Prem Rawat's Teaching about G - O - D - In His Own Words
Prem Rawat or Maharaji (Ultimate Ruler) as he calls himself or Guru Maharaj Ji as he called himself until the 1980's uses a short phrase to describe the tripartite functions of God. He used this especially often during his first years in the West. He says God is the Generator, Operator and Destroyer. This is a standard Hindu concept with Brahma the Creator, Vishnu the Preserver and Shiva the Destroyer being the three faces of God. Rawat mainly speaks of the Creator (or my Creator) and the energy keeping you alive that is within inside every human being and has no beginning and no end that cannot be created or destroyed. While he often speaks about the certainty of death for everybody he does not personalise it as often.

Hans Yog Prakash, The Magnum Opus of Shri Hans Ji Maharaj
You remove the fear of this world. You are the very incarnation of good fortune, and filled with blissfulness. You are Shiva, the one who lets endless nectar flow. You are Generator, Operator and Destroyer, You are the Lord
of Lords, King of Kings, the most High. I do not know how to remember You nor how to meditate upon You. You are Lord Shiva incarnate.
We cannot see God except in human form. No one has ever seen the Lord in any form except that of His Incarnation. We haven't seen God, and even if we try, we will not see Him. Why should we even speak about seeing
Him, when we cannot even paint His picture without distortion.
Hans Yog Prakash

Questions & Answers, Morgantown, West Virginia, August 31 1971, Noon Session
What is soul? What is "I"? And what is consciousness? See, you are not "you." Your body belongs to God. The Generator. You are living. You aren't living; you are being inspired to live by the Operator. You are dying.
You aren't dying because you are inspired to die by the Destroyer. That's why there are three forms for God. Generator (G), Operator (0), and Destroyer (D). G-O-D, God.
Élan Vital, Volume 4, Issue 3, Fall 1980

Hunter College, New York City, October 8, 1971
So realize God. Because God is within you, not outside. And it is very easy to realize God. See, "God" has been composed of three words: G-O-D, God. G for Generator, O for Operator, and D for Destructor. Generator, Operator and Destructor is God. The One Who generates us, Who operates us and Who destroys us is God. And He can be only realized by one path, by one way. And what is it? That way is Truth. Truth is one, not two or three or four or five or six. Truth is one. And only Truth is the way through which you can realize your Father, your God.
Élan Vital, Volume I Issue 2 Winter 1977

1971 / 1972
If God comes along, you can't sit and write down that experience because it is an emotion you were feeling not by your
mind, not by your thinking power, but by your heart. Some people pray to the formless God, and other people pray to the formed God. But we pray neither to the formless or to the formed we pray to the Word. The Word is
neither formless or in a form. That is why this is called the middle path. Open a seed and you won't find a tree, yet there is still a tree existing in that seed. A form has come out of a formless thing. God means: "G" for generator; "O" for operator; and "D" for destroyer. We are born, we are living, and we die. Everything is around you, just try and you will understand it. You are useless until you see your aim
Satguru Maharaj Ji booklet

Fernbank, London, 14th March 1972
What is God? G for Generator, 0 for Operator, and D for Destructor.
Is that your interpretation? That is what I believe.
But I would have liked a more specific answer. These words are imperfect things. You cannot understand God by questions and answers. God is something practical,
that you understand practically everywhere. See His creation, what He has made, what He has done in this world. Just understand it and then you will know what God is.
I do understand, but I don't like your interpretation. I have told you what God is. It is He who generates, operates, and destroys the world. It means, in generation,
He has created all nature, and all human beings, and all things. In operation what a beautiful thing He is giving to everyone, and in destruction He destroys everything.
But you have said that you can free people when they give you some measure of devotion. Surely God would not ask for anything in exchange for giving them salvation.
Divine Light magazine, Volume 1, No. 8, May 1972

Johannesburg, South Africa, 29th April, 1972
So how are we going to recognize God if He comes on the Earth? Are you going to ask to see His identity card or passport? See if it says, "Name … God. Occupation … Generator, Operator,
Destroyer." That is foolish! …But the test of the Perfect Master will be that which is undeniable to everybody and that is the experience of Himself which He can give, and this is the true Knowledge.
The Golden Age, Issue 54 and Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?, Bantam

