Prem Rawat's Teachings about "Within Inside" - In His Own Words

Prem Rawat or Maharaji (the Ultimate Ruler) as he wishes to be called or "Guru Maharaj Ji" as he called himself in the 1970's has changed the expression of his teachings considerably, especially in the early 1980's when he jettisoned his "Guru Maharaj Ji" identity, changed the name of his organisation Divine Light Mission to Élan Vital and ordered his followers to destroy their Divine Light Mission materials (magazines, tapes, videos), cease their public meetings and stop discussing "his Knowledge" both publicly or with other followers/devotees/premies. One important phrase he has continued to use is "within inside", that place where the energy that cannot be created or destroyed, the Élan Vital that he claims he reveals in the techniques of meditation he teaches can be found. The concept that there is an energy inside you keeping you alive is one long ago abandoned by modern science but he teaches that this energy he reveals through the 4 techniques of meditation is also the infinite, eternal, impersonal formless God.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

"Peace is within inside of us. The realization is within inside of us but it has to be revealed. We do not know it."
From the 1989 Visions International (a division of Élan Vital Inc) video 'Windows In Time'

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

1971 - An interview on morning television
M: And the same energy is making us alive, see, and that energy, which is within inside of us, the realization of that energy is called Knowledge.

From the Visions International (a division of Élan Vital Inc) video 'I Have This Knowledge'

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

Montrose, Colorado, on July 25, 1972.
If we can also get to that point of elevation where there is no obstruction between us and that perfect Light we will always, always be able to see it. It will always be shining. But it is within inside of us. If we have a camera and we try to put the film reel outside the camera, it won't work. It must be put inside the camera and it must be closed. It must be locked inside it. So this Knowledge is within inside us and if we don't look in, we won't be able to find it.
Light Reading, 1980

The soul is actually an energy, a part of that energy which is vibrating within inside of us. You see, everything is a vibration. My hand is a vibration of something. Everything is a vibration. And then there is a primordial vibration, which is, of course, the highest and the most beautiful vibration of all. One vibration is vibrating, that's why all the vibrations are vibrating
And It Is Divine, January 1973, p. 45. quoted in Sacred Journeys, James V. Downton

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

August 6, 1972
God has created this body. God has created the Word. God Himself is within inside of us. Why can't we see God? Because there's a curtain, a curtain of delusion. As soon as it will be operated on, as soon as it will be cut, we will be able to see God. It is within inside of us. So that's why I have come here.
Light Notes, Volume 1, Number 2, April 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

October 1972, interview with Tony Ward of Channel 9 Sydney
You are described as the 'bringer of peace to the world'. How are you going to do that?
As a matter of fact, I am doing that right now. Around the world this peace is being given to people. Peace is within inside of us. It's a realization that's within inside of us which we have to be revealed. We do not know it. In this human body, inside us, there is this light, there is this peace, but we do not know, because nobody has revealed us that. And I'm revealing this secrecy, I'm revealing this peace to human beings.
The Golden Age Special Introductory Issue Number 1, February 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

Boulder, Colorado on June 28, 1973.
But that light which is within inside of us, right now, right now, is brighter than thousands and billions and trillions of suns. You know, I've been able to see God within me. And I have been able to realize peace within me. I have been able to figure out many things in this world. But one thing I can't figure out. You know what that is? WHY don't people take Knowledge?
What is the Real Thing?

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

John Wood of the Boston Globe conducted this interview with Guru Maharaj Ji in Newton, Massachusetts, August 3, 1973.
Wood: Is the practical experience you have given the same for people here as elsewhere?
Maharaj Ji: It's just the same. Actually, this is called revealing Knowledge. Knowledge is already within inside of us all. It's already there. It has to be known.
Wood: In our discussion before you came down, this question of Who is Guru Maharaj Ji? resolved into many other pretty large questions: what is light? why are we here? - Can these be answered?
Maharaj Ji: Answered verbally - might not be possible. But yes - there is a very practical answer to it. And that's the realization itself. Language was made for communication, a frequent communication between people. And it is so finite, it's so little, it's just not perfect to relate what is perfect within inside of us. But when we understand the energy, when we understand the source, that is the whole answer.

