes us alive? What is it? Doctors have been trying to search for this thing for years and years and years. They have never been able to find it. The day they will find this thing, they will be able to make a dead man alive. But they are still searching. Really it is right inside of us, but how to know it? How to understand that which is the nearest thing to us? The retinas of our eyes with which we see are the nearest parts to our eyes. But can we see our retinas without a mirror? Can we see our face without a mirror? Can we see the tip of our noses without a mirror? And they are the nearest parts, very near parts to us. Can we see them? Can we see the tip of our nose, our eyelids, without a mirror? No. In the same way the nearest thing to us, this energy, cannot be seen without a mirror. But which mirror should we apply? Not these materialistic mirrors, but the mirror of Knowledge, the mirror of enlightenment, is the only mirror which can lead us to this light, which can lead us to this energy.
When they asked Lord Buddha, "What is Brahma, what is the thing that makes us alive? What is Brahma, what is the energy that is inside us here? What is the energy that makes everything exist?" Buddha kept quiet. People thought He had gone crazy. He kept quiet and did not answer. But it is beyond anything you can speak. it is beyond your human intellect. It is beyond human imagination.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 8, May 1973

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Third World Peace Tour, Louis Armstrong Stadium, New York, July 28, 1973
There is Knowledge, there is that supreme energy within all of us which we have to realize, and then there is the realizing of that energy, actually understanding that energy within inside of us. That's what we have to do, and that's called Knowledge. What I am talking about might have different interpretations to it. Everybody who is sitting here might be understanding it differently. But understand this: we are talking about one thing that is common among all of us.
This is what is going to happen again and again until we really realize this Knowledge, which is the energy that is right now making us alive.
And It Is Divine Magazine, Volume 1, Issue 12, October 1973

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Interview by John Wood of the Boston Globe, Newton, Massachusetts, August 3, 1973
Wood: What happens after the Perfect Master dies or leaves?
Maharaj Ji: See, to us Perfect Master dies, but Perfect Master never really dies. This is one of the things that every Christian says, "Christ left his body; Christ died for us." And the one thing I have not been able to understand is this: if Christ was son of God, how could he die? When the body disintegrates, the elements dissolve. They go back where they belong. But that energy can never die. I don't see what died in Jesus.
Wood: Who are you?
Maharaj Ji: Well, what is inside of me, what I really am, not talking in terms of body, is that most supreme energy, which is within inside of you also. But you do not know, it has to be revealed.
And It Is Divine magazine (?)

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Public Program, Boston, Massachusetts, August 4, 1973
Now, I have realized, and six million people have realized, this inner Peace, this inner Knowledge that is within inside of us all, this primordial vibration, this supreme energy, this kinetic energy that is also making us alive. You see, what I see life as is: When kinetic energy enters, it becomes life. Because what this body is -- its a potential body. And then there is some kinetic energy that is within inside of us making this potential body into kinetic. Because once that kinetic energy gets out of this body, we are six feet under the ground. Because now there is no use of the body. No matter who he is. … Now, as a matter of fact, here is a very practical example: When Jesus was present at his time, he came and he was giving this Knowledge to John, and he was giving Knowledge to all of his disciples. Now this energy was, again, present in his disciples, and it was also present in the people who crucified him. But people who knew it, people who had been revealed this Knowledge within inside of themselves, people who had realized this Knowledge, accepted Jesus as the Lord. And people now who have actually realized this Knowledge within inside of them, they understand who Jesus was. … The world has been searching for Truth for such a long time. And they think it's just not available. So they go, and they are sitting, and then somebody comes to them and says, "Do you want Peace?" And they say, "What? Now beat it; don't joke with me. It's nothing doing. This Peace is just not available." But when somebody reveals this Peace, this primordial vibration, this supreme energy within inside of us, then it is something. It's really something. Because it's right there but we do not know it. We do not have the proper method to realize it. … So understand, my friends, that what I am trying to tell you is that there is this Knowledge. I'm trying to explain to you that there is this supreme, supreme energy within everybody. … I have to find something in this world that I can concentrate all my attention into that thing, into that supreme energy which is always there, which can never be destroyed, and which can never be created. It's always there. And that's the definition for the energy that is within inside of us. And that's what we have to realize today. And this is all I can promise you.
Élan Vital, Volume II, Issue 2, Summer 1978