Miami, Florida, USA, 15 June 1972
Now you must know your God. You must know this part of it. You must know Him and who He really is. Today we say, "God, God, God," but what does God mean? God means G for generator, 0 for Operator, and D for
destroyer. Generator, who has generated us, Operator who is operating us, and Destroyer who will destroy us. He is
called God. You all believe that there is some power that has created us, there is some power that is operating us and
there is some power that will destroy us, but understand what this power is. With the generating power He is
generating, and the destroying power can destroy everything in one second, but His operating power operates us for
such a long period. So understand what is this power that exists in all. It is not different, it does not differ from one man to another, it is all the same. One for all. It exists within us, and so, once we
feel ourselves into this Word, we will be able to see it, we will be able to understand it.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 3, December, 1972

Miami Beach, Florida, June 16, 1972
And this Knowledge is so easy to practice, that when you are sleeping, eating, walking, anytime you are doing anything, you can understand this Knowledge. It is just getting back to your origin, where our source is. It is just connecting back. It will be easy because actually there was a connection before. You are a part of God. Your origin is God. So how easy it will be to reach back, now. God is G for generator, 0 for operator, and D for destroyer - Who has generated us, Who is operating us, Who will destroy us. But we must understand: By what energy is He operating us? That is a very interesting subject. By what power is He operating? What is that energy? God is the Perfect and Pure Energy. When they split the atom, energy came out. And this is the energy that is supporting the whole world. Due to this energy we are surviving. And the purest form of this energy is God. The highest form of this energy is God.
Élan Vital, Volume III, Issue 3 Fall 1979

Guru Puja, Montrose, Colorado, July 27 1972
They can call it different things, but they need one thing, they are looking for one thing, and that is this thing and God. So understand who is the sustainer. I gave you a definition for God, it was 'G' for generator, 'O' for Operator and 'D' for Destroyer, who generates you, operates you or destroys you. But through which media he operates you?
Perfect Master Tape #003 and and It Is Divine, Volume I Issue 8

Redrocks, Colorado, August 6 1972
To understand this Knowledge, to understand Who God is, first of all we can take guidance from scriptures. Scriptures tell us God is within inside us and that God is made of three natures -- G for Generator. 0 for
Operator, D for Destroyer -- He generates us. He operates us. He destroys us. God is made of three natures. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent. And scriptures can tell us so many things. But how to realize it?
They don't tell us.
Élan Vital, Winter 1977, Volume I, Issue 2

Swiss Alps Festival, August 26, 1972
Through our human brains God is limited. See, that's why we put together three letters, but the three letters we have put together here are not appropriate, because if we reverse God, it's not a good word. We have limited God to three sections, so that with our finite intellect we can understand. The G is for generator, 0 for operator, and D for destroyer. But still God is much more than that. One thing you must understand is who is Guru, and who is God? And what is the difference? God is the name of power, God is a sort of noun. Guru is a complete adjective. It indicates a movement from 'gu', darkness, to 'ru', light, and so this word is performing a very great action. And this word 'guru' is an adjective, and a verb too, because it shows us that some work is being done. So who is Guru? When God Himself incarnates in this body, He is called Guru, because only God is the power who can bring us from darkness and put us into light.
Divine Light magazine Volume 2, Number 4, December, 1972

Tokyo, Japan, October 1972
When we say 'G', 'o', 'd' it's not appropriate word for God.
Though we may define it in three forms, 'G' for Generator, 'O' for Operator and 'D' for Destroyer. We might say this but this is not God. God is beyond this, much beyond this.
The scientists have defined this power as being energy and they say energy is never created and never destroyed. This is that energy and we have to understand this energy
and be one with energy. Then only can we understand, then only can we realize why we have become into this world.
Divine Light Mission film "Who Is Guru Maharaj Ji?" 1973