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

Houston Astrodome, 8th November 1973
So what is that Word? I can reveal to you that Word practically within inside of yourself. I am not going to argue with you about this thing, because I am talking about something that I know. A car has four tyres, I know it because I can see that car running on four tyres. There are cars that run on three tyres, of course - in England they do. People who have come from England might have seen those cars; they're very common - but I am talking about a regular car. It's standing on four wheels, not five or six. There is a fifth wheel, but the car is not running on it: it's in the trunk. So that is a basic fact that I have understood, that I have realized, and fact is fact. Facts need no proofs.
Golden Age No 49

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

Denver, 8th July, 1975.
That demon is within inside of everybody, and this is what you are trying to fight. We have really got to watch it, and that's the time when meditation becomes so important. The mind manifests the most simple things to prove to you that this or that is right, but this is where you really have to have the firm determination that, "No, I don't want the mind. I want to realize for myself." Though it sounds very selfish that we should only realize this Knowledge for ourselves, and try to understand this within our hearts, it's not. Because if we can get into it, and merge into perfectness, we are one less thorn in our Master's way. One less thorn is one less problem, and then it's so beautiful because the speed with which the Perfect Master is coming through this world becomes faster.
Golden Age, Issue 39

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

Guru Puja Festival Caracas, Venezuela, July 23, 1975
Because it's really something like this whole world one day - and this is what I am working on, that this whole world one day would realize Knowledge. And this is not a high hope, or a big dream. But I really think its possible. Because it's like bringing water to thirsty people. And if we can get them convinced that this is water, you have no idea how fast they will really come to it. And this is the reason why I go around giving satsang. And we have these programs, and this is the reason I ask for so many premies to go out and tell other people about this Knowledge. Because I know this is not only my dream, and not only is it possible, but it can happen. And it can happen now. It can happen in this century, while you and me are alive. It can happen now. And this is the time that we have to really open up to let other people smell it. Because we know that we can fill this whole world with the beautiful smell that is within inside of us, as soon as we open ourselves up.
Élan Vital, 1978, Volume II Issue 2

initiators (14K)

Meeting with Initiator Candidates, Malibu California, January 10 1977
You really cannot surrender to Knowledge. Knowledge is within inside of you and therefore … It'll affect you if you just start to surrender to Knowledge; it'll affect you in many different ways, whereas maybe that day your experience isn't what it's supposed to be. And for a lot of people, for two, three years, four years, five years, they've been doing meditation, and their Knowledge experience isn't exact, isn't correct. But you directly need to really surrender to Guru Maharaj Ji, because that is a practical essence where you can physically, spiritually, consciously surrender to.
The Initiator Service, Quotes From Guru Maharaj Ji's Satsang

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

Atlantic City, New Jersey; December 19, 1976
It brings the life into a dead body. It brings leaves; it brings spring to the flowers, to the trees that are barren. It brings people into the valleys. It brings the air in the flute that makes it sound so beautiful. It makes the drums beat within inside of us. It makes the clouds come so that rain can fall. It makes the sun come bright.
Denver, Colorado; February 20, 1977
What I talk about, that Light I talk about, is not the light you see because you happen to be most fortunate to have two eyes. I'm talking about that Light that even a blind person can see and experience. I'm not talking about the music that your two ears experience; I'm talking about the Music that even a person who does not hear can listen to. I'm talking about something that's a little more - well, let's say, serious. I'm talking about something that's a little more beautiful, something a little more within inside of us, a little more subtle, and a little more gracious, than everything else that we do in our lifetime.
Miami Beach, Florida; July 29, 1977
To me, there is always a constant search going on within inside of man. If a person actually found the true meaning of his life and then that search stopped, I think there would be incredible things happening. But that eagerness, that anxiousness to always go on, to look for that answer, to look for that Truth, brings us to a point in our lives where we really see that "I'm missing something."
- The Living Master