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Millenium '73 Invitation Letter, Bonn, Germany, September 31, 1973
In the world there is suffering, hatred and dissatisfaction. That fact does not need proof. It is understood by all that the world is passing through a great moment. No one has satisfaction of mind nor can they find the solution to this. The world is looking for the Perfect Master to come and reveal the Perfect Knowledge of God. There is a supreme energy constantly vibrating in everything making it survive and all the Perfect Masters come to reveal this Knowledge to people. We can attain all materialistic things and still not have peace, for peace lies inside not outside in materialism.
As you all know Millenium '73 is being prepared for now. This festival has been organized by Divine Light Mission each year since 1967, in the memory of the late Satgurudev Shri Hans Ji Maharaji on His birthday. This year the most Holy and significant event in human history will take place in America.
Special Millenium '73 Edition, Divine Times

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Millenium '73 Houston Texas, November 1973
"Because whatever Jesus taught to his disciples has not disappeared, it's still there. Because that time if those people staying alive is because of the same Knowledge and if this time people are going to stay alive it's because of the same Knowledge. You're alive because of that same Knowledge."
TVTV Lord of the Universe video, 1974

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

In this Knowledge you can get to a point where you open your eyes, and you see nothing except Light; all you hear is Music; all you can feel is the Word vibrating; all you can drink at that time is Nectar. And it's so beautiful. Because that whole energy which is in our bodies just comes together completely, just fills us up, and there we are, feeling just so beautiful.
God is divine, God is pure. God is energy. Energy which cannot be created, which cannot be destroyed. Which dwells amongst all, and all dwells amongst Him. It is that energy, and we, our souls, are broken parts of that energy who have eventually to go and reunite with that energy. It is the energy which was never created and which will never be destroyed. On the basis of that energy, this world is existing. And on the theory and formula of that energy everything has been created. This is the supreme and primordial vibration, and from that primordial vibration everything is coming out.
Any man can be identified by three qualities, and these are that his body is space, his mind is time, and his soul is infinite energy. So he can be divided, he can be analysed, into three parts. His body lives in space, his mind lives in time, and his soul lives in infinite energy, in the infinite Self. So by meditation you will be able to cross the limits of space and time which all human beings exist in, and once you do that you will be able to find out who you really are, and that is the energy by which you are sustained. This energy is yourself.
The Sayings of Guru Maharaj Ji, 1974

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Pacific Guru Puja, Capitol Theatre, Sydney, Australia, October 18, 1975
You know, Guru Mahaji. They have a hard time pronouncing it. But don't relate to that pronunciation. Relate to what is behind it and to understand and to realize more of that glory of Knowledge. To understand more of the glory of the revealer of that Knowledge, we all assemble to worship him, to pray, to understand more because there is never enough of this stuff. There's never enough of satsang, there's never enough of that beautiful blissful experience that we all want to experience. So premies, it's like, it's so beautiful that this Pacific Guru Puja has been held here, you know, and it just shows us that we are just coming together more and more and more and more and more. I mean, look at South Africa. There's apartheid problem and everybody's aware of it. But between premies there's no apartheid problem because they have gone one step beyond where they can see Truth, the fact, the gist of life, where they have realized that life itself, where they have understood what ticks, what makes this body tick. That super power, that super energy, that super, super energy. We have different words to define it and I happen to know English, you happen to understand English and I used the words that I know. And it's like energy is the closest word that comes to it. But believe me, it's an undescribable thing. Because it's perfect, because perfectness, that very infinite thing cannot be put into words.
The Golden Age Number 24, November 1975

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Orlando, Florida, November 9, 1975
You see, there was a point my life my life when I had not received Knowledge. I was a very little kid, I was in third grade, and I used to have opportunities to go and listen to satsang, to go and listen to discourses. Well, they used to talk about peace, and about this Knowledge. Being in the environment that I used to be in with everybody talking about peace and everybody talking about that perfect energy, it occurred to me that there had to be something like that or all these guys were crazy. But I knew one thing. I had love, I had faith, I had trust in my Guru Maharaj Ji and I wanted that Knowledge. Because I knew it existed. I wanted that peace because I knew it existed.
Light Reading, 1980

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Lisbon, Portugal, May 14, 1976
And the further we have been away from Knowledge, the more it takes, the more effort it takes. And we really have been far away from Knowledge. It is something that is keeping us alive right now. I mean, of course there are lots of excuses. You can say, "Yes, of course my breath is keeping me alive." And definitely your breath is keeping you alive. And yes, your heart is beating, and that is what is keeping you alive. Yes, in fact when your blood is circulating, that is what is keeping you alive. Okay, that is true. Because if your blood stops circulating, you will die. If your heart stops pounding, you'll die. And if you stop breathing, you'll die. But then the thing is, what makes the breathing go breathing?
Élan Vital, Fall 1978, Volume II, Issue 3