Delhi, India, December 1972
See, God has three properties, Generator, Operator and Destroyer. G is for Generator, 0 is for Operator and D is for Destroyer. He has generated us, and that part is finished because we are already born. He will destroy us and that will also happen, it will be a sudden death. But there's one point, He is operating us, and that is the biggest point. That is the biggest "O." To some people it's just a zero and nothing more. It means nothing to them whatsoever, though they are living, though they are breathing. What is the power that makes you breathe? It is very hard to make a self-generated unit, right? Or a self-complete unit. If we take a motor and hook it up to the electricity, hook it up to all the wires and so on, and get a generator working on it, and hook the generator back into the motor, it won't work out. But man is a self-contained unit because of that energy, that power. What is it? Until and unless we know it, we are not satisfied
And It Is Divine, Volume i, Number 5, March, 1973

Chicago Illinois, August 7 1973
Now we all talk about God and we have so many different conceptions about God and and and everybody, you see there are so many books, there's so many scriptures and what is the real meaning of God? See what I understand the real meaning of God is, now that is of course verbally, not practically because if you try to put the infinite experience of God we just can't do it because these words that we'll try to express it through will be finite and we do understand that if we take a Mini Cooper and try to put a Chevrolet station wagon into that Mini Cooper it's impossible at why it's impossible it's a it's a simple thing Mini Cooper is a little car and a Chevrolet station wagon is a very big car so we just can't put it in. Of course I'm not talking about those toy cars I'm talkin' about real ones and and that's the whole thing, God is, God is infinite and this experience is infinite and these words are finite but what really God means to verb is G for generator who has generated us, O for operator who is operating hours and D for director whose directing us. That's the real meaning of God. Generator, Operator and Director and this is really his role, we can practically see that role that he is performing in this world. He is generating us, he's operating us, he's directing us.
PMT #008: The Practical Solution Studio Rehearsal

John F. Kennedy High School, Denver Colorado, May 12 1974
when we hit that word 'God' something hits inside of us and triggers our own computer and the computer, it's a, it's a strange kind of computer doesn't take disks, doesn't take tapes, nothing like that but it records tremendously and when that gets triggered on you sit all your lifetime, all your lifetime thinking, wondering, "What is God?" but that person because this is, eventually this is how it is that people have been able to realize God and feel some strength and somebody has been able to name God because I have reason to believe that, that God didn't come down here and say "Listen mister I'm God, you'd better call me God or I'm gonna kill you." It's like a strength was felt, a strength of generation, of, of operation, of destruction. What a human being could feel, realize and see and thus he named those powers 'God'.
Perfect Master Tape #16 and Brotherly Love Newsletter, November 1974

Kissimmee Florida, 3rd November 1978
Isn't this a concept? I mean, what is it? If you really want to get your imagination all perked up, maybe there is an
escalator. And this escalator goes for about 20 miles. And this escalator has a "Y" in it. And there is this great big
electronic sensor sitting. And people who are going to heaven are going on the right. And people who are going to hell
are going on the left. And it's just like, "Wow! It could be that way. Why not?" I mean, here we are. We get some kind of advanced
electronics and we all go gaga over it: "Wow, man. Look at this electronics! Isn't this fantastic?" Maybe there,
all-Creator, all-Generator, all-Sustainer, has even more fantastic electronics!
Divine Times magazine, January/February 1979 Volume 8 Number 1

Guru Puja festival, Miami, Florida, 21st July 1979
How do you get the manifestation? How do you get the essence of life? How do you get what is? And without it, nothing is, 'is' disappears. The essence of life, the essence of death of, the essence of sustaining, the essence of what brings everything into existence. The three qualities, you know, the generator, the operator and the destroyer. The essence of all those three qualities, how do I find out, how do I get it? And Krishna says, "You have to go to the Perfect Master of your time," so clear, it's so clear
Guru Puja, Miami, 1979 Video Transcript