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

London, England April 19, 1977
Really, I'm not here to talk about the problems of this world. I'm here to talk about the solution. Because I believe the solution in itself is much stronger than the problem is. And problems always keep on coming and always keep on going. But the solution is always what a problem has to wait for before it can dissipate. And I sincerely believe that this world was not made for problems, therefore there aren't any problems. It's just so many simple solutions. What we have to look for now is the one solution that we have within inside of us. … But to me. God is an experience that can be experienced within inside of us all, because It's omnipresent. And God is very powerful and we can feel that power, because It's omnipotent. And that realization, that intimacy can be there, because He's omniscient. And so, it is all possible.
- Light Reading, June 1979

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

Guru Maharaj Ji's satsang via telephone to the Gainesville Retreat on October 2, 1977
And so, premies, it becomes our one and foremost duty to try to give that Knowledge to all the people in this world. And only one thing can manifest itself that can bring Knowledge in this world, that can bring Peace that I talk about in this world, that can bring that Creator to that level where everybody can understand Him, and that is only through Love. And remember one thing, premies: Knowledge does not seek us; that's already within inside of us.
- The Golden Age, Issue 41

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

Hans Jayanti, Rome, Italy, 9th November, 1977
And the people who are sitting in this hall, now I can't speak for all of them, but I know a lot of you have experienced that Knowledge, have experienced that Truth, have experienced that Love that Knowledge really brings. In our lives we have so many concepts. In our lives we are so tied down with our concepts: "Well, what is Knowledge?" Knowledge is an experience that is already within inside of us.
That experience of Knowledge is within inside of us, because that Knowledge is within inside of us. But we need Guru Maharaj Ji, we need Guru Maharaj Ji to be able to tune that so that we can hear it, so that we can feel it, so that we can emerge in it. And by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, and only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, have we already reached to the experience of what we are, of what we have.
But we can smile without having to smile. Because that experience has been opened up within inside of us. And today I know that this prachar is just going to go on. This propagation is just going to go on. And so many more brothers and sisters in this world are going to receive Knowledge.
- The Golden Age, Issue 42

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

London, England at the Wembley Hall, March 3rd, 1978
But there's something else. There is all that negativity, and of course it's there. But there is something else, that when we come to ourselves, when we come to Knowledge, that experience explodes within inside of us. It's fantastic. It's incredible. It's not like some imagination. It's not like some concepts.
And that's what's happened when we all come together, because we are all in that one garland. We have understood something. We have understood, not a-b-c, we have not understood that kind of a thing. But we have understood that there is something that always was, always will be and is within inside of us. That beautiful Knowledge, that beautiful experience that we pursue in this world by blatant objects day by day, day by day, day by day.
It's very, very simple experience, because there is such a beautiful experience that is within inside of us that has been given, that is there. And unless we open up to it, the experience is not going to open up to us. Because the experience cannot open, cannot close. It's ever-constant. It's the experience of that incredible infinity. It's not some head trip, but that incredible, incredible experience of that Grace, of that Knowledge that Guru Maharaj Ji, by his Grace, has given us.
I mean, it's not like people would go to space and just get completely spaced out. They won't! They won't get spaced out in space. They will get more frantic and more frantic and more frantic. It's the endless things that people are going to start pursuing, the endless "whys", the endless questions, the endless miseries that people are going to create when they've got one simple solution right within inside of them. And premies, that's what we've got to look at.
The reason is to come, sit down, and to experience that bliss and that Grace that comes out of that satsang, of that company of Truth, of that what we experience inside when we can let that flow, and to see our brothers and sisters, to see that growth happening within inside of us, to see that bliss and to get blissed out about it. And to have Guru Maharaj Ji's darshan. And to just let go for that one moment.
As we are sitting in this hall right now, I'm pretty sure, people are either getting into trouble, or just doing crazy things out there. And here we are, having a beautiful experience of satsang. That's the power of Knowledge. And that power can make that experience manifest within inside of us all the time.
The Golden Age, May 1978, Number 45