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Frankfurt, Germany, 28 November 1976
At least to me there's a lot of difference when I see a sunset because I don't just see a sunset. I can understand that what is making everything go up and down is that energy, is that Knowledge. And I look all around me, I look everywhere and there's that energy that is making it happen. I don't see that energy. I don't see that energy that is life, but I know what is making this life exist right now is energy. What is making me talk, I don't see my talk come out, but I know what is making the sound is that energy. And I see everything, and I know it's that energy, that essence, that I have got.
The Frankfurt Conference

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

London, England, April 20, 1977
All you need in your life is one thing you already have: your life. Life; that energy. And you don't need that, that's already there. And you don't have to do anything to keep it there, either. When you go to sleep it's still going. What you have to do is to tap into that energy, to completely submerge into that energy, completely merge with that energy, that you can be one with that energy. And there is a process to do that. There is a path to do that. And that is the path that I want to reveal to you. I want to bridge that gap that is between that infinite thing and you, who are so finite, so that you can come to that point where you can actually be one with that infinite thing.
This is life, this is not a part of life. This is life. This is the realization of that energy which is making whatever we call life. Make other things a part of it, not this a part of everything else
Élan Vital, Autumn 1977, Volume 1, Issue 1

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Meeting with Initiator Candidates, Malibu, July 14, 1977
What do you have to ask yourself? What do you have to answer yourself? That what Guru Maharaj Ji will be giving us is an incredible amount of Grace, is an incredible amount of energy, it's an incredible amount of -- thing, that he'll be giving us for us to be able to go and do this work, do his work. "Now am I in fact capable of withstanding such an amount of Grace, such an amount of energy, or not?" And then, if you break that down further, it goes, "Well, is mind into me too much?"
And then at that point it might be dangerous for you; you might actually get killed! You might get electrocuted right here and everywhere. And this is what you have to understand: "Am I to the point where this metal, this mind, that conducts this electricity, this craziness, am I free of that, or is it in fact all over me? So when this energy actually comes (not the electricity -- the Grace actually comes), there will be such an opposition happening, there will be such an incredible amount of throw, there'll be such an incredible amount of fight happening between mind and that Grace, that not only my little finger will get hurt, but my whole body will almost explode?" And that has even happened to a lot of people. It's just like when that Grace came through, they weren't prepared for it. When that energy came through, they weren't prepared for it. When actually everything started to happen, they weren't prepared for it. And it was just that simple, that they were so dipped in mind, that it wasn't just one place, it wasn't just one thing -- it's just -- they completely got shattered.
The Initiator Service, Quotes from Guru Maharaj Ji's Satsang

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Malaga, Spain, Sunday, 26 March 1978
And yet, you still know that this whole universe which is in our reach is completely finite. And yet there exists a thing that's completely infinite. Past all the universes. Past all the stars, all the galaxies, all the Milky Ways, all the moons, all the suns, lies an incredible experience. Lies this incredible energy. And that energy is experienced. The experience of that energy, by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, is possible, now. And that is what's being rendered to us. That's what's been given to us, to be able to experience that perfection, to be able to experience that bliss, to be able to experience that incredible beauty that lies within all of us. What makes us premies? What makes us understand that we are all premies? It's that Knowledge. Because we all share the same secret that keeps every one of us alive. Okay, so you don't know what the other guy's wardrobe is like. Or what kind of watch he wears. But it doesn't matter. Because we all know one thing, and that's that Knowledge. And we know that that Knowledge keeps you alive, keeps me alive, keeps everybody here alive. And then, by knowing that, it automatically becomes a beautiful, beautiful garland, in which we completely just merge, and become one, and then experience that great oneness that just doesn't end! It has no end to it. And so that's the point that we have to come to.
The Golden Age, June/July 1978, Number 46 and Divine Times - Holi Issue, 1979 Volume 8, Number 2

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Miami, Florida, April 6th, 1978
And yet, what we have within us, that energy that's making us survive, is way out there. It's to the end of the universe, if there is an end to the universe. It's there. If the earth is the beginning, then it's there. And it's everywhere. It's on Mars, it's on Moon. It's everywhere! And making everything tick as it is, day by day by day by day. And that's what I mean by an incredible, incredible miracle happening all the time.
Divine Light Mission publication, 1978