Milwaukee, Wisconsin, Evening October 10, 1979
Yet remember one thing: that that Guru Maharaj Ji, who is creator, who is the Sustainer, and who is the Destroyer, has love enough for his devotees to come onto this Earth for his devotees; then absolutely,
unquestionably, there are no bounds to what can happen. All we have to do is to become that devotee, to have that devotion. That's all: that faith, that surrender, to Guru Maharaj Ji, that love that is sincere, that
comes from our hearts for Guru Maharaj Ji. Not in our imagination, but in reality. If we can become a devotee … If there is Guru Maharaj Ji and then a devotee, when they join, then there is devotion. And it is said
that when that happens, when Guru Maharaj Ji and a devotee are bound together by devotion, then the purpose of that soul that devotee has been completed. That's it. There is no more to be done. There is nothing left to
be done. It has received the stage beyond liberation. It has received, it has joined, it has merged in the state which is beyond, above and beyond -- joined its Creator. It has joined its Owner. It has joined where it came
from; it has joined back to its own.
Affinity, February 1980

Holi festival, Miami Florida, April 10-12 1980
Nobody is saved. We have to be saved, yes. We can be saved, yes. And we should be saved, yes. We should find that Master, yes. Because Guru Maharaj Ji makes it so simple and we make it so sophisticated. Every single time the Master comes, open His arms and says, "Let me in. Let me in. You know, it reminds me of that song, you know, that the Lord becomes a beggar and
it goes in this, in front of this devotee's house and knocks on the, on the door and the song is just going, you know, saying, "Oh devotee, you know, your fortune is really come, your, your, your luck, your, your destiny is unfolding now. The Creator, the Giver of everything is at your door begging from you. From you." That has created, that sustains, that destroys, that holds this ultimate, this holds this universe in the palm of his hands has come to your door, do not refuse. Which Master didn't come to everyone of these human beings and come to me open up. Regardless of our confusion, regardless of our concepts. But anyway, you know, again, surrender, have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji. What else you gonna do? Nothing. You have to have that faith in Guru Maharaj Ji, You have to have to have that surrender.
Holi 1980 video, Élan Vital Inc., 1980

Guru Puja festival, July 25-27 1980
"To get on my hands and knees and to beg, it feels so good. (shouting) It feels so good to beg. You know why. Because when we do get
on our hands and knees we realize we had never for anything to give to anybody anyway. Born beggar. To beg the Ultimate One in our heart. To beg that Emperor for that solution in our heart. The most majestical thing
that happens to a human being or can ever happen to a human being. To open myself up, me, to beg Him, a moment between me and the Ultimate Being. A moment for me to have with that Ultimate Thing, a personal audience
(shouting) and I know that when I beg the Emperor is listening to me. (shouting) In this whole world the Creator of billions and billions and billions of souls is listening to me. The Sustainer, the Generator the
Destroyer of this entire (long pause) thing, not just the world, above and beyond by His Grace I have captured a moment between me and Him and nothing stands in our way. It is complete, it is the Ultimate, it is real and
when I become like that in my heart then that Gift is given to me (shouting) a Gift which is a part of Him, a Gift that's His, Him, He doesn't just give a third thing, He gives Himself."
You Are My Savior Divine Light Mission video

Caracas, Venezuela, 4th February 1981
No it's simple and it's very sophisticated because when it really boils down to it, when it really boils down to it then what is God? Where do you go to find out?
God is one, God is the Creator, God is the Sustainer, God is the Destroyer, it's methodically in all the religions. Muslims believe that. Hindus believe that. Christians believe that. Everybody believes that just about and then there are the atheists.
PMT 173

Auckland, New Zealand, 14th March 1983
We read scriptures, try to understand what that God is. God. Some people have the definition of generator, operator, destroyer. He generates us, he operates us, he destroys us. Some people have the image of this long bearded man sitting on a very beautiful white cloud. Some people have the image that God is just super powerful. I mean the Muslims have their image, the Hindus have their image, the Christians have their image, everybody has an image of what that God is and yet God is one. What was the name of God before we named him God? Because he, before we even gave him a gender for that matter, because he,she, what, existed before you and me. That energy, even Einstein points to it and says look there is an energy that cannot be created, cannot be created and cannot be destroyed. Something far beyond even our mental grasp to go out and even try to imagine an energy that cannot be created and cannot be destroyed.
Audio tape