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

London, England March 4th, 1978
But what I'm trying to say is nothing else except what I feel within inside of me. And there's even no question of right or wrong. Maybe there's somebody in the audience sitting and going, "Well, that's a wrong statement," or "His accent is more American." Or, "This is wrong," or "That's right." It's not even a matter of wrong or right. Those things just don't even matter! And it's just to be able to open up to that experience of Guru Maharaj Ji. To be able to, by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, step on his boat, and let him carry us, let him take us to that "Supreme Aboard" (Supreme Abode?) where we all want to be. To be with him all the time, 24 hours a day. Not just one second, not just two seconds, not just three seconds, but where there are no seasons, where there is no night, where there is no day, where there are no seasons, where there is no time. To surpass all barriers of anything: time, death, life, imagination; even, to some extent, any barrier that - - if infinity has a barrier -- to even cross that, and to go where that "Supreme Aboard" really is, and just to be there with Guru Maharaj Ji, is the most incredible experience. And that's the experience that I have had.
DLM publication, 1978

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

Marbella/Malaga, Spain, on Sunday, March 26, 1978
What is that real thing that is within inside of me that I am here for?" Because you're not here to become a doctor by no means. You become a doctor because that's what you want to do. But does that mean that whatever you want to do in this life is the purpose of your life? Certainly not. And there is just one set purpose of life. And everybody comes into this world, and every Perfect Master that has come in this world so far has pointed out that purpose of life. And it's been exactly the same, again and again and again and again. And so when we realize that Knowledge … I mean, it's like theories and words and they can only take you so far. But the experience takes you miles beyond. That experience takes you even further and further and further and further.
Miami/Florida, on Thursday, April 6, 1978
And it's just like we can take so many freeways, we can take so many paths. And all these paths just end. All these paths just die. And there is one true path. There is that one reality. There is that one Truth that really is within inside of us all. And that's where we have to come. It all has to hit home, by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace, again; only by Guru Maharaj Ji's Grace. Because just to he here, just to be here, and be breathing, and to have that time given to us to be able to meditate, to be able to see Guru Maharaj Ji. I mean, it's just like a part of this whole action, of this whole role that just continuously goes on and on and on. But for only devotees.
Because, really, that relationship that Guru Maharaj Ji has with all the premies is not a verbal relationship. It's not like I stand up on the stage and say, "Oh, okay, raise your right hand. And be it known by this day that you are premies and I'm Guru Maharaj Ji," and so on and so forth. It's a relationship that only happens because there is something happening within inside of us. It's because when that beauty is brought into our lives, that fulfillment is brought into our lives, it's an incredible connection that forms between a devotee and Guru Maharaj Ji. And that's that connection that we have to keep alive all the time. And through that connection we have to open up to Guru Maharaj Ji and say, "Guru Maharaj Ji, help me." I mean, it's like at what point in our lives do we tell Guru Maharaj Ji, "Okay, I don't need your help anymore"? Again it's like, of course we always say, "Okay. Guru Maharaj Ji, help." But at what point in our lives do we turn around and tell Guru Maharaj Ji, "That's enough." There is never that point in our lives.
- Holi '78 Malaga/Miami

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

Marbella, Spain 29th April 1979
But the only thing is that that experience, that incredible Power which is within inside of us, which sustains us right now, which sustains me right now, which sustains you right now, is sustaining everybody in this world right now.
The Golden Age April 1979 Number 52

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

Marbella, Spain 29th April 1979
Because Guru Maharaj Ji doesn't come up and take Knowledge out of his pocket and say, "Here, chum. Here is your Knowledge." But the Knowledge is already within inside of us. It's there. It's there. It always was, always will be, as long as we are alive.
Divine Times, July/August 1979, Page 10

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

London's Royal Albert Hall, on May 28, 1979.