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Marbella, Spain, Thursday, 26 April, 1979
Initiators get up and they say, "Oh what an opportunity. How fortunate we really are." And look, okay, maybe you are not fortunate, maybe you think you are not fortunate. But you are fortunate. Because first of all, you have one Grace with you. One Grace that brought you into this world, put you in existence. One Grace that is right now keeping you alive. You are breathing, feeling that cold. That's being fortunate.
The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Interview, Miami Magazine, June 1979
Q: What is knowledge, and how does receiving knowledge change a person's life?
A: Knowledge is the true realization of one's self. Knowledge is knowing the energy which has created us and sustains us, which is primordial and infinite. This Knowledge doesn't bring about any physical change but just the inner contentment - the peace within one's self.
The Golden Age, July 1979, Number 54

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Because the precious gift we have been given is incredible. It is upon which the universe is existent. It is upon which this entire human life depends on. It is what sustains us. It is what is everywhere. It is life, it is energy in the purest form, it is the real you and me. It is the Creator, it is what the moon dances on. It is what makes the sun shine. It is the essence of this entire existence wherever that existence is.
You Are My Saviour video

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Auckland, New Zealand, 14th March 1983
We read scriptures, try to understand what that God is. God. Some people have the definition of generator, operator, destroyer. He generates us, he operates us, he destroys us. Some people have the image of this long bearded man sitting on a very beautiful white cloud. Some people have the image that God is just super powerful. I mean the Muslims have their image, the Hindus have their image, the Christians have their image, everybody has an image of what that God is and yet God is one. What was the name of God before we named him God? Because he, before we even gave him a gender for that matter, because he,she, what, existed before you and me. That energy, even Einstein points to it and says look there is an energy that cannot be created, cannot be created and cannot be destroyed. Something far beyond even our mental grasp to go out and even try to imagine an energy that cannot be created and cannot be destroyed.
Audio tape

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teaching About the Bridge

Miami Florida, 9th December 1983
Why do some why why do these people who experienced something incredible in their lives talk about freedom, talk about this desire, talk about this will to be free because there is something called freedom. Freedom from what we ourselves have created and this is what is so difficult and hard to understand that it that it is in fact us who creates that cube around us, that all of a sudden we are willing to accept the Creator, that incredible energy as the ultimate energy but being ruled and governed by a certain set of circumstances, our unique laws that we make up. God or Lord or whatever we call this incredible energy, it's okay, it's cool, it's beautiful, it's right on except it's limited on me what it can do for us or how we have to be just a certain way for it all to line up, for all to work and then somebody comes and offers this incredible opportunity, this incredible chance to be free, free from that thing because now, perhaps for the first time in our lives we can experience, experience the real beauty, experience the reality because when we say reality what do we mean? What is reality? How many things there are in our lives that we experience?
"Birthday Program", Perfect Master Tape 256

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Tokyo, Japan, Late 1980's
Ah, look, Knowledge is the experience that's keeping you alive, hai, (laughter) and me, I am helping you to have the experience of the thing that's keeping you alive.
Evolution video

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

Denver Colorado March 2, 1994
It fascinates me. I think life is incredibly fascinating. From nothing, from the talk about a miracle from nothing to something to nothing again (really got worked up here). So simple that it defies even people today of what it is that makes a person tick. They're in all the hospitals, highly trained doctors, highly trained nurses, highly trained medical staff, incredible equipment I mean we're talking about stuff that people only could dream about CAT scans that can look inside your body without cutting you open and yet all they can do is have a little thing that goes beep beep beep beep oop and it's like "Well, he's gone. He's gone" (Laughter) Not "Bring it back. Close the room." Where does it go? Box it, can it, let's make a special hospital - nothing escapes. A spirit extractor. "Put it back in this guy." No one knows, what a feat of magic, what an incredible miracle and how incredibly fascinating and to be given a being consciousness, consciousness, to see, to be given a being power of appreciation you see that's fascinating. Contentment Resides Within video, 2000

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

May, 2006
That incredible thing - in it everything is, but that incredible thing is in you, too. You are the drop. Not the liquid drop, you are the drop. The ocean is in you. And yes, you can feel that. I understand that, because the same energy that is everywhere comes in me in the form of breath - touches me, brings the gift of life.
Voice of Maharaji website

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

May, 2008
I'm talking about the passion and compassion in this universe and beyond, the most incredible energy that created the sun, the moon, the Earth from dust. From nothing to create everything.
Voice of Maharaji website

Maharaji's Teachings About The Energy Keeping Us Alive

January, 2009
Does God need hands? That power, that energy is everywhere: nowhere to come from and nowhere to go to. Does that power need legs? Think about it.
Voice of Maharaji website