The most important thing in fact is that Knowledge, is that realization of Knowledge, is that understanding. Because without that Knowledge, without that realization of that Truth, without the proper understanding of why we are here, what good is it? What is the bearing upon it? None. None whatsoever. But when we come to Guru Maharaj Ji, he opens something within inside of us. He gives us something that does the trick. We have to go to Guru Maharaj Ji with our hearts open. Always! It doesn't matter if we have Knowledge or not. Our hearts cannot be full of deceit and cheat. Our hearts cannot be filled with our own ideas, our own concepts.
Lite Reading 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

January 22, 1980
When we let go, when we become inspired, when we are aspiring to learn, to know, to realize, when we have the hunger in our heart to really want to know, to really want to seek, then Grace comes through for us and reveals to us what's already within inside. Knowledge gives an experience which is already within inside. It has no end; it has no beginning. It is like a constant river always flowing within inside. Whenever we dip in, whenever we dive in, we instantly have that experience.
Light Notes, Volume 1, Number 2, April 1980

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

April 13, 1992 Public program, Shri Sant Yogashram, New Delhi, (translated from Hindi)

Because the burden of this world is very heavy, very big. I mean, the burden of these problems can crush anyone, however great he may be. I mean, nobody can escape from it. The burden is bound to come. There is no one living who won't feel its weight on his shoulders -- the burden of day-to-day problems. So it is possible that people may feel and realize that there is a burden on their shoulders but there is such a place within inside where there is no burden, where I am really free. There is ecstasy, there is Knowledge, there is light and such a beautiful dawn that is beyond description.
Lifeforce, Volume 8, Issue 3 July - September, 1992

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

December 2003, "Your core can bring you joy"
It is not in the resolution of problems that you will find happiness. If you want to find that happiness, if you want to find that joy, then find that one thing that is within inside of you. That is you, that is your reality, that is your core that can bring you that joy. This disparity has existed and existed and existed, yet people keep saying, "No, these people don't know what they're talking about."
Voice Of Maharaji website, downloaded 1st April, 2009

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

2005 "Inner Journey"
Q: Philosophers from Socrates to Schopenhauer have been saying, "Look within." Are you a philosopher?
PR: I'd like to be far more practical than that. I am not just saying, "I think what we are looking for is within inside of us. I think we will find it within." What I am saying is that I can put you in touch with the simple beauty and reality that is inside you. I have the means to do so.
from the Prem Rawat Foundation DVD: "Inner Journey: A Spirited Conversation About Self-discovery"" Model: D1037EN1

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

November 2005, "Where Peace Resides"
Every single human being on the face of this earth is a universe unto themselves. Do you know how unique you are? There is no one like you, and there will be no one like you. The way you smile, the way you laugh, the way you cry, the way you hurt, the way you sing, the way you are joyful - every single intricacy is a gift of the Creator that you have been given. Yet, how do we look at this gift? We look at its shortcomings. We say, "This is what I do not have." Our scales measure the negative, when we need to understand that every breath is a gift. It is a gift that has been given and given, and nothing is being asked in return. So I say to people that it is incumbent upon you, and you alone, to reach out to that one place within inside of you where peace resides.
Voice Of Maharaji website, downloaded 1st April, 2009

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

November 2006 "Beyond Success"
This is not about religion. Follow whatever religion you want. This is about finding the place within inside of you that still remains untapped. I'm not here to offer formulas to you. I can put you in touch with the peace that is within you. As impossible as it may sound, it's happening right now. Somewhere in the world, somebody is being put in touch with that beauty that is inside of them. And it is no surprise that when a person feels the beauty within, the next words they say are, "Thank you. Thank you for letting me feel the peace inside of me."
The Prem Rawat Foundation Inspire Newsletter, Volume 3, Issue 113, 15th November, 2006
Voice Of Maharaji website, downloaded 1st April, 2009

Prem Rawat Inspirational Speaker Teachings - Within Inside

Not where we think
When you are in pain - The joy is really close.
When you are in doubt - the clarity is really close.
When you are in confusion - The absolute clarity is not that far away.
When you are lost - Being found is very, very close.
Thats the good news.
When you are suffering - That relief is as close as it can be.
What seems a million miles away - is close.
And in this world, the one that we are looking for - is always within inside of us!
Not where we think, not where we think - within inside!

You Tube Video downloaded 1st April, 2